This exam has been designed as the entrance exam for the Metropolitan Philadelphia Collegiate Baseball Umpires Association. The MPCBUA is affiliated with the CBUAO (Collegiate Baseball Umpires Assigning Organization).
The out on R3 stands
Award R1 third base on the obstruction.
R1 is returned to first base and R3 is awarded home.
R3 is awarded home since he was advancing to the plate when obstruction was called and R1 is awarded second base.
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The out at second stands.
R1 is awarded third and the BR is awarded second.
R1 is awarded second.
R1 is awarded home and the BR is awarded third.
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R1 is out and BR is awarded first base.
Award R2 home, R1 third and the BR second base.
Award R2 third, R1 second and the BR first base.
Award R2 third and the BR and R1 are both called out.
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Inning is over, the out stands for the third out.
If R3 has not touched home when the BR is called out, the run would not count.
R2 is out for the third out. The other action occurred after the side had been retired.
The ball is "dead" on the obstruction of R2 by F6. Score R3, award R2 third and award BR second if he had touched first before the obstruction of R2.
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If the BR missed first, call him out on appeal. The game is over since the BR never touched first.
Award the BR second base, R1 third and R3 home.
Award the BR first, R1 second and R3 stays at third since he had not touched home when the obstruction occurred.
Ignore the BR's missing of first base since the obstruction on the BR was recognized and called.
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Be any color except gray or white.
Be black or brown.
Not have any white logo even if the umpire does not deem it distracting.
Be two-tone black and gray.
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Passes any part of the plate.
Passes the batter's front hip.
Passes the batter's front knee.
Passes the front edge of home plate.
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Choose a sleeve that matches the color of the undershirts of the other defensive players on the field.
Wear neoprene sleeves on both arms.
Wear a uniform undershirt over the neoprene sleeve that is of the same color as that of his teammates.
The pitcher can only wear a neoprene sleeve if all the other defensive players are wearing one.
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Obstruction that occurs on a runner that is not being played upon.
A delayed dead ball.
All obstruction is immediately dead.
An immediate dead ball.
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The umpires should sustain the defensive appeal. The batter is out, R1 remains at second base.
The appeal is irrelevant. The ball should have been declared dead immediately. B2 remains at the plate. R1 is awarded second on the balk.
The appeal is granted. However, since B2 and R1 did not advance one base, the balk is enforced. Award R1 second base and B2 remains at the plate with the count the same as it was before the balk.
The appeal is unnecessary. Because the batter had the opportunity to advance and failed to do so, he is called out for abandoning the bases. R1 remains at second. The balk is ignored.
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The ball remains live and in play.
R2 is out, R3 returns to third and the batter is awarded first base.
By playing in, the defense can never benefit when a ball strikes a runner.
None of the provided responses.
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A ball is awarded to the first batter.
A team warning is issued. Any subsequent violation by any pitcher of that team results in a ball being awarded to the first batter of that inning.
A warning is issued that applies only to that pitcher. The initial violation by other pitchers from that team is also penalized with a warning.
The pitcher and coach are ejected after a warning.
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A ball is awarded to the first batter.
A team warning is issued. Any subsequent violation by any pitcher of that team results in a ball being awarded to the first batter of that inning.
A warning is issued that only applies to that pitcher. The initial violation by other pitchers from that team is also penalized with a warning.
The pitcher is ejected if this is his second violation.
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Only bats stamped with the BBCOR logo are legal in 2011.
The only non-wood bats that are legal in 2011 are those stamped with the BBCOR logo.
A BESR stamped bat that was legal in 2010 remains legal in 2011.
Only wood bats are legal in 2011.
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It only applies with no runners on base.
There are no exceptions. The batter may not leave the box.
Umpires are instructed to enforce the rule both verbally and visually.
Upon violation, the ball is declared dead and a strike is awarded.
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The umpires must get together to "get the call right."
The coach is charged a defensive conference unless the call is overturned.
If the coach has already visited the mound that inning, he must replace his pitcher unless the call is overturned.
None of the above are correct.
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He is allowed to wear a glove that is black and gray.
Neoprene-type sleeves do not need to be covered by an undershirt.
A pitcher may not pause during his delivery from the wind-up position.
The home team is responsible for providing a rosin bag.
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Begins: At the plate meeting. Ends: When the umpires leave the field.
Begins: When the umpires arrive on the field. Ends: Following the final out.
Begins: With their arrival at the game site. Ends:With their departure from the game site.
Begins: When the umpires arrive on the field. Ends: When the umpires leave the field.
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Applies at second, third and home.
Requires that contact occurs for interference to be called.
Only applies at second base.
Both A and B are correct.
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The bat must cross the front edge of the plate.
The entire bat must pass the batter's back hip.
The umpire must be convinced the batter attempted to hit the ball, regardless of the bat's position.
The barrel head of the bat must pass the batter's front hip.
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The offense may congregate around the plate to congratulate the base runners and the hitter.
The offense is restricted to the warning-track area in front of the dugout (approximately 15 feet).
The offense must remain in the dugout to congratulate team members.
There are no restrictions because there have been no sportsmanship issues.
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Any fielder must have possession of the ball in order to block a runner's path at all times.
The defensive player is never allowed to block a runner's path.
On a pickoff throw, a fielder must have possession of the ball in order to block a base.
If a runner is obstructed, the ball is automatically dead.
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A ball that is dropped or juggled after a tag or force play.
A batted ball that leaves the field for a ground-rule double or home run.
A catch/no-catch with less than two outs and with runners on base.
A balk called with the pitcher's pivot foot off the rubber.
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It must be a conference game.
The coaches may decide, at any time the score is out-of-hand, to invoke the rule.
In the case of a non-conference game, it must be agreed upon at the plate conference prior to the start of the contest.
The home coach makes the decision when the halted-game rule will be used
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The umpire will deny the request for the coach to visit the relief pitcher.
The coach may visit the relief pitcher but must remove him after he completes pitching to the first batter he faces or the side is retired.
The mound conference is legal. The coach does not have to remove the relief pitcher after he pitches to one batter or the side is retired, since this is the coach's first conference with his new pitcher.
This first visit to the relief pitcher is considered the second trip in that inning.
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The 20-second pitch clock is paused while the catcher talks with his pitcher.
The 20-second pitch clock is reset after the catcher has concluded his mound visit and has returned to the catcher's box.
The 20-second pitch clock is reset once the catcher has concluded his mound visit and reaches the dirt area around home plate.
The 20-second pitch clock continues to run during the time the catcher goes to the mound.
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90-seconds to get in his eight warm-up pitches.
Only the number of pitches he can throw in the 90-second or 108-second time frame.
The 90-second clock is started at the time the relief pitcher reaches the dirt area of the mound.
Even though the pitch clock is running, the relief pitcher is allowed eight warm-up throws without penalty.
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When the defensive player returns to his position.
When the batter gets reset in the batter's box.
When the pitcher gets on the rubber and is ready to get his sign.
When the plate umpire points the ball back into play.
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At least one base beyond where they were obstructed.
As many bases as the umpire believes they would have reached had there not been obstruction but never less than one.
As many bases as the umpire believes they would have reached had there not been obstruction but always one base.
In Type 2, sometimes none, one, two, three or four bases depending on the situation.
This is a tag and R3 is out.
This is not a tag. The runner is safe because the catcher did not display a voluntary release.
This is not a tag but the ball becomes dead when the umpire rules R3 safe at third base.
The umpire will always call time to consult with his partners to see if there was a voluntary release.
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Return R1 and R3 to their respective bases at the time of the pitch.
Call R3 out and return R1 to first and the batter continues to bat with a 1-2 count. Call the runner nearest home plate out for the batter stepping out of the box to hit the ball.
Return R1 and R3 to their respective bases and call the batter out for illegally batting the ball.
Call both R3 and the batter out and return R1 to first base for the batter's interference.
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R1 is out.
R1 is safe.
This is a double play with R1 and B2 both being declared out.
If unsure, call time and confer with your plate umpire because you failed to cover this situation in your pre-game. Question #33
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The plate umpire awards the old offensive team a run and the inning continues.
There is no score on this play, the inning is over.
The previous defensive team's coach can have a valid dead-ball appeal to negate the run.
The previous defensive team cannot appeal because they did not do it before all infielders left the field and the catcher had left the dirt area around home plate.
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If B8 leads off the next inning, B8 is not batting out of order.
B9 should be the next proper batter to lead off the next inning.
B1 is the batter that should be leading off the next inning if there was no appeal.
The defensive team can appeal batting out-of-order from the previous half-inning if the next half-inning hasn't started.
The name must be on the lineup card exchanged at the pre-game meeting or anytime the manager wishes to insert a DH during the course of the game.
A DH and the player he is batting for are not locked into one spot in the batting order.
The DH is eliminated for that game when the pitcher moves to a defensive position.
Any DH that begins the game as the DH, must make at least one plate appearance during the game unless he becomes injured.
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The batter, base-runner(s), and the on-deck batter.
The batter, third base coach and the on-deck hitter.
The batter, the on-deck batter and the catcher.
The batter, bat-boy, on-deck batter, base coaches and all base runners.
Kluszewski became a legal player when he reached his position in the first inning and play began. Since Dropo never took the field, he is eligible to enter the game as a substitute.
Legal,Dropo was listed in the starting line-up, he may reenter the game.
Illegal, Kluszeski was an unannounced substitute and Dropo cannot reenter the line-up once he has left the line-up.
Legal, the coach is allowed one mistake on his line-up card without penalty.
Disregard the interference since the defense got an out on the play.
Call the batter out for interference and allow the out at second to stand.
The batter is out and return R1 to first and allow R2 to remain at third.
The batter is out and both R1 and R2 return to their respective bases at the time of the pitch.
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An offensive team may meet during a defensive conference without the meeting being charged as long as there is no additional delay.
A defensive team may meet during an offensive conference without the meeting being charged as long as there is no additional delay.
In extra innings, a team is allowed to have one defensive conferene every inning without having to replace the pitcher.
In extra innings, a team is not allowed to carry over unused defensive conferences.
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R3 is out and the hitter continues to bat with a strike being added to his count.
R3 is allowed to to stay at third base and the batter is out.
Both R3 and B2 are declared out for the interference by R3.
B2 remains at the plate but is charged with a strike. R3 is not out because it was incidental contact.
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The bater is awarded first base on a hit-by-the pitch. The ball is dead immediately.
The batter is not awarded first base since he must move away from the pitch.
The batter is not awarded first base since he allowed himself to get hit by the pitch.
The batter is awarded first base on ball four. The ball remains live and in play.
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The batter is out and the ball is dead immediately.
R1 is not called out.
The result is an immedioate dead ball when the catcher touches the foul pop up.
This results in a double play.
The ball is live and R1 gets all the bases he can make.
Award R1 second base.
Award R1 third base.
R1 is not allowed to advance since F3 had no chance to retrieve the ball.
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The plate umpire calls time immediately on the interference by F2.
The plate umpire calls time at the end of the play. The batter is awarded first base and R2 is returned to second.
The plate umpire calls time at the end of the play and then awards the batter first base and R2 third base.
The offensive coach or manager does not have any options on this play.
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R3 and R1 both score and the batter/runner is called out.
R3 scores, R1 is returned to third and the batter-runner is out for interference.
R3 scores. The UIC may award R1 home if he feels he would have made it home had there been no interference and the batter-runner is out.
R3 scores but the defensive team may elect to have R1 called out instead of the batter-runner.
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F1 has balked.
R1 remains on first.
No balk, pitching sequence is begun anew.
A ball is awarded to the batter because the pitcher did not deliver the pitch in 20 seconds.
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The game is suspended with the visitors leading 5-4.
The game is over, the score is 4-4. The two teams will need to replay the game from its beginning the next chance they get.
The game is over and it is a "tie" game.
The game is halted, even though the Halted Game rule was not discussed until the ninth inning.
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B4 is out on appeal for overunning or oversliding first base and failing to return immediately and he or the base is tagged.
B4 is out for abandonment for leaving the infield but R3 scores on a time play.
B4 is out and R3's run does not count.
B4 is allowed to return to first base since the umpire had failed to make it clear that he was out. The run by R3 counts.
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Return R1 to first on the umpire interference, the ball became dead at the time of the interference.
The defense must appeal the umpire interference before the play can be reversed and R1 is returned to first base.
Umpire interference can only be called when the umpire interferes with the catcher's attempt to throw anywhere or when a fair hit ball touches an umpire before passing all infielders, other than the pitcher, who have a chance to field the ball.
R1 is returned to second base.
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Award R2 home, R1 third and the batter-runner second base.
Award R2 and R1 home and place the batter-runner at second.
Award R2 and R1 home and place the batter-runner at third.
The ball is dead when it enters the dugout, R1 is at second, R2 is at third and the batter-runner is at first.
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