Ce este mapa in cadrul programului Microsoft Excel?
Correct Answer
A. Colectie de foi in care se pastreaza valorile, rezultatele, diagramele, alte obiecte grafice
A map in Microsoft Excel refers to a collection of sheets where values, results, diagrams, and other graphical objects are stored. It is not just a single page, but a collection of multiple sheets within the program where various data and visual representations can be organized and stored.
Cate mape pot fi deschise in acelasi moment in cadrul programului Microsoft Excel?
Correct Answer
B. Mai multe
Multiple worksheets can be opened at the same time in Microsoft Excel. This allows users to work on different sheets simultaneously, making it easier to compare and analyze data from different sources or perform multiple tasks at once. Opening multiple worksheets also provides flexibility and convenience in organizing and managing data within the Excel program.
Din ce este alcatuita foaia de calcul in cadrul programului Microsoft Excel?
Correct Answer
B. Linii si coloane cu nume de identificare
The correct answer is "linii si coloane cu nume de identificare" which means "rows and columns with identification names" in English. In Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet is composed of rows and columns that are labeled with identification names. These names are used to easily navigate and reference specific cells within the spreadsheet. The identification names make it convenient to organize and analyze data in a structured manner.
Are este procedura de selectare a textului in Excel in cadrul programului Microsoft Excel?
Correct Answer
A. Se fixeaza mouse-ul pe celula de unde incepe selectarea, mergem pe linie, coloana sau diagonala cu mouse-ul tinand apasat butonul din stanga astfel incat sa cuprindem zona ce dorim sa o selectam si eliberam butonul mouse-ului
To select text in Excel, you need to fix the mouse cursor on the cell where the selection starts, then drag the mouse along a row, column, or diagonal while holding down the left button to encompass the desired area, and finally release the mouse button to complete the selection.
Cum se realizeaza mutarea textului prin metoda Drag And Drop in cadrul programului Microsoft Excel?
Correct Answer
A. Se selecteaza zona cu informatia ce trebuie mutata si apoi tragem de chenarul ce inconjoara zona de mutat pana in locul unde incepe zona de mutare
To move text using the Drag and Drop method in Microsoft Excel, you need to select the area with the information that needs to be moved. Then, you drag the border surrounding the selected area to the desired location where the moving area starts.
Cum se creaza o mapa in cadrul programului Microsoft Excel?
Correct Answer
C. Meniul FILE - NEW
To create a new map in Microsoft Excel, you need to go to the FILE menu and select the option "NEW". This option allows you to start a new workbook or document in Excel. By selecting this option, you can create a new map or spreadsheet from scratch and begin entering data or performing calculations. The other options mentioned, "OPEN" and "SAVE AS", are used to open an existing file or save the current file with a different name or format, respectively.
Cum se deschide o mapa in cadrul programului Microsoft Excel?
Correct Answer
B. Meniul FILE - OPEN
To open a file in Microsoft Excel, you need to access the "File" menu and then select the "Open" option. This allows you to browse your computer's files and select the specific file you want to open in Excel. The other options mentioned, "Save As" and "New," are not relevant to opening a file, but rather for saving a file with a different name or creating a new file respectively.
Cum se insereaza o foaie de calcul in cadrul programului Microsoft Excel?
Correct Answer
To insert a worksheet in Microsoft Excel, you need to use the "Insert" menu. Within this menu, there is an option called "Worksheet" which allows you to add a new sheet to your Excel workbook. This can be useful when you want to organize your data into different sections or when you need to perform calculations on separate sets of data.
Cum se selecteaza mai multe foi neadiacente in cadrul programului Microsoft Excel?
Correct Answer
A. Se selecteaza prima foaie si cu tasta CTRL apasata se actioneaza mouse-ul pe foile ce dorim sa intre in selectie
By holding down the CTRL key and clicking on the sheets that we want to select, we can select multiple non-adjacent sheets in Microsoft Excel.
Funcţia AVERAGE calculează:
Correct Answer
A. Media aritmetică
The correct answer is "Media aritmetică". The function AVERAGE calculates the arithmetic mean of a set of numbers. It adds up all the numbers and divides the sum by the count of numbers in the set. This gives the average value, which represents the central tendency of the data.
Funcţia =IF(C12>1250; 75%; 50%) se traduce prin:
Correct Answer
A. Dacă numărul din celula c12 este mai mare decât 1250 atunci afişează 75%, dacă nu afişează 50%;
The correct answer is explaining that if the number in cell C12 is greater than 1250, it will display 75%, otherwise it will display 50%.
Pentru a insera pe o linie sau pe o coloană o serie se parcurg etapele
Correct Answer
D. Editare Umplere Serie;
The correct answer is "Editare → Umplere → Serie" because the given steps indicate the process of inserting a series into a row or column. The first step is to edit the row or column, then fill it with the desired content, and finally create the series. This sequence of actions ensures that the series is properly inserted and displayed in the desired location.
Pentru a calcula media aritmetică a valorilor din zona B2:C5 vom folosi funcţia Average în formatul =AVERAGE(B2;C2;C5).
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false. To calculate the arithmetic mean of the values in the range B2:C5, the correct formula to use is =AVERAGE(B2:C5). The formula provided in the statement, =AVERAGE(B2;C2;C5), is incorrect as it uses semicolons instead of a colon to specify the range.
În foaia de calcul am introdus în celula D1 funcția =AVERAGE(A1:C1). Rezultatul obținut ar fi identic dacă în celula D1 am fi folosit formula =A1/3+B1/3+C1/3 ?
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. The formula =AVERAGE(A1:C1) calculates the average of the values in cells A1, B1, and C1. On the other hand, the formula =A1/3+B1/3+C1/3 also calculates the average of the same values, but by dividing each value by 3 and then summing them up. Since both formulas are calculating the average of the same values, the result obtained would be identical.
SUM nu face parte din categoria functiilor standart Excel
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because the SUM function is indeed a standard Excel function. It is used to add up a range of cells and is commonly used in calculations and data analysis.
Diagrama utilizata pentru reprezentarea raportului dintre partile unui intreg se numeste:
Correct Answer
C. Pie
The correct answer is "Pie". A pie chart is a diagram used to represent the relationship between parts of a whole. It is circular in shape and divided into sectors, where each sector represents a proportion or percentage of the whole. The size of each sector is determined by the value it represents, making it easy to visually compare the different parts of the whole.
Hiperlegatura reprezinta:
Correct Answer
B. Un link atribuit unei celule, cuvint sau propozitie
Hiperlegatura reprezinta un link atribuit unei celule, cuvint sau propozitie. Acesta poate fi un hyperlink care permite accesul rapid la alte pagini web, documente sau locații în cadrul aceluiași document. Hiperlegaturile sunt utilizate pentru a oferi utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a naviga rapid și ușor între diferite părți ale unui document sau între diferite documente. Ele sunt adesea folosite în documente electronice sau pe site-uri web pentru a crea o experiență de navigare mai interactivă și eficientă.
În Microsoft Excel, datele se pot sorta după mai multe coloane în același timp, ascendent sau descendent.
Correct Answer
B. False
In Microsoft Excel, data can be sorted by multiple columns at the same time, either in ascending or descending order.