Whom of the following was not one of the Lords Declarant?
Correct Answer
A. Lord Gerold Grafton
The Lords Declarant, a group of six nobles from the Vale who tried to remove Petyr Baelish as Lord Protector of the Vale, consisted of Lord Yohn Royce, Lady Anya Waynwood, Lord Gilwood Hunter, Lord Horton Redfort, Lord Benedar Belmore and Ser Symond Templeton.
Check all the nicknames of Tormund the Wildling.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Mead-King of Ruddy Hall
B. Father of Hosts
E. Breaker of Ice
F. Husband to Bears
H. Thunderfist
I. Horn-Blower
J. Speaker to Gods
M. Tall-Talker
O. Giantsbane
Tormund the Wildling is known by several nicknames including Giantsbane, Thunderfist, Mead-King of Ruddy Hall, Horn-Blower, Tall-Talker, Breaker of Ice, Husband to Bears, Speaker to Gods, and Father of Hosts. These nicknames highlight his strength, leadership, and connections to nature and the gods.
House Blackwood's seat is called ________.
Correct Answer(s)
Raventree Hall
Their neighbour and enemy, House Bracken, resides in Stone Hedge.
Who is Samwell Tarly's grandfather?
Correct Answer
A. Lord Alester Florent
Sam's mother is Melessa Florent, daughter of Lord Alester Florent, who was burned alive by Melisandre in a Feast for Crows.
Ser Ilyn Payne got his tongue ripped out by the Mad King for saying that the Hand of the King, Lord Tywin Lannister, was truly ruling the kingdom rather than King Aerys himself.
Correct Answer
A. True
He was later made the King's Justice by Robert Baratheon because of his fearsome radiation.
The signing of ________ marked the end of the Dawn Age and the beginning of the Age of Heroes.
Correct Answer
The Pact, the pact
The signing of the Pact on the Isle of Faces ended the war between the First Men and the children of the forest that had been going on for centuries.
The Eyrie is the smallest of the great castles in Westeros.
Correct Answer
A. True
The Eyrie is indeed the smallest of the great castles in Westeros. It is located in the Vale of Arryn and is known for its strategic position atop the Giant's Lance, a mountain peak. The castle is designed to be easily defensible, with high walls and narrow paths leading up to it. Its small size and isolated location make it a formidable stronghold, but also limit its capacity for housing large numbers of people. Therefore, the statement that the Eyrie is the smallest of the great castles in Westeros is true.
What is forbidden and punishable by death in Vaes Dothrak, the Dothraki 'city'?
Correct Answer
D. Drawing a blade and/or spilling blood
In the shadow of the Mother of Mountains, no khalasars may make war on one another.
Garth the Gardener, son of Garth Greenhand, founded House Tyrell of the Reach.
Correct Answer
B. False
The first son of the High King of the First Men founded House Gardener. House Gardener would rule the Reach for centuries to come until the Targaryens killed the last Gardener King in the Field of Fire. Aegon the Conqueror then made House Tyrell Lord of the Reach.
________ was a warrior queen and Princess of the Rhoynar, and led her people to Dorne to save them from the Valyrian invaders.
Correct Answer
She then wed Mors Martell, Prince of Dorne, and burned the ten thousand ships she arrived with so her folk could never go back.
Which sellsword company does Brown Ben Plumm command?
Correct Answer
A. Second Sons
The Second Sons first side with Dany, but turn their cloaks when an army from Yunkai arrives outside the walls of Mereen.
What is the sigil of House Glover?
Correct Answer
D. A mailed fist
The battle-axe belongs to House Cerwyn, the sentinels to House Tallhart and the roaring giant in broken chains is the sigil of House Umber.
According to a somewhat popular theory, the High Sparrow is none other than ________.
Correct Answer
Howland Reed
Howland Reed, friend of Ned Stard and witness to whatever happened at the Tower of Joy, is said to appear "at some point in the series", according to George RR Martin.
Dany saw a vision of both the coming of the Others and the Red Wedding in the House of the Undying in a Clash of Kings.
Correct Answer
B. False
She did see a vision of the Red Wedding, but she never saw Others in the House of the Undying.
According to a popular theory, Wyman Manderly killed the three Freys that visited him, baked them into pies, and subsequently served them at the wedding of Ramsay Bolton to Jeyne Poole.
Correct Answer
A. True
Whilst not confirmed, this is heavily implied in the Theon/Reek chapters that take place in Winterfell in a Dance with Dragons.
Before Jaime Lannister was appointed to the Kingsguard, Lord Tywin intended to marry him to ______?
Correct Answer
B. Lysa Tully
When Jaime became a brother of the Kingsguard, Tywin offered Tyrion instead, but Lord Hoster Tully refused, saying that he would like "a whole man" for his daughter.
According to a popular theory, one of Oberyn Martell's bastard daughters is a novice at the Citadel under the alias ________.
Correct Answer
Alleras the Sphinx
the Sphinx
Alleras, also known as the Sphinx, is introduced in the prologue of a Feast for Crows. The reversed of Alleras is Sarella, who happens to be one of Oberyn's bastard daughters. Suspicious...
The ancestral sword of House Dayne, said to be created from a falling star, is called ______.
Correct Answer
The knight of House Dayne worthy of the sword gains the title 'Sword of the Morning'. The last Sword of the Morning was Arthur Dayne, member of King Aerys' Kingsguard and killed by Eddard Stark's party at the Tower of Joy. Afterwards, Eddard returned Dawn to Starfall, seat of House Dayne.
In a Clash of Kings, Theon Greyjoy gives ________ the task of taking Torrhen's Square.
Correct Answer
Dagmer Cleftjaw
Whilst defeated by Ser Rodrik's forces the first time, after the massacre at Winterfell the ironborn take over Torrhen's Square in a second attempt, and is still held by ironborn forces.
The words of House Stark are:
Correct Answer
Winter is Coming
The words of House Stark are "Winter is Coming." This phrase serves as a warning and reminder to always be prepared for the harsh and unpredictable winters in the fictional world of Game of Thrones. House Stark, being from the North, is known for enduring the longest and harshest winters. The phrase symbolizes their resilience and readiness to face the challenges that lie ahead.
The words of House Tully are:
Correct Answer
Family, Duty, Honor
Family Duty Honor
Family, Duty, Honour
Family Duty Honour
The correct answer is "Family, Duty, Honor." This is the correct phrasing of the words of House Tully. The words emphasize the importance of one's family, the responsibilities and obligations that come with it, and the value of honor in fulfilling those duties.
The words of House Arryn are:
Correct Answer
As High as Honor
As High as Honour
As High as Honour
The words of House Arryn are "As High as Honor." The repetition of the phrase with slight variations in spelling suggests that it is intentionally emphasized and important to the house. The use of the word "honor" indicates that House Arryn values integrity, righteousness, and noble behavior. The repetition of the phrase reinforces the significance of honor in their values and serves as a reminder of their commitment to upholding these principles.
The words of House Lannister are:
Correct Answer
Hear me Roar
Hear me Roar!
The correct answer is "Hear me Roar, Hear me Roar!" This is the correct answer because it accurately reflects the words of House Lannister. The repetition of "Hear me Roar" emphasizes the pride and power associated with the Lannister family.
The words of House Greyjoy are:
Correct Answer
We do not Sow
The words of House Greyjoy, "We do not Sow," imply that the Greyjoys do not engage in agriculture or farming like other houses. Instead, they rely on other means to sustain themselves and gain power, such as raiding and pillaging. This motto reflects their proud and independent nature, as they refuse to be tied down by the traditional responsibilities of cultivating the land.
The words of House Tyrell are:
Correct Answer
Growing Strong
The words "Growing Strong" are the motto of House Tyrell. This phrase represents the strength and resilience of the Tyrell family, as well as their ability to adapt and thrive in any situation. It signifies their ambition to continuously grow and prosper, both in terms of their political power and their influence in the realm. House Tyrell is known for their wealth and resourcefulness, and their motto reflects their determination to maintain and expand their position in the Seven Kingdoms.
The words of House Baratheon are:
Correct Answer
Ours is the Fury
The words of House Baratheon are "Ours is the Fury." This phrase represents the fierce and aggressive nature of House Baratheon. It signifies their determination and readiness to fight and defend their interests. The words "Ours is the Fury" reflect their strong belief in their own power and their willingness to unleash their fury upon their enemies. This motto captures the essence of House Baratheon's character and serves as a reminder of their formidable presence in the Game of Thrones universe.
The words of House Martell are:
Correct Answer
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken, unbowed, unbent, unbroken
The words of House Martell from Game of Thrones are "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken." These words reflect the proud and resilient nature of the Martells, who rule over the desert kingdom of Dorne. Despite facing numerous challenges and attempts at subjugation, the Martells have maintained their independence and strength. Their motto symbolizes their unyielding spirit and determination to remain unconquered and steadfast in their principles and identity.
The words of House Targaryen are:
Correct Answer
Fire and Blood
The words of House Targaryen, "Fire and Blood," symbolize the family's history and legacy. Fire represents their connection to dragons and their ability to wield dragonfire as a weapon. Blood represents the Targaryen's pure Valyrian bloodline and their belief in the importance of bloodlines and lineage. These words also reflect the Targaryen's ruthless and ambitious nature, as they are willing to use fire and bloodshed to achieve their goals and maintain their power.
The first Faceless Men were (probably) responsible for:
Correct Answer
C. The Doom of Valyria
The first Faceless Men brought the gift of Death to their fellow slaves working in the mines of Valyria. Later, they also brought the gift to the masters, and presumably also the fire wizards who were responsible for keeping the Fourteen Flames in check.
In a Feast for Crows, Brynden Tully escapes Riverrun just before his nephew Edmure Tully surrenders the castle to Jaime Lannister. How?
Correct Answer
A. He swims under the portcullis and downstream along the Red fork
The Blackfish is a good swimmer and swims his way to freedom just before Jaime takes the castle.
The name of the fool Catelyn Stark kills at the Red Wedding is _______.
Correct Answer
Jinglebell, Aegon Frey, Aegon
Aegon Frey, often called Jinglebell, is the first son from the second wife of the first son from the first wife of Lord Walder Frey. Confusing, isn't it?
Legends about the Grey King, legendary first king of the Iron Islands, say that he married a mermaid.
Correct Answer
A. True
He also supposedly killed Nagga, a great sea dragon, with the help of the Drowned God himself. Additionally, legends say he brought fire to the earth by taunting the Storm God until a lightning bolt set a tree ablaze, he taught men to weave nets and sails, and he carved the first longship from Ygg, a demon tree that ate men.
The current Lord of House Dayne was:
Correct Answer
B. Part of the Brotherhood Without Banners
Edric Dayne, nephew of Ashara and Arthur Dayne, was a squire to Beric Dondarrion, but left the Brotherhood when Lady Stoneheart took command after the final death of Lord Beric.
Roose Bolton is brother-in-law to Big Walder, one of the Frey wards in Winterfell.
Correct Answer
B. False
Roose, by marrying Walda Frey became brother-in-law to Little Walder instead.
According to the prophecy, Azor Ahai will be reborn amidst __________?
Correct Answer
Salt and Smoke
Smoke and Salt
Salt & Smoke
Smoke & Salt
There are several characters that fit this criterium. Stannis, Daenerys and Jon can arguably all three claim to be reborn amidst salt and smoke.
Egg, squire to Ser Duncan the Tall, would later be known as:
Correct Answer
D. King Aegon V
Featured in the Dunk and Egg novellas, Aegon (nicknamed Egg) is the fourth son of the fourth son of King Daeron II, with little prospect of one day ascending the Iron Throne. He squires for Duncan, a hedge knight. In the end, Egg does end up on the seat of his grandfather, and Duncan is raised to Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
Who did Theon Stark, alias the Hungry Wolf, NOT fight during his reign as King of Winter?
Correct Answer
D. The Boltons rebelling against the Starks
In fact, he made common cause with the Boltons to smash the Andal army that landed along the east shore. He then raised his own fleet and sailed across the Narrow Sea to fight the Andals in their own land.
According to a popular theory, Balon Greyjoy was killed by a Faceless Man. What character prophesied the manner of his death?
Correct Answer
B. The Ghost of High Heart
"I dreamt of a man without a face, waiting on a bridge that swayed and swung. On his shoulder perched a drowned crow with seaweed hanging from its wings." Because of the latter part of the prophecy, many people believe Balon's brother, Euron's Crow's Eye, ordered the assasination.
In the House of the Undying, Daenerys saw a vision of Prince Rhaegar falling in the battle of the Trident. What were his last words?
Correct Answer
C. A woman's name
Many people believe this to be Lyanna Stark's name. Rhaegar abducted Lyanna several months before the battle, and it is widely believed that Lyanna gave him a son, found by Eddard Stark and Howland Reed at the Tower of Joy, who grew up to be Jon Snow.
When captured by the Brave Companions, Brienne is spared being raped because of Jaime, who convinces their captors that Tarth is often called the __________, implying Brienne is worth a fine ransom.
Correct Answer
Sapphire Isle, sapphire isle, Sapphire isle
In A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin, when Brienne of Tarth is captured by the Brave Companions, Jaime Lannister convinces them to spare her from being raped by implying that Brienne is worth a fine ransom. He tells them that Tarth, Brienne's home island, is often called the "Sapphire Isle," leading the captors to believe that it is rich in sapphires, though the name actually refers to the color of the surrounding waters. This deception helps protect Brienne.
Biter is killed by whom in a Feast for Crows?
Correct Answer
D. Gendry
Gendry drives a spear through Biter's neck at the inn at the crossroads after Brienne kills Rorge.
Who does Littlefinger blame for the death of Lysa Arryn?
Correct Answer
C. Marillion the singer
In reality, Littlefinger himself pushes Lysa out the Moon Door after she threatened to push Sansa Stark to her death.
In her first assasination assignment during her training at the House of Black and White, Arya kills her target by quietly putting a poisoned coin in his purse.
Correct Answer
B. False
Instead of putting the coin in his purse directly, she slips the poisoned coin into the purse of a captain who is meeting the man. He dies because he always bites coins to check if they are really gold.
While in Harrenhal, Arya sees Elmar Frey, squire to Roose Bolton, cry. Why?
Correct Answer
D. His marriage to Arya was called off
Whilst Arya doesn't know it, the "princess" Elmar was supposed to marry was actually Arya Stark, sister of King in the North Robb Stark. The marriage was part of the deal with the Freys, but after Robb betrayed them by marrying Jeyne Westerling, they turned their cloaks and called off Elmar's marriage, and started planning the Red Wedding with Roose Bolton and Tywin Lannister instead.
What is Tyrion Lannister's nickname?
Correct Answer
C. The Imp
Tyrion Lannister is often called "The Imp" due to his dwarfism. This nickname highlights his small stature, which has been a defining characteristic of his life and a source of prejudice against him. Despite this, Tyrion is known for his sharp intellect, wit, and strategic mind, often using his underestimated appearance to his advantage.
In George R.R. Martin's series A Song of Ice and Fire, the legendary throne made of swords is called the ______________ throne.
Correct Answer
iron, Iron
In A Song of Ice and Fire, the Iron Throne is the seat of power in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. It was forged by Aegon the Conqueror from the swords of his defeated enemies. The Iron Throne symbolizes ultimate authority and the constant struggle for power among the noble houses. Its imposing and uncomfortable design reflects the harsh nature of ruling the realm.
_________ had a hand in the dwindling of the dragons during the reign of the Targaryens in Westeros.
Correct Answer
D. The Citadel
The Citadel had a hand in the dwindling of the dragons during the reign of the Targaryens in Westeros. There are hints and theories, especially in the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin, suggesting that the maesters of the Citadel may have played a role in the extinction of the dragons to reduce the magical influences in the world and promote a more scientific and rational approach to life in Westeros.
Who devises the plan to rescue the Arya Stark imposter and get her out of Winterfell in a Dance with Dragons?
Correct Answer
C. Mance Rayder
Mance Rayder, under the alias of Abel, convinces Theon/Reek to help him and his spearwives to get 'Arya' (he doesn't know she is actually Jeyne Poole) out of Winterfell and away from the Boltons. A lot of double identities going on around there...
Euron Crow's Eye possesses a horn that binds dragons to his will, called Dragonbinder. Its counterpart, which supposedly 'wakes giants from the earth', is called ___________.
Correct Answer
Joramun's Horn
Joramuns Horn
The Horn of Joramun
Horn of Joramun
Horn of Winter
The Horn of Winter
Mance Rayder found a horn in the Frostfangs in a Clash of Kings, but it is not known whether this is Joramun's Horn or not. Among readers, there is also a lot of speculation as to what is meant with 'waking giants from the earth'. Some believe an ice dragon will awaken, while others simply believe that the Wall will fall.
According to a fan theory, at the end of a Dance with Dragons Jojen Reed is _________.
Correct Answer
A. Eaten by Bran Stark
The 'Jojen Paste' theory suggests Jojen was part of the paste given to Bran in a Dance with Dragons. Bran tastes blood while eating the paste, and hasn't seen Jojen around for a while, leading to the creation of this slightly disturbing fan theory.