1 ) التلاميذ .................... ناجحون ( ضع توكيدا مناسبا مكان النقط )
Correct Answer
A. كلهم
The correct answer is "كلهم". This is because the word "كلهم" means "all of them" and it is the appropriate word to use in this context to indicate that all the students are successful.
2 ) اشترى الطالب الكراسات ......................... ( ضع توكيدا مناسبا مكان النقط )
Correct Answer
B. جميعها
The correct answer is "جميعها". This is because the sentence is referring to buying notebooks, which is a feminine noun in Arabic. Therefore, the appropriate pronoun to use is "ها" which means "them" in the feminine form.
3 ) أنهى العامل كل عمله . ( كلمة كل في الجملة السابقة توكيد )
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because the word "كل" (every) is used for emphasis, not for negation. Therefore, the correct translation would be "The worker finished every task" rather than "The worker finished no task."
4 ) ( كل الاكتشافات تفيد الناس ) حول كلمة ( كل ) إلى توكيد .
Correct Answer
C. الاكتشافات كلها تفيد الناس
The correct answer is "الاكتشافات كلها تفيد الناس" because it translates to "All discoveries benefit people." The word "كلها" is used to emphasize that all discoveries, without exception, benefit people.
5 ) اجتهد الطلاب ، و جميعهم متفوقون . ( هل كلمة " جميعهم " توكيد ؟ )
Correct Answer
B. لا لأننا لا نستطيع حذفها
The word "جميعهم" (all of them) cannot be omitted because it adds emphasis to the statement. It highlights that all of the students are successful, emphasizing the collective achievement of the students. Therefore, the correct answer is "No, because we cannot omit it."
6 ) " أعطيت أمي عينها هدية " أعرب كلمة ( عينها )
Correct Answer
C. توكيد منصوب بالفتحة
The word "عينها" in the given sentence is a pronoun that refers to "أمي" (my mother). It is in the accusative case (منصوب) and is emphasized (توكيد) by the use of a fatha (فتحة) vowel. Therefore, the correct answer is "توكيد منصوب بالفتحة" which means "emphasized in the accusative case with a fatha vowel".
7 ) " عالج الطبيب عين المريض " ... " عالج الطبيب المريض عينه " اختر الجملة التي تحتوي على توكيد .
Correct Answer
B. الثانية
The correct answer is the second one because it emphasizes the action of the doctor treating the patient's eye by placing the word "عينه" (his eye) at the end of the sentence. This placement highlights the specific body part being treated and adds emphasis to the action.
8 ) " استمعت إلى القصيدة نفسها " أعرب كلمة ( نفسها )
Correct Answer
A. توكيد مجرور بالكسرة
The phrase "نفسها" is in the accusative case (مجرور) because it follows the preposition "إلى" (to). In this case, the accusative case is indicated by the kasrah (كسرة) vowel on the last letter of the word. Therefore, the correct answer is "توكيد مجرور بالكسرة" (accusative case indicated by kasrah).
9 ) " الطبيبات .............. يعالجن المرضى " ضع توكيدا مناسبا مكان الفقط .
Correct Answer
C. كلهن
The correct answer is "كلهن". This is because the sentence is referring to female doctors, and in Arabic, the plural form for a group of females is "كلهن".
10 ) التوكيد يتبع المؤكد في الإعراب ( رفعا و نصبا و جرا )
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true. In Arabic grammar, التوكيد (emphasis) follows المؤكد (the confirmed). When a word or phrase is confirmed or emphasized, it is usually marked with a specific grammatical case: رفعا (nominative), نصبا (accusative), or جرا (genitive). This helps to highlight the importance or significance of the confirmed element in the sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is true.