Uji Kompetensi Basa Sunda Kelas 9 Semester Ganjil

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| By Kangyoga
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Quizzes Created: 4 | Total Attempts: 13,461
Questions: 32 | Attempts: 7,666

Uji Kompetensi Basa Sunda Kelas 9 Semester Ganjil - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Basa Sunda minangka salasahiji basa ……................….. anu aya di Indonésia. Di Jawa Barat, basa Sunda téh mangrupa basa indung urang Sunda.     

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Daérah
    In the context of the given information, the correct answer "daérah" makes sense as it refers to a region or area. The passage mentions that Basa Sunda is the mother tongue of the people in West Java, which implies that it is spoken in a specific region or area within Indonesia. Therefore, "daérah" is a suitable answer that fits the given information.

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  • 2. 

    Upama urang rek ngritik hiji hal urang kudu mibanda pangaweruh ngeunaan hal anu dikritikna. Umumna.  Kritik téh dina enas-enasna mah sarua jeung…………………

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Nyawad
    The given correct answer is "nyawad". The explanation for this answer is not available.

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  • 3. 

    Pupuh dina sastra Sunda aya 17 pupuh, dibagi dua Sekar Ageung jeung Sekar Alit. Nu kaasup Sekar Ageung nyaéta pupuh………………..       

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Dangdanggula
    The correct answer is "dangdanggula". This is because the question states that there are 17 pupuh in the Sundanese literary form, divided into two categories: Sekar Ageung and Sekar Alit. The question asks which pupuh belongs to Sekar Ageung. Since "dangdanggula" is one of the options given and the question is asking for a pupuh from Sekar Ageung, it can be inferred that "dangdanggula" is the correct answer.

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  • 4. 

    “Ulah bosenan ari diajar téh, sok sing leukeun da éngké ogé moal burung bisa,  asal urangna leukeun ngeureuyeuh bari keyeng kana diajar,  geuning ceuk paribasa ogé………………………    

    • A.

      Cikaracak ninggang batu, laun-laun jadi legok

    • B.

      Heunteu gedag bulu salambar

    • C.

      Banda tatalang raga

    • D.

      Cikaracak ninggang hulu, laun-laun jadi legok

    Correct Answer
    A. Cikaracak ninggang batu, laun-laun jadi legok
    The correct answer "cikaracak ninggang batu, laun-laun jadi legok" is a proverb in Sundanese language which means "looking at a stone from afar, eventually it becomes a hill". This proverb implies that small problems or challenges may seem insignificant at first, but if not addressed or taken care of, they can escalate into bigger and more serious issues. It serves as a reminder to not underestimate or ignore small issues, as they can have significant consequences in the long run.

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  • 5. 

     Sangkan henteu méngpar tina katangtuan nu geus padanyaluyuan, dina nepikeun kritik boh sacara lisan boh tulisan kudu dirojong ku....     

    • A.

      Pinter nyarita dina nepikeun kritik

    • B.

      Pamahaman ngeunaan hal nu dikritikna

    • C.

      Basa anu merenah

    • D.

      Sikep, réngkak jeung peta anu luyu

    Correct Answer
    B. Pamahaman ngeunaan hal nu dikritikna
    The correct answer is "pamahaman ngeunaan hal nu dikritikna" because it means "understanding of the things being criticized." This answer fits logically with the context of the sentence, as it suggests that in order to give criticism, one must have a good understanding of the subject matter.

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  • 6. 

    Waktu jumatan bedug nu di tajug téh ditakol ku................... Istilah patukangan nu merenah pikeun ngalengkepan kalimah   nyaéta…….    

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Merebot
    The correct answer is "merebot". The question is asking about the instrument that is used to accompany the call to prayer (azan) during Friday prayers (jumatan). The term "merebot" refers to the sound of the bedug, a large drum, which is traditionally used in mosques to signal the time for prayer.

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  • 7. 

    Kamari abdi ………………. ........... buku pakét basa Sunda di Toko “Buku Labil Ekonomi.”      

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Mésér
  • 8. 

    Bapak Vicky Prasetyo …………………….dirawat di Rumah Sakit Bayu Asih. Kecap nu merenah pikeun ngalengkepan kalimah di luhur,  dumasar undak-usuk basa Sunda nyaeta...............                         

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      teu damang

    Correct Answer
    D. teu damang
    The given phrase "Bapak Vicky Prasetyo ... dirawat di Rumah Sakit Bayu Asih" suggests that Bapak Vicky Prasetyo is being treated at Rumah Sakit Bayu Asih. The phrase "Kecap nu merenah pikeun ngalengkepan kalimah di luhur" indicates that the missing word should describe a medical condition or state. Among the options provided, "teu damang" is the only phrase that means "not well" or "unwell" in Sundanese, which fits the context of someone being treated at a hospital. Hence, "teu damang" is the correct answer.

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  • 9. 

    Raray budak kembar téh mani sarupa pisan lir .............     

    • A.

      beubeulahan terong

    • B.

      Careuh bulan

    • C.

      Gula jeung peueutna

    • D.

      Beubeulahan pinang

    Correct Answer
    A. beubeulahan terong
    The correct answer is "beubeulahan terong". The question is asking for a word that is similar to "raray budak kembar" (twin children) and the correct answer is "beubeulahan terong" (eggplant twins). This answer is the most logical and fitting option among the given choices.

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  • 10. 

    Ubur-ubur téh hirupna teu netep, salawasna ………………… kabawa ombak laut.    

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Pundah-pindah
    The correct answer is "pundah-pindah." This phrase means "moving from one place to another" or "relocating." The sentence states that jellyfish live by being carried by the ocean waves, which implies that they move or relocate frequently. Therefore, "pundah-pindah" is the most suitable choice to complete the sentence.

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  • 11. 

    Ari kana ngojay mah bisaeun ubur-ubur téh, tapi (laun). Kecap laun upama maké rajékan dwipurwa + - an, jadi ....   

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Lalaunan
    The correct answer is "lalaunan". The word "laun" means "later" or "afterwards" in Sundanese. In the given sentence, it is used in the context of something happening in the future. The word "lalaunan" is a combination of "laun" and the suffix "-an" which indicates a noun. Therefore, "lalaunan" means "something that will happen later" or "something that will occur in the future".

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  • 12. 

    Aturan dina ngahormat atawa aturan sopan santun anu disaluyuan ku warga masarakat, pikeun silih ajénan jeung nu lian   disebut.........    

    • A.

      Undak usuk basa

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Sopan santun

    Correct Answer
    C. Tatakrama
    The correct answer is Tatakrama. Tatakrama refers to the rules of respect and etiquette that are currently followed by society, in order to interact with others and show proper manners.

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  • 13. 

    Umumna rumpaka tembang disanggi dina wangun pupuh. Nu kaasup wanda jejemplangan nyaéta……………...

    • A.

      Mupu kembang

    • B.


    • C.

      jemplang karang

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. jemplang karang
    The correct answer is "jemplang karang". In the context of the sentence, the question is asking for the missing element in the structure of a poem called pupuh. The options given are "mupu kembang" which means "flower buds", "rajah" which means "symbol", "jemplang karang" which means "coral reef", and "papatét" which means "four-legged animal". Out of these options, "jemplang karang" is the most fitting choice as it refers to a natural element that can be associated with the structure of a poem.

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  • 14. 

    Umumna rumpaka tembang disanggi dina wangun pupuh. Nu kaasup wanda kakawén nyaéta……………...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. rajah
    The correct answer is "rajah". In the given sentence, it is mentioned that the tembang (a type of traditional Javanese poetry) is written in the form of pupuh. The options given are different types of pupuh. "Rajah" is a type of pupuh, hence it is the correct answer.

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  • 15. 

    Pangajaran nulis surat  resmi ngagunakeun basa sunda lemes pikeun ngahormat. Dina surat  aya …………...…………..nyaéta nu ngebréhkeun tanggal surat.

    • A.

      Alamat surat

    • B.


    • C.

      Kop surat

    • D.

      Eusi surat

    Correct Answer
    B. Titimangsa
    The correct answer is "titimangsa." In the given context, the question is asking about the information that indicates the date of the letter. "Titimangsa" refers to the date of the letter, which is an essential element in a formal letter. The other options, such as "alamat surat" (address of the letter), "kop surat" (letterhead), and "eusi surat" (content of the letter) do not provide information about the date.

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  • 16. 

    Upama diwincik deui mah kecap panyeluk téh aya anu patalina jeung rasa. Pikeun ngebréhkeun rasa tingtrim nyaéta……..

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Alhamdulillah
    The correct answer is "alhamdulillah". This is because the given sentence mentions that Upama diwincik deui mah kecap panyeluk téh aya anu patalina jeung rasa, which translates to "Upama diwincik again said something that is in accordance with the taste." In this context, "alhamdulillah" is a phrase commonly used to express gratitude or thanks, which fits well with the meaning of the sentence.

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  • 17. 

    ………………………sumping , Pa Mangga linggih!. Eusian titik-titik  ku kecap panyeluk nu merenah!.

    • A.

      Atur nuhun

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Wilujeng
  • 18. 

    Sing alus atuh tulisan téh, ulah kawas ………………..… kitu!     

    • A.

      Gaang katincak

    • B.

      Tihang listrik

    • C.

      Cékér hayam

    • D.

      Jogjog mondok

    Correct Answer
    C. Cékér hayam
  • 19. 

    Buku ti perpustakaan téh tos ……................ ku abdi, bade diwangsulkeun dinten ayeuna.   

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Dibantun
    The correct answer is "dibantun". The sentence mentions a book in the library and the speaker will "dibantun" (borrow) it, which implies that they will take it out of the library and return it later.

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  • 20. 

    Si Dul téh katabrak mobil, nya dirawat di Rumah Sakit “ Bayu Asih”. Pikeun kaperluan operasi, indungna ngajual perhiasan. Ninggang kana paribasa………….….., boga barang ngan sakitu-kituna gé dijual wé, tinimbangan anak maot mah.     

    • A.

      Banda tatalang raga

    • B.

      Heunteu gedag bulu salambar

    • C.

      Banda tatalang harta

    • D.

      Hambur bacot murah congcot

    Correct Answer
    A. Banda tatalang raga
    The correct answer is "banda tatalang raga". This phrase means that when someone is in need, they will sell their possessions, even if they are very valuable, in order to fulfill their needs. In the given context, the mother is selling her jewelry to pay for the operation needed after her child got into an accident. This phrase emphasizes the importance of prioritizing one's health and well-being over material possessions.

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  • 21. 

    Sanggeus ngadéngé beja yén indungna maot, manéhna ngarumpuyuk leuleus lir .............     

    • A.

      Beusi atah beuleum

    • B.

      Kacang ninggang kajang

    • C.

      Gaang katincak

    • D.

      Kapuk kaibunan

    Correct Answer
    D. Kapuk kaibunan
    The given sentence is in Sundanese language and it is asking about what the mother does when she is angry. The correct answer "kapuk kaibunan" means she slams the door.

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  • 22. 

     Nu kaasup kalimah panaya nu bener  aya dina kalimah:……

    • A.

      Hujan kacida gedena, mana teu mawa payung deuih?

    • B.

      Mana buku nu kamari kahujanan teh?

    • C.

      Manahoreng manehna nu kamari nyokot duit teh?

    • D.

      Dimana-mana banjir, ari usum hujan teh?

    Correct Answer
    B. Mana buku nu kamari kahujanan teh?
    The correct answer is "Mana buku nu kamari kahujanan teh?" because it is the only option that is asking about the location of something (the book) during the rain. The other options are asking about different situations or actions related to rain, but they do not specifically ask about the location of something.

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  • 23. 

    Salasahiji anu ngalantarankeun leungitna kamampuh-  dina ngagunakeun basa Sunda sapopoé téh lantaran kurangna, ……….

    • A.

      Bahan analisis anu bisa dijadikeun conto.

    • B.

      Bahan biantara anu bisa dijadikeun conto.

    • C.

      Bahan tauladan anu teu bisa dijadikeun conto.

    • D.

      Bahan bacaeun anu bisa dijadikeun conto

    Correct Answer
    D. Bahan bacaeun anu bisa dijadikeun conto
    The given correct answer suggests that the phrase "bahan bacaeun" (reading materials) can be used as an example. This implies that by using reading materials, one can improve their proficiency in using the Sundanese language. The other options, such as "bahan analisis" (analytical materials), "bahan biantara" (speaking materials), and "bahan tauladan" (exemplary materials), do not specifically address the issue of improving language proficiency through reading.

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  • 24. 

    Radén Tajudin keur ngajaran baju anyar. Kalimah di luhur téh disebut kalimah………..

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Réfléktif
    The correct answer is "réfléktif." In the given sentence, the phrase "Radén Tajudin keur ngajaran baju anyar" suggests that Radén Tajudin is teaching someone how to make new clothes. The word "réfléktif" means reflective in English, and it is the most appropriate choice as it relates to the process of teaching and learning, where one person imparts knowledge or skills to another person. The other options, resiprokatif (reciprocal), pagawéan (work), and Kaayaan (ability), do not fit the context of teaching clothes-making.

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  • 25. 

    Novel Sunda anu munggaran medal taun 1914 nyaéta .…………………………..

    • A.

      Purnama alam

    • B.

      Nyi Roro kidul

    • C.

      Baruang ka nu Ngarora

    • D.

      Azab dan Sengsara

    Correct Answer
    C. Baruang ka nu Ngarora
  • 26. 

    Dina sastra Sunda aya Novel nu judulna Perang Bubat. Saha nu ngarang novel Perang Bubat?. …………………….

    • A.

      R. Suradireja

    • B.

      Yoséph Iskandar

    • C.

      Taufik Faturohman

    • D.

      WS. Rendra

    Correct Answer
    B. Yoséph Iskandar
    The correct answer is Yoséph Iskandar.

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  • 27. 

    Kang Dudung nyarita .............di Cibungur réa rambutan. Kecap nu merenah pikeun ngalengkepan kalimah nyaéta...............   

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. yén
    The correct answer is "yén". In the given sentence, "Kang Dudung nyarita .............di Cibungur réa rambutan. Kecap nu merenah pikeun ngalengkepan kalimah nyaéta...............", the word "yén" fits in the context. It can be translated as "that" or "because" in English. The sentence suggests that Kang Dudung is telling a story about something that happened in Cibungur, and the sauce (kecap) that is mentioned is related to the story being told. Therefore, "yén" is the appropriate word to connect the two parts of the sentence.

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  • 28. 

    Gajah téh nurut ari ka .......................mah. Istilah patukangan nu merenah pikeun ngalengkepan kalimah nyaéta…….     

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Paninggaran
    The correct answer is "paninggaran." In the given sentence, the word "paninggaran" fits grammatically and contextually. It means "obedience" or "submission" in Sundanese language. The sentence implies that the elephant is obedient or submissive to its mahout.

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  • 29. 

    Afgan jeung Amanda indit ka sakola. Nu kaasup kecap panyambung satata nyaéta..................     

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Jeung
    The given sentence is in Sundanese language, and the word "jeung" is a conjunction that means "and" in English. It is used to connect two or more words or phrases together. In this sentence, "Afgan" and "Amanda" are going to school, so the correct answer is "jeung" which means "and" in English.

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  • 30. 

    Upama hidep ngajénan ka batur dina enas-enasna mah sarua jeung ngajénan ka ............   

    • A.


    • B.

      Diri sorangan

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Diri sorangan
    The question is asking for something that is similar to hiding one's true self or identity. The correct answer, "diri sorangan," means "alone" or "by oneself," suggesting that hiding one's true self can be done when one is alone and not surrounded by others.

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  • 31. 

    Gajah téh nurut ari ka .......................mah. Istilah patukangan nu merenah pikeun ngalengkepan kalimah nyaéta…….     

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Paninggaran
    The correct answer is "paninggaran". This is because the sentence structure suggests that the word should be a noun that means "obedience" or "submission". "Paninggaran" fits this description and can be translated as "obedience" or "submission" in this context.

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  • 32. 

    Type question here

    • A.

      Answer option 1

    • B.

      Answer option 2

    • C.

      Answer option 3

    • D.

      Answer option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Answer option 1

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