Khalifah pertama Bani Umayyah adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Muawiyah bin Abu Sofyan
Muawiyah bin Abu Sofyan is the correct answer because he was the first caliph of the Umayyad dynasty. He succeeded his father, Abu Sofyan, and established the Umayyad Caliphate in 661 AD. Muawiyah played a significant role in expanding the Islamic empire and consolidating its power. He also established a hereditary system of succession within the Umayyad dynasty, which lasted for nearly a century.
Pemerintahan Bani Umayyah dibagi menjadi dua periode, yaituperiode....
Correct Answer
B. Damaskus dan Cordoba
The correct answer is Damaskus dan Cordoba. The Bani Umayyah government was divided into two periods, with the first period being in Damaskus and the second period being in Cordoba. This suggests that the Bani Umayyah government had a shift in its capital city from Damaskus to Cordoba during its rule.
Masa kejayaan Bani Umayyah terwujud ketika dipimpin oleh....
Correct Answer
B. Walid bin Abdul Malik
Walid bin Abdul Malik was a caliph of the Umayyad dynasty and his reign is considered to be a period of great prosperity for the Umayyads. He implemented various reforms, such as improving the administration and infrastructure of the empire, which led to economic growth and stability. He also expanded the empire's territories through successful military campaigns. Under his rule, the Umayyad caliphate reached its peak in terms of power and influence. Therefore, it can be inferred that the Umayyad dynasty achieved its glory during the leadership of Walid bin Abdul Malik.
Cendikiawan Islam dibidang ilmu tafsir adalah....
Correct Answer
B. Ibnu Sina
Ibnu Sina is the correct answer because he is not only a renowned philosopher and physician but also a prominent figure in the field of tafsir (Quranic interpretation). His work in tafsir, known as "Al-Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim," is highly regarded and has made significant contributions to the understanding and interpretation of the Quran. His expertise in various disciplines, including medicine and philosophy, adds depth and insight to his interpretations of the Quranic texts.
Perhatikan pernyataan dibawah ini:1) Kehidupan yang serba mewah bagi keluarga istana.2) Munculnya kekuatan baru yang dipelopori oleh keturunan al-Abas ibn Abd al-Muthalib.3) Pertentangan etnis antara suku Arabia Utara (Bani Qays) dan Arabia Selatan (Bani Kalb) yang sudah ada sejak zaman sebelum Islam.4) Semangat yang tinggi dalam persatuan dan kesatuan dalam bela negara.5) Banyak memberikan bantuan kepada fakir miskin.Yang merupakan penyebab runtuhnya Bani Umayyah....
Correct Answer
A. 1, 2 dan 3
The combination of factors stated in options 1, 2, and 3 contributed to the downfall of the Umayyad dynasty. The luxurious lifestyle of the royal family created resentment among the general population. The emergence of new powers led by the descendants of al-Abas ibn Abd al-Muthalib challenged the Umayyad rule. The ethnic conflict between the northern Arabian tribe (Bani Qays) and the southern Arabian tribe (Bani Kalb) further weakened the Umayyad authority. These factors together played a significant role in the collapse of the Bani Umayyah.
Allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan suatu kaum sehingga merekamengubah keadaannya sendiri. Hal ini tercantum dalam ....
Correct Answer
B. Q.S Ar Ra’du ayat 11
The correct answer is Q.S Ar Ra’du ayat 11. This verse states that Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. This means that Allah will not bring about a positive change in a community or society unless the individuals within that community make an effort to change themselves and their actions. It emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and self-improvement in order to bring about positive change.
Panglima perang Bani Umayyah yang namanya diabadikan menjadi nama sebuah selat yaitu:
Correct Answer
C. Thariq bin ziyad
Thariq bin Ziyad is the correct answer because his name was immortalized as the name of a strait. The question is asking for the name of the Umayyad military commander who had a strait named after him. Thariq bin Ziyad is the only option that fits this description.
Khalifah Bani Umayyah yang bergelar Al Faruq II adalah....
Correct Answer
B. Umar bin Abdul Aziz
Umar bin Abdul Aziz is the correct answer because he was a Khalifah Bani Umayyah who was given the title Al Faruq II. He was known for his just and righteous rule, implementing reforms and promoting social justice. Umar bin Abdul Aziz is highly regarded for his efforts in upholding Islamic principles and improving the governance of the Umayyad Caliphate.
Kota yang terkenal dengan julukan kota seribu malam adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Bagdad
Bagdad is famous for its nickname "the city of a thousand nights" due to its rich history and cultural heritage. The city was once a thriving center of Islamic civilization, known for its vibrant nightlife, bustling markets, and extravagant palaces. It was also a hub of intellectual and artistic activities, with renowned scholars, poets, and musicians flocking to the city. This nickname reflects the enchanting and mystical atmosphere that Bagdad was renowned for during its golden age.
Pada masa Walid bin Abdul Malik dibangun sebuah Masjid Damaskus hasil karya arsitek terkenal yang bernama...
Correct Answer
A. Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah
During the time of Walid bin Abdul Malik, a famous architect named Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah built the Masjid Damaskus.