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| By Crina
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 1,290
Questions: 42 | Attempts: 1,290

Microeconomie - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    In conditiile schimbatoare ale pietei chitarelor acustice, scaderea pretului molidului ( din care este confectionata chitara) are drept efect

    • A.

      Aparitia unui deficit daca pretul de vanzare ar ramane neschimbat

    • B.

      O deplasare spre dreapta a curbei cererii

    • C.

      Cresterea costului marginal de oportunitate al productiei de chitare

    • D.

      O deplasare spre dreapta a curbei ofertei

    Correct Answer
    D. O deplasare spre dreapta a curbei ofertei
    A decrease in the price of spruce (from which the guitar is made) in the changing conditions of the acoustic guitar market would result in a rightward shift of the supply curve. This means that more guitars can be supplied at each price, leading to an increase in the quantity of guitars supplied in the market.

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  • 2. 

    Existenta plafoanelor maxime de pret conduce la:

    • A.

      Aparitia unui deficit de oferta

    • B.

      Cresterea consumului datorita pretului mai scazut la produsul respective

    • C.

      Aparitia unui deficit de cerere

    Correct Answer
    B. Cresterea consumului datorita pretului mai scazut la produsul respective
    The existence of maximum price ceilings leads to an increase in consumption due to the lower price of the respective product. When the government imposes a maximum price that is below the market equilibrium price, it creates an artificial shortage of the product. This shortage leads to increased demand as consumers try to purchase the product at the lower price. As a result, consumption increases as more consumers are able to afford and purchase the product at the lower price.

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  • 3. 

    Selectati varianta corecta pentru a complete in ordine spatiile libere: ` Aparitia pietei concurentiale impune indeplinirea unor conditii precum: existent unui………. de consumatori si producatori, cee ace face ca pozitia de ……… sa ……….. in cadrul acesteia

    • A.

      Numar redus, oligol, existe

    • B.

      Numar mare, monopol, nu existe

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Numar mare, oligopol, existe

    • D.

      ​​​​​​Numar redus, monopol, nu existe

    Correct Answer
    C. ​​​​​​Numar mare, oligopol, existe
    The correct answer is "Numar mare, oligopol, existe". In a competitive market, there is a large number of consumers and producers, which creates a situation where there is a limited number of firms (oligopoly) and they have some control over the market (existence). This answer accurately describes the conditions imposed by the emergence of a competitive market.

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  • 4. 

    In situatia in care compania autohtona Dacia arc ere sprijinul guvernului pentru a restriction concurenta din cadrul acestui sector, liderii companiei urmaresc:

    • A.

      ​​​​​​Sa verifice corectitudinea si impartialitatea guvernantilor

    • B.

      ​​​​​​Corecta functionare a pietei auto din Romania, astfel incat consumatorul sa nu fie afectat de practicile dur concurentiale ale principalilor competitor

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Crearea unei conjuncture sanatoase fata de tot cee ace inseamna concurenta loiala si transparenta la nivelul pietei

    • D.

      Propriul confort, Acela de a se mentine sub umbrella protectoare a guvernului, care protejeaza firma de restul competitorilor de pe piata

    Correct Answer
    D. Propriul confort, Acela de a se mentine sub umbrella protectoare a guvernului, care protejeaza firma de restul competitorilor de pe piata
    The correct answer suggests that the leaders of the company are seeking their own comfort by staying under the protective umbrella of the government, which protects the company from other competitors in the market. This implies that they are more focused on their own interests and maintaining their position of advantage, rather than ensuring fairness, transparency, and a healthy competitive market for the benefit of consumers.

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  • 5. 

    Alegeti varianta care completeaza correct, in ordine, textul urmator: Pragul de pre teste pretul………… stabilit prin lege cu scopul de a veni in sprijinul………. Pe cand plafonul de pret reprezinta ……………. Stabilit de a favoriza ………….

    • A.

      Minim, consumatorilor, maxim, ofertantii

    • B.

      Minim, ofertantilor, maxim, consumatorii

    • C.

      Maxim, consumatorilor, minim, ofertantii

    • D.

      ​​​​​​Maxim, ofertantilor, minim, consumatorii

    Correct Answer
    B. Minim, ofertantilor, maxim, consumatorii
    The correct answer is "Minim, ofertantilor, maxim, consumatorii". In the given text, it is stated that "Pragul de pre teste pretul" (the price test threshold) is set by law to support the "ofertantii" (suppliers). This implies that the threshold is set at a minimum level to benefit the suppliers. On the other hand, "plafonul de pret" (price ceiling) is stated to be set at a maximum level to favor the "consumatorii" (consumers). Therefore, the correct answer is the one that matches these statements.

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  • 6. 

    Insuficienta reprezinta relatia intre

    • A.

      Sacrificiu si raritate

    • B.

      ​​​​​​Disponibilitate si utilitate

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Dezirabilitate si disponibilitate

    • D.

      ​​​​​​Bunurile prezente si cele viitoare

    Correct Answer
    C. ​​​​​​Dezirabilitate si disponibilitate
    The correct answer is "Dezirabilitate si disponibilitate" because insuficienta refers to the scarcity or lack of availability of desirable goods or resources. In this context, dezirabilitate refers to the desirability or attractiveness of goods, while disponibilitate refers to their availability. Therefore, the relationship between dezirabilitate and disponibilitate is what insuficienta represents.

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  • 7. 

    Vinproduct s.a produce struguri. Costurile de productie au fost de 4.600.000 lei, in conditiile in care s-au obtinut 2000 de tone. Statul acorda o subventie de 80 de bani pe kg si impune un plafon de pret de 2 lei per kg. Care va fi profitul firmei Vinproduct?

    • A.

      Nu se poate calcula

    • B.

      1.000.000 lei

    • C.

      400.00 lei

    • D.

      100.000 lei

    Correct Answer
    B. 1.000.000 lei
    The answer of 1.000.000 lei is correct because the calculation of profit can be done by subtracting the total production costs from the total revenue. In this case, the total revenue can be calculated by multiplying the total weight of grapes (2000 tons) by the price per kilogram (2 lei/kg), which equals 4.000.000 lei. The total production costs are given as 4.600.000 lei. Therefore, the profit is 4.000.000 lei - 4.600.000 lei = -600.000 lei. However, since the state provides a subsidy of 80 bani per kg, which is equivalent to 0.8 lei per kg, the profit can be adjusted by subtracting the subsidy amount from the total production costs. Therefore, the final profit is -600.000 lei + 0.8 lei/kg * 2000 tons = 1.000.000 lei.

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  • 8. 

    Maximizarea venitului net presupune:

    • A.

      ​​​​​​Stabilirea unui pret de vanzare la care venitul marginal este egal cu costum marginal

    • B.

      ​​​​​​Practicarea unui pret de vanzare cat mai scazut in vederea cresterii vanzarilor

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Practicarea unui pret de vanzare cat mai ridicat

    • D.

      Stabilirea unui pret de vanzare la care venitul marginal este mai mare decat costul marginal

    Correct Answer
    D. Stabilirea unui pret de vanzare la care venitul marginal este mai mare decat costul marginal
    Maximizing net income involves setting a selling price at which marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost. This means that the additional revenue generated from selling one more unit should be higher than the additional cost incurred in producing that unit. By setting the selling price in this way, a company can ensure that it is maximizing its profitability and not incurring losses.

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  • 9. 

    Amenintarea unei catastrofe naturale:

    • A.

      ​​​​​Duce la o crestere a calitatii motorinei

    • B.

      ​​​​​​Determina deplasarea la dreapta a curbei cererii de motorina

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Antreneaza o scadere a cererii de combustibili

    • D.

      Nu afecteaza in niciun fel situatia de pe piata combustibililor

    Correct Answer
    B. ​​​​​​Determina deplasarea la dreapta a curbei cererii de motorina
    The threat of a natural disaster can lead to a shift in the demand curve for motor fuel to the right. This means that the demand for motor fuel increases due to the potential need for transportation during and after the disaster. People may need to evacuate or use more fuel for emergency services. As a result, the quantity demanded at any given price increases, causing the demand curve to shift to the right. This does not necessarily mean that the quality of the motor fuel increases or that the overall situation in the fuel market is unaffected.

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  • 10. 

    Stiind ca functiile cererii si ale ofertei sunt Xc= 25-2Px si, respectic Xo=7+Px. Combinatia care asigura inchirierea pietei este

    • A.

      (24, 6)

    • B.

      (13, 6)

    • C.


    • D.

      (6, 12)

    Correct Answer
    B. (13, 6)
    The correct answer is (13, 6) because it represents the combination of quantity demanded and quantity supplied that ensures market equilibrium. In this case, the quantity demanded (Xd) is given by Xc = 25 - 2Px, where Px is the price. The quantity supplied (Xs) is given by Xo = 7 + Px. To find the equilibrium, we set Xd equal to Xs and solve for Px. Plugging in the values from the answer choices, only (13, 6) satisfies this condition, indicating that at a price of 6, the quantity demanded and supplied will both be 13.

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  • 11. 


    • A.

      Urmareste protejarea intereselor consumatorilor

    • B.

      Este incurajat de majoritatea legislatiilor nationale in domeniul concurentei

    • C.

      Impiedica intrarea pe piata a unor noi firme

    • D.

      Are ca efecte, in general, scaderea preturilor pe piata

    Correct Answer
    C. Impiedica intrarea pe piata a unor noi firme
    The given correct answer states that a cartel prevents the entry of new firms into the market. This means that cartels engage in anti-competitive practices by limiting competition and maintaining their market dominance. By preventing new firms from entering the market, cartels can control prices and reduce competition, which can have negative effects on consumers. This explanation aligns with the understanding that cartels aim to protect their own interests rather than those of consumers.

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  • 12. 

    Fie X un producator de elicoptere,  care are urmatoarele informatii despre piata: Pretul elicopterului (mil, EURO) Cantitatea ceruta 20 1 18 2 16 3 13 4  Stiind ca vanzarea unui elicopter are cost marginal de 8 milioane euro

    • A.

      ​​​​​​Profitul total maxim este obtinut pentru 4 unitati vandute

    • B.

      Venitul marginal pentru al treilea avion vandut este de 12 milioane Euro

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Venitul total pentru 3 elicoptere este de 67 milioane euro

    • D.

      Pentru a-si maximiza venitul net, producatorul trebuie sa vanda numai 3 elicoptere

    Correct Answer
    D. Pentru a-si maximiza venitul net, producatorul trebuie sa vanda numai 3 elicoptere
    The producer should only sell 3 helicopters in order to maximize their net income. This is because the total profit is maximized when 4 units are sold, as stated in the question. Additionally, the marginal revenue for the third helicopter sold is 12 million Euros, which is higher than the marginal cost of 8 million Euros. Therefore, selling an additional helicopter would result in a decrease in net income. The total revenue for selling 3 helicopters is 67 million Euros, which is the highest among the given options.

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  • 13. 

    Inchirierea unei piete

    • A.

      Are la baza o decizie cu character administrative a autoritatilor guvernamentale

    • B.

      Este observata doar in perioada de crestere economica

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Este realizata pe baza unor calculi atente realizate de specialist din mediul academic

    • D.

      ​​​​​​Este o tendintaprezenta in cazul pietei libere a oricarui bun sau serviciu

    Correct Answer
    D. ​​​​​​Este o tendintaprezenta in cazul pietei libere a oricarui bun sau serviciu
    The correct answer states that "It is a current trend in the case of the free market of any good or service." This means that the rental of a market is a common occurrence in a free market economy for any type of good or service. This suggests that renting a market is a regular practice and not limited to a specific economic period or based on administrative decisions made by government authorities.

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  • 14. 

    Identificati raspunsul gresit

    • A.

      In absenta incertitudinii, profiturile ar fi diminuate intr-atat de mult, incat ar tinde catre zero

    • B.

      In absenta incertitudinii, totalitatea informatiilor relevante pentru obtinerea profitului ar fi cunoscute la scara larga

    • C.

      ​​​​​​In absenta incertitudinii, informatiile sunt rare si, prin urmare, posibilitatea de a obtine profit se afla la indemana tututor

    • D.

      ​​​​​​In absenta incertitudinii, totalitatea oportunitatilor legate de a obtine profiturile ar fi expicate pe deplin

    Correct Answer
    D. ​​​​​​In absenta incertitudinii, totalitatea oportunitatilor legate de a obtine profiturile ar fi expicate pe deplin
    In the absence of uncertainty, all opportunities related to obtaining profits would be fully explained. This means that there would be complete knowledge and understanding of all potential avenues for making profit, leaving no room for ambiguity or unknown factors. In such a scenario, individuals would have a clear understanding of how to maximize their profits and make informed decisions based on comprehensive information.

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  • 15. 

    Arbitrajul, ca forma a activitatii antreprenoriale, presupune:

    • A.

      ​​​​​​Sa cumperi ieftin sis a vinzi, pe o alta piata, mai scump

    • B.

      ​​​​​​Cumpararea la termen a unui bun X, la pretul de astazi, mai mic

    • C.

      Vanzarea la termen al unui bun X, la pretul de astazi, mai mare

    • D.

      Sa cumperi scump si sa vinzi, pe o alta piata, mai ieftin

    Correct Answer
    A. ​​​​​​Sa cumperi ieftin sis a vinzi, pe o alta piata, mai scump
    Arbitrajul, ca forma a activitatii antreprenoriale, presupune sa cumperi un bun la un pret mai mic si sa il vinzi pe o alta piata la un pret mai mare. Aceasta strategie permite obtinerea unui profit prin exploatarea discrepantelor de pret intre piete sau intre momente diferite de timp. Prin urmare, raspunsul corect este "Sa cumperi ieftin si sa vinzi, pe o alta piata, mai scump".

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  • 16. 


    • A.

      ​​​​​​Determina scaderea preturilor bunurilor

    • B.

      Ii descurajeaza pe producatorii de bunuri si servicii

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Ajuta la coordonarea in timp a pietelor

    • D.

      Ingreuneaza functionarea sistemului economic

    Correct Answer
    C. ​​​​​​Ajuta la coordonarea in timp a pietelor
    The correct answer is "Ajuta la coordonarea in timp a pietelor" (Helps in coordinating markets over time). This answer suggests that speculators play a role in facilitating the smooth functioning of markets by helping to coordinate the supply and demand of goods and services over time. Speculators can provide liquidity to the market, absorb excess supply or demand, and help stabilize prices. Their activities can contribute to market efficiency and ensure that prices reflect the true value of goods and services.

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  • 17. 

    Cantitatea cumparata in conditiile plafonarii maxime a preturilor va fi

    • A.

      Mai mare decat cea de echilibru

    • B.

      Mai mica decat cea de echilib

    • C.

      Nu se poate aprecia, atat timp cat nu stim care va fi reactia vanzatorilor

    Correct Answer
    A. Mai mare decat cea de echilibru
    The correct answer is "Mai mare decat cea de echilibru" because when prices are capped at a maximum, it creates an artificial shortage in the market. This means that the quantity demanded by consumers will be greater than the quantity supplied by sellers at the capped price. Therefore, the quantity purchased under these conditions will be greater than the equilibrium quantity where supply and demand are in balance.

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  • 18. 

    O companie producatoare vinde 1000 de biciclete la un pret de 250 u.m. In conditiile in care costurile sale totale sunt de 150000 u.m, rata profitului calculate pe baza cifrei de afaceri va fi:

    • A.

      Compania nu inregistreaza profit

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 40%
    The company sells 1000 bicycles at a price of 250 u.m., resulting in a total revenue of 250,000 u.m. The total costs for the company are 150,000 u.m. To calculate the profit rate based on the revenue, we divide the profit (total revenue minus total costs) by the revenue and multiply by 100. In this case, the profit is 250,000 u.m. - 150,000 u.m. = 100,000 u.m. Dividing 100,000 u.m. by 250,000 u.m. and multiplying by 100 gives us a profit rate of 40%.

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  • 19. 

    Proprietarul unei brutarii vinde pe parcursul unui an 40.000 de paini la un pret unitar de 1.5 lei. Daca rata profitului calculate la cifra de afaceri a fost de 30%, ce profit a obtinut proprietarul brutariei?

    • A.

      18.000 lei

    • B.

      60.000 lei

    • C.

      10.000 lei

    • D.

      12.000 lei

    Correct Answer
    A. 18.000 lei
    The proprietor of the bakery sold 40,000 loaves of bread at a unit price of 1.5 lei, resulting in a total revenue of 60,000 lei. The question states that the profit rate calculated based on the sales was 30%. Therefore, the profit obtained by the owner can be calculated as 30% of the total revenue, which is 0.3 * 60,000 = 18,000 lei.

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  • 20. 

    Tabelul urmator exprima relatia dintre pretul pe bucata si cantitatea ceruta pentru camera. Stiind ca producerea unei camera video il costa pe vanzator 410 euro, atunci Pret ( Euro) Cantitatea ceruta (buc) 700 0 680 1 650 2 610 3 560 4 500 5

    • A.

      Venitul net maxim este obtinut pentru un pret de vanzare de 680 Euro

    • B.

      Venitul marginal pentru cea de-a treia camera video este de 620 Euro

    • C.

      ​Profitul este maxim atunci cand pretul este de 650 euro

    • D.

      Venitul marginal egaleaza costul marginal pentru un pret de 560 euro

    Correct Answer
    D. Venitul marginal egaleaza costul marginal pentru un pret de 560 euro
    The marginal revenue equals the marginal cost for a price of 560 euros.

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  • 21. 

    Procentajul adaosurilor utilizate de vanzatori

    • A.

      ​​​​​​Difera in functie de tipurile de afaceri

    • B.

      ​​​​​​Este intotdeauna egal cu procentajul cresterii costurilor

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Este acelasi pentru toate produsele oferite de o firma

    • D.

      ​​​​​​Se situeaza intre 10 si 15%

    Correct Answer
    A. ​​​​​​Difera in functie de tipurile de afaceri
    The correct answer is "Difera in functie de tipurile de afaceri" (It varies depending on the types of businesses). This means that the percentage of markups utilized by sellers can vary depending on the different types of businesses. Different industries and sectors may have different pricing strategies and profit margins, leading to variations in the markups used by sellers.

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  • 22. 

    Va aflati intr-un supermarket pentru a cumpara vopsea de par si observati ca acest produs se vinde la oferta speciala: O vopsea de par la 19 lei, sau doua la 30lei. Veti cumpara, mai degraba doua vopsele de par decat una, numai daca a doua vopsea valoreaza pentru voi cel putin

    • A.

      49 lei

    • B.

      19 lei

    • C.

      15 lei

    • D.

      11 lei

    Correct Answer
    D. 11 lei
    The given answer of 11 lei is correct because the statement says that you will buy two hair dyes instead of one only if the second dye is worth at least 49 lei to you. Since the second dye is being sold for 30 lei in the special offer, which is less than the 49 lei threshold, it means that you will not buy two dyes. Therefore, the price of the second dye must be less than 30 lei, and the only option that meets this criteria is 11 lei.

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  • 23. 

    Pe piata inchirierilor de apartamente din Iasi, pretul unui imobil cu 2 camere este de 380 euro/luna. In luna octombrie a anului current, numarul de apartamente disponibile spre inchiriere a fost de 600unitati. Protestele studentilor fata de pretul mult prea ridicat determina autoritatile locale sa intervina in vederea stabilirii unei chirii ocntrolate de doar 280 euro/luna. In acest context:

    • A.

      Intentiile autoritatilor de a ieftini chiriile pentru student vor constitui o reusita deoarece, la noul nivel al chiriilor, fiecare student doritor sa locuiasca in chirie va avea posibilitatea de a-si gasi, cu usurinta, un apartament. Practice, problema ` rationalizarii` acestora dispare

    • B.

      Proprietarilor, respective chiriasilor le este negate posibilitatea de a negocia chiriile apartamentelor la un nivel egal cu suma impusa de 280euro

    • C.

      Intentiile autoritatilor de a ieftini chiriile pentru student vor esua deoarece la noul nivel al chiriilor cantitatea ceruta de apartamente va creste, iar oferta va ramane, pe termen scurt, inelastica, fapt pentru care proprietarii vor rationaliza apartamentele disponibile dupa alte criterii decat cele ale pretului

    • D.

      Proprietarilor, respective chiriasilor le este negate posibilitatea de a negocia chiriile apartamentelor la un nivel inferior sumei impuse de 280 euro

    Correct Answer
    C. Intentiile autoritatilor de a ieftini chiriile pentru student vor esua deoarece la noul nivel al chiriilor cantitatea ceruta de apartamente va creste, iar oferta va ramane, pe termen scurt, inelastica, fapt pentru care proprietarii vor rationaliza apartamentele disponibile dupa alte criterii decat cele ale pretului
    The authorities' intentions to lower the rent for students will fail because at the new rental level, the quantity of apartments demanded will increase, while the supply remains relatively fixed. This means that there will be a shortage of apartments, and landlords will have the power to choose tenants based on criteria other than just the price. Therefore, students will not have an easy time finding an apartment at the reduced rent, and the problem of rationing apartments will still exist.

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  • 24. 

    Daca pe piata cafelei pretul de echilibru este de 3$ pe kilogram iar consumatorii conving autoritatile de justetea unui pret maxim de 2.5$ pe kilogram

    • A.

      ​​​​​​Se va reduce cantitatea oferita de cafea

    • B.

      ​​​​​​Se va produce un deficit al cererii

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Se va diminua raritatea cafelei

    • D.

      Cantitatea ceruta va fi mai mica decat cantitatea oferita

    Correct Answer
    C. ​​​​​​Se va diminua raritatea cafelei
    If consumers convince authorities to set a maximum price of $2.5 per kilogram of coffee, it means that the price is lower than the equilibrium price of $3 per kilogram. This lower price will discourage coffee producers from supplying as much coffee because they will not be able to cover their costs and make a profit. As a result, the scarcity of coffee will increase, leading to a decrease in its availability or rarity. Therefore, the correct answer is "Se va diminua raritatea cafelei" which translates to "The rarity of coffee will decrease."

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  • 25. 

    Va avea cu siguranta un antreprenor

    • A.

      Oficiul postal

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Scoala publica

    Correct Answer
    C. Kaufland
    The given answer, Kaufland, is most likely the correct choice because it is a well-known retail chain that operates in Romania. Kaufland is known for its large supermarkets that offer a wide range of products, making it a popular choice for many consumers. Additionally, Kaufland is often found in commercial areas and is known for its competitive prices and convenience. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Kaufland would have an entrepreneur or business owner associated with it.

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  • 26. 

    Maria vrea sa faca rost de bani pentru vacanta de Craciun si, cum se pricepe la gatit, se gandeste sa faca niste cozonaci, imprumuta bani de la colegi si cumpara faina de 200lei, nuca de 100 lei, oua de 100 lei si ulei, drojdie si stafide de 100lei, cam cat estimeaza ea ca i-ar trebui pentru 40 de cozonaci. Isi face calcululul pentru vacanta si ar avea nevoie de 500lei. La ce pret isi va vinde maria cozonacii, pentru a-si indeplini planul

    • A.

      Maria va vinde cozonacii la pretul pe care il va stabili piata prin ajustarea dintre cerere si oferta

    • B.

      La 25 lei bucata

    • C.

      Maria va vinde cozonacii la cel mai mare pret la care se vor gasi produse indetntice in piata

    • D.

      La 50 lei bucata

    Correct Answer
    B. La 25 lei bucata
    Maria will sell the cozonacs at a price of 25 lei each. This is because the question states that Maria needs to make a total of 500 lei for her vacation. She has already spent 600 lei on ingredients, so she needs to make up for this deficit. Since she estimates that she will make 40 cozonacs, each cozonac needs to be sold for 25 lei in order for her to reach her goal of 500 lei.

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  • 27. 

    Cheltuielile necesare pentru informarea agentilor economic, intermedierea si negocierea contractelor, realizarea operatiunilor de vanzare- cumparare se numesc

    • A.

      Costuri economice

    • B.

      Costuri de tranzactie

    • C.

      Costuri de operare

    • D.

      Costuri contabile

    Correct Answer
    B. Costuri de tranzactie
    The correct answer is "Costuri de tranzactie". This is because the given statement mentions expenses related to informing economic agents, intermediating and negotiating contracts, and carrying out buying and selling operations. These activities involve transaction costs, which refer to the expenses incurred during the process of conducting business transactions. Therefore, "Costuri de tranzactie" is the most appropriate term to describe these specific expenses.

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  • 28. 

    Dintre institutiile care nu pretend derularea activitatii economice cu scopul obtinerii de profit, indentificam

    • A.


    • B.

      Fan curier

    • C.


    • D.

      Salvati copii Romania

    Correct Answer
    D. Salvati copii Romania
    Salvati copii Romania is a non-profit organization that does not aim to generate profit through its activities. It is focused on providing assistance and support to children in need. Unlike Nestle, Fan curier, and Carrefour, which are profit-oriented institutions, Salvati copii Romania operates with the goal of helping children rather than making money.

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  • 29. 

    Conditia funtamentala pentru a maximiza venitul net, conform modului de gandire economic consta in:

    • A.

      Stabilirea unor preturi care permit vanzarea tututor acelor unitati si doar a acelor unitati pentru care venitul marginal previzionat este mai mic decat costul marginal

    • B.

      Stabilirea unor preturi care permit vanzarea tuturor acelor unitati si doar a acelor unitati pentru care venitul marginal previzionat este mai mic sau egal cu costul marginal

    • C.

      ​​​​​​Stabilirea unor pretuiri care permit vanzarea acelor unitati si doar a acelor unitati pentru care venitul marginal previzionat este mai mare sau egal decat costul marginal

    • D.

      Stabilirea unor preturi care permit vanzarea tuturor acelor unitati si doar a acelor unitati pentru care venitul marginal previzionat este maxim

    Correct Answer
    C. ​​​​​​Stabilirea unor pretuiri care permit vanzarea acelor unitati si doar a acelor unitati pentru care venitul marginal previzionat este mai mare sau egal decat costul marginal
    The fundamental condition for maximizing net income, according to economic thinking, is to set prices that allow for the sale of those units and only those units for which the anticipated marginal revenue is greater than or equal to the marginal cost. This means that the price should be set in such a way that the additional revenue generated from selling one more unit is equal to or greater than the additional cost incurred in producing that unit. By doing so, the firm can ensure that it is maximizing its net income.

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  • 30. 

    Ce este piata?

    • A.

      Un obiect

    • B.

      Un proces

    • C.

      Un loc

    • D.

      O persoana

    Correct Answer
    B. Un proces
    Piata este un proces prin care bunurile, serviciile și resursele sunt schimbate între vânzători și cumpărători. Este un loc de întâlnire unde se desfășoară tranzacții comerciale, iar prețurile și cantitățile sunt stabilite prin interacțiunea dintre cerere și ofertă. De asemenea, piața poate fi văzută ca un mecanism prin care se stabilesc prețurile și se reglementează activitatea economică.

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  • 31. 

    Selectati variant corecta pentru a complete spatiile libere: Profitul………. Se poate determina ca………. intre/dintre………… si …………

    • A.

      Contabil, suma, venit total, cost total

    • B.

      Economic, diferenta, venit total, cost total ( implicit+ explicit)

    • C.

      Economic, suma, venit total, cost explicit

    • D.

      Contabil, diferenta, venit total, cost implicit

    Correct Answer
    B. Economic, diferenta, venit total, cost total ( implicit+ explicit)
    The correct answer is "Economic, diferenta, venit total, cost total ( implicit+ explicit)". This answer is correct because in economics, profit is defined as the difference between total revenue and total cost. Total revenue represents the sum of all income generated from sales, and total cost includes both explicit costs (such as wages, rent, and materials) and implicit costs (such as opportunity costs and depreciation). Therefore, the answer choice "Economic, diferenta, venit total, cost total ( implicit+ explicit)" accurately describes the calculation of profit in economic terms.

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  • 32. 

    Piata, prin mecanismele ei, asigura

    • A.

      Eliminarea riscurilor din orice domeniu

    • B.

      Eliminarea costurilor de tranzactie

    • C.

      Controlul preturilor

    • D.

      Cresterea si diversificarea ofertei de bunuri si servicii

    Correct Answer
    C. Controlul preturilor
    The correct answer is "controlul preturilor" which translates to "price control" in English. The given statement suggests that the market, through its mechanisms, ensures price control. This implies that the market regulates and influences the prices of goods and services, potentially preventing extreme price fluctuations and promoting stability in the economy.

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  • 33. 

    Pragul minim de pret este

    • A.

      Pretul de inchidere a pietei

    • B.

      Un nivel al pretului superior celui de echilibru

    • C.

      Acel nivel al pretului la care piata este in echilibru

    • D.

      Un pret maxim impus prin lege

    Correct Answer
    B. Un nivel al pretului superior celui de echilibru
    The correct answer is "un nivel al pretului superior celui de echilibru" (a price level higher than the equilibrium price). This is because the question is asking for the minimum price threshold, which implies that it should be higher than the equilibrium price. The equilibrium price is the price at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied, and any price below this level would result in a shortage. Therefore, the minimum price threshold should be higher than the equilibrium price to avoid a shortage in the market.

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  • 34. 

    Prohibitia in ceea ce priveste consumul drogurilor are urmatoarele consecinte

    • A.

      In contextul pretului aflat intr-o continua crestere, masurile prohibitive afecteaza elasticitatea cererii de droguri, care este mult mai inelastica

    • B.

      Afetcteaza elasticitatea ofertei de droguri, in conditiile in care producerea si comercializarea acetora sunt insotite... crescute, ceea ce face ca pretul drogurilor sa creasca

    • C.

      Incurajeaza tranzactionarea acestor substante, indiferent de riscurl asumat, tocmai datorita pretului in continua.. face ca elasticitatea ofertei sa sporeasca

    • D.

      Descurajeaza consumul de droguri prin reguli ale jocului bine stabilite

    Correct Answer
    B. Afetcteaza elasticitatea ofertei de droguri, in conditiile in care producerea si comercializarea acetora sunt insotite... crescute, ceea ce face ca pretul drogurilor sa creasca
    The correct answer states that the prohibition of drug consumption affects the elasticity of drug supply, as the production and commercialization of drugs are accompanied by increased costs, resulting in higher drug prices. This means that the supply of drugs becomes less responsive to changes in demand, leading to a higher price for drugs.

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  • 35. 

    Pentru o diferentiere reusita a pretului trebuie indeplinita si urmatoarea conditie

    • A.

      Diferentierea vanzatorilor cu elasticitati diferite ale ofertei

    • B.

      Obtinerea de aprobari din partea autoritatilor statului

    • C.

      Obtinerea avizelor necesare din partea asociatiilor de protectie a drepturilor consumatorilor 

    • D.

      Diferentierea cumparatorilor cu elasticitati diferite ale cererii 

    Correct Answer
    D. Diferentierea cumparatorilor cu elasticitati diferite ale cererii 
    To successfully differentiate the price, it is necessary to differentiate the buyers based on different elasticities of demand. This means that the price can be adjusted based on the willingness and ability of different buyers to pay for a product or service. By understanding the different elasticities of demand among buyers, a company can tailor its pricing strategy to maximize profits and meet the specific needs and preferences of different customer segments. This approach allows for targeted pricing and can help a company gain a competitive advantage in the market.

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  • 36. 

    Daca salariul de echilibru este de 550 lei iar statul impune un slaraiu minim de 600 lei, atunci

    • A.

      Va aparea un excedent de oferta de forta de munca

    • B.

      Bunastarea populatiei va creste, datorita cresterii veniturilor din vanzarea fortei de munca

    • C.

      Angajatorii vor dori sa angajeze lucratori suplimentari

    Correct Answer
    A. Va aparea un excedent de oferta de forta de munca
    If the equilibrium salary is 550 lei and the state imposes a minimum wage of 600 lei, there will be an excess supply of labor. This means that there will be more workers willing to work at the minimum wage than there are job opportunities available at that wage. This can lead to unemployment and a surplus of labor in the market.

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  • 37. 

    Sporul de venit obtinut in urma vanzarii unei unitati suplimentare poarta denumirea de 

    • A.

      Venit net

    • B.

      Venit brut

    • C.

      Venit marginal

    • D.

      Venit total 

    Correct Answer
    C. Venit marginal
    The correct answer is "venit marginal". "Venit marginal" refers to the additional income generated from selling one additional unit of a product. It helps businesses determine the profitability of producing and selling additional units. This measure is important for decision-making processes such as pricing strategies and production levels.

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  • 38. 

    Selectati varianta corecta pentru a completa in ordine spatiile libere: "aparitia pietei concurentiale impune indeplinirea unor conditii precum: existenta unui .............. de consumatori si producatori, ceea ce face ca pozitia de .............. sa ............. in cadrul acesteia"

    • A.

      Numar redus; monopol, nu existe

    • B.

      Numar redus; oligopol; existe

    • C.

      Numar mare; oligopol; existe

    • D.

      Numar mare; monopol; nu existe

    Correct Answer
    C. Numar mare; oligopol; existe
    The correct answer is "numar mare; oligopol; existe". When the competitive market emerges, it requires the presence of a large number of consumers and producers, which leads to the existence of an oligopoly position within it.

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  • 39. 

    Intr-o "societate bine guvernata", cum ii spunea Adam Smith, cu economie de piata

    • A.

      Rolul guvernului este foarte important, deoarece fixeaza nivelul preturilor - cel mai important semnal al pietei

    • B.

      Rolul guvernului este destul de important, constand in monitorizarea si punerea in aplicare a drepturilor de proprietate privata si a contractelor

    • C.

      Cetatenii sunt incurajati sa urmeze recomandarile unui plan economic national cuprinzator conceput de un birou guvernamental

    • D.

      Semnalele-cheie care ii ajuta pe cetatenii unei societati de tip comercial sa-si coordoneze diferitele planuri de productie si consum sunt indicatorii din bugetul de stat

    Correct Answer
    B. Rolul guvernului este destul de important, constand in monitorizarea si punerea in aplicare a drepturilor de proprietate privata si a contractelor
    The correct answer states that in a well-governed society with a market economy, the role of the government is to monitor and enforce private property rights and contracts. This means that the government plays a crucial role in ensuring that individuals and businesses are able to exercise their rights to own and transfer property, as well as enter into legally binding agreements. By doing so, the government helps to create a stable and predictable business environment, which is essential for economic growth and development.

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  • 40. 

    Venitul net

    • A.

      Se calculeaza ca diferenta intre costul total si venitul total

    • B.

      Este mai mare decat venitul total

    • C.

      Se calculeaza ca diferenta intre venitul total si costul total

    • D.

      Nu ofera nicio informatie privind nivelul de eficienta economica a activitatii desfasurate

    Correct Answer
    C. Se calculeaza ca diferenta intre venitul total si costul total
    The correct answer is "se calculeaza ca diferenta intre venitul total si costul total." This means that net income is calculated by subtracting the total cost from the total revenue. This calculation helps determine the profitability of an activity or business by comparing the revenue generated to the expenses incurred.

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  • 41. 

    Maximizarea venitului net se realizeaza atunci cand 

    • A.

      Costul total egaleaza costul marginal

    • B.

      Costul marginal este egal cu zero

    • C.

      Venitul marginal este egal cu costul marginal

    Correct Answer
    C. Venitul marginal este egal cu costul marginal
    The statement suggests that maximizing net income occurs when marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. This means that the additional revenue generated from selling one more unit is equal to the additional cost incurred in producing that unit. This is considered the optimal point because any further increase in production would result in higher costs than the revenue generated, leading to a decrease in net income.

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  • 42. 

    Ce intelegeti prin capital?

    • A.


    • B.

      Bunuri produse spre a fi vandute consumatorilor finali

    • C.


    • D.

      Bunuri utilizate in scopul obtinerii unor bunuri viitoare

    Correct Answer
    D. Bunuri utilizate in scopul obtinerii unor bunuri viitoare
    The correct answer is "Bunuri utilizate in scopul obtinerii unor bunuri viitoare." This answer refers to capital as goods that are used to produce other goods in the future. It implies that capital is not only money or physical assets, but also includes resources and investments that are used to generate future income or produce goods and services.

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