Perhitungan luas permukaan tubuh menggunakan persamaan.......
Tempat penyerapan makanan paling maksimal adalah
Correct Answer
A. Ileum
The correct answer is Ileum because it is the final segment of the small intestine where most of the absorption of nutrients takes place. The ileum has a large surface area due to the presence of villi, which increases the efficiency of nutrient absorption. It also has specialized cells called enterocytes that are responsible for absorbing nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Additionally, the ileum is located closer to the large intestine, allowing for the reabsorption of water and electrolytes before the waste is eliminated from the body.
Di bawah ini merupakan bagian-bagian dari usus halus, kecuali
Correct Answer
A. Kolon
The given options are all parts of the small intestine, except for the colon. The colon is actually part of the large intestine. The duodenum, jejenum, and ileum are all sections of the small intestine, which is responsible for further digestion and absorption of nutrients from food. The colon, on the other hand, is responsible for absorbing water and electrolytes from the remaining indigestible food matter, forming feces, and eliminating them from the body.
Di bawah ini merupakan bagian-bagian dari usus besar, kecuali
Correct Answer
A. Duodenum
The given options are all parts of the large intestine except for the duodenum. The duodenum is actually the first part of the small intestine, not the large intestine. The large intestine consists of the ascending colon, transverse colon, and descending colon. Therefore, the duodenum is the correct answer as it does not belong to the large intestine.
Organ sistem pencernaan yang berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan makanan dan tempat berlangsungx perncernaan secara kimia dan mekanik adalah
Correct Answer
Lambung adalah organ sistem pencernaan yang berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan makanan dan tempat berlangsungnya proses pencernaan secara kimia dan mekanik. Di dalam lambung, makanan dicerna oleh asam lambung dan enzim-enzim pencernaan. Selain itu, lambung juga memiliki otot-otot yang berkontraksi untuk mengaduk makanan dan memecahnya menjadi bagian-bagian yang lebih kecil. Dengan demikian, lambung memainkan peran penting dalam proses pencernaan makanan sebelum makanan tersebut masuk ke usus halus.
Saluran muskular yang menyalurkan makanan dari faring menuju lambung adalah
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "Esofagus." The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the throat (pharynx) to the stomach. It is responsible for transporting food from the mouth to the stomach through a series of coordinated muscle contractions called peristalsis.
Enzim pepsin dan HCl bekerja di......
Correct Answer
Pepsin dan HCl adalah enzim dan asam yang bekerja dalam lambung. Pepsin adalah enzim yang berperan dalam pencernaan protein dalam makanan, sedangkan HCl adalah asam yang membantu mengaktifkan pepsin dan menciptakan kondisi asam yang optimal untuk pencernaan. Kedua zat ini bekerja bersama-sama dalam lambung untuk menguraikan protein menjadi asam amino yang lebih kecil sehingga dapat diserap oleh tubuh. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah lambung.
Rentang suhu tubuh normal adalah.........derajat
Correct Answer
The normal body temperature range is typically between 36-38 degrees Celsius. This range is considered normal for most individuals and is an indication of a healthy body. Any temperature below or above this range may be a sign of an underlying health condition or illness. Monitoring body temperature is important in identifying and managing illnesses, as well as determining the effectiveness of treatments.
Pengaturan suhu tubuh berlangsung di........
Correct Answer
The question asks where the regulation of body temperature takes place. The correct answer is the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that plays a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis, including regulating body temperature. It receives input from temperature receptors throughout the body and initiates appropriate responses to maintain a constant internal temperature. This includes triggering mechanisms such as shivering or sweating to adjust body temperature as needed.
Bagian dari anatomi mata yang berfungsi membiaskn cahaya adalah
Correct Answer
A. Kornea
The correct answer is Kornea. The cornea is the transparent outermost layer of the eye that plays a crucial role in focusing light onto the retina. It acts as a protective covering and helps to refract light, allowing it to enter the eye and pass through the lens. The cornea also contributes to the eye's ability to focus on objects at different distances.
Bagian mata yang berfungsi untuk mengendalikan diameter pupil
Correct Answer
The iris is the part of the eye that controls the diameter of the pupil. It is a circular, colored membrane located in front of the lens. The iris contains muscles that can contract or relax, thereby adjusting the size of the pupil. This adjustment helps regulate the amount of light entering the eye. When the iris muscles contract, the pupil becomes smaller, limiting the amount of light that enters the eye. Conversely, when the iris muscles relax, the pupil becomes larger, allowing more light to enter. Therefore, the iris plays a crucial role in controlling the amount of light that reaches the retina.
Bagian anatomi mata yang berfungsi mengatur cahaya yang masuk ke dalam mata
Correct Answer
A. Pupil
The pupil is the correct answer because it is the anatomical part of the eye that regulates the amount of light entering the eye. It is a hole located in the center of the iris, which can expand or contract to control the size of the pupil. This adjustment allows the eye to adapt to different lighting conditions, ensuring that the optimal amount of light reaches the retina for clear vision. The other options, such as the retina, lens, and cornea, have different functions in the eye but do not directly regulate the entry of light.
Bagian dari anatomi mata yang berfungsi memfokuskan obyek sehingga dapat terlihat dengan jelas
Correct Answer
A. Lensa
Lensa adalah bagian dari anatomi mata yang berfungsi memfokuskan obyek sehingga dapat terlihat dengan jelas. Lensa ini dapat berubah bentuknya untuk menyesuaikan fokus pada objek yang berbeda. Ketika lensa berubah bentuk menjadi lebih bulat, ia memfokuskan pada objek yang dekat. Sebaliknya, ketika lensa menjadi lebih datar, ia memfokuskan pada objek yang jauh. Dengan demikian, lensa memainkan peran penting dalam penglihatan yang jelas dan tajam.
Bagian anatomi telingan yang berfungsi menerima dan rangsang bunyi dan meneruskannya adalah
Correct Answer
A. Gendang telinga
The correct answer is "Gendang telinga". The eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, is a thin, cone-shaped membrane located in the middle ear. It plays a crucial role in the hearing process by receiving sound waves and transmitting them to the middle ear bones, which then transmit the vibrations to the inner ear. The eardrum vibrates in response to sound waves, converting them into mechanical energy that can be further processed by the auditory system.
Lapisan kulit yang berfungsi untuk menghangatkan tubuh adalah
Correct Answer
Lapisan lemak
The correct answer is "Lapisan lemak, Lemak." The explanation for this answer is that the layer of fat in our skin acts as insulation, helping to keep our body warm. Fat is a good insulator because it is a poor conductor of heat. It helps to prevent heat loss from the body by providing a barrier between the internal body temperature and the external environment.
Bagian anatomi telinga yang berfungsi menyeimbangkan tekanan udara pada sisi membran timpani adalah
Correct Answer
A. Tuba eustachius
The tuba eustachius is the anatomical part of the ear that functions to balance the air pressure on the side of the tympanic membrane. It connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx, allowing air to flow in and out of the middle ear space. This helps equalize the pressure on both sides of the eardrum, preventing discomfort or damage to the delicate structures of the ear.
Substansi manis terletak pada lidah bagian
Correct Answer
A. Depan
The correct answer is "Depan" because the question is asking about where the sweet taste is located on the tongue. The front part of the tongue is responsible for detecting sweet tastes.
Substansi asam terdapat pada lidah bagian....
Correct Answer
A. Samping
The correct answer is "Samping". The question is asking where the substance of acid is located on the tongue. The word "samping" in Indonesian means "side". Therefore, the correct answer is "samping" or "side", indicating that the substance of acid is located on the side of the tongue.
Reseptor untuk pengecapan adalah......
Correct Answer
Kuncup Pengecap
The correct answer is "Kuncup Pengecap." This is because the term "Kuncup Pengecap" translates to "Taste Buds" in English, which are the receptors responsible for the sense of taste. These taste buds are located on the tongue and other parts of the mouth, and they detect different flavors such as sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Therefore, "Kuncup Pengecap" is the correct term for the receptors involved in the sense of taste.
Tempat penyerapan makanan berlangsung di ileum
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because the ileum is the final section of the small intestine where the absorption of nutrients from digested food occurs. It is responsible for absorbing various nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and water, into the bloodstream. The ileum has a large surface area due to the presence of villi, which are small finger-like projections that increase the absorption capacity. Therefore, the ileum is an important site for the absorption of food and nutrients in the digestive system.
Usus halus terdiri dari duodenum, jejenum dan ileum
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because the small intestine is composed of three parts: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. These parts are responsible for the majority of nutrient absorption in the digestive system. The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine where the majority of digestion occurs. The jejunum is the middle part, and the ileum is the final part before it connects to the large intestine. Together, these three parts make up the small intestine and play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Koklea merupakan organ telinga bagian.....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "Dalam". The word "Dalam" in Indonesian means "inside" or "in". In the given question, it is mentioned that "Koklea merupakan organ telinga bagian..." which translates to "The cochlea is a part of the ear...". So, the word "Dalam" fits perfectly in the sentence, indicating that the cochlea is located inside the ear.
Gendang telinga merupakan organ telinga bagian
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "Tengah" because the phrase "Gendang telinga merupakan organ telinga bagian" suggests that the question is asking for the specific part of the ear where the eardrum is located. "Tengah" is the Indonesian word for "middle," indicating that the eardrum is situated in the middle part of the ear.
Koklea merupakan reseptor pendengaran
Correct Answer
A. Benar
The given statement in Indonesian language states that "Koklea is a hearing receptor". The correct answer is "Benar" which means "True" in English. This implies that the statement is accurate and correct. The koklea, also known as the cochlea, is indeed a receptor responsible for hearing in the human ear. It is a spiral-shaped, fluid-filled structure in the inner ear that converts sound vibrations into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain.