Radu Quiz

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| By Raduaprofiri
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 553
Questions: 31 | Attempts: 553

Radu Quiz - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Recesiunile conduc la:

    • A.

      Incetiniri intentionate are ritmului de crestere economica.

    • B.

      Incetiniri neintentionate are ritmului de crestere economica.

    • C.

      Depasirea cresterii anterioare a rezultatelor economice totale.

    Correct Answer
    B. Incetiniri neintentionate are ritmului de crestere economica.
    Recesiunile conduc la incetiniri neintentionate ale ritmului de crestere economica. This means that recessions result in unintentional slowdowns in the rate of economic growth.

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  • 2. 

    In timpul marii crize din anii 1930 in SUA.

    • A.

      Volumul de moneda aflat in circulatie a scazut.

    • B.

      Volumul de moneda aflat in circulatie a crescut.

    • C.

      Multe administratii locale au ordonat bancilor sa isi desfasoare activitatile specifice.

    Correct Answer
    A. Volumul de moneda aflat in circulatie a scazut.
    During the Great Depression in the 1930s in the USA, the volume of currency in circulation decreased.

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  • 3. 

    Intr-o perioada de recesiune tot mai multi cetateni

    • A.

      Devin mai optimisti si prudenti

    • B.

      Cauta sa-si reduca lichiditatile

    • C.

      Devin mai pesimisti si prudenti

    • D.

      Isi reduc dorinta de a detine mai multi bani in numerar

    Correct Answer
    C. Devin mai pesimisti si prudenti
    During a recession, people tend to become more pessimistic and cautious. They are more likely to reduce their liquid assets and become more prudent in their financial decisions. This can be attributed to the uncertainty and economic instability during a recession, which leads individuals to be more cautious about their financial well-being. As a result, they may reduce their desire to hold a large amount of cash and instead opt for more conservative financial strategies.

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  • 4. 


    • A.

      II induce in eroare pe anteprenori

    • B.

      Stimuleaza economia pe termen lung

    • C.

      Permite o mai buna alocare a resurselor rare

    • D.

      II dezavantajeaza pe primii posesori ai banilor proaspat tipariti

    Correct Answer
    A. II induce in eroare pe anteprenori
  • 5. 

    Expansiunea monetara

    • A.

      Genereaza un boom economic pe termen lung

    • B.

      Stimuleaza economia pe termen lung

    • C.

      Stimuleaza economisirea

    • D.

      Conduce la cresterea generalizata a preturilor

    Correct Answer
    D. Conduce la cresterea generalizata a preturilor
    Expansiunea monetară se referă la creșterea cantității de bani în circulație într-o economie. Acest lucru poate duce la o creștere generalizată a prețurilor, deoarece o cantitate mai mare de bani disponibili înseamnă că oamenii pot cheltui mai mult, ceea ce poate determina creșterea cererii și, implicit, a prețurilor. Astfel, expansiunea monetară poate contribui la inflație și la creșterea prețurilor în economie.

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  • 6. 

    Reducerea ritmului expansiunii monetare determina

    • A.

      Abandonarea unor proiecte investitionale incepute

    • B.

      Scaderea ratei dobanzii

    • C.

      Cresteri salariale

    • D.

      Cresterea consumului

    Correct Answer
    A. Abandonarea unor proiecte investitionale incepute
    When the monetary expansion rate is reduced, it implies that there is a decrease in the amount of money being injected into the economy. This reduction in monetary expansion can lead to a decrease in investment projects that have already been started. This is because with less money available, businesses may not have sufficient funds to continue or complete their investment projects. Therefore, the correct answer is "Abandonarea unor proiecte investitionale incepute".

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  • 7. 

    O politica anti-inflationista adecvata presupune

    • A.

      Blocarea cresterii preturilor prin masuri guvernamentale

    • B.

      Reducerea ritmului expansiunii monetare

    • C.

      Supra-impozitarea veniturilor comerciantilor ce practica preturi ridicate

    • D.

      Practicarea unor marje de profit minime

    Correct Answer
    B. Reducerea ritmului expansiunii monetare
    An anti-inflationary policy aims to reduce the rate of monetary expansion. This means that the government will take measures to slow down the growth of money supply in the economy. By doing so, they can control inflation and prevent prices from rising rapidly. This can be achieved through various means such as reducing government spending, increasing interest rates, or implementing tighter monetary policies. By reducing the rate of monetary expansion, the government can effectively manage inflationary pressures and maintain price stability in the economy.

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  • 8. 

    De-a lungul expansiunii monetare, interprinzatorii iau decizii eronate deoarece

    • A.

      Sistemul de preturi transmite semnale distorsionate

    • B.

      Agentii economici nu actioneaza pe baza unei analize-cost beneficii

    • C.

      Interprinzatorii nu pot face previziuni

    • D.

      Lacomia ii impedica sa prefere activitati mai putin riscante

    Correct Answer
    A. Sistemul de preturi transmite semnale distorsionate
    During monetary expansion, entrepreneurs make incorrect decisions because the price system transmits distorted signals. This means that the prices of goods and services do not accurately reflect their true value or scarcity. As a result, entrepreneurs may misinterpret market conditions and make decisions based on inaccurate information. This can lead to inefficiencies and misallocation of resources in the economy.

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  • 9. 

    Excesul de oferta fata de cerere de moneda conduce la o serie de probleme de coordonare asociate

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Inflatiei
    Excesul de oferta fata de cerere de moneda conduce la inflatiei. Acest lucru se intampla atunci cand oferta de moneda este mai mare decat cererea pentru aceasta, ceea ce duce la o scadere a valorii monedei. Cand exista mai multa moneda disponibila decat este necesar pentru a acoperi cererea, oamenii pot cheltui mai mult, ceea ce duce la cresterea preturilor. Astfel, inflatia apare ca rezultat al unui dezechilibru intre oferta si cererea de moneda.

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  • 10. 

    Cand rata dobanzii incepe sa creasca oamenii de afaceri constata ca :

    • A.

      Au interpretat corect semnalele pietei

    • B.

      Au calculat corect profiturile precizate

    • C.

      Inregistreaza costuri si pierderi economice mari

    Correct Answer
    C. Inregistreaza costuri si pierderi economice mari
    When the interest rate starts to increase, business people experience high costs and economic losses.

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  • 11. 

    Rata inflatiei dintr-o tara se apreciaza pe baza unui cos de consum format din bunuri alimentare, cu o pondere de 40%, bunuri industriale, cu o pondere de 40% si servicii. Daca intr-un an preturile alimentelor au crescut cu 30%, ale bunurilor industriale cu 15% iar serviciile cu 10% atunci rata inflatiei a fost de : 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 20%
    The inflation rate is calculated by taking the weighted average of the price changes for each category of goods and services. In this case, the weights are 40% for food, 40% for industrial goods, and the remaining percentage for services. The price of food increased by 30%, industrial goods increased by 15%, and services increased by 10%. By calculating the weighted average, the inflation rate is found to be 20%.

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  • 12. 

    Cresterea ratei dobanzii de referinta de catre banca centrala are ca efect

    • A.

      Restrangerea masei monetare

    • B.

      Cresterea masei monetare

    • C.

      Nu are efect asupra masei monetare

    Correct Answer
    A. Restrangerea masei monetare
    When the central bank increases the reference interest rate, it becomes more expensive for banks to borrow money from the central bank. This leads to a decrease in the amount of money available for lending to the public, which in turn restricts the money supply. Therefore, the correct answer is "restrangerea masei monetare" or "restriction of the money supply".

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  • 13. 

    Recesiunile sunt rezultatul

    • A.

      Unui sir de greseli comise de participantii la activitatea economica

    • B.

      Angajarii unor investitii la costuri justificate de cerere

    • C.

      Interpretarii corecte a semnalelor de pret furnizate de piata

    Correct Answer
    A. Unui sir de greseli comise de participantii la activitatea economica
    The correct answer is "unui sir de greseli comise de participantii la activitatea economica" which translates to "a series of mistakes made by participants in economic activity." This explanation suggests that recessions are caused by a chain of errors made by individuals involved in economic activities. These mistakes could include poor investment decisions, misinterpretation of market signals, or other errors that negatively impact the economy and lead to a recession.

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  • 14. 

    La baza sirului de erori care au dus la criza din anii 1930 au stat

    • A.

      Politiciile monetare restrictive din anii 1920

    • B.

      Restrangerile creditului

    • C.

      Politicile monetare expansioniste din 1920

    Correct Answer
    C. Politicile monetare expansioniste din 1920
    The correct answer is "Politicile monetare expansioniste din 1920." This means that the expansionary monetary policies implemented in the 1920s contributed to the errors that led to the crisis in the 1930s. These policies likely involved increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates in order to stimulate economic growth. However, they may have also led to excessive borrowing, speculative bubbles, and unsustainable economic growth, ultimately causing the crisis.

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  • 15. 

    Marea criza din 1930 a fost cauzata de 

    • A.

      Carentele economiei de piata

    • B.

      Contractia masei monetare in perioada 1920-1930

    • C.

      Politica monetara ce a afectat procesul de coordonare a activitatii economice

    Correct Answer
    C. Politica monetara ce a afectat procesul de coordonare a activitatii economice
    The correct answer is "Politica monetara ce a afectat procesul de coordonare a activitatii economice." This answer suggests that the main cause of the crisis was the monetary policy that affected the coordination of economic activities. This implies that the government's decisions regarding the supply of money and interest rates had a negative impact on the overall functioning of the economy, leading to the crisis.

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  • 16. 

    Decalajele de timp dintre masurile de politica monetara sau fiscala si efectele lor

    • A.

      Reprezinta o constanta care poate fi masurata

    • B.

      Nu reprezinta o constanta care poate fi masurata

    • C.

      Reprezinta o constanta care nu poate fi luata drept baza pentru alte calcule

    Correct Answer
    B. Nu reprezinta o constanta care poate fi masurata
    The correct answer is "nu reprezinta o constanta care poate fi masurata" which translates to "does not represent a measurable constant" in English. This suggests that the time lags between monetary or fiscal policy measures and their effects are not consistent and cannot be accurately quantified.

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  • 17. 

    Inflatia este generata de

    • A.

      Seicii arabi, care scumpesc petrolul

    • B.

      Sindiciate, care ii obliga pe patroni sa plateasca salarii mai mari

    • C.

      Banca centrala, care injecteaza prea multi bani in economie

    • D.

      Vanzatori, care ridica preturile pentru a obtine mai mult profit

    Correct Answer
    C. Banca centrala, care injecteaza prea multi bani in economie
    The correct answer is "banca centrala, care injecteaza prea multi bani in economie" (the central bank, which injects too much money into the economy). This explanation suggests that inflation is generated by the central bank when it increases the money supply in the economy. This can lead to an excess of money chasing the same amount of goods and services, causing prices to rise and inflation to occur.

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  • 18. 

    Expansiunea monetara

    • A.

      Stimuleaza angajarile pe termen scurt

    • B.

      Creste gradul de prosperitate a natiunii

    • C.

      Determina cresterea ratei somajului pe termen scurt

    • D.

      Incurajeaza conduita chibzuita a consumatorilor

    Correct Answer
    A. Stimuleaza angajarile pe termen scurt
    Expansiunea monetară stimulează angajările pe termen scurt deoarece prin creșterea cantității de bani disponibili în economie, se creează o cerere mai mare pentru bunuri și servicii. Această cerere suplimentară determină companiile să-și extindă activitățile și să angajeze mai mulți lucrători pentru a face față cererii crescute. Prin urmare, expansiunea monetară are un efect pozitiv asupra pieței muncii pe termen scurt, stimulând angajările.

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  • 19. 

    Daca aveti 1000 lei sub forma de numerar si ii depuneti la banca intr-un cont de economii

    • A.

      M1 si M2 cresc

    • B.

      M1 creste si M2 nu se modifica

    • C.

      M1 scade si M2 nu se modifica

    • D.

      M1 si M2 nu se modifica

    Correct Answer
    C. M1 scade si M2 nu se modifica
    If you deposit 1000 lei in a savings account at the bank, the M1 money supply will decrease because the cash is no longer in circulation. However, the M2 money supply will not be affected because the money is still within the banking system.

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  • 20. 

    Relaxarea conditilor de creditare permite

    • A.

      Restrangerea masei monetare

    • B.

      Cresterea masei monetare

    • C.

      Nu are efect asupra masei monetare

    Correct Answer
    B. Cresterea masei monetare
    The relaxation of credit conditions allows for an increase in the money supply. When credit conditions are relaxed, it becomes easier for individuals and businesses to borrow money from banks and other financial institutions. This increased borrowing leads to an increase in the amount of money in circulation, as more money is being lent out and spent. Therefore, the correct answer is "cresterea masei monetare" which translates to "increase in the money supply".

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  • 21. 

    Politica anti-inflationista presupune

    • A.

      Continuarea expansiunii monetare

    • B.

      Cresterea ratei dobanzii

    • C.

      Cresterea cheltuielor guvernamentale

    • D.

      Posibilitatea finantarii deficitelor bugetare la costuri reduse

    Correct Answer
    B. Cresterea ratei dobanzii
    The correct answer is "Cresterea ratei dobanzii." This is because an anti-inflationary policy aims to reduce inflation, which can be achieved by increasing interest rates. When interest rates are higher, borrowing becomes more expensive, which discourages spending and investment. By reducing spending and investment, the demand for goods and services decreases, leading to a decrease in inflationary pressures. Therefore, increasing interest rates is a key measure in an anti-inflationary policy.

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  • 22. 

    Sa presupunem ca putem aprecia nivelul inflatiei dintr-o tara  pe seama unui cos de cumparaturi format din bunuri alimentare(55%),bunuri industriale(30%) si servicii.Stiind ca rata cresterii preturilor bunurilor alimentare a fost de 2%, indicele de crestere a preturilor bunurilor industriale a fost de 104% si rata de crestere a tarifelor pentru servicii a fost de 5%, calculati rata inflatiei

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 3,05%
    The correct answer is 3,05%. To calculate the inflation rate, we need to find the weighted average of the price increases for each category. The weight for each category is given as 55% for food, 30% for industrial goods, and 15% for services.

    To calculate the weighted average, we multiply the price increase for each category by its corresponding weight and sum them up.

    For food, the price increase is 2% (55% x 2% = 1.1% contribution to the inflation rate).
    For industrial goods, the price increase is 4% (30% x 4% = 1.2% contribution to the inflation rate).
    For services, the price increase is 5% (15% x 5% = 0.75% contribution to the inflation rate).

    Adding up the contributions, we get 1.1% + 1.2% + 0.75% = 3.05% as the overall inflation rate.

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  • 23. 

    Care dintre elementele descrise mai jos constitui efecte negative ale inflatiei

    • A.

      Cresterea nivielului economisirii

    • B.

      Reducerea puterii de cumparare a monedei

    • C.

      Diminuarea numarului de credite oferite de bancile comerciale

    • D.

      Mentinerea stabilitatii preturilor

    Correct Answer
    B. Reducerea puterii de cumparare a monedei
    Inflation refers to the general increase in prices of goods and services over time. One of the negative effects of inflation is the reduction in the purchasing power of the currency. As prices rise, the same amount of money can buy fewer goods and services, leading to a decrease in the ability to buy and consume. This reduction in purchasing power can negatively impact individuals, businesses, and the overall economy.

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  • 24. 

    Daca luati un credit bancar de 10 000 lei

    • A.

      M1 si M2 cresc

    • B.

      M1 creste si M2 nu se modifica

    • C.

      M1 scade si M2 nu se modifica

    • D.

      M1 si M2 nu se modifica

    Correct Answer
    A. M1 si M2 cresc
    The correct answer is "M1 si M2 cresc" which means "M1 and M2 increase". This suggests that if you take a bank loan of 10,000 lei, both M1 and M2 will increase. M1 refers to the narrow money supply, which includes physical currency and demand deposits, while M2 refers to the broader money supply, which includes M1 plus savings deposits, time deposits, and other types of deposits. Taking a bank loan increases the money supply in the economy, leading to an increase in both M1 and M2.

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  • 25. 

    Un dolar depus in sistemul bancar permite bancilor comerciale sa extinda masa monetara cu:

    • A.

      1 Dolar

    • B.

      Mai mult de 1 dolar

    • C.

      Mai putin de 1 dolar

    Correct Answer
    B. Mai mult de 1 dolar
    When a dollar is deposited in the banking system, commercial banks are able to expand the money supply by creating additional money through the process of fractional reserve banking. This means that banks are required to keep only a fraction of the deposited amount as reserves and can lend out the rest. As a result, the initial deposit of one dollar can lead to the creation of more than one dollar in the form of loans and new deposits. Therefore, the correct answer is "Mai mult de 1 dolar" (More than 1 dollar).

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  • 26. 

    Distorsionarea sistemului preturilor relative este o consecinta a

    • A.

      Modificarea cererii pentru bunurilor finale

    • B.

      Scaderii artificale a ratei dobanzii

    • C.

      Lipsei de coordonare a actiunilor agentilor economici

    • D.

      Indatorirea excesiva a populatiei

    Correct Answer
    B. Scaderii artificale a ratei dobanzii
    A decrease in the artificial interest rate can lead to a distortion of relative prices in the system. When the interest rate is artificially lowered, it encourages borrowing and spending, which can increase the demand for certain goods and services. This increased demand can then lead to an increase in their prices, causing a distortion in the relative prices of different goods and services in the economy. This distortion can affect the allocation of resources and create inefficiencies in the market.

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  • 27. 

    Cresterea ratei rezervei obligatorii are ca efect:   

    • A.

      Restrangerea masei monetare

    • B.

      Cresterea masei monetare

    • C.

      Nu are efect asupra masei monetare

    Correct Answer
    A. Restrangerea masei monetare
    Increasing the reserve requirement restricts the amount of money that banks can lend out, as they are required to hold a higher proportion of their deposits as reserves. This reduces the amount of money available for lending and spending in the economy, leading to a contraction in the money supply. Therefore, the correct answer is "Restrangerea masei monetare" (Restricting the money supply).

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  • 28. 

    Achizitionarea de obligatiuni guvernamentale de catre Banca Centrala are ca efect:

    • A.

      Cresterea masei monetare

    • B.

      Restrangerea masei monetare

    • C.

      Nu are efect asupra masei monetare

    Correct Answer
    A. Cresterea masei monetare
    Achizitionarea de obligatiuni guvernamentale de catre Banca Centrala are ca efect cresterea masei monetare. Aceasta se intampla deoarece atunci cand Banca Centrala achizitioneaza obligatiuni guvernamentale, injecteaza bani in economie prin plata pentru aceste obligatiuni. Prin urmare, cantitatea de bani disponibila in economie creste, ceea ce duce la cresterea masei monetare.

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  • 29. 

    La o rata a rezervei obligatorii de 15% ,o banca cu conturi curente de 100 milioane de dolari trebuie sa detina efectiv:

    • A.

      25 milioane

    • B.

      15 milioane

    • C.

      100 milioane

    • D.

      10 milioane

    Correct Answer
    B. 15 milioane
    The correct answer is 15 milioane. In this question, the bank is required to maintain a reserve of 15% of its current accounts, which amount to 100 million dollars. To determine the amount the bank must actually hold, we multiply 100 million by 15% (or 0.15), which equals 15 million. Therefore, the bank must hold 15 million dollars in reserve.

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  • 30. 

    Daca retrageti 500 lei dintr-un cont de economii:

    • A.

      M1 si M2 cresc

    • B.

      M1 creste si M2 nu se modifica

    • C.

      M1 scade si M2 nu se modifica

    • D.

      M1 si M2 nu se modifica

    Correct Answer
    B. M1 creste si M2 nu se modifica
    When you withdraw 500 lei from a savings account, M1 (which represents the total amount of money in circulation, including physical currency and demand deposits) increases because you are taking physical currency out of the account. However, M2 (which includes M1 plus savings deposits, time deposits, and money market funds) does not change because the withdrawal from the savings account does not affect these other forms of money.

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  • 31. 

    La o rata a rezervei obligatorii de 15% ,o banca cu conturi curente de 100 milioane de dolari poate acorda credite in valoare de:

    • A.

      25 milioane

    • B.

      15 milioane

    • C.

      85 milioane

    • D.

      115 milioane

    Correct Answer
    C. 85 milioane
    The correct answer is 85 million. The question is asking how much credit a bank with current accounts of 100 million dollars can provide, given a reserve requirement of 15%. The reserve requirement is the percentage of deposits that banks are required to hold as reserves and not lend out. In this case, the bank must hold 15% of the 100 million dollars, which is 15 million dollars, as reserves. Therefore, the bank can lend out the remaining 85 million dollars.

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