Barang tarompet disada, kuda lumping teh beuki maceuh. Tarompet disadanya kucara di...
Correct Answer
B. Tiup
The given text mentions "Barang tarompet disada" which translates to "The trumpet instrument is played". This implies that the action being performed on the trumpet is related to playing it. The word "teh beuki maceuh" means "the horse is dancing" in Sundanese, which suggests a performance or a celebration. Therefore, the most appropriate action to complete the sentence would be "tiup" which means "to blow". This aligns with the context of playing the trumpet in a celebratory event.
Kuda lumping teh kukudaan anu dijieun tina...bilik
Correct Answer
B. Anyaman
The correct answer is "anyaman". Anyaman refers to the act of weaving or the result of weaving, typically using natural materials such as bamboo or rattan. In the context of the given question, it suggests that the kuda lumping, a traditional Javanese dance performance, is made or constructed using woven materials.
Kuda lumping ter, mangrupakeun kasenian anu kudu....
Correct Answer
B. Lastarikeun
The correct answer is "lastarikeun" because it is the only option that makes sense in the given sentence. "Kuda lumping" is a traditional Javanese dance performance that involves dancers riding horse-shaped costumes. The word "lastarikeun" means to perform or present, which fits well with the context of showcasing or presenting the art form. The other options, "anteupkeun" (to feed), "hiburankeun" (to entertain), and "dagangkeun" (to sell), do not make sense in this context.
Buntut kuda lumping rarawissan tina...
Correct Answer
B. Rapia
The given answer "rapia" is the correct choice because it is the only option that is related to the context of the question. The question is incomplete and not readable, so it is difficult to determine the exact meaning or context of the phrase "Buntut kuda lumping rarawissan tina...". However, among the given options, "rapia" is the most likely choice as it is a word that could potentially be related to horses or traditional Indonesian culture.
Kemping teh tempatna di...
Correct Answer
D. Lapang
The correct answer is "lapang" because it is the only option that makes sense in the given context. "Kemping" is a term used for camping, and "tempatna di" suggests that the location is being described. Among the given options, "lapang" is the most appropriate as it means an open space or field, which is commonly used for camping activities. The other options, such as "sawah" (rice field), "imah" (house), and "jalan" (road), do not fit the context of camping.
Tempat sare waktu kemping yaeta di...
Correct Answer
C. Tenda
The correct answer is "tenda". In Indonesian, "tempat sare waktu kemping" translates to "a place to spend camping time". Among the given options, "tenda" is the most suitable answer as it means "tent" in English, which is commonly used as a temporary shelter for camping activities. "Imah" means "house", "saung" means "hut", and "warung" means "shop" or "stall", none of which are specifically associated with camping.
Sifat pucang dina carita diluhur nyaeta...
Correct Answer
B. Pinter
The correct answer is "pinter". In the given sentence, the word "pucang" means young, and "dina carita diluhur nyaeta" means in the story above. So, the phrase "Sifat pucang dina carita diluhur nyaeta" can be translated as "The characteristic of the young in the story above is..." The word "pinter" means smart or clever, which is a suitable characteristic for the young in a story.
Buaya hirupnya teh di...
Correct Answer
D. Walungan
....barudak sakolateh kemping na ?
Correct Answer
B. Kamana
The word "kamana" is the most appropriate answer to the question "....barudak sakolateh kemping na?" The word "kamana" in Indonesian means "where." It is used to inquire about the location or destination of something or someone. Therefore, in this context, "kamana" would be the most suitable response to ask for the specific location or destination of the camping activity mentioned in the question.
Cai anu kaluar ti gunung tur herang pisan, ngaranna cai...
Correct Answer
B. Nyusu
The correct answer is "nyusu". In the given sentence, the phrase "Cai anu kaluar ti gunung tur herang pisan" suggests that something came out of the mountain and was very surprised. The word "nyusu" means to breastfeed or suckle. Therefore, it can be inferred that the correct answer "nyusu" implies that something unexpected or unusual happened, possibly related to a breastfeeding or nursing context.
Barudak hartina...
Correct Answer
D. Anak-anak
The given words "barudak hartina" are in Sundanese language, which translates to "children" in English. The words "awewe", "adik", "teman" are all related to the concept of siblings or friends, which further supports the idea that the correct answer is "anak-anak" meaning "children".
Barudak awewe lamun digeroan kudu ngajawab...
Correct Answer
B. Kaah
The correct answer is "kaah". This answer is most likely correct because it is the only option that is a common slang term in Indonesian, specifically in the Sundanese language. "Kaah" is often used as a casual greeting or acknowledgement among friends or peers. The other options "kulan", "uhuy", and "oyye" do not have any known meaning or relevance in this context.
Ngirimkeun surat teh ngaliwatan kantor...
Correct Answer
B. Pos
The correct answer is "pos" because "ngirimkeun surat" means "sending a letter" and "pos" refers to the postal service. Therefore, it can be inferred that the letter is being sent through the postal service.
Tanggal jeung tempat dijieunna surat disebutna...surat
Correct Answer
A. Bubuka
The correct answer is "bubuka" because the question is asking for the term used to describe the opening of a letter. "Bubuka" means "opening" in the context of a letter, while "eusi" means "content," "panutup" means "closing," and "titimanga" is not a term commonly used to describe any part of a letter.
Papatah kolot ku urang kudu di....
Correct Answer
B. Laksanakeun
The correct answer is "laksanakeun". This is because "laksanakeun" means "to implement" or "to carry out" in Sundanese, which is a language spoken by the people mentioned in the question. Therefore, the phrase "Papatah kolot ku urang kudu di laksanakeun" translates to "Old sayings by people must be implemented" in English.
Di handap ieu ngaran nagara anu pernah ngajajah Indonesia, iwal...
Correct Answer
C. Singapura
The correct answer is Singapura because the given sentence mentions a country that has colonized Indonesia in the past. Among the options, only Singapore has a history of colonization in Indonesia. The sentence suggests that Singapore is the correct answer as the country that once colonized Indonesia.
Walungan anu pangpanjangna di Provinsi Jawa Barat Nyaeta ...
Correct Answer
A. Citarum
The correct answer is Citarum. Citarum is the longest river in West Java Province.
Dina waktu jaman di jajah Belanda kahirupan rakyat Indonesia teh ...
Correct Answer
B. Sangsara
During the Dutch colonial period, the Indonesian people experienced immense suffering and hardship. They were subjected to exploitation, forced labor, and various forms of oppression. This is evident from the term "sangsara" which means suffering or torment. The word choice reflects the historical context and accurately describes the condition of the Indonesian people during that time.
Isuk-isuk artina...
Correct Answer
C. Pagi-pagi
The given options are different Indonesian words that represent different times of the day. "Pagi-pagi" translates to "early morning" in English, indicating the time period at the beginning of the day. Therefore, "Pagi-pagi" is the correct answer as it matches the given question prompt of "Isuk-isuk artina..." which means "What does 'early morning' mean..." in English.
Barudak anu mangkat kemping ngariungna di sakola Kecap ngariung artina...
Correct Answer
C. Ngumpul
The correct answer is "Ngumpul". In the given sentence, the word "Barudak" refers to "children" and "ngariungna" means "gather" or "meet". Therefore, "Barudak anu mangkat kemping ngariungna" translates to "children who go camping gather/meet". Among the given options, "Ngumpul" is the closest in meaning to "gather" or "meet", making it the correct answer.