Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 4 Semester Gasal-2

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| By Ardansirodjuddin
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Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 4 Semester Gasal-2 - Quiz

Soal latihan Bahasa Indonesia Kelas IV Semester 1

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Kalimat yang merupakan kalimat permintaan adalah …

    • A.

      Bolehkah saya meminjam bukumu?

    • B.

      Baik Ayah, Ana akan berusaha

    • C.

      Silahkan ambil di lemari

    • D.

      Ana akan berusaha melakukannya

    Correct Answer
    A. Bolehkah saya meminjam bukumu?
    The correct answer is "Bolehkah saya meminjam bukumu?" because it is a direct request or asking for permission to borrow a book. The other options are not requests but rather responses or statements.

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  • 2. 

    Pidato yang baik ditutup dengan …

    • A.

      Ucapan syukur

    • B.

      Tujuan pidato

    • C.


    • D.

      Ucapan terima kasih

    Correct Answer
    D. Ucapan terima kasih
    A good speech is usually concluded with a gesture of gratitude or a thank-you note. This is because expressing gratitude towards the audience or the organizers of the event shows appreciation for their time and attention. It also leaves a positive impression on the listeners and helps to build rapport and goodwill. Therefore, ending a good speech with a thank-you note is considered a proper and polite way to conclude.

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  • 3. 

    Ida                   :  “Ayo, kita berenang, Rin!” Rina           :  “Tidak, aku tidak suka berenang. Aku lebih suka mendengarkan musik.” Ida             :  “Kalau begitu, aku akan mengajak Wina saja” Rina           :  “Betul, Wina kan suka berenang” Dialog di atas menunjukkan sikap Rina yang …

    • A.

      Sama dengan Ida

    • B.

      Suka musik dan berenang

    • C.

      Tidak suka berenang

    • D.

      Setuju dengan ajakan Ida

    Correct Answer
    C. Tidak suka berenang
    The dialogue shows that Rina does not like swimming. She prefers listening to music instead. This is evident from her response to Ida's invitation to swim, where she states that she does not like swimming and would rather listen to music. Therefore, the correct answer is "tidak suka berenang" (does not like swimming).

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  • 4. 

    Anan menyukai pelajaran olahraga, …. Sani lebih suka matematika. Kata yang tepat pada kalimat di atas adalah …                                                                                                                              

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Tetapi
    The word "tetapi" is the correct answer because it means "but" in English, which fits the context of the sentence. The sentence states that Anan likes sports, but Sani prefers math. Therefore, "tetapi" is the appropriate word to indicate a contrast between their preferences.

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  • 5. 

    Dalam sebuah puisi kita harus memperhatikan beberapa hal , kecuali …

    • A.


    • B.

      Warna suara

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Warna suara
    In a poem, we need to pay attention to several things such as interpretation, vocal expression, and vocal color. The given answer, "warna suara" (vocal color), is correct because it refers to the tone or quality of the voice used in reciting or performing the poem. It is an important aspect to consider in order to convey the intended emotions and atmosphere of the poem effectively.

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  • 6. 

    …………. Wah, hebat! Putri bapak ternyata selalu berhasil meraih peringkat pertama.” Kata pPak Saputra kepada Fitri, putri kesayangannya. “Ah, Bapak, Fitri jadi malu. Semua kan berkat Bapak, yang selalu membimbing Fitri belajar.” Sahut Fitri tersipu. …………… Berdasarkan kutipan cerita di atas, tokoh Fitri digambarkan sebagai seorang anak yang memiliki watak …

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Ulet
    Based on the given excerpt, Fitri is portrayed as a hardworking individual. This can be inferred from the statement made by Pak Saputra, Fitri's father, who praises Fitri for always achieving first place. Fitri also acknowledges her father's guidance and feels embarrassed by the praise, indicating that she puts in effort and works diligently. Therefore, the correct answer is "Ulet" which means hardworking.

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  • 7. 

    …………. Wah, hebat! Putri bapak ternyata selalu berhasil meraih peringkat pertama.” Kata Pak Saputra kepada Fitri, putri kesayangannya. “Ah, Bapak, Fitri jadi malu. Semua kan berkat Bapak, yang selalu membimbing Fitri belajar.” Sahut Fitri tersipu. ……………   Berdasarkan kutipan cerita di atas, tokoh Bapak digambarkan sebagai orang tua yang memiliki watak …

    • A.

      suka mengeluh

    • B.

      suka menolong

    • C.

      Suka memuji

    • D.

      Suka menyuruh

    Correct Answer
    C. Suka memuji
    Based on the given excerpt, the character of Bapak is depicted as someone who likes to praise. This can be inferred from his statement "Wah, hebat! Putri bapak ternyata selalu berhasil meraih peringkat pertama" where he praises Fitri for always achieving the first rank. Additionally, Fitri's response of "Semua kan berkat Bapak, yang selalu membimbing Fitri belajar" further supports the idea that Bapak is someone who constantly praises and encourages Fitri in her studies.

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  • 8. 

    Konon disebuah Desa di daerah Minangkabau, Sumatera Barat, tinggalah seorang janda bersama anak lelakinya. Anak itu bernama Malin Kundang. Ayahnya sudah meninggal ketika ia masih kecil. Mereka hidup miskin. Tidak satupun barang berharga dirumahnya. Tokoh dalam penggala cerita tersebut adalah …

    • A.

      Ayah, Ibu

    • B.

      Ibu, Malin Kundang

    • C.

      Ayah, Ibu, Anak

    • D.

      Ibu, Anak, Ayah

    Correct Answer
    B. Ibu, Malin Kundang
    The correct answer is "Ibu, Malin Kundang" because the passage states that in a village in Minangkabau, there lived a widow with her son named Malin Kundang. The passage does not mention the presence of a father, so the only characters mentioned are the mother (ibu) and Malin Kundang.

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  • 9. 

    Perhatikan formulir berikut ! Penulisan data yang tepat untuk mengisi formulir di atas adalah …

    • A.

      1. BAHTIAR 2. PALU, 3 JANUARI 1997 3. TK ABA PALU

    • B.

      1. BAHTIAR 2. PALU, 3 – 1 – 1997 3. TK ABA PALU

    • C.

      1. Bahtiar 2. Palu, 3 Januari 1997 3. TK ABA Palu

    • D.

      1. Bahtiar 2. Palu, 3 – 1 – 1997 3. TK ABA Palu

    Correct Answer
    C. 1. Bahtiar 2. Palu, 3 Januari 1997 3. TK ABA Palu
    The correct answer is the second option because it follows the correct format for filling out the form. The name "Bahtiar" is written correctly in the first line. The birthplace "Palu" is written correctly, followed by the date of birth "3 January 1997" written in the correct format. Finally, the school "TK ABA Palu" is written correctly in the last line.

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  • 10. 

    Judul karangan harus ditulis secara benar. Penulisan judul karangan berikut ini yang benar adalah …

    • A.

      Laki-laki Dari Pulau Buru

    • B.

      Laki-laki dari pulau Buru

    • C.

      Laki-laki dari Pulau Buru

    • D.

      Laki-laki dari pulau buru

    Correct Answer
    B. Laki-laki dari pulau Buru
    The correct answer is "Laki-laki dari pulau Buru". In Indonesian language, the title of an essay or any written work should follow the rules of capitalization. The first letter of each word in the title should be capitalized, except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions. In this case, "Laki-laki" (man) and "Pulau Buru" (Buru Island) are proper nouns and should be capitalized, while the other words "dari" (from) and "pulau" (island) are prepositions and should be in lowercase.

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  • 11. 

    Bagian yang terlihat pada penggalan surat tersebut adalah …         

    • A.

      Alamat surat dan salam pembuka surat

    • B.

      Pembuka surat dan isi surat

    • C.

      Salam pembuka dan pembuka surat

    • D.

      isi surat dan penutup surat

    Correct Answer
    A. Alamat surat dan salam pembuka surat
    The visible part of the letter mentioned in the passage is the address of the letter and the opening greeting of the letter.

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  • 12. 

                           Tata Tertib
    1. Dilarang memetik bunga
    2. Dilarang menginjak rumput
    3. Dilarang mencoret-coret tempat duduk dan pohon
    4. Dilarang membuang sampah sembarangan
    5. Dilarang mencabuti tanaman
    Potongan Tata tertib tersebut sesuai dipasang di …

    • A.

      Ruang makan

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Taman
    The given rules in the code of conduct are related to maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in a public space. They include not plucking flowers, not stepping on the grass, not vandalizing seats and trees, not littering, and not uprooting plants. These rules are most suitable to be displayed in a park or garden, where people are expected to follow these guidelines to preserve the beauty and cleanliness of the surroundings. Therefore, the correct answer is "taman" which means "park" in English.

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  • 13. 

    Berikut ini deskripsi yang benar tentang bus, kecuali …

    • A.

      Mempunyai roda .

    • B.

      Mempunyai rangkaian gerbong

    • C.

      Menggunakan mesin

    • D.

      Menggunakan bahan bakar

    Correct Answer
    B. Mempunyai rangkaian gerbong
    The correct answer is "memiliki rangkaian gerbong". This is because a bus does not have a series of carriages or compartments like a train. Instead, it is a single vehicle with seats for passengers. The other options are true for a bus - it has wheels, uses an engine, and runs on fuel.

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  • 14. 

    ………………. Berilah kiranya yang terbaik bagiku Tanah berlumpur dan kerbau pilihan Biji padi yang manis ……………… Judul yang tepat untuk puisi di atas adalah ….                                                    

    • A.

      Nyanyian seorang nelayan

    • B.

      Nyanyian seorang pemulung

    • C.

      Nyanyian seorang petani

    • D.

      Nyanyian seorang pedagang

    Correct Answer
    C. Nyanyian seorang petani
    The correct answer is "nyanyian seorang petani" because the poem talks about a request for the best things in life, such as fertile land, choice buffaloes, and sweet rice. These elements are commonly associated with farming and agriculture, which are the domain of a farmer. Therefore, the title "nyanyian seorang petani" or "song of a farmer" is the most suitable for this poem.

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  • 15. 

    Atas perhatian Bapak-bapak dan Ibu-ibu kami ucapkan terima kasih. Kalimat di atas adalah penggalan …                                                                                            .   

    • A.

      Pembukaan pidato

    • B.

      Isi pidato

    • C.

      Judul pidato

    • D.

      Penutup pidato

    Correct Answer
    D. Penutup pidato
    The given correct answer is "penutup pidato" because the sentence mentions "terima kasih" which means "thank you" in English. This indicates that the sentence is expressing gratitude at the end of a speech or presentation, which is typically done in the closing or conclusion part of a speech. Therefore, "penutup pidato" or "closing of the speech" is the most appropriate option.

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  • 16. 

    Guruku Ilmu yang engkau berikan Laksana pelita yang tak punah padamu Menerangi jalan gulita Agar kaki tak salah melangkah   Tema puisi di atas adalah …                                                                                                        

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Pendidikan
    The theme of the poem is education. The poem describes knowledge as a guiding light that illuminates the path and prevents us from making wrong decisions. This suggests that the poem is emphasizing the importance of education in guiding individuals and helping them make informed choices in life.

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  • 17. 

    Sepuluh tahun yang lalu handphone hanya dimiliki orang-orang tentara. Saat ini hampir setiap orang telah memiliki Handphone. Bahkan tidak sedikit orang yang memiliki lebih dari dua handphone. Selain harganya murah, took Handphone dapat ditemukan dimana saja. Tema cerita di atas adalah …                                                                                                 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Komunikasi
    The theme of the story is "komunikasi" (communication). This is evident from the mention of the widespread ownership of handphones, the affordability of handphones, and the ability to find them anywhere. These details highlight how handphones have become a common tool for communication among people, indicating that communication is the main focus of the story.

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  • 18. 

    Suri Ikun menggali lubang yang luas dan dalam. Kemudian, lubang itu ditutup dengan ranting-ranting kayu dan dilapisi rumput. Untuk menarik perhatian binatang yang akan ditangkapnya, tidak lupa ditaruhnya singkong dan ubi. Berdasarkan cerita tersebut, Suri Ikun adalah anak yang …                                                                                                                                    

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Cerdik
    Based on the given story, Suri Ikun is described as someone who is clever or smart. This can be inferred from the actions taken by Suri Ikun, such as digging a wide and deep hole, covering it with branches and grass, and placing cassava and sweet potatoes to attract the animals. These actions demonstrate intelligence and cunningness in setting up a trap to catch animals. Therefore, the correct answer is "cerdik" which means clever or smart.

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  • 19. 

    Suri Ikun menggali lubang yang luas dan dalam. Kemudian, lubang itu ditutup dengan ranting-ranting kayu dan dilapisi rumput. Untuk menarik perhatian binatang yang akan ditangkapnya, tidak lupa ditaruhnya singkong dan ubi. Siapakah tokoh dalam cerita di atas …                                                                                                  

    • A.


    • B.

      Suri Ikun

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Suri Ikun
    The correct answer is Suri Ikun. The passage mentions Suri Ikun digging a hole, covering it with branches and grass, and placing cassava and sweet potatoes to attract animals. Therefore, Suri Ikun is the character mentioned in the story.

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  • 20. 

    Suri Ikun menggali lubang yang luas dan dalam. Kemudian, lubang itu ditutup dengan ranting-ranting kayu dan dilapisi rumput. Untuk menarik perhatian binatang yang akan ditangkapnya, tidak lupa ditaruhnya singkong dan ubi. Amanat yang tersirat dalam cerita di atas adalah …                     

    • A.

      Bekerja keras dalam melakukan suatu hal

    • B.

      Melakukan sesuatu semaunya

    • C.

      Lincah dalam menghadapi tantangan

    • D.

      Suka menarik perhatian orang lain

    Correct Answer
    A. Bekerja keras dalam melakukan suatu hal
    The implied message in the story is "working hard in doing something". This can be inferred from the fact that Suri Ikun dug a wide and deep hole, covered it with branches and grass, and placed cassava and sweet potatoes to attract the animals. This shows that Suri Ikun put in a lot of effort and dedication in setting up the trap, indicating the importance of hard work in achieving a goal.

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  • 21. 

    Lo Tham Muk seorang peternak buaya. berteman dengan buaya adalah pekerjaan biasa baginya. Dengan tenangnya ia bercanda dengan kumpulan buayanya yang berjumlah lebih dari 1.500 ekor Tema cerita di atas adalah …                                                                                                     

    • A.

      Peternak buaya

    • B.

      Peternak ayam

    • C.

      Peternak sapi

    • D.

      Peternak kambing

    Correct Answer
    A. Peternak buaya
    The given passage describes Lo Tham Muk as a crocodile farmer who has over 1,500 crocodiles. Therefore, the theme of the story is "crocodile farmer".

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  • 22. 

    Lo Tham Muk seorang peternak buaya. berteman dengan buaya adalah pekerjaan biasa baginya. Dengan tenangnya ia bercanda dengan kumpulan buayanya yang berjumlah lebih dari 1.500 ekor Tokoh pada penggalan cerita di atas adalah …                                                                                                                             

    • A.


    • B.

      Lo Tham Muk

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Lo Tham Muk
    The given passage mentions Lo Tham Muk as a crocodile farmer who is friends with a group of crocodiles. It states that being friends with crocodiles is a normal job for him and that he jokes around with a group of over 1,500 crocodiles. Therefore, the correct answer is Lo Tham Muk.

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