Sumber energi yang paling cepat habis adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Batu bara
Batu bara is the correct answer because it is a non-renewable energy source that is being rapidly depleted. As it is burned to produce energy, it releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. The extraction and combustion of coal also have significant environmental and health impacts. Therefore, compared to other options like air, wind, and geothermal energy, coal is the fastest depleting energy source.
Bahan bakar kendaraan sepeda motor adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Bensin
The correct answer is "bensin" because it is the most commonly used fuel for motorcycles. Bensin, also known as gasoline, is a liquid fuel derived from petroleum that is used to power internal combustion engines. It is widely available and provides the necessary energy for motorcycles to operate efficiently. While other fuel options such as solar and electricity are emerging, bensin remains the primary fuel choice for most motorcycles.
Energi alternatif dapat diperoleh dari pemanfaatan ....
Correct Answer
C. Matahari
Alternative energy can be obtained from harnessing the power of the sun. Solar energy is a renewable source of energy that can be converted into electricity or used directly for heating and lighting purposes. It is a sustainable and clean energy option that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or contribute to air pollution. Solar power can be harnessed through the use of solar panels, which convert sunlight into usable energy. By utilizing the sun's energy, we can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change.
Sel foto menggunakan energi alternatif berupa ....
Correct Answer
D. Sinar matahari
The correct answer is "sinar matahari" because solar energy is a type of alternative energy that is harnessed from the sun. Solar panels or photovoltaic cells are used to convert sunlight into electricity, making it a sustainable and renewable source of energy. This answer aligns with the concept of alternative energy sources mentioned in the question.
Air terjun dapat digunakan untuk sumber tenaga ....
Correct Answer
Air terjun dapat digunakan sebagai sumber tenaga untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA). PLTA menggunakan energi potensial air terjun untuk menggerakkan turbin yang akan menghasilkan energi listrik. Dengan memanfaatkan aliran air yang terus menerus, PLTA dapat menjadi sumber tenaga yang berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan.
Kapal layar memanfaatkan tenaga ....
Correct Answer
B. Angin
A sailboat utilizes the power of wind to move. It uses a large piece of fabric, called a sail, which catches the wind and propels the boat forward. The wind exerts force on the sail, creating a lift and causing the boat to move in the direction of the wind. Therefore, the correct answer is "angin" (wind).
Tenaga air dapat dimanfaatkan jika keadaan air ....
Correct Answer
A. Mengalir
Air dapat dimanfaatkan jika keadaan air mengalir. Air yang mengalir dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan seperti memasok air minum, menggerakkan turbin untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga air, irigasi pertanian, dan sebagainya. Keadaan air yang mengalir menunjukkan adanya pasokan air yang cukup untuk dimanfaatkan.
Energi matahari yang tidak digunakan secara langsung adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Pembangkit listrik tenaga surya
The correct answer is "pembangkit listrik tenaga surya" because solar power plants convert unused solar energy into electricity. The other options mentioned, such as drying fish, producing table salt, and drying clothes, do not directly utilize unused solar energy.
Energi matahari digunakan oleh tumbuh-tumbuhan pada waktu ....
Correct Answer
B. Fotosintesis
Tumbuh-tumbuhan menggunakan energi matahari untuk melakukan fotosintesis, yaitu proses di mana tumbuhan mengubah energi matahari menjadi energi kimia yang disimpan dalam bentuk gula. Fotosintesis adalah proses penting bagi tumbuhan karena melalui fotosintesis, tumbuhan dapat menghasilkan oksigen dan makanan yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangbiakan mereka.
Minyak bumi yang paling banyak digunakan sebagai sumber energi berasal dari ....
Correct Answer
B. Jasad renik
The correct answer is "jasad renik" because it is known that the most commonly used fossil fuel, which is derived from organic matter, is formed from the remains of microscopic organisms such as plankton and algae that lived millions of years ago. These microscopic organisms, also known as jasad renik, settled at the bottom of oceans and lakes, where they were eventually covered by layers of sediment and transformed into fossil fuels over millions of years.
Di bawah ini yang bukan olahan dari minyak bumi adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Minyak atsiri
Minyak atsiri bukanlah olahan dari minyak bumi. Minyak atsiri adalah minyak yang diekstraksi dari tanaman tertentu seperti bunga, daun, atau kulit kayu. Sedangkan bensin, minyak tanah, dan solar semuanya merupakan produk olahan dari minyak bumi.
Gangguan mata yang menyebabkan tidak bisa melihat saat senja hari adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Rabun senja
Rabun senja adalah gangguan mata yang menyebabkan seseorang tidak bisa melihat dengan jelas saat senja hari. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penurunan kemampuan mata untuk menyesuaikan cahaya redup. Pada kondisi ini, mata sulit fokus pada objek yang berada dalam cahaya yang rendah, seperti saat senja. Sehingga, orang dengan rabun senja akan mengalami kesulitan melihat dengan jelas saat hari mulai gelap.
Amati peristiwa di bawah ini:- Terjadi gerhana
- Terjadi pelangi
- Terjadi malam hari
Peristiwa akibat cahaya merambat lurus adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. 1 dan 3
The correct answer is 1 and 3. This is because both a solar eclipse and a rainbow are phenomena that occur due to the propagation of light. During a solar eclipse, the moon blocks the light from the sun, causing a temporary darkness during the day. This demonstrates how light travels in a straight line. Similarly, a rainbow is formed when sunlight is refracted, or bent, by water droplets in the air, creating a spectrum of colors. Again, this shows how light travels in a straight line and interacts with its surroundings. Therefore, both events are examples of light propagation.
Benda berikut yang dapat ditembus cahaya adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Kertas tipis
Kertas tipis dapat ditembus cahaya karena memiliki struktur yang lebih transparan dibandingkan dengan benda lainnya yang disebutkan. Kertas tipis memiliki ketebalan yang lebih rendah sehingga cahaya dapat dengan mudah melewati permukaannya. Hal ini berbeda dengan air keruh, karton hitam, dan triplek yang memiliki struktur yang lebih padat dan tidak transparan, sehingga cahaya sulit untuk melewati permukaannya.
Pemantulan teratur terjadi jika cahaya jatuh pada ....
Correct Answer
A. Kaca
Regular reflection occurs when light falls on a smooth and polished surface such as glass or a mirror. In this case, the correct answer is "kaca" which means glass in English. When light hits a glass surface, it reflects in a predictable and orderly manner, creating a clear and sharp reflection.
Sifat bayangan yang dibentuk oleh cermin datar adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Sama besar, tegak, maya
Bayangan yang dibentuk oleh cermin datar memiliki sifat yang sama besar dengan objek aslinya, tegak lurus terhadap cermin, dan bersifat maya atau tidak dapat ditangkap.
Pensil yang dimasukan ke dalam gelas yang berisi air kelihatan patah karena cahaya mengalami ....
Correct Answer
B. Pembiasan
The correct answer is "pembiasan". When a pencil is placed in a glass of water, it appears to be broken or bent because light rays passing from the water to the air undergo refraction. Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another with a different optical density. This causes the light rays to change direction and makes the pencil appear to be distorted.
Cahaya yang datang dari zat yang lebih rapat menuju zat yang kurang rapat akan dibiaskan ....
Correct Answer
C. Menjauhi garis normal
When light travels from a denser medium to a less dense medium, it undergoes refraction. Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another. The amount of bending depends on the refractive indices of the two media. In this case, since the light is going from a denser medium to a less dense medium, it will be bent away from the normal line. So, the correct answer is "menjauhi garis normal" which means "away from the normal line" in English.
Di bawah ini termasuk peristiwa pembiasan cahaya, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Terjadinya pelangu
Pelangu is not a phenomenon related to the refraction of light. It is a term used in Indonesian culture to refer to a traditional dance performance. The other options mentioned in the question are all examples of light refraction phenomena.
Berikut ini yang merupakan peristiwa penguraian cahaya adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Pelangi
A rainbow is formed when sunlight is refracted, or bent, as it passes through water droplets in the air. This refraction causes the different colors of light to separate and form a circular arc in the sky. Therefore, a rainbow can be considered as a phenomenon of light decomposition.
1.500 + 175 = ... + ... = ....
Correct Answer
B. 175 + 1.500 = 1.675
The correct answer is 175 + 1.500 = 1.675. This is the correct answer because when we add 175 to 1.500, we get a sum of 1.675.
Pengerjaan lain dari (5.500 + 3.200) + 1.600 = ...
Correct Answer
A. 5.500 + ( 3.200 + 1.600 ) = 10.300
The given correct answer is 5.500 + (3.200 + 1.600) = 10.300. This is the correct answer because when performing addition, the order of the numbers does not affect the result. In this case, we can first add 3.200 and 1.600 to get 4.800, and then add 5.500 to get the final result of 10.300.
Hasil dari (250 + 75) x 5 = ....
Correct Answer
C. 1.625
The correct answer is 1.625 because first we add 250 and 75 which equals 325. Then we multiply 325 by 5 which equals 1,625.
( 540 + 720 ) : 12 = ....
Correct Answer
D. 105
The given expression is (540 + 720) divided by 12. When we add 540 and 720, we get 1260. Dividing 1260 by 12 gives us the answer of 105.
Hasil dari ( 22 x 16 ) x 4 =
Correct Answer
A. 1.408
The correct answer is 1.408 because when we multiply 22 by 16, we get 352. Then, when we multiply 352 by 4, we get 1,408.