Test 7. - Analýza A Návrh Tried

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| By Menttosko
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Test 7. - Analýza A Návrh Tried - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    V procese vývoja softvérového systému sa vytvárajú modely tried na troch úrovniach. Aké je poradie modelov v poradí od prvej po tretiu úroveň ?

    • A.

      Doménový model - konceptuálny model - implementačný model

    • B.

      Doménový model - implementačný model- konceptuálny model

    • C.

      Konceptuálny model - doménový model - implementačný model

    • D.

      Konceptuálny model - implementačný model - doménový model

    Correct Answer
    A. Doménový model - konceptuálny model - implementačný model
    The correct order of the models in the software system development process is: domain model - conceptual model - implementation model. This means that the domain model is created first, followed by the conceptual model, and finally the implementation model. The domain model represents the real-world domain of the software system, the conceptual model represents the abstract and high-level design of the system, and the implementation model represents the actual implementation details of the system.

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  • 2. 

    Aké zdroje môžeme využiť na identifikáciu analytických tried : 

    • A.

      Špecifikácie požidaviek

    • B.

      Databázový model nového systému

    • C.

      Realizácia prípadov použitia

    • D.

      Doménový model

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Špecifikácie požidaviek
    C. Realizácia prípadov použitia
    D. Doménový model
    The correct answer includes three sources that can be used to identify analytical classes: specifications of requirements, realization of use cases, and domain model. These sources provide information and insights into the system's requirements, use cases, and the domain in which the system operates. Analytical classes can be identified by analyzing and understanding the information provided by these sources.

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  • 3. 

    V rámci činnosti analýzy je potrebné dbať na :

    • A.

      Používať pojmy doménového jazyka

    • B.

      Používať len "prirodzenú" dedičnosť

    • C.

      Používať len "technickú" dedičnosť

    • D.

      Maximalizácia vzťahov

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Používať pojmy doménového jazyka
    B. Používať len "prirodzenú" dedičnosť
    In the context of analysis, it is important to use terms from the domain language and to use only "natural" inheritance. This means that when analyzing a problem or system, it is crucial to use terminology that is specific to the domain or field in which the analysis is being conducted. Additionally, it is important to consider and utilize only the inheritance that is inherent or natural to the problem or system being analyzed, rather than introducing unnecessary or unrelated concepts. By doing so, the analysis can be more accurate and relevant to the specific context.

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  • 4. 

    Čomu je potrebné venovať zvýšenú pozornosť pri analýze podstatných mien a slovies ?

    • A.

      Nepresné pochopenie domény

    • B.


    • C.

      Skryté triedy

    • D.

      Podstatné mená

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Nepresné pochopenie domény
    C. Skryté triedy
    It is necessary to pay increased attention to the analysis of nouns and verbs due to the following reasons:
    1) Nepresné pochopenie domény (Misunderstanding of the domain): This implies that if there is a lack of understanding or incorrect interpretation of the subject or topic being analyzed, it can lead to inaccurate conclusions or interpretations.
    2) Skryté triedy (Hidden classes): This suggests that there may be hidden or underlying patterns or categories within the nouns and verbs that need to be identified and analyzed in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the language.

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  • 5. 

    Metóda stereotypov RUP rozdeľuje triedy na :

    • A.

      Hraničné, dátové , riadiace

    • B.

      Hraničné, dátové, entitné

    • C.

      Dátové, entitné, riadiace

    • D.

      Hraničné, entitné, riadiace

    Correct Answer
    D. Hraničné, entitné, riadiace
    The correct answer is "Hraničné, entitné, riadiace". This is because the RUP (Rational Unified Process) stereotype method divides classes into three categories: boundary, entity, and control.

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  • 6. 

    Analytická trieda je trieda, ktorá zachytáva softvérové a hardvérové podrobnosti systému. Je to pravda ?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Nepravda
    The given statement is false. An analytical class is not a class that captures software and hardware details of a system. It is not clear what an analytical class refers to in this context, but it is not related to capturing software and hardware details.

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  • 7. 

    Aký je rozdiel medzi typmi vzťahov agregácia a kompozitná agregácia ?

    • A.

      Agregácia vyjadruje silnejší vzťah medzi triedami ako kompozícia

    • B.

      Kompozícia vyjadruje silnejší vzťah medzi triedami ako agregácia

    • C.

      Agregácia vyjadruje výhradné vlastníctvo závislého objektu

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Kompozícia vyjadruje silnejší vzťah medzi triedami ako agregácia
    The correct answer states that "Kompozícia vyjadruje silnejší vzťah medzi triedami ako agregácia" which translates to "Composition expresses a stronger relationship between classes than aggregation." This means that composition is a type of relationship where one class is composed of another class and is dependent on it, while aggregation is a weaker form of relationship where one class is associated with another class, but the associated class can exist independently. Therefore, the correct answer explains the difference between the types of relationships aggregation and composition.

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  • 8. 

    Interakcia medzi ktorými typmi tried je NEžiadúca v sekvenčnom diagrame ? ( vyberte dve )

    • A.

      Actor - control

    • B.

      Boundary - control

    • C.

      Control - control

    • D.

      Entity - actor

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Actor - control
    D. Entity - actor
    In a sequence diagram, the interaction between "actor - control" and "entity - actor" types of classes is undesirable. This means that the communication between an actor and a control class, as well as between an entity and an actor class, is not intended or preferred in this context. The diagram should ideally avoid these types of interactions to ensure a clear and efficient representation of the system's behavior.

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  • 9. 

    Pri eliminácií tried pri prevode doménového modelu na analytický ruším :

    • A.

      Triedy typu entity

    • B.

      Triedy reprezentujúce atribúty alebo operácie

    • C.

      Triedy typu worker

    • D.

      Nerelevantné triedy

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Triedy reprezentujúce atribúty alebo operácie
    D. Nerelevantné triedy
    The correct answer is "Triedy reprezentujúce atribúty alebo operácie, Nerelevantné triedy". This is because when converting a domain model to an analytical model, we need to eliminate irrelevant classes and focus only on the classes that represent attributes or operations. The classes that represent attributes or operations are important for understanding the behavior of the system, while irrelevant classes do not contribute to the analysis and can be safely removed.

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  • 10. 

    Stavový diagram znázorňuje :

    • A.

      Spoluprácu rôznych objektov

    • B.

      Rozmiestnenie komponentov na hardvérových prvkoch systému 

    • C.

      Scenár v grafickej podobe

    • D.

      Životný cyklus jedného objektu

    Correct Answer
    D. Životný cyklus jedného objektu
    The correct answer is "Životný cyklus jedného objektu" which translates to "Lifecycle of one object." A state diagram represents the different states and transitions that an object goes through during its lifecycle. It shows how an object changes state in response to events or actions in the system. Therefore, the correct answer is the one that relates to the lifecycle of an object.

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  • 11. 

    Sekvenčný diagram znázorňuje model :

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Dynamický
    The correct answer is "Dynamický." The given options represent different types of models, and "Dynamický" refers to the dynamic model. A dynamic model represents the behavior and interactions between different components or objects in a system over time. It focuses on how the system changes and responds to various events or inputs. Therefore, the correct answer is "Dynamický" because it is the type of model depicted in the sequence diagram.

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  • 12. 

    Ktorý(é) z diagramov sa vytvára(jú) pri analýze ?

    • A.

      Diagram prípadov pouźitia

    • B.

      Diagram balíčkov

    • C.

      Stavový diagram

    • D.

      Diagram tried

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Diagram balíčkov
    C. Stavový diagram
    D. Diagram tried
    The correct answer is "Diagram balíčkov, Stavový diagram, Diagram tried". These three diagrams are commonly used in software analysis. The "Diagram balíčkov" (Package diagram) is used to visualize the structure of a system and its dependencies. The "Stavový diagram" (State diagram) is used to model the behavior of a system or a class in terms of states and transitions. The "Diagram tried" (Class diagram) is used to represent the static structure of a system, showing classes, attributes, methods, and their relationships.

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  • 13. 

    Konceptuálny model tried sa vytvára v toku činností :

    • A.


    • B.

      Špecifikácie poźiadaviek

    • C.


    • D.

      Analýza a návrh

    Correct Answer
    D. Analýza a návrh
    The correct answer is "Analýza a návrh." A conceptual model of a system is created during the analysis and design phase of the development process. This phase involves understanding the requirements of the system and designing a solution that meets those requirements. The conceptual model helps to visualize and define the structure and behavior of the system before implementation.

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  • 14. 

    Ktorý(é) typ(y) vzťahov vyjadruje(ú) vzťah časť-celok medzi dvomi triedami ?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Kompozitná agregácia

    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Kompozitná agregácia
    D. Agregácia
    The correct answer for this question is "Kompozitná agregácia, Agregácia". These types of relationships express the part-whole relationship between two classes. In a composition aggregation, one class is composed of other classes and has exclusive ownership over them. In an aggregation, one class is associated with another class, but does not have exclusive ownership over it. Both of these types of relationships are used to represent the relationship between a whole and its parts in object-oriented programming.

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  • 15. 

    Vyberte vhodnú(é) vlastnost(i) analytickej triedy :

    • A.


    • B.

      Maximum väzieb

    • C.

      Malá množina zodpovednosti

    • D.

      Detailná špecifikácia

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Súdržnosť
    C. Malá množina zodpovednosti
    The correct answer is "Súdržnosť" and "Malá množina zodpovednosti". These two properties are suitable for the analytical class because they emphasize the importance of coherence and consistency in the analysis process. "Súdržnosť" refers to the ability to maintain logical connections and relationships between different components of the analysis, ensuring that they work together harmoniously. "Malá množina zodpovednosti" means having a small set of responsibilities, which helps to ensure clarity and focus in the analysis, avoiding confusion and overlapping tasks. These properties are crucial for conducting effective and accurate analysis.

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  • 16. 

    Pri optimalizácií asociácií ruším :

    • A.

      N-árne asociácie

    • B.

      Nepodstatné asociácie

    • C.

      Asociácie predstavujúce implementáciu

    • D.

      Kompozitné asociácie

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. N-árne asociácie
    B. Nepodstatné asociácie
    C. Asociácie predstavujúce implementáciu
    The correct answer is to optimize the association relationships, which include N-ary associations, irrelevant associations, and associations representing implementation.

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  • 17. 

    Čo NIE je súčasťou návrhu tried ?

    • A.

      Prevod analytických tried na návrhové

    • B.

      Rozdelenie systému na podsystémy

    • C.

      Detailná definícia operácii a vlastností tried

    • D.

      Definícia vzťahov medzi triedami

    Correct Answer
    B. Rozdelenie systému na podsystémy
    The correct answer is "Rozdelenie systému na podsystémy" because it is not a part of the design of classes. The other options, such as converting analytical classes into designs, defining operations and properties of classes in detail, and defining relationships between classes, are all important aspects of class design. However, dividing the system into subsystems is not specifically related to the design of classes.

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  • 18. 

    Pri tvorbe návrhových tried zvyčajne hraničné triedy (boundary) predstavujú :

    • A.

      Perzistentný triedu

    • B.

      Okno alebo formulár

    • C.

      API alebo protokol

    • D.

      Aplikačnú logiku

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Okno alebo formulár
    C. API alebo protokol
  • 19. 

    Počas návrhu sa kladie veľký dôraz

    • A.

      Na rozhrania

    • B.

      Na analýzu tried

    • C.

      Na vytvorenie doménového modelu

    • D.

      Na stručný, všeobecný návrh systému

    Correct Answer
    A. Na rozhrania
    During the design process, a significant emphasis is placed on interfaces, class analysis, creating a domain model, and a concise, general system design. The correct answer, "na rozhrania" (on interfaces), aligns with this emphasis and suggests that interfaces play a crucial role in the design process.

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  • 20. 

    Analytická trieda obsahuje :

    • A.

      Len primárne atribúty a operácie

    • B.

      Úplný zoznam všetkých jej atribútov a operácií

    • C.

      Úplný zoznam všetkých jej atribútov

    • D.

      Nemusí mať definované žiadne atribúty ani operácie

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Len primárne atribúty a operácie
    D. Nemusí mať definované žiadne atribúty ani operácie
    The correct answer is "Len primárne atribúty a operácie, Nemusí mať definované žiadne atribúty ani operácie." This means that an analytical class may contain only primary attributes and operations, or it may not have any attributes or operations defined at all.

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