Prueba De Nivel A1-b1

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| By Sandra Carrillo
Sandra Carrillo
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 604
Questions: 40 | Attempts: 604

Prueba De Nivel A1-b1 - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    A. ¿De dónde …. ustedes? B. De Brasil.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Son
    The correct answer is "son" because the question is asking about the origin or nationality of the people being addressed. "Son" is the correct form of the verb "ser" (to be) for the pronoun "ustedes" (you all) in the present tense.

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  • 2. 

    A. ¿……………………..? B. Soy administrativo.

    • A.

      ¿A qué te dedicas?

    • B.

      ¿Qué es Rafael?

    • C.

      ¿Qué hace aquí?

    • D.

      ¿Qué eres?

    Correct Answer
    A. ¿A qué te dedicas?
    The correct answer is "Soy administrativo" which means "I am an administrative assistant" in English. The question "¿A qué te dedicas?" translates to "What do you do for a living?" Therefore, the answer is relevant and provides information about the person's profession.

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  • 3. 

    A. Esta ciudad es …… agradable.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Muy
    The correct answer is "muy". In Spanish, "muy" is an adverb used to intensify the meaning of an adjective. In this case, the adjective "agradable" (pleasant) is being intensified by "muy", indicating that the city is very pleasant. The other options do not fit grammatically or semantically in this sentence.

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  • 4. 

    A. Perdona, ¿tienes hora? B. …………….. y cuarto

    • A.

      Sí, es la una…

    • B.

      Sí, son la una …

    • C.

      Sí, a la una …

    • D.

      No, es la una…

    Correct Answer
    A. Sí, es la una…
    The correct answer is "Sí, es la una..." because it is the appropriate response to the question "Perdona, ¿tienes hora?" (Excuse me, do you have the time?). In this context, the answer confirms that it is one o'clock.

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  • 5. 

    A. ¿Hay una farmacia por aquí cerca? B. Sí, hay una ….. esta calle.

    • A.

      En el final de

    • B.

      En la derecha de

    • C.

      A la izquierda

    • D.

      Al final de

    Correct Answer
    D. Al final de
    The correct answer is "al final de". This phrase translates to "at the end of" in English. In the context of the conversation, someone is asking if there is a pharmacy nearby, and the response is indicating that there is one located at the end of the street.

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  • 6. 

    A. ¿A qué hora …. levantas los domingos? B. Normalmente, los domingos…. levanto a las nueve o las diez.

    • A.


    • B.

      Se /le

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Te/me
    The correct answer is "te/me". In the question, person A is asking person B at what time they get up on Sundays. Person B responds by saying that normally on Sundays, they get up at nine or ten. The pronouns "te" and "me" are used to indicate the subject and object of the verb "levanto" (get up). Person B is saying that they get up at that time for themselves ("me") and not for someone else ("te").

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  • 7. 

    A. Buenos días, ¿puedo probarme estos pantalones vaqueros? B.Sí, claro, ¿qué …. usa?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Talla
    The correct answer is "talla" because the person is asking if they can try on the jeans, and the response is asking for their size or measurement. "Talla" means size in Spanish, so it is the most appropriate response in this context.

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  • 8. 

    A. ¿Puedo cerrar la ventana?, tengo frío. B. ……………

    • A.

      Sí, claro, ciérrala

    • B.

      No puede

    • C.

      No, cierra

    • D.

      La cierras, claro

    Correct Answer
    A. Sí, claro, ciérrala
    The correct answer is "Sí, claro, ciérrala." This response agrees with the speaker's request to close the window because they are feeling cold.

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  • 9. 

    A. ¿A qué hora abren los bancos en tu ciudad?

    • A.

      Las ocho en punto

    • B.

      En las ocho

    • C.

      A la octava

    • D.

      A las ocho

    Correct Answer
    D. A las ocho
    The correct answer is "A las ocho". This is because the question is asking at what time the banks open in the city, and "A las ocho" translates to "At eight o'clock".

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  • 10. 

    A. Yo ….. de casa todos los días a las siete …. la mañana

    • A.

      Sale… de

    • B.

      Salgo … por

    • C.

      Sale… por

    • D.

      Salgo …. de

    Correct Answer
    D. Salgo …. de
    The correct answer is "salgo ... de". This is because the sentence is talking about someone leaving their house every day at seven in the morning. The verb "salgo" means "I leave" in Spanish, and it is the correct conjugation for the subject "yo" (I). The preposition "de" is used to indicate the origin or starting point of an action, so it is appropriate to use in this context to show that the person is leaving from their house.

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  • 11. 

    A. ¿Te gusta la comida japonesa?

    • A.

      Sí, me encanta

    • B.

      Sí, me la gusta

    • C.

      Sí, me encanta mucho

    • D.

      Sí, me gusto

    Correct Answer
    A. Sí, me encanta
    The correct answer is "Sí, me encanta." This answer indicates that the person likes Japanese food very much.

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  • 12. 

    A. Normalmente en mi casa todos …. levantamos temprano.

    • A.


    • B.

      Cada día

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Nos
    The correct answer is "nos" because it is a reflexive pronoun that indicates that the action of getting up early is done by the subject (in this case, "we") to themselves. This is supported by the phrase "en mi casa todos levantamos temprano," which means "in my house, we all get up early." The use of "nos" emphasizes that the action is performed by the subject on themselves.

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  • 13. 

    A. ¿Podemos sentarnos aquí, en esta mesa? B. No, lo siento, …. reservada.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Está
    The correct answer is "está". In the given conversation, someone asks if they can sit at the table, and the response indicates that the table is reserved. The verb "estar" is used to express temporary states or conditions, such as the table being reserved at that moment.

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  • 14. 

    A. Tienes mala cara, ¿…………………………? B. Nada, es que estoy cansada.

    • A.

      ¿Qué te pasa?

    • B.

      ¿Te duele la cabeza?

    • C.

      ¿Eres mala?

    • D.

      ¿Quieres café?

    Correct Answer
    A. ¿Qué te pasa?
    The correct answer is "¿Qué te pasa?" because it is the most appropriate response to the statement "Tienes mala cara" which translates to "You look bad". "¿Qué te pasa?" translates to "What's wrong with you?" and it is a common question to ask when someone looks upset or unwell. The other options do not fit the context of the conversation.

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  • 15. 

    A. Mi mujer es más joven que yo,….. veinticinco años.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Tiene
    The correct answer is "tiene". This is because the sentence is comparing the age of the speaker's wife to the speaker's age, and in Spanish, we use the verb "tener" (to have) to express age. So the sentence is saying "My wife is younger than me, she has twenty-five years."

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  • 16. 

    A. ¿Qué hiciste el domingo pasado? B.…. al cine

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Fui
    The correct answer is "Fui" because it is the past tense form of the verb "ir" (to go). The question is asking what the person did last Sunday, and "fui" indicates that the person went somewhere, in this case, to the cinema.

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  • 17. 

    A ¿A vosotros … …. el fútbol?

    • A.

      Os gusta

    • B.

      Os gustan

    • C.

      Os gustáis

    • D.

      Les gusta

    Correct Answer
    A. Os gusta
    The correct answer is "os gusta." In this sentence, "A vosotros" indicates that the subject of the sentence is plural ("you all"). "Gusta" is the singular form of the verb "gustar," which means "to like." Since the subject is plural, the correct form of the verb is "gustan." The pronoun "os" is used to indicate that the liking is directed towards "you all." Therefore, the correct answer is "os gusta."

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  • 18. 

    A. ……………. un poco las piernas, voy a descansar.

    • A.

      Me duele

    • B.

      Me duelen

    • C.

      Le duele

    • D.

      Se duelen

    Correct Answer
    B. Me duelen
    The correct answer is "Me duelen". In this sentence, the subject is "las piernas" (the legs), which is plural. Therefore, the correct verb form to use is "duelen" (hurt) in the first person singular form "me" (my). This indicates that the person is saying "My legs hurt" and wants to rest.

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  • 19. 

    A. He comprado una lechuga …… hacer ensalada.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Para
    The correct answer is "para" because it indicates the purpose or goal of buying the lettuce, which is to make a salad. "En" means "in" or "on", "por" means "for" or "by", and "da" is not a valid preposition in this context.

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  • 20. 

    A. El tren …. París llega …. la estación a las diez cuarenta y tres.

    • A.

      De… a

    • B.

      A ….en

    • C.

      De …. en

    • D.

      De … por

    Correct Answer
    A. De… a
    The correct answer is "de...a". In Spanish, the preposition "de" is used to indicate the starting point or origin, and the preposition "a" is used to indicate the destination or endpoint. In this sentence, "de" is used to indicate that the train is coming from Paris, and "a" is used to indicate that it is arriving at the station.

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  • 21. 

    A. ¿Qué plan tienes para el fin de semana? B.…………….. con mis amigos.

    • A.


    • B.

      Voy a salir 

    • C.

      Iré a salir

    • D.

      Voy salir

    Correct Answer
    B. Voy a salir 
    The correct answer is "Voy a salir". This answer is correct because it uses the future tense "voy a" followed by the verb "salir" which means "to go out" or "to leave". This indicates that the person has plans to go out or leave for the weekend with their friends.

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  • 22. 

    A. ¿Tienes un lápiz? B. ……………

    • A.

      Sí, tengo 

    • B.

      Sí, toma

    • C.

      No, toma

    • D.

      Claro que sí

    Correct Answer
    B. Sí, toma
    The correct answer is "Sí, toma." This response indicates that the person does have a pencil and is offering it to someone else.

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  • 23. 

    A. ¿Quieres tomar algo?, yo …. invito.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Te
    In this sentence, the speaker is offering to buy a drink for the person they are speaking to. The correct pronoun to use in this context is "te," which is the second person singular informal pronoun in Spanish. This pronoun is used when referring to the person being spoken to. Therefore, the correct answer is "te invito," meaning "I invite you."

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  • 24. 

    A. ¿Vamos al cine mañana? B. ………………..

    • A.

      Vale, ¿a qué hora nos quedamos?

    • B.

      Sí, nos quedamos

    • C.

      Vale, ¿dónde quedamos?

    • D.

      No quedamos, no puedo

    Correct Answer
    C. Vale, ¿dónde quedamos?
    The correct answer is "Vale, ¿dónde quedamos?" because it is a response to the question "Vale, ¿a qué hora nos quedamos?" The person is confirming that they will stay, but they are asking for the location where they will meet.

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  • 25. 

    A. ¿Conoces a mis padres? B. ………………

    • A.

      Sí, los conocí en Navidad

    • B.

      No, no les he conocido

    • C.

      No los conozco nunca

    • D.

      Sí, los encontramos en Navidad

    Correct Answer
    A. Sí, los conocí en Navidad
    The correct answer is "Sí, los conocí en Navidad." This answer indicates that the person speaking knows the speaker's parents and met them during Christmas.

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  • 26. 

    A. ¿Has estado en Barcelona alguna vez? B. ………..

    • A.

      Nunca fui allí

    • B.

      Sí, tres veces

    • C.

      Sí, pero poco

    • D.

      No, una vez

    Correct Answer
    B. Sí, tres veces
    The correct answer is "Sí, tres veces." This means "Yes, three times" in English. This answer indicates that the person has been to Barcelona on three separate occasions.

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  • 27. 

    A. ¿No conoces a Javier Marías? ………… muchos libros.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Ha escrito

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Ha escrito
    The correct answer is "Ha escrito." This is the correct answer because the verb "ha escrito" is in the present perfect tense, which indicates an action that started in the past and is still relevant in the present. In this context, it suggests that Javier Marías has written many books and this fact is still true.

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  • 28. 

    A. Cuando Andrés……… diez años ……… un accidente con la bicicleta.

    • A.

      Tuvo… tuvo

    • B.

      Tuvo … tenía

    • C.

      Tenía … tuvo

    • D.

      Tenía … tenía

    Correct Answer
    C. Tenía … tuvo
  • 29. 

    A. Hace cien años, en España las mujeres no …… votar en las elecciones.

    • A.


    • B.

      Han podido

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Podían
    The correct answer is "podían". This is because the sentence is referring to an action that took place in the past, specifically "a hundred years ago". The verb "podían" is the imperfect tense of the verb "poder" which means "to be able to". Therefore, the correct form is "podían" which indicates that in the past, women in Spain were not able to vote in elections.

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  • 30. 

    A. ¿Me pasas el periódico? B. Sí, toma, …………

    • A.

      Lo estoy leyendo

    • B.

      Lo leí

    • C.

      Lo leía

    • D.

      Ya lo he leído

    Correct Answer
    D. Ya lo he leído
    The correct answer is "ya lo he leído" because it is the past perfect tense in Spanish, which is used to indicate that the action of reading the newspaper has already been completed before the moment of speaking.

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  • 31. 

    A. Buenos días, llamo para reservar una habitación. B. ………….

    • A.

      ¿Simple o doble?

    • B.

      ¿Individual o doble?

    • C.

      ¿Sencilla o grande?

    • D.

      ¿Soltero o casado?  

    Correct Answer
    A. ¿Simple o doble?
    The person on the phone is asking the caller if they would like a single or double room. This question is a common inquiry when making a hotel reservation, as it helps determine the type of accommodation the caller requires.

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  • 32. 

    A. Cuando ….. pequeña, en verano siempre ……. de vacaciones al pueblo.

    • A.

      Fui … fui

    • B.

      Estuve… iba

    • C.

      Era… fui

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Era…iba
    The correct answer is "era...iba". In this sentence, the verb "era" (imperfect tense of ser) is used to describe a habitual action or state in the past, indicating that the person used to go on vacation to the village when they were young. The verb "iba" (imperfect tense of ir) is used to express the action of going on vacation, which is also in line with the habitual nature of the statement.

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  • 33. 

    A. Si …….. algún problema, …………

    • A.

      Tienes… llamas

    • B.

      Tienes… llámame

    • C.

      Tengas …. llamaré

    • D.

      Tengas, llámame

    Correct Answer
    B. Tienes… llámame
    The correct answer is "tienes, llámame". This is the correct answer because it uses the correct verb form "tienes" (you have) and the imperative form "llámame" (call me). The other options either use the incorrect verb form or do not use the imperative form correctly.

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  • 34. 

    A. Para hacer una tortilla de patatas, ………. batir bien los huevos.

    • A.

      Tienes de

    • B.

      Hay de

    • C.

      Hay que

    • D.

      Es necesario que

    Correct Answer
    C. Hay que
    In order to make a potato omelette, it is necessary to beat the eggs well. The phrase "hay que" in Spanish translates to "it is necessary to" or "one must," indicating that beating the eggs well is a required step in making the tortilla de patatas.

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  • 35. 

    A. ¿Puedes echarme una mano? ………… ha estropeado el ordenador.

    • A.

      Se me

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Se te

    Correct Answer
    A. Se me
    The correct answer is "Se me". In Spanish, the construction "se me" is used to indicate that something has happened to oneself. In this case, the phrase "Se me ha estropeado el ordenador" means "My computer has broken down." The use of "se me" indicates that the action of the computer breaking down has happened to the speaker.

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  • 36. 

    A. Todos los padres esperan que sus hijos…… un buen trabajo.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Encuentren
    The correct answer is "encuentren". This is because the sentence is in the present tense and refers to the expectation that parents have for their children to find a good job. "Encuentren" is the correct conjugation of the verb "encontrar" for the third person plural (ellos/ellas) in the present subjunctive tense.

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  • 37. 

    A. Luisa quiere estudiar Arte Dramático, pero sus padres quieren ……… abogada.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Que es 

    • D.

      Que sea

    Correct Answer
    D. Que sea
    Luisa wants to study Dramatic Art, but her parents want her to be a lawyer. The correct answer "que sea" is a conjunction that introduces a subordinate clause expressing the parents' desire for Luisa to become a lawyer. It is used to indicate a wish or desire, making it the appropriate choice in this context.

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  • 38. 

    A. Siempre que Julián ……. a Madrid con sus alumnos, me ……. una visita

    • A.

      Venía …. hacía

    • B.

      Vino …. hizo

    • C.

      Venía … hizo

    • D.

      Vino… hizo

    Correct Answer
    A. Venía …. hacía
    The correct answer is "venía...hacía". This is because the verb "venir" (to come) is used in the imperfect tense to indicate a repeated or habitual action in the past. The verb "hacer" (to do/make) is used in the imperfect tense to describe an ongoing action in the past. Therefore, the sentence translates to "Whenever Julián came to Madrid with his students, he would pay me a visit."

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  • 39. 

    A. Mi hermana Rosa ….. muy simpática, pero hoy ………. de mal humor.

    • A.

      Es… está

    • B.

      Está … está

    • C.

      Es… es

    • D.

      Está… es

    Correct Answer
    A. Es… está
    The correct answer is "es...está." In this sentence, the first blank should be filled with the verb "es" because it is describing the permanent characteristic of the sister being "muy simpática" (very nice). The second blank should be filled with the verb "está" because it is describing the temporary state of the sister being "de mal humor" (in a bad mood).

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  • 40. 

    A. A Ernesto le gustaría ……. de vacaciones al Caribe.

    • A.

      Que vaya

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Ir
    The correct answer is "ir". In this sentence, the verb "gustaría" indicates a desire or preference, and it is followed by the conjunction "que" which introduces a subordinate clause. The verb in the subordinate clause needs to be conjugated in the subjunctive mood, and "vaya" is the correct form of the verb "ir" in the subjunctive mood. This means that Ernesto would like to go on vacation to the Caribbean.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 22, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Aug 23, 2019
    Quiz Created by
    Sandra Carrillo
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