Canal de 192 Kb/s para comunicacion de datos
Correct Answer
DCC-R stands for Digital Compact Cassette-Recordable. It is a type of cassette tape that can be used for recording and storing digital data. With a data communication channel of 192 Kb/s, DCC-R would be suitable for transmitting and receiving data at a relatively slow speed.
Como esta compuesta la palabra de alineamiento de trama?
Correct Answer
A. Tres bytes A1 y Tres bytes A2
La palabra de alineamiento de trama está compuesta por tres bytes A1 y tres bytes A2.
Cuando la velocidad de trama del VC-4 es baja con respecto a la AUG, se requiere
Correct Answer
C. Justificacion Positiva
When the frame rate of the VC-4 is low compared to the AUG, a positive justification is required. This means that additional bits need to be added to the data stream in order to align the frames correctly. This is necessary to ensure proper synchronization and to avoid errors in the transmission of data.
Diga que significan las letras STM-n
Correct Answer
B. Modulo de Transporte Sincrono de orden n
Las letras STM-n significan "Modulo de Transporte Sincrono de orden n". Esto se refiere a un estándar utilizado en telecomunicaciones para la transmisión de señales digitales a través de redes de fibra óptica. El término "sincrónico" indica que la transmisión se realiza de manera sincronizada, lo que garantiza una mayor precisión y confiabilidad en la transmisión de datos. El valor "n" en STM-n representa el nivel de capacidad de transmisión, donde diferentes valores de "n" indican diferentes velocidades de transmisión.
El byte de oportunidad para justificacion negativa es?
Correct Answer
C. H3
The correct answer is H3. In networking, a "byte of opportunity" refers to the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted in a single network packet. Justification negativa is a concept in networking where a device sends a negative acknowledgment to indicate that it did not receive a particular packet. H3 represents a specific value for the byte of opportunity for justification negativa, indicating that the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted in a single packet for this purpose is 3 bytes.
El byte que muestra el estado del enlace para fines de mantenimiento y supervision en un VC-4 es:
Correct Answer
A. G1
The correct answer is G1. In a VC-4, G1 is the byte that displays the link status for maintenance and supervision purposes.
El encabezado de seccion del STM-1 esta formado por
Correct Answer
The correct answer is RSOH y MSOH. The section overhead (RSOH) and the multiplex section overhead (MSOH) are the components of the STM-1 section header. The RSOH contains information related to the maintenance and performance monitoring of the section, while the MSOH contains information about the multiplexing and demultiplexing of the signals within the section. These headers are essential for the proper functioning and management of the STM-1 transmission.
El encabezado de seccion para multiplex ocupa
Correct Answer
A. 5 filas por 9 bytes en cada filas
The correct answer is 5 filas por 9 bytes en cada filas. This means that the section header for multiplex occupies 5 rows and each row contains 9 bytes. This information is important for understanding the layout and structure of the multiplex section.
El enrutador digital sincrono es conocido como
Correct Answer
The correct answer is SDXC. The explanation for this is that SDXC stands for Secure Digital eXtended Capacity, which is a type of memory card used in digital devices such as cameras and smartphones. SDXC cards have a higher storage capacity compared to other types of SD cards, making them suitable for storing large amounts of data. The other options (RSOH, DCC-R, and MSOH) are not commonly used terms in relation to digital routers, so they are not the correct answer.
El significado de las letras PDH es
Correct Answer
A. Jerrarquia Digital Plesiocrona
The correct answer is "Jerrarquia Digital Plesiocrona." This answer refers to the meaning of the acronym "PDH" in Spanish, which stands for "Jerarquia Digital Plesiocrona." The other options provided are not the correct translations or interpretations of the acronym.
El total de Bytes de la palabra de alineacion de trama de un STM-1 es de
Correct Answer
A. 6
The total number of bytes for the frame alignment word of an STM-1 is 6.
En este modo de sincronizacion existe mas de un PRC o reloj de refgerencia primaria
Correct Answer
A. Pseudo-Sincrono
In this synchronization mode, there are multiple Primary Reference Clocks (PRCs) or primary reference clocks. This means that there are multiple clocks that serve as the main reference for synchronization. The term "pseudo" suggests that these clocks may not be truly synchronized, but rather appear to be synchronized due to certain mechanisms or protocols in place. Therefore, the synchronization in this mode is not completely accurate or precise, hence the term "pseudo-synchronous."
En las señales eléctricas de 155 Mb/s se utiliza el código
Correct Answer
The correct answer is CMI. CMI stands for Coded Mark Inversion, which is a line coding technique used in electric signals. In CMI, the signal is encoded by inverting the polarity of the signal at the beginning of each bit interval. This coding technique helps in reducing the DC component of the signal and provides better synchronization and error detection capabilities.
En una configuración de anillo, cada multiplexor síncrono tiene las siguientes conexiones
Correct Answer
B. Los lados este y oeste estan conectado cada uno a un correspondiete nodo adyacente
In a ring configuration, each synchronous multiplexer is connected to the MUX and AUX rings. The east and west sides are connected to their respective adjacent nodes. This connection allows for the transmission of data between the nodes in the ring.
Es el apuntador que indica el comienzo del VC-4
Correct Answer
B. AU-4
AU-4 is the correct answer because it is the pointer that indicates the beginning of the VC-4. The other options, VC-12, C-12, and VC-3, are not the correct pointers for indicating the start of the VC-4.
Es el nombre del contenedor donde se coloca la señal de entrada de 2048 kbps
Correct Answer
A. C-12
C-12 is the correct answer because it refers to the container where the 2048 kbps input signal is placed. The other options, AU-4, VC-3, and H3, do not specifically mention the container for this specific signal.
Es el recipiente donde se colocan las señales de informacion de entrada segun la estructura de SDH
Correct Answer
A. Contenedor
The correct answer is "Contenedor." In the context of the given question, a "contenedor" refers to a container where input information signals are placed according to the structure of SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy). This container is used to transport and manage the signals within the SDH network.
Es la velocidad de transmision del STM-1
Correct Answer
D. 155.520 Mb/s
The correct answer is 155.520 Mb/s. This is the transmission speed of the STM-1, which stands for Synchronous Transport Module level 1. It is a standardized digital transmission format used in telecommunications networks. The speed of 155.520 Mb/s refers to the maximum data rate that can be transmitted over the STM-1 connection.
Es la velocidad de transmision del STM-4
Correct Answer
B. 622.080 Mb/s
The correct answer is 622.080 Mb/s. This is the transmission speed of the STM-4, which is a standard for synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) transmission systems. The STM-4 has a transmission rate of 622.080 Mb/s, which is four times the rate of the STM-1 (155.520 Mb/s). The other options provided are not the correct transmission speeds for the STM-4.
Es la velocidad de transmision del STM-16
Correct Answer
C. 2488.320 Mb/s
The correct answer is 2488.320 Mb/s. This is the transmission speed of the STM-16, a widely used synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) transmission format. It has a data rate of 2488.320 Mb/s, which is equivalent to 2.488320 Gb/s.
Es la velocidad de transmision del STM-64
Correct Answer
D. 9953.280 Mb/s
The correct answer is 9953.280 Mb/s because it is the highest value among the given options. The question is asking for the transmission speed of STM-64, and the options are listed in increasing order. Since the transmission speed of STM-64 is higher than the other options, 9953.280 Mb/s is the correct answer.
Es una caracteristica de los sistemas SDH
Correct Answer
A. Permite insertar y extraer canales sin de multiplexar toda la señal
The correct answer is "Permite insertar y extraer canales sin de multiplexar toda la señal" which translates to "Allows inserting and extracting channels without multiplexing the entire signal." This means that in SDH systems, individual channels can be added or removed without affecting the entire signal, providing flexibility and scalability in managing the transmission of different data streams.
Es un ejemplo de contenedor de alto orden
Correct Answer
C. C-4
This question is asking for an example of a high-order container. The options given are VC-3, VC-12, C-4, and Au-4. The correct answer is C-4 because it is a high-order container.
Especifica la forma de como se van a llenar las estructuras de SDH con las señales que se transportan
Correct Answer
A. El Mapeo
The correct answer is "El Mapeo". This answer suggests that the way to fill the SDH structures with the signals being transported is through a process called "El Mapeo" or mapping. This process involves assigning the signals to specific slots or containers within the SDH structure, ensuring efficient and organized transmission of the signals.
Funcion por la cual la red monitorea la calidad de transmision en la seccones en operacion y si esta se degrada el trafico pude ser conmutado hacia la seccion de proteccion
Correct Answer
A. Conmutacion de Proteccion automatica
This answer is correct because it accurately identifies "Conmutacion de Proteccion automatica" as the function by which the network monitors the transmission quality in the operating sections, and if it degrades, the traffic can be switched to the protection section. The other options mentioned, such as "Mediciones en la red de alambrado" (Measurements in the wired network) and "Proteccion en los equipos" (Protection in the equipment), are not directly related to the given function described in the question.
La alarma que indica error de bloque del extremo remoto es
Correct Answer
The correct answer is FEBE. This is because FEBE stands for Far End Block Error, which is an alarm that indicates an error in the remote end block. This alarm is commonly used in telecommunications and networking systems to detect and troubleshoot issues in the transmission of data between remote locations.
La alarma que indica una falla de recepcion en el extremo remoto es
Correct Answer
The correct answer is FERF. This is because the question is asking about the alarm that indicates a reception failure at the remote end. Among the given options, FERF is the only combination that matches the letters in the correct order.
La cantidada de TUG-2 que forman un TUG-3 es de
Correct Answer
A. 3
The correct answer is 3. This suggests that the quantity of TUG-2 required to form a TUG-3 is 3.
La duracion de una multitrama de VC-12 es
Correct Answer
A. 500 microsegundos
The correct answer is 500 microsegundos. This is the duration of a VC-12 multitrame.
La indicacion de apuntador nulo se abrevia como
Correct Answer
The correct answer is NPI, which stands for "Null Pointer Indication." This abbreviation is commonly used in computer programming to refer to the situation when a pointer variable does not point to any valid memory address. When a null pointer is encountered during program execution, it often indicates an error or a bug in the code. Therefore, NPI is the appropriate abbreviation for this concept.
La siguiente es una alarma que se presenta a nivel de seccion
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "MS-FERF" because it is the only option that matches the given description of being an alarm that occurs at the section level. The other options, MS-FEBE, RSOH, and MSOH, do not fit this description.
La trayectoria de alto orden de punta a punta se representa con las letras
Correct Answer
The correct answer is HLP because in the given sequence, the letters are arranged in ascending order of their position in the alphabet. H is the eighth letter, L is the twelfth letter, and P is the sixteenth letter. Therefore, HLP represents the trajectory of high order from point to point.
La trayecoria de bajo orden de punta a punta se representa con las letras
Correct Answer
The given answer, "LLP," represents the low order trajectory from end to end.
Las velocidades de transmision de la SDH son
Correct Answer
B. 155.520, 622.080 y 2488.320 Mb/s
The correct answer is 155.520, 622.080, and 2488.320 Mb/s. This is because these are the transmission speeds of the SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) system. SDH is a standard for transmitting digital signals over optical fiber networks, and these speeds represent different levels of transmission capacity.
Las velocidades en PDH de la jerraquia europea son
Correct Answer
B. 2, 8, 34, 140 y 565 Mb/s
The correct answer is the second option, which includes the speeds of 2, 8, 34, 140, and 565 Mb/s. This is because the question is asking for the speeds in the European PDH hierarchy, and these are the correct speeds in that hierarchy.
Los bytes H1 (V1) y H2 (V2) corresponden a
Correct Answer
D. Codificacion y valor del apuntador
The bytes H1 (V1) and H2 (V2) correspond to the encoding and value of the pointer. This means that they contain information about how the pointer is encoded and what value it holds. This could be important for understanding and manipulating the pointer in a program or system.
Los limites de la seccion Mux son
Correct Answer
A. De los ensambladores de alto orden a los ensambladores de bajo orden
The correct answer is "De los ensambladores de alto orden a los ensambladores de bajo orden." This means that the limits of the Mux section go from high-order assemblers to low-order assemblers. In other words, the Mux section is capable of handling instructions from more complex assemblers to simpler ones.
Los limites del trayecto de alto orden son
Correct Answer
C. De los multiplexores STM-n a los regeneradores extremos
The correct answer is "De los multiplexores STM-n a los regeneradores extremos". This means that the limits of the high-order path are from the STM-n multiplexers to the end regenerators.
Que es ATM
Correct Answer
A. Es una tecnica de multiplexacion y conmutacion de paquetes
ATM significa Asynchronous Transfer Mode, y se refiere a una tecnología de red que utiliza la multiplexación y conmutación de paquetes para transmitir datos de manera eficiente. En lugar de enviar información en forma continua, ATM divide los datos en pequeños paquetes y los envía de manera independiente a través de la red. Esto permite que múltiples flujos de datos compartan el mismo medio de transmisión y optimiza el uso de ancho de banda. Por lo tanto, la afirmación "Es una técnica de multiplexación y conmutación de paquetes" es la correcta.
Recomendacion el CCITT que define al reloj de referencia primaria
Correct Answer
A. G.811
The correct answer is G.811. The CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) recommends G.811 as the standard for defining the primary reference clock. This standard specifies the requirements for a primary reference clock in telecommunications networks, including its accuracy, stability, and traceability. It ensures that the primary reference clock provides a reliable and accurate time signal for synchronization purposes in the network.
Si el sistema se usa para señales de 2Mb/s cada TUG-2 llevara
Correct Answer
D. Tres TU-12
The correct answer is "Tres TU-12". This means that if the system is used for 2Mb/s signals, each TUG-2 will carry three TU-12 signals.
Si un elemento de red SDH pierde su sincronizacion y utiliza una señal de reloj generada internamente se dice que esta en modo
Correct Answer
A. De Libre Carrera
Cuando un elemento de red SDH pierde su sincronización y utiliza una señal de reloj generada internamente, se dice que está en modo "De Libre Carrera". En este modo, el elemento de red no está sincronizado con la señal de reloj de la red principal y utiliza su propia señal de reloj interna para operar. Esto puede ocurrir cuando hay problemas en la red principal o cuando el elemento de red no puede recibir una señal de reloj externa confiable. En este modo, el elemento de red puede funcionar de manera independiente, pero puede haber una degradación en la calidad del servicio.
Son algunas de las Recomendaciones que define la SDH
Correct Answer
C. G.707, G.708, G.709
These are some of the recommendations defined by the SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy). The recommendations G.707, G.708, and G.709 are specific guidelines and standards set by the SDH for synchronous digital transmission systems. These recommendations outline the specifications for the physical and electrical characteristics of the network, as well as the protocols and interfaces used for efficient and reliable transmission of digital signals.
Son los bytes que llevan la informacion de peticion de conmutacion y estado actual del enlace
Correct Answer
B. K1 y K2
The correct answer is K1 and K2. K1 and K2 are the bytes that carry the information of switching request and the current state of the link.
Una de las funciones de un apuntador es
Correct Answer
A. Señalar la posicion de inicio de los VC's
An apuntador, or pointer, is used to indicate the position of the start of the VC's (Virtual Containers). It helps in keeping track of the location where the VC's begin, allowing for efficient access and management of the virtual containers.
Una señal PDH de 140 Mb/s se mapea directamente a un
Correct Answer
B. VC-4
A PDH signal of 140 Mb/s is directly mapped to a VC-4.
Que indica el led SW PROT:
Correct Answer
B. Muestra el estado de protección automatizada
El led SW PROT indica el estado de protección automatizada. Esto significa que el dispositivo está monitoreando y protegiendo el sistema de posibles fallas o eventos no deseados.
Las Alarmas de Interfaz G703 (E1) incluye una señal de alarma remota que indica que
Correct Answer
C. Tres bits A consecutivos, puestos a uno, fueron detectados (modo estrucutado solamente)
The correct answer is "Tres bits A consecutivos, puestos a uno, fueron detectados (modo estrucutado solamente)". This means that the G703 (E1) Interface Alarms include a remote alarm signal that indicates the detection of three consecutive A bits set to one in structured mode.
Las tarjetas HDSL LTU/NTU-804/5 son configuradas siempre como
Correct Answer
Las tarjetas HDSL LTU/NTU-804/5 se configuran siempre como DCE.
De los campos de los parametros de configuracion del sistema, el modo de aplicacion TSP:
Correct Answer
A. Habilita al sistema para operar en el modo de priorizacion del canal
The correct answer is "Habilita al sistema para operar en el modo de priorizacion del canal" which translates to "Enables the system to operate in channel prioritization mode". This suggests that the TSP application mode allows the system to prioritize channels for operation.