Dina sastra Sunda aya nu disebut wawacan.
Kakara dina ahir abad ka……………………….aya wawacan anu dicitak sarta diwuwuhan ku pangarangna.
Correct Answer
D. 19
Wawacan sumebarna silihsalin jeung awalna teu ditulis ngaran pangarangna.
Dina sastra Sunda aya Wawacan Purnama Alam. Saha nu ngarang Wawacan Purnama Alam?
Correct Answer
B. R. Suradireja
The correct answer is R. Suradireja because the question asks who wrote the Wawacan Purnama Alam in Sundanese literature, and R. Suradireja is one of the options given.
Wawacan mimiti sumebarna silihsalin sareng teu kanyahoaan saha nu ngarangna.
Wawacan nyaéta lalakon nu ditulis dina wangun…………………..
Correct Answer
B. Pupuh
The correct answer for this question is "pupuh" because the given passage mentions "Wawacan" which is a traditional Sundanese literary form consisting of poetic verses arranged in a specific meter and rhyme pattern. Pupuh is a type of Sundanese poetry that follows these specific rules and is commonly used in wawacan compositions. Therefore, pupuh is the most fitting answer based on the given information.
Wawacan dina sastra Sunda ditulis dina wangun pupuh.
Mimiti sumebar wawacan ku cara……………………………tur teu kanyahoan saha nu ngarangna.
Correct Answer
D. Silihsalin
The correct answer is "silihsalin". This is because in the given passage, it is mentioned that the Wawacan in Sundanese literature is written in the form of pupuh. The word "silihsalin" means to change or switch, and in this context, it refers to changing or switching the pupuh form of the Wawacan. Therefore, "silihsalin" is the most appropriate answer.
Wawacan dina sastra Sunda ditulis dina wangun pupuh.
Wawacan Rengganis karangan……………………..
Correct Answer
D. H. Abdussalam
The correct answer is H. Abdussalam.
“Ulah bosenan ari diajar téh, sok sing leukeun da éngké ogé moal burung bisa,
asal urangna leukeun ngeureuyeuh bari keyeng kana diajar, geuning ceuk paribasa ogé………………………
Correct Answer
C. Cikaracak ninggang batu, laun-laun jadi legok
Nyai Jupe téh katabrak mobil, nya dirawat di Rumah Sakit “ Thamrin Purwakarta”. Pikeun kaperluan operasi, indungna ngajual perhiasan. Ninggang kana paribasa………….., boga barang ngan sakitu-kituna gé dijual wé, tinimbangan anak maot mah.
Correct Answer
B. Banda tatalang raga
The phrase "banda tatalang raga" is the most suitable completion for the given context. It means that when someone is in desperate need, they are willing to sell their valuable possessions, even if it means selling them at a very low price. This fits well with the situation described in the passage, where Nyai Jupe needs money for an operation and is selling her jewelry, even though it may not fetch a high price.
Dina Sastra Sunda aya wawacan nu mimiti sumebarna ku cara silihsalin.
Wawacan dina macana sok ……………………………….lantaran ditulis dina wangun pupuh.
Correct Answer
C. Ditembangkeun
The correct answer is "ditembangkeun." This is because the passage mentions that the wawacan is sung or recited, which indicates that it is performed or expressed through singing. Therefore, "ditembangkeun" is the most appropriate word choice as it means "to be sung."
Dina Gontrasawala aya sababaraha istilah dina lumangsungna
.…………………pancén pikeun muka acara, ngawanohkeun pangjéjér jeung mungkas acara
Correct Answer
B. Panumbu catur
Dina gotrasawala nu nyatetkeun bahasan nyaeta girang serat.
……………………..pancénna nepikeun jejer nu rék dibahas.
Correct Answer
A. Pangjejer
The correct answer is "pangjejer". This is because the sentence structure suggests that there is a continuation of the discussion, and "pangjejer" means "to continue" or "to proceed" in Indonesian. Therefore, it is the most suitable option to complete the sentence in a coherent manner.
Lumangsungna gotrasawala kudu aya nu ngatur pikeun ngadugikeun pamadegan.
……………………….pancénna nyatetkeun pamadegan parapamilon.
Correct Answer
D. Girang serat
Pupuh dina sastra Sunda aya 17 pupuh, dibagi dua Sekar Ageung jeung Sekar Alit.
Nu kaasup Sekar Alit nyaéta pupuh………………..
Correct Answer
C. Wirangrong, lambang, gurisa
The correct answer is "wirangrong, lambang, gurisa". This is because the question states that there are 17 pupuh in the Sundanese literary form, divided into two categories: Sekar Ageung and Sekar Alit. The missing pupuh belongs to Sekar Alit, and out of the given options, "wirangrong, lambang, gurisa" is the only combination that is not mentioned in the other options.
Dina basa Sunda aya istilah organisasi, nu ngawengku ais pangampihna
Sinonim kecap ketua nyaéta………………………..
Correct Answer
B. Pupuhu
The correct answer is "pupuhu". In the given sentence, the term "ketua" is mentioned, which means "chairperson" or "leader" in English. Among the given options, "pupuhu" is the closest synonym to "ketua". Therefore, "pupuhu" is the correct answer.
Sinonim kecap narpati nyaéta………………………..
Correct Answer
C. Raja
The correct answer is "raja" because the question asks for a synonym for "kecap narpati" and "raja" is a synonym for "kecap narpati".
Wawacan ditulis dina wangun pupuh.
Wawacan Mahabarata karangan……………………..
Correct Answer
C. R. Méméd Sastrahadiprawira jeung R. Satjadibrata
The correct answer is R. Méméd Sastrahadiprawira jeung R. Satjadibrata.