Hoeveel jaren verbleef profeet saw in Mekka voor dat hij de hijrah deed?
Correct Answer
C. 13jaren
The correct answer is 13 years. This is the amount of time that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) spent in Makkah before he migrated to Madinah, which is known as the hijrah. During these 13 years, the Prophet faced numerous challenges and opposition from the Quraysh tribe, but he continued to spread the message of Islam and gain followers. The hijrah marked a significant turning point in the history of Islam and the establishment of the first Islamic state in Madinah.
Profeet Saw is een nakomeling van Ibrahim alayhi salaam.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
The statement "Profeet Saw is een nakomeling van Ibrahim alayhi salaam" is true. This means that Prophet Saw is a descendant of Ibrahim alayhi salaam.
Met hoeveel personen deed profeet saw hijrah naar medina?
Correct Answer
B. 3
The correct answer is 3 because the question is asking how many people accompanied the Prophet Muhammad (saw) during his migration (hijrah) to Medina. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) migrated to Medina with his close companion Abu Bakr and they were joined by a guide named Abdullah ibn Urayqit. Therefore, the total number of people who migrated with the Prophet Muhammad (saw) to Medina was three.
Welke profeet was niet van een Arabische afkomst.
Correct Answer
A. Ibrahim As
Ibrahim As is the correct answer because he was not of Arab descent. He is considered the father of the Abrahamic religions and is believed to have been born in Mesopotamia, which is present-day Iraq. Although he is a significant figure in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, he is not considered to be of Arab origin.
Welke sahabi( metgezel) was leider van de Aws stam in medina?
Correct Answer
A. Sa'd ibn muadh rd
Sa'd ibn Muadh was the leader of the Aws tribe in Medina. He was a prominent companion of Prophet Muhammad and played a significant role in the early Islamic community. Sa'd ibn Muadh was known for his wisdom and bravery, and he was highly respected among the Muslims. He was known for his strong leadership and his commitment to the welfare of his tribe. Sa'd ibn Muadh's leadership skills and his dedication to Islam made him an influential figure during the time of the Prophet.
Surat Fatiha werd geopenbaard in medina
Correct Answer
B. Niet waar
The given statement is not true. Surat Fatiha was actually revealed in Makkah, not in Medina.
Welke profeet adviseerde profeet saw om voor vermindering te vragen bij Allah swt voor het gebed?
Correct Answer
C. Moesa as
Moesa (Moses) advised the Prophet Muhammad (saw) to ask Allah (swt) for a reduction in the number of prayers.
Hoeveel heeft Allah swt de gelovigen bevolen om te bidden voor dat profeet Saw voor vermindering vroeg?
Correct Answer
B. 50 gebeden
Allah swt heeft de gelovigen bevolen om 50 gebeden te verrichten voordat profeet Saw om vermindering vroeg.
Profeet saw at azijn en vond het heel lekker.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
The given statement translates to "Prophet tasted vinegar and found it very tasty." This implies that the statement is true, as it states that the Prophet enjoyed the taste of vinegar.
Hoeveel sahaba ( metgezellen) zijn als martelaren gevallen tijdens de veldslag van bedr.
Correct Answer
A. 14
During the Battle of Badr, 14 sahaba (companions) of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) were martyred.
Zweren bij iets zoals jouw moeder of bij deze eten of bij deze graf dat is shirk.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
The given statement is in Dutch and it translates to "Swearing by something like your mother or by this food or by this grave is shirk." The word "shirk" refers to the Islamic concept of associating partners with Allah, which is considered a major sin. Therefore, the correct answer "Klopt" (True) suggests that swearing by objects or individuals other than Allah is indeed considered shirk in Islamic belief.
In welke maand kwamen de moslims uit medina om trouw te zweren(ba'iah) aan profeet saw?
Correct Answer
D. Dhul hija
The correct answer is Dhul hija. In the month of Dhul hija, the Muslims from Medina came to pledge their allegiance (ba'iah) to the Prophet Muhammad (saw).
Van wie accepteert Allah swt de daden alleen ?
Correct Answer
C. Al moetaqqeen( godsvruchtige)
Allah swt accepteert alleen de daden van de godsvruchtige mensen.
Welke profeet zijn vader , zijn zoon , zijn broer waren profeten?
Correct Answer
A. Ishaak as
The correct answer is Ishaak as. Ishaak (Isaac) was a prophet in Islam and is known for being the son of Ibrahim (Abraham) and the father of Yacoub (Jacob). Yacoub himself was also a prophet, and his son Yusuf (Joseph) was also a prophet. Therefore, Ishaak's father, son, and brother were all prophets.
Elke ziekte die Allah heeft neergedaald heeft een genezing.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
This statement is true because it states that every disease that Allah has sent down has a cure. This implies that Allah, being all-knowing and all-powerful, has provided a solution or treatment for every illness that exists. This belief is rooted in the faith and trust that Allah is benevolent and compassionate, and has the ability to heal and alleviate suffering.
Welke sahabi(metgezel) kwam uit Perzië ?
Correct Answer
C. Salmaan al farisi rd
Salmaan al-Farisi was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad who came from Persia. He was originally a Zoroastrian and converted to Islam after meeting the Prophet. Salmaan al-Farisi played a significant role in spreading the message of Islam and was known for his knowledge and piety. He was highly respected by the Prophet and his fellow companions.
Waar is imam al boukhari geboren?
Correct Answer
A. Bouchara
Imam al-Boukhari is believed to have been born in Bouchara, which is a city located in present-day Uzbekistan. He is one of the most renowned Islamic scholars and is famous for compiling the hadith collection known as Sahih al-Bukhari. This collection is considered one of the most authentic and reliable sources of hadiths in Sunni Islam. Imam al-Boukhari's birthplace, Bouchara, was an important center of Islamic learning during his time, which likely influenced his education and scholarly pursuits.
Ramadan is de ...... Islamitische maand?
Correct Answer
C. 9 de
The correct answer is "9 de". This is because Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims around the world observe fasting during this month as a way to purify their souls and seek spiritual growth.
Profeet Mohamed saw is geboren in medina.
Correct Answer
B. Niet waar
The given statement is incorrect. Prophet Mohammed was not born in Medina. He was born in Mecca.
Hoe heet de sahabi broer van Omar ibn al khattaab rd?
Correct Answer
B. Zayd rd
The correct answer is Zayd rd.
Welke sahabi heeft profeet saw 10 jaren gediend in zijn huis?
Correct Answer
C. Anas ibn Malik rd
Anas ibn Malik rd is the correct answer because he served the Prophet Muhammad (saw) in his house for 10 years. Anas ibn Malik was a young boy when he started serving the Prophet and continued to do so until the Prophet's death. He was known for his close relationship with the Prophet and his detailed narrations about the Prophet's life and teachings.
Welke sahabi werd niet gedood door ongelovigen of onrechtplegers?
Correct Answer
A. Aboe bakr rd
Abu Bakr was not killed by unbelievers or wrongdoers.
Profeet saw dronk heel graag melk.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
The given sentence "Profeet saw dronk heel graag melk" is in Dutch and it translates to "Prophet used to drink milk very much" in English. The answer "Klopt" means "True" in Dutch, indicating that the statement is correct.
Welke dierennaam komt niet voor in de koran?
Correct Answer
C. Rat
The correct answer is "Rat". This animal name does not appear in the Quran. The Quran is the holy book of Islam and contains teachings and stories that are important to Muslims. While other animal names such as goat, horse, and wolf are mentioned in the Quran, the rat is not mentioned.
Welke profeet komt na iesa as?
Correct Answer
B. Mohamed saw
The correct answer is Mohamed saw because he is considered the last and final prophet in Islam. After the Prophet Jesus (Iesa as), it is believed that Prophet Muhammad (Mohamed saw) was sent as the last messenger of Allah to guide humanity. He received the final revelation, the Quran, and his teachings form the basis of the Islamic faith.
De ongelovigen gaan nooit naar het paradijs.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
This statement is true. It states that unbelievers never go to paradise.
Hoeveel poorten heeft de hel?
Correct Answer
A. 7
According to the question, "Hoeveel poorten heeft de hel?" translates to "How many gates does hell have?" The correct answer is 7. This suggests that in the context of the question, hell is believed to have 7 gates.
Imam Aboe haniefah van de madhab heeft de sahaba gezien en hoorde onder tab'ieen.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
This statement is correct because it states that Imam Aboe Haniefah from the madhab has seen and heard from the sahaba (companions of the Prophet Muhammad) and the tabi'in (the generation after the sahaba). This implies that Imam Aboe Haniefah had direct contact with those who were close to the Prophet and learned from their teachings and experiences.
Welke profeet kon de doden doen leven met de wil van Allah de Almachtige.
Correct Answer
A. Iesa as
Iesa (Jesus) is believed to have the ability to bring the dead back to life with the will of Allah. This is mentioned in Islamic teachings and is considered one of the miracles of Iesa.
Elke profeet waar die doodgaat moet daar ter plaatse begraven worden.
Correct Answer
A. Klopt
According to the statement, every prophet must be buried in the place where they die. This implies that the burial of prophets should take place at the location of their death, which is considered to be true.