Escribe el teléfono de emergencia.
The correct answer is 112 because it is the emergency phone number. In many countries, including most of Europe and parts of Asia, 112 is the universal emergency number that can be dialed to reach emergency services such as police, fire, and medical assistance. It is important to know and remember this number in case of any emergency situation.
Cuando una persona está inconsciente...
Correct Answer
B. Si respira hay que ponerlo en la posición lateral de seguridad
Cuando una persona está inconsciente, si respira hay que ponerla en la posición lateral de seguridad. Esto se debe a que la posición lateral de seguridad ayuda a mantener las vías respiratorias despejadas, evitando que la persona se ahogue con su propia saliva o vómito. Además, esta posición ayuda a prevenir que la lengua caiga hacia atrás y obstruya las vías respiratorias. Por lo tanto, es importante colocar a una persona inconsciente en esta posición para asegurar su seguridad y facilitar su respiración.
Ante una electrocución o accidente eléctrico...
Correct Answer
C. Desconectar el interruptor de la corriente general de la casa
In the event of an electric shock or electrical accident, it is important to disconnect the main power switch of the house to cut off the electrical supply. This will help prevent further harm or injury to the person involved and ensure their safety.
Marca las dos cosas que podemos hacer cuando alguien ingiere un producto tóxico
Correct Answer(s)
C. Llamar al teléfono de emergencia
D. Tomar muestras, si se puede, del producto ingerido
Cuando alguien ingiere un producto tóxico, hay dos cosas que podemos hacer. En primer lugar, debemos llamar al teléfono de emergencia para obtener ayuda profesional y recibir instrucciones sobre cómo manejar la situación. En segundo lugar, si es posible, debemos tomar muestras del producto ingerido para que los médicos puedan identificar la sustancia y proporcionar el tratamiento adecuado. Hacer vomitar o dar agua no son acciones recomendadas en caso de ingestión de productos tóxicos, ya que pueden empeorar la situación o causar daño adicional.
Ante una quemadura, lo primero que debemos utilizar para bajar la temperatura de la piel es...
Correct Answer
B. Agua
Para bajar la temperatura de la piel ante una quemadura, lo primero que debemos utilizar es agua. El agua ayuda a enfriar la quemadura y a aliviar el dolor. El uso de hielo directamente sobre la quemadura puede empeorar el daño en la piel, por lo que no es recomendable. El barro y el aceite no son adecuados para tratar una quemadura.
Ante un atragantamiento parcial (la persona tose, no puede respirar bien), debemos...
Correct Answer
A. Animarle a toser
When faced with a partial choking (the person coughs, cannot breathe properly), the correct action is to encourage them to cough. This is because coughing can help to dislodge the obstruction and clear the airway. Giving them back blows or water may not be effective or safe in this situation. Providing food is also not recommended as it can further block the airway.
Ante un atragantamiento total (la persona no respira nada, se pone morada), debemos...
Correct Answer
D. Las tres opciones anteriores son correctas
The correct answer is that all three options are correct. In the case of a complete choking (the person is not breathing at all, turning purple), it is recommended to first tilt the person 45 degrees, then give them back blows, and if these actions do not improve the situation, perform the Heimlich maneuver. Therefore, all three options are necessary and appropriate in this scenario.
¿Qué significan las siglas PAS en Primeros Auxilios?
Correct Answer
B. Prevenir, Avisar, Socorrer.
Las siglas PAS en Primeros Auxilios significan Prevenir, Avisar, Socorrer. Estas tres palabras resumen los pasos que se deben seguir al brindar ayuda en una situación de emergencia. Primero, se debe prevenir que la situación empeore o cause más daño. Luego, se debe avisar a los servicios de emergencia o a alguien que pueda ayudar. Por último, se debe socorrer a la persona afectada, brindando el apoyo necesario hasta que llegue la ayuda profesional.
De las siguientes acciones, señala las 4 acciones correctas ante un accidente grave de circulación.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Parar la circulación o desviarla
B. Llamar al 112
E. Hablar con el accidentado para calmarlo
G. Comprobar que la persona está consciente y respira
The correct actions to take in a serious traffic accident are to stop or redirect traffic, call emergency services (112), speak to the accident victim to calm them down, and check that the person is conscious and breathing. Giving water or food to the victim or moving their head is not recommended as it may worsen their condition.
Marca el músculo principal del hombro
Correct Answer
A. Deltoides
The correct answer is Deltoides. The deltoid muscle is the main muscle of the shoulder. It is a large triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint and gives the shoulder its rounded appearance. It is responsible for the movement and stability of the shoulder joint, allowing for various movements such as raising the arm, rotating the arm, and extending the arm.
¿Cómo se llaman los músculos que tenemos en la barriga?
Correct Answer
C. Abdominales
The correct answer is "Abdominales." The question is asking for the name of the muscles in the abdomen, and the correct answer is "Abdominales." The other options listed, "Dorsales," "Cuádriceps," and "Cervicales," refer to muscles in other parts of the body and are not related to the muscles in the abdomen.
Marca los dos músculos principales que tenemos en el brazo
Correct Answer(s)
B. Bíceps
C. Tríceps
The correct answer is "Bíceps, Tríceps". The bíceps and tríceps are the two main muscles in the arm. The bíceps is located on the front of the upper arm and is responsible for flexing the elbow joint. The tríceps is located on the back of the upper arm and is responsible for extending the elbow joint. These muscles work together to allow for various movements of the arm, such as lifting and pushing.
¿Qué nombre reciben, de forma general, todos los músculos de la cara?
Correct Answer
D. Músculos faciales
Los músculos faciales reciben de forma general el nombre de músculos faciales porque se encuentran en la cara. Los músculos pectorales se encuentran en el pecho, los músculos abdominales se encuentran en el abdomen y los músculos frontales se encuentran en la frente. Por lo tanto, la respuesta correcta es músculos faciales.
De la siguiente lista de músculos, señala tres de ellos que los tengamos en las piernas
Correct Answer(s)
A. Cuádriceps
B. Gemelos
D. Isquiotibiales
The correct answer is Cuádriceps, Gemelos, and Isquiotibiales. These three muscles are found in the legs. The Cuádriceps, also known as the quadriceps femoris, is a group of four muscles located in the front of the thigh. The Gemelos, also known as the calf muscles, are located at the back of the lower leg. The Isquiotibiales, also known as the hamstrings, are a group of three muscles located at the back of the thigh. These muscles are responsible for various movements and functions in the legs, such as extending the knee, flexing the knee, and providing stability during walking and running.
¿Cual es el hueso más largo del cuerpo humano?
Correct Answer
C. Fémur
The correct answer is the Fémur. The Fémur is the longest and strongest bone in the human body. It is located in the thigh and extends from the hip to the knee. It plays a crucial role in supporting the body's weight and facilitating movement.
A uno de los siguientes huesos también se le llama maxilar
Correct Answer
B. Mandíbula
La mandíbula es uno de los huesos que también se le llama maxilar.
Están junto al esternón
Correct Answer
A. Costillas
The correct answer is "Costillas." The given statement "Están junto al esternón" indicates that the answer is related to the ribs. The ribs are located next to the sternum in the human body.
Son los huesos del antebrazo
Correct Answer
C. Cúbito y radio
The correct answer is "Cúbito y radio". The question is asking about the bones of the forearm, and the cúbito (ulna) and radio (radius) are indeed the two bones that make up the forearm.
Hueso que está en la parte superior de la espalda
Correct Answer
B. Omóplato
The correct answer is "Omóplato" because it is the bone located in the upper part of the back. The occipital bone is located at the back of the skull, the esternón is the breastbone located in the front of the chest, and the tibia is the bone located in the lower leg. Therefore, the omóplato is the only bone listed that is situated in the upper back.
Está en la rodilla
Correct Answer
A. Rótula
The correct answer is "Rótula" because it is the only option that is related to the knee. The phrase "Está en la rodilla" translates to "It is in the knee" in English, which indicates that the answer should be a body part located in the knee area. The other options (Omóplato, Pelvis, Clavícula) are not located in the knee, so they are not the correct answer.
Son faltas de baloncesto
Correct Answer
B. Pasos, dobles, pie.
The correct answer is "Pasos, dobles, pie." This answer is correct because the other options listed do not make sense in the context of basketball. "Mano" means hand, "triples, dobles, cuádruples" refers to scoring in basketball, and "fuera de juego, doble falta, retención" are terms used in other sports such as soccer or tennis. "Pasos, dobles, pie" are all terms commonly used in basketball to refer to violations such as traveling, double dribble, and stepping out of bounds.
En el 3 x 3 de baloncesto
Correct Answer
D. Todas las respuestas anteriores son correctas
The correct answer is "Todas las respuestas anteriores son correctas" because all the statements mentioned in the question are true. In a 3x3 basketball game, it is played on a single basket, players have to step out of the three-point line when they grab a rebound from the opposing team, and each team consists of 3 players. Therefore, all the given options are correct.
En baloncesto serán dobles si...
Correct Answer
A. Boto con las dos manos a la vez
The correct answer is "Boto con las dos manos a la vez" (I dribble with both hands at the same time). In basketball, dribbling with both hands simultaneously is considered a violation called a double dribble. This occurs when a player stops dribbling, holds the ball with both hands, and then resumes dribbling again. It is against the rules and results in a turnover, with the opposing team gaining possession of the ball.
En baloncesto, serán pasos si...
Correct Answer
B. Corro con la pelota en las manos sin botarla.
In basketball, it is considered a traveling violation if a player runs with the ball in their hands without dribbling it. This is because dribbling is a fundamental skill in basketball that allows players to maintain control of the ball while moving. Running with the ball without dribbling is against the rules and is considered a violation called "traveling" or "taking steps." Therefore, the correct answer is "Corro con la pelota en las manos sin botarla" which translates to "I run with the ball in my hands without dribbling it."
En baloncesto llamamos "zona" a...
Correct Answer
D. Ninguna de las respuestas anteriores es correcta
The correct answer is "Ninguna de las respuestas anteriores es correcta" because none of the previous options accurately describe what a "zona" is in basketball. It is not the entire space until the three-point line, nor is it the entire court. Additionally, it is not true that there is no space called "zona" in basketball. Therefore, the correct answer is that none of the previous options are correct.
Marca las líneas que existan en un campo de baloncesto
Correct Answer
A. Línea de triple y línea de tiro libre
The correct answer is "Línea de triple y línea de tiro libre". These are the lines that exist on a basketball court. The triple line is the arc located beyond the three-point line, and it determines the area where three-point shots can be taken. The free-throw line is the line from where players shoot free-throws, and it is located 15 feet from the backboard.
Cómo se llama el músculo principal del muslo
Correct Answer
C. Cuádriceps
The correct answer is "Cuádriceps." The question is asking for the name of the main muscle in the thigh. The Cuádriceps, also known as the quadriceps femoris, is a group of four muscles located in the front of the thigh. These muscles work together to extend the leg and help with activities such as walking, running, and jumping.
Marca los músculos que están en la parte delantera del cuerpo
Correct Answer
C. Pectorales
The correct answer is "Pectorales." The pectorales, also known as the pectoral muscles or chest muscles, are located in the front of the body. They are responsible for movements such as pushing and pulling, and they contribute to the overall strength and stability of the upper body.