Berikut ini merupakan bentuk materi, kecuali....
Correct Answer
C. Golongan
The given options are all related to different forms of matter. "Unsur" refers to elements, "Senyawa" refers to compounds, "Campuran" refers to mixtures. However, "Golongan" refers to groups or categories, which is not a form of matter. Therefore, "Golongan" is the correct answer as it does not represent a form of matter.
Suatu zat yang dengan reaksi kimia tidak dapat diuraikan lagi menjadi zat lain disebut....
Correct Answer
A. Unsur
An unsur is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions. It is the fundamental building block of matter and consists of only one type of atom. Therefore, it fits the description given in the question as a substance that cannot be further decomposed into other substances.
Teori Dalton menyatakan bahwa "Atom merupakan bola pejal yang bermuatan positif dan didalamnya tersebar muatan negatif elektron"
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false. The correct explanation is that Dalton's theory states that "Atoms are indivisible and indestructible particles." It does not mention anything about the charge or distribution of charge within the atom.
Jika atom netral melepaskan elektron maka atom tersebut menjadi kation.
Correct Answer
A. True
When a neutral atom loses an electron, it becomes positively charged and forms a cation. This is because the loss of an electron leaves the atom with more protons than electrons, resulting in an overall positive charge. Therefore, the statement "Jika atom netral melepaskan elektron maka atom tersebut menjadi kation" is true.
Inti atom terdiri dari ...
Correct Answer(s)
A. Proton
C. Neutron
The correct answer is Proton and Neutron. The question is asking about the composition of an atom. An atom consists of three main particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons have a positive charge and are located in the nucleus of the atom. Neutrons have no charge and are also found in the nucleus. These two particles, along with electrons, which have a negative charge and orbit the nucleus, make up the structure of an atom.
Molekul deterjen non polar akan menarik ....
Correct Answer(s)
A. Oli
C. Minyak
Non-polar detergent molecules will attract oil and grease, as oil and grease are also non-polar substances. This is because non-polar molecules have similar electron distribution and can form intermolecular forces such as London dispersion forces with each other. On the other hand, polar substances like water have a different electron distribution and are attracted to other polar molecules through dipole-dipole interactions. Therefore, non-polar detergents will not be attracted to water, but they will be attracted to non-polar substances like oil and grease.
Baterai memiliki lapisan zink (Zn) yang berfungsi sebagai....
Correct Answer(s)
Anoda / Kutub Negatif
Baterai memiliki lapisan zink (Zn) yang berfungsi sebagai anoda atau kutub negatif. Anoda adalah elektroda di dalam sel baterai yang menjadi tempat terjadinya oksidasi, sedangkan kutub negatif adalah kutub di mana arus listrik masuk ke dalam baterai. Dalam baterai, reaksi oksidasi terjadi pada anoda, di mana atom-atom zink (Zn) melepaskan elektron dan berubah menjadi ion Zn2+. Elektron-elektron yang dilepaskan oleh anoda ini kemudian mengalir melalui sirkuit eksternal untuk melakukan kerja listrik.
Jika atomnya berasal dari unsur yang sama maka molekul tersebut disebut .....
Correct Answer(s)
molekul unsur
When the atoms in a molecule come from the same element, the molecule is called a "molekul unsur" or an "elemental molecule". This means that the molecule consists of multiple atoms of the same element bonded together. Each atom in the molecule has the same number of protons and electrons, resulting in a neutral charge. Examples of elemental molecules include O2 (oxygen gas) and N2 (nitrogen gas).