Glasnost (loudness) kod govora je:
Correct Answer
A. Subjektivna
The correct answer is "Subjektivna" because glasnost, which translates to "loudness" in English, is a subjective quality when it comes to speech. It refers to the perceived loudness or volume of someone's voice and can vary from person to person depending on their perception. It is not an objective measurement that can be quantified or measured accurately.
Dominantan naučni, ali i teotrijski pogled za jednu oblast naziva se
Correct Answer
A. Paradigma
The correct answer is "Paradigma". A dominant scientific or theoretical perspective for a particular field is referred to as a paradigm. This term is commonly used in the philosophy of science to describe a framework or model that guides research and understanding in a specific discipline. It represents a set of beliefs, theories, and methods that are widely accepted and followed within a scientific community.
Izaberite ono što ne spada u stil interakcije
Correct Answer
D. Www
The correct answer is "www" because it does not belong to the style of interaction. The other options, such as filling out forms, command line, menus, and point and click, are all different styles of interaction commonly used in various computer systems and applications. "www" refers to the World Wide Web, which is not a style of interaction but rather a network of interconnected webpages accessible through the internet.
Postoje dve kategorije razmišljanja. Jedna je „rešavanje problema“, a druga je:
Correct Answer
A. Rezonovanje
The question asks for the other category of thinking besides "problem-solving". The correct answer, "Rezonovanje" (reasoning), fits this description as it is a broad term that encompasses various types of thinking processes, including inductive and deductive reasoning.
XML koristi koji format?
Correct Answer
C. Tekstualni
XML koristi tekstualni format jer je XML jezik za označavanje koji koristi tekstualni format za predstavljanje podataka. Tekstualni format omogućava ljudima i računalima da čitaju i uređuju XML datoteke bez potrebe za posebnim alatima ili programima. Tekstualni format također omogućava lako razmjenu podataka između različitih sustava i platformi, jer je čitljiv i interoperabilan.
Zaključivanje o uzrocima na osnovu ishoda naziva se:
Correct Answer
A. Abdukcija
Abdukcija je proces zaključivanja o uzrocima na osnovu ishoda. To znači da se na osnovu posmatranja rezultata ili ishoda nekog događaja ili situacije, izvodi zaključak o mogućim uzrocima koji su doveli do tog ishoda. Ova vrsta zaključivanja se često koristi u medicini, istraživanju i forenzici, gde se analiziraju dostupni podaci kako bi se došlo do mogućih uzroka nekog fenomena ili događaja.
Osim kao 3 RGB komponente, jednu boju možemo predstaviti koristeći obojenost (hue), intenzitet (intensity) i...
Correct Answer
B. Saturation (zasićenje)
Saturation refers to the intensity or purity of a color. In addition to the three RGB components, a color can be represented using hue (the color itself), intensity (brightness), and saturation. Saturation determines how vivid or dull a color appears. A high saturation value means the color is vibrant and intense, while a low saturation value means the color is more muted or grayish. Therefore, saturation is the correct answer in this context.
Zaokružite četvrtu etapu Normanovog modela:
Correct Answer
C. Izvršavanje akcija
The correct answer is "Izvršavanje akcija" which means "Executing actions" in English. This stage refers to the actual implementation or carrying out of the specified actions. It involves putting the plans into action and performing the necessary tasks to achieve the desired outcome. This stage is crucial as it determines whether the actions taken will lead to the desired results or not.
Po Normanovom modelu, greška „omaška“ nataje:
Correct Answer
D. Netačnom akcijom i može se korigovati redizajnom
According to Norman's model, the error "slip" occurs due to incorrect action and can be corrected through redesign.
Epizodička i semantička memorija čine zajedno strukturu:
Correct Answer
D. Deklarativne memorije
Deklarativne memorije se sastoje od epizodičke i semantičke memorije. Epizodička memorija odnosi se na pamćenje ličnih događaja i iskustava, dok semantička memorija obuhvata pamćenje znanja i činjenica. Ove dve vrste memorije zajedno čine deklarativnu memoriju, koja se odnosi na svesno pamćenje informacija koje mogu biti verbalne ili neverbalne.
Pri definisanju pojmova interakcije, kako se naziva oblast ekspertize i znanja u relnim aktivnostima?
Correct Answer
A. Domen
The correct answer is "Domen" because when defining the concept of interaction, the term "domen" refers to the area of expertise and knowledge in real activities. It represents the specific field or subject matter in which the interaction takes place.
„Abowd & Beale“ model interakcije tvrdi da „svaki deo modela ima sopstveni jezik, a interakcija znači...“
Correct Answer
B. Prevođenje između jezika
The "Abowd & Beale" model of interaction states that "each part of the model has its own language, and interaction means...". This suggests that the model emphasizes the translation or conversion of information between different languages or representations. It implies that the different parts of the model communicate with each other by translating their respective languages or representations into a common language or format, enabling effective interaction and communication between the components.
Označite formate u kojima se koristi kompresija sa gubicima:
Correct Answer
C. Mp3
The MP3 format uses lossy compression, which means that it reduces the file size by removing certain audio data that is considered less important to human perception. This compression technique allows for smaller file sizes without significantly affecting the perceived audio quality.
Paradigma vremenske podele (time-sharing) se dogodila u odnosu na umrežavanje
Correct Answer
A. Pre
The correct answer is "Pre." This suggests that the time-sharing paradigm occurred before the process of networking. This implies that time-sharing was implemented and established as a concept before the development and widespread use of computer networks.
Tvorcem www smatra se:
Correct Answer
A. Tmothy Berners-Lee
The correct answer is Timothy Berners-Lee. Timothy Berners-Lee is credited as the creator of the World Wide Web (www). He developed the first web browser and server, and proposed the use of hypertext to link documents together. His contributions revolutionized the way information is shared and accessed on the internet, making it more user-friendly and accessible to a wider audience.
Fitso zakon:
Correct Answer
A. Vreme = a + b*log(rastojanje/veličina + 1)
The given answer vreme = a + b*log(rastojanje/veličina + 1) is correct because it follows the pattern of the Fitso zakon equation. The equation represents the relationship between time (vreme) and the variables rastojanje (distance) and veličina (size). The logarithm function is used to account for the exponential relationship between the variables. The addition of 1 in the logarithmic expression helps avoid undefined values when the variables approach zero. Therefore, this equation accurately represents the relationship between time, distance, and size according to the Fitso zakon.
Zaokruži važan element ergonomičnosti
Correct Answer
C. Grupisanje kontrola
Grupisanje kontrola je važan element ergonomičnosti jer omogućava korisnicima da lakše pristupe i koriste različite kontrole na uređaju ili sistemu. Kada su kontrole grupisane na logičan i intuitivan način, korisnicima je lakše da se snađu i efikasnije obavljaju zadatke. Ovo smanjuje napor i potencijalne greške koje korisnici mogu napraviti prilikom korišćenja uređaja, što rezultira boljim korisničkim iskustvom i povećanom produktivnošću.
Negativan kontrast
Correct Answer
B. Uvećava čitljivost i uvećava efekat treperenja
Sematička mreža modeluje koju vrstu memorije?
Correct Answer
A. Dugotrajnu
Semantička mreža modeluje dugotrajnu memoriju. Semantička mreža je struktura koja se koristi za predstavljanje znanja i veza između različitih koncepta. Dugotrajna memorija je vrsta memorije koja omogućava dugotrajno skladištenje podataka i informacija. Semantička mreža se koristi za organizovanje i povezivanje informacija u dugotrajnoj memoriji, što je ključno za procese pamćenja i razumevanja.
Induktivno rezonovanje se:
Correct Answer
A. Generalizacijom slučajeva (primena)
Induktivno rezonovanje se odnosi na proces generalizacije slučajeva ili primene zaključaka na nove situacije. To znači da se na osnovu već poznatih slučajeva ili primera izvode opšti zaključci koji se mogu primeniti na slične situacije. Ova metoda se koristi u naučnom istraživanju i donošenju zaključaka na osnovu empirijskih podataka.
Označite netačno:
Correct Answer
B. Radna memorija ima neograničen kapacitet
The correct answer is "Radna memorija ima neograničen kapacitet" because this statement is false. Radna memorija, also known as RAM (Random Access Memory), has a limited capacity and is used for temporary storage of data while the computer is running. It is different from the long-term memory (dugotrajna) which refers to storage devices like hard drives or solid-state drives that have a much larger capacity for storing data even when the computer is turned off.
U kom opsegu frekvencija čuje prosečan čovek?
Correct Answer
D. 20Hz-20000Hz
The correct answer is 20Hz-20000Hz. This is the range of frequencies that an average person can hear. Frequencies below 20Hz are considered infrasonic and are not audible to humans. Frequencies above 20000Hz are considered ultrasonic and are also not audible to humans. Therefore, the range of 20Hz-20000Hz is the audible range for the average person.
Na slici je primer koje tastature:
Correct Answer
C. Kodne
The given answer "Kodne" is correct because the question asks for the type of keyboards shown in the picture. Since the options provided are "Binarne," "Qwerty," "Kodne," and "Dvorak," the correct answer is "Kodne" as it is one of the options given and matches the type of keyboards shown in the picture.
Indirektna manipulacija znači:
Correct Answer
C. Korisnik upravlja sa stvarnim objektima preko posrednih
Indirektna manipulacija znači da korisnik upravlja sa stvarnim objektima preko posrednih. This means that the user controls real objects through intermediaries.
Brzina reakcije se razlikuje od vrste nadražaja. Najbrža reakcija je na pobudu izazvanu od čula:
Correct Answer
B. Sluha
The correct answer is "Sluha" because the question states that the speed of reaction differs depending on the type of stimulus. It then asks which sense has the fastest reaction. Since the stimulus from the sense of hearing travels faster to the brain compared to the other senses, the reaction time is quicker for auditory stimuli.
Po Normanovom modelu, greška „zabluda“ (mistake) nastaje:
Correct Answer
C. Netačnim razumevanjem cilja i zahtevaju radikalne izmene
According to Norman's model, a "mistake" occurs due to an incorrect understanding of the goal and requires radical changes.
WYSIWYG je očekivan za direktu manipulaciju:
Correct Answer
A. Tačno
WYSIWYG stands for "What You See Is What You Get" and refers to a type of user interface that allows users to directly manipulate content in a way that closely resembles its final appearance. In this context, the statement "WYSIWYG je očekivan za direktu manipulaciju" can be translated as "WYSIWYG is expected for direct manipulation." This means that when using a WYSIWYG interface, users can interact with content in a way that accurately reflects how it will look when it is finalized. Therefore, the correct answer is "Tačno" (True).
Deduktivno rezonovanje se:
Correct Answer
A. Izvodi logički iz datih prepostavki
Deduktivno rezonovanje se odnosi na proces izvođenja logičkih zaključaka ili tvrdnji iz datih pretpostavki ili činjenica. To znači da se na osnovu postojećih informacija ili pretpostavki dolazi do novih zaključaka koji su logički ispravni. Ova metoda se koristi u matematici, filozofiji i drugim naučnim disciplinama kako bi se došlo do tačnih i provjerljivih rezultata. Generalizacija slučajeva, s druge strane, se odnosi na proces izvlačenja opštih zaključaka na osnovu pojedinačnih slučajeva ili primjera. Ova metoda se koristi kada želimo da donesemo zaključke o većem broju sličnih situacija na osnovu ograničenog broja primjera.
Čitljivost se definiše kao _____ čitanja:
Correct Answer
A. Brzina
The term "čitljivost" refers to the readability of a text. In this context, it is defined as the speed at which a text can be read. Therefore, the correct answer is "Brzina" which means "speed" in English.
Treptanje nestaje ako je osvežavanje slike najmanje:
Correct Answer
A. 50Hz
The correct answer is 50Hz because the question is asking for the minimum refresh rate required to eliminate flickering. Flickering occurs when the refresh rate is too low, causing the image on the screen to appear to blink or flicker. A refresh rate of 50Hz means that the screen is being refreshed 50 times per second, which is generally considered sufficient to eliminate flickering and provide a smooth viewing experience. A refresh rate of 5Hz would be too low and would likely result in noticeable flickering.
Ehoičko pamćenje (Echoic memory) se odnosi na:
Correct Answer
C. Senzorsku memoriju sluha
Echoic memory refers to the sensory memory of auditory information. It is a type of sensory memory that allows us to briefly retain and recall auditory stimuli, such as sounds or words, after they have ended. This type of memory helps us to process and make sense of the auditory world around us, providing us with a brief buffer of auditory information before it is either forgotten or transferred to long-term memory.
Ograničenja kod čula se dele na:
Correct Answer
C. Senzorska i mentalna
The correct answer is "Senzorska i mentalna". This answer suggests that the limitations of the senses can be categorized into two types: sensory limitations and mental limitations. Sensory limitations refer to the constraints in the speed and accuracy of our senses, while mental limitations pertain to the limitations in our cognitive processes and mental abilities.
Prosečno pamćenje sekvence brojeva je:
Correct Answer
A. 7
The average memory of a sequence of numbers is calculated by adding up all the numbers in the sequence and then dividing the sum by the total number of numbers in the sequence. In this case, the sequence contains only one number which is 7. Therefore, the average memory of the sequence is 7.
Direktna manipulacija ima osnovnih:
Correct Answer
C. 5 karakteristika
Direktna manipulacija ima 5 osnovnih karakteristika.
1981 je publikovan prvi komercijalni prozorski (windows) sistem od strane kompanije:
Correct Answer
A. Xeror Star
In 1981, the first commercial window system was published by Xerox Star. This means that Xerox Star was the company responsible for developing and releasing the first commercially available window system. Microsoft and Apple are not the correct answers because they did not release their window systems until later.
Na slici je prikazan
Correct Answer
B. Trackball
The correct answer is "Trackball" because the image shows a device that has a ball on top which can be rotated with the fingers. This type of device is called a trackball and is used as an input device for controlling the movement of a cursor on a computer screen. It is commonly used in computer mice or as a standalone device for specific applications.
Brzina zvuka zavisi od:
Correct Answer
B. Sredine kroz koju se zvuk prostire
The speed of sound depends on the medium through which it propagates. Different materials have different densities and elastic properties, which affect the speed of sound. For example, sound travels faster in solids than in liquids, and faster in liquids than in gases. This is because the particles in solids are closely packed and can transmit sound waves more efficiently. In contrast, particles in liquids and gases are more spread out, resulting in slower sound propagation. Therefore, the correct answer is that the speed of sound depends on the medium through which it propagates.
Više orijentisan ka realizaciji, ali manje konceptualan je
Correct Answer
The given answer, MVC, is correct because it is a software architectural pattern that is more focused on the implementation and realization of an application rather than being purely conceptual. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, which separates the application into three interconnected components: the model (data and business logic), the view (user interface), and the controller (handles user input and updates the model and view). This pattern helps in organizing and managing complex codebases, improving code maintainability and reusability.
Koja je od navedene dve strukture više orijentisana ka zadatku:
Correct Answer
A. Zasnovan na dijalogu
The given question asks which of the two structures is more task-oriented. The answer "Zasnovan na dijalogu" means "Based on dialogue" in English. This suggests that a structure based on dialogue is more focused on completing tasks compared to a hierarchical structure. Therefore, the correct answer implies that a structure based on dialogue is more task-oriented.
Struktuirano obrazlagaje (QOC) čini elementi: pitanja, opcije i
Correct Answer
B. Kriterijumi
The correct answer is "Kriterijumi". This is because structured argumentation (QOC) consists of elements such as questions, options, and criteria. "Kriterijumi" is the Serbian word for "criteria", which fits in with the other elements mentioned in the question.
Organizacija tj. Povezanost pogleda stranica ili stanja uređaja jedne aplikacije može biti: zasnovana na dijalogu i
Correct Answer
B. Hijearhiska
The correct answer is "Hijearhiska". This means that the organization or connectivity of views, pages, or states in an application can be hierarchical. This suggests that there is a hierarchical structure or order in which the views or states are organized and connected within the application.
Komunikacija sa drugim dizajnerima je deo
Correct Answer
B. Analiza problema (scenario)
The correct answer is "Analiza problema (scenario)". This is because communication with other designers is a part of analyzing the problem or scenario. By discussing and exchanging ideas with other designers, one can gain different perspectives and insights that can help in understanding and analyzing the problem or scenario more effectively.
Da li BNF model daje refleksiju prema korisničkoj percepciji?
Correct Answer
B. Ne
The BNF model does not provide a reflection according to user perception because it is a formal language used for describing the syntax of programming languages. It is not designed to consider or represent user perception or experience.
U primeru:
terminalna akcija je:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "CLICK MOUSE" because the given statement "pos mouse" indicates that the action being performed is related to the mouse. Since "CLICK MOUSE" is the only option that mentions the mouse, it is the most appropriate and logical choice for the terminal action.
Konačan test upotrebljivosti se zasniva na merenju korisničkog?
Correct Answer
B. Iskustva i zadovoljstva
The final usability test is based on measuring user experiences and satisfaction. This means that the test evaluates how users perceive and feel about the usability of a product or system. It focuses on gathering feedback on the overall user experience, including factors such as ease of use, efficiency, learnability, and satisfaction. By measuring user experiences and satisfaction, the test can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and usability of a product or system.
Na slici je
UML dijagram:
Correct Answer
A. Dijagram slučajeva korišćenja
The correct answer is "Dijagram slučajeva korišćenja." This is because the question states that "On the picture is a UML diagram," and then lists two options for the type of UML diagram. The correct answer is the first option, "Dijagram slučajeva korišćenja," which translates to "Use case diagram" in English. This type of diagram is used in software engineering to visualize the interactions between users (actors) and a system, showing the different use cases and their relationships.
Procenat uspešnosti, procenat grešaka, broj grešaka, vreme u greškama... navedeni kriterijumi čine:
Correct Answer
A. Metode u specifikaciji upotrebljivosti
The given correct answer is "Metode u specifikaciji upotrebljivosti" because the criteria mentioned (success rate, error rate, number of errors, time in errors) are commonly used in usability evaluation methods. These methods involve assessing the usability of a system or application based on specific criteria, such as task success and error rates. Therefore, it can be inferred that the mentioned criteria are part of usability evaluation methods.
Razdvajanje ulaza od izlaza je specifično za:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is MVC. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller and is a software architectural pattern commonly used in web development. It separates the application into three interconnected components: the model (data and business logic), the view (user interface), and the controller (handles user input and updates the model and view accordingly). This separation allows for better organization, maintainability, and reusability of code.
Sa stanovišta prozorskih (windows) sistema postoje 2 osnovne karakteristike. Prva je nezavisnost od specifičnih uređaja sa kojima se radi, a druga:
Correct Answer
A. Upravljanje višestrukim nezavisnim i istovremenim aplikacijama
The correct answer is "Upravljanje višestrukim nezavisnim i istovremenim aplikacijama" (Managing multiple independent and simultaneous applications). This is because one of the basic characteristics of Windows systems is the ability to manage multiple applications running at the same time, allowing users to switch between different tasks and run multiple programs simultaneously.
Redosled stavki može da prati: (proveriti)
Correct Answer
A. Prirodni tok objekta
The correct answer suggests that the order of items can be followed by the natural flow of the object. This means that the sequence or arrangement of items can be determined based on the inherent progression or logical order of the object or subject being discussed. It implies that there is a certain order or sequence that naturally makes sense and should be followed when presenting or discussing the items.