Nume / prenume / clasa
Triada clasică a filosofiei grecești este formată din:
Correct Answer
A. Socrate, Platon, Aristotel
The correct answer is Socrate, Platon, Aristotel. This is because Socrate, Platon, and Aristotel are three of the most influential philosophers in ancient Greek philosophy. Socrate is known for his Socratic method of questioning and his emphasis on ethics and moral philosophy. Platon, one of Socrate's students, founded the Academy and is famous for his theory of Forms and his ideas on metaphysics and epistemology. Aristotel, another student of Platon, is known for his works on logic, biology, and ethics, and is considered one of the founding figures of Western philosophy.
Cărui filosof îi este atribuită afirmația Știu că nu știu nimic?
Correct Answer
B. Socrate;
The correct answer is Socrate. This is because the statement "Știu că nu știu nimic" is famously attributed to Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher. Socrates is known for his philosophy of questioning and challenging knowledge, and this statement reflects his humility and acknowledgment of the limits of human understanding.
Empirismul, în filosofie, reprezintă:
Correct Answer
C. Curent filosofic al epocii moderne prin care se susținea că informația provenită de la simțuri este mai sigură decât cunoașterea derivată din rațiune;
Empirismul, în filosofie, este un curent filosofic al epocii moderne care susține că informația provenită de la simțuri este mai sigură decât cunoașterea derivată din rațiune. Acest curent consideră că experiența și observația directă sunt cele mai importante surse de cunoaștere, iar rațiunea și deducția sunt mai puțin fiabile. Empiriștii susțin că cunoașterea se bazează pe fapte și observații concrete, iar teoriile și conceptele abstracte trebuie să fie verificate și validate prin experimente și observații empirice.
Cărui filosof îi aparține raționamentul Mă îndoiesc, deci cuget; cuget, deci exist?
Correct Answer
B. R. Descartes;
The reasoning "Mă îndoiesc, deci cuget; cuget, deci exist" is commonly attributed to René Descartes. This statement, also known as the cogito argument, is a fundamental part of Descartes' philosophy. It is a reflection on doubt and the existence of the self. Descartes argues that because he doubts, he must be thinking, and therefore he exists. This line of reasoning is a key element in Descartes' method of doubt and his quest for certain knowledge.
Interogațiile (întrebările) filosofice...
Correct Answer
B. Au rol în cunoaștere pentru că includ în ele însele toate posibilitățile de răspuns și deschid calea către cunoaștere;
The correct answer suggests that philosophical inquiries have a role in knowledge because they encompass all possible responses within themselves and pave the way for understanding. This implies that philosophical questions stimulate critical thinking, encourage exploration of different perspectives, and contribute to the expansion of knowledge by considering various possibilities and interpretations.
Mitul peșterii din dialogul platonician Republica...
Correct Answer
C. Este o parabolă despre diferența dintre aparență și esență, dintre cunoașterea autentică și cea iluzorie;
The correct answer is that the Allegory of the Cave in Plato's Republic is a parable about the difference between appearance and essence, between authentic knowledge and illusory knowledge. This means that the allegory is meant to illustrate the concept that the world we perceive through our senses is not the ultimate reality, but rather a distorted reflection of the true reality. It suggests that true knowledge can only be attained through philosophical contemplation and the understanding of abstract concepts. The allegory serves as a metaphor for the journey of enlightenment and the pursuit of truth.
Filosoful Karl Popper este considerat inițiator pentru:
Correct Answer
C. Failibilism;
Karl Popper, a philosopher, is known for his concept of failibilism. Failibilism is the belief that all knowledge is fallible and subject to revision and improvement. According to Popper, no theory or belief can ever be proven true beyond doubt, but it can be falsified or proven false through testing and evidence. This concept challenges the idea of absolute certainty in knowledge and promotes a critical and open-minded approach to understanding the world.
Potrivit lui Lucian Blaga, omul este...
Correct Answer
C. Existență întru mister și pentru revelare;
According to Lucian Blaga, man is an existence in mystery and for revelation. This suggests that Blaga believes that human existence is characterized by a sense of mystery and the potential for self-discovery and revelation. It implies that human beings have the capacity to explore and uncover deeper truths about themselves and the world around them. Blaga's perspective highlights the idea that there is more to human existence than what is immediately apparent, and that there is a constant process of uncovering and revealing hidden aspects of our being.
Etica deontologică este:
Correct Answer
A. O etică normativă, bazată pe respectarea regulilor de conduită;
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles and values. Deontological ethics is a normative ethical theory that focuses on the adherence to rules of conduct. It emphasizes the importance of following moral obligations and duties, regardless of the outcomes or consequences. This ethical approach places a strong emphasis on the principles and rules that guide our actions, rather than on the potential outcomes or personal happiness. Therefore, the given answer accurately describes deontological ethics as a normative ethical framework based on the respect for rules of conduct.
Termenul filosofie desemnează:
Correct Answer(s)
B. Un domeniu al cunoașterii omenești precum știința, religia, arta, mitologia, etc.;
D. Iubirea de înțelepciune, ca atitudine față de lume și viață.
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