Dari hasil tes urine, ternyata urine pak Amir mengandung glukosa. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya kelainan fungsi ginjal pada proses....
Correct Answer
A. Filtrasi
The presence of glucose in Amir's urine indicates a dysfunction in the kidney's filtration process. Filtration is the first step in urine formation, where blood is filtered in the glomerulus of the kidney to remove waste products, excess water, and certain substances like glucose. In a healthy individual, glucose is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream during the process of reabsorption. However, if there is a malfunction in the filtration process, glucose may not be properly reabsorbed, leading to its presence in the urine. Therefore, the correct answer is Filtrasi.
Dalam urine manusia terkandung....
Correct Answer
D. Urea, garam-garam, dan air
The correct answer is Urea, garam-garam, dan air. Urea is a waste product formed in the liver from the breakdown of proteins. It is excreted in urine along with salts (garam-garam) and water (air). These substances make up the majority of the components found in human urine. Glucose, alcohol, and bile (empedu) are not typically present in urine in significant amounts. Asam amino (amino acids) may be present in trace amounts, but they are not as prominent as urea, salts, and water.
Urutan yang benar mengenai proses pengeluaran urin adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Filtasi-reabsorpsi -augmentasi
The correct answer is Filtrasi-reabsorpsi-augmentasi. Filtrasi refers to the process of filtering waste products and excess substances from the blood in the kidneys. Reabsorpsi is the process of reabsorbing useful substances such as water and nutrients back into the bloodstream. Augmentasi refers to the process of adding substances such as ions and waste products into the urine. This sequence represents the correct order of events in the process of urine formation.
Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium, menunjukkan bahwa urine mengandung protein. Fakta ini terjadi sebagai akibat gangguan fungsi ....
Correct Answer
B. Glomelurus
The correct answer is Glomelurus. The presence of protein in the urine is a result of dysfunction in the glomerulus. The glomerulus is a network of blood vessels in the kidney that filters waste products and excess fluid from the blood. When the glomerulus is not functioning properly, it can allow proteins to pass through into the urine, leading to the presence of protein in the lab test results.
Urin yang dihasilkan oleh ginjal akan ditampung dalam kantung kemih, saluran yang menghubungkan ginjal dan kantung kemih adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Ureter
The correct answer is Ureter. The ureter is the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. It carries urine from the kidney to the bladder for storage before it is eliminated from the body through the urethra.
Proses perombakan asam amino akan menghasilkan zat sisa yang berupa racun. Zat sisa tersebut akan dibuang melalui urin dalam bentuk...
Correct Answer
B. Urea
During the process of amino acid metabolism, toxic waste products are produced. One of these waste products is urea. Urea is formed in the liver from the breakdown of amino acids and is then transported to the kidneys where it is excreted in urine. Urea is a less toxic compound compared to ammonia, which is also a waste product of amino acid metabolism. Therefore, the correct answer is urea as it is the main form in which amino acid waste is eliminated from the body.
Jika kandungan air dalam darah rendah, kelenjar hipofisis mengeluarkan hormon....
Correct Answer
When the water content in the blood is low, the pituitary gland releases antidiuretic hormone (ADH). ADH acts on the kidneys to increase water reabsorption, reducing urine output and helping to retain water in the body. This hormone plays a crucial role in regulating the body's water balance and preventing dehydration.
Kulit berperan sebagai alat eksresi karena....
Correct Answer
B. Memiliki kelenjar keringat
Kulit berperan sebagai alat eksresi karena memiliki kelenjar keringat. Kelenjar keringat berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan keringat yang mengandung zat-zat sisa metabolisme dan racun dari tubuh melalui pori-pori kulit. Dengan demikian, kulit membantu dalam proses eliminasi zat-zat yang tidak dibutuhkan oleh tubuh.
Keadaan di mana nefron meradang, ginjal tidak dapat menjalankan fungsinya sering disebut penyakit ....
Correct Answer
B. Gagal ginjal
When the nephrons become inflamed, the kidneys are unable to function properly, leading to a condition called kidney failure.
Pernyataan berikut ini merupakan ciri-ciri kelainan pada ginjal....
1. Adanya albumin dan protein dalam urin
2. Tidak menghasilkan urin sama sekali
3. Urin yang dikeluarkan banyak dan encer
4. Adanya gula dalam urin
5. Terjadinya penimbunan air di kaki
Ciri-ciri gagal ginjal dinyatakan oleh pernytaan nomor....
Correct Answer
B. 2
Ciri-ciri gagal ginjal dinyatakan oleh pernyataan nomor 2, yaitu tidak menghasilkan urin sama sekali. Gagal ginjal adalah kondisi ketika ginjal tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik dalam menyaring limbah dan cairan berlebih dari darah, sehingga urin yang dihasilkan menjadi sangat sedikit bahkan tidak ada sama sekali.