Intrebari + Probleme Macroeconomie Feaa

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| By Catherine Halcomb
Catherine Halcomb
Community Contributor
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Intrebari + Probleme Macroeconomie Feaa - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Mecanismele monetare evolueaza in societate chiar si in lipsa asistentei sau a autorizarii guvernelor, pentru ca:

    • A.

      In absenta banilor, dobanda nu poate fi incasata

    • B.

      Doar atunci cand bunurile au valoare monetara este posibila estimarea avutiei totale a societatii

    • C.

      Societatile din toata lumea au devenit subiectul „spiritului capitalismului”

    • D.

      Utilizarea banilor le permite oamenilor sa-si mareasca avutia prin intermediul comertului

    Correct Answer
    D. Utilizarea banilor le permite oamenilor sa-si mareasca avutia prin intermediul comertului
    The use of money allows people to increase their wealth through trade.

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  • 2. 


    • A.

      Sunt autorizati de guvern, care controleaza societatea

    • B.

      Sunt sustinuti de bunuri care au o valoare intrinseca

    • C.

      E de asteptat sa-si mentina o valoare constanta in viitor

    • D.

      Reprezinta un mijloc de schimb general acceptat

    Correct Answer
    D. Reprezinta un mijloc de schimb general acceptat
    Banii reprezintă un mijloc de schimb general acceptat deoarece sunt utilizati ca instrument pentru a cumpăra bunuri și servicii într-o societate. Aceștia sunt acceptați de către toți participanții la schimburi comerciale și sunt recunoscuți ca având o valoare universală. Deși există diferite tipuri de bani, cum ar fi bancnotele și monedele, acestea sunt acceptate în mod general și pot fi folosite pentru a achiziționa orice alt bun sau serviciu.

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  • 3. 

    Modalitatea de baza prin care oferta de bani creste este prin:

    • A.

      Extinderea capacitatii de productie, pentru ca productia este in mod simultan si venit

    • B.

      Emiterea de moneda suplimentara de catre Banca Centrala

    • C.

      Economii facute de public sau decizia de a nu cheltui o parte din venitul castigat

    • D.

      O crestere de ansamblu a volumului imprumuturilor acordate de bancile comerciale

    Correct Answer
    D. O crestere de ansamblu a volumului imprumuturilor acordate de bancile comerciale
    The correct answer is "o crestere de ansamblu a volumului imprumuturilor acordate de bancile comerciale" which means an overall increase in the volume of loans granted by commercial banks. This is the basic way in which the money supply increases. When commercial banks grant more loans, they create new money in the form of bank deposits. This increases the overall supply of money in the economy.

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  • 4. 

    Fiecare dolar adunat la rezervele totale ale sistemului comercial bancar:

    • A.

      Obliga bancile sa isi reduca imprumuturile cu 1$

    • B.

      Permite bancilor sa isi extinda imprumuturile cu 1$

    • C.

      Obliga bancile sa isi reduca imprumuturile cu mai mult de 1$

    • D.

      Permite bancilor sa isi extinda imprumuturile cu mai mult de 1$

    Correct Answer
    D. Permite bancilor sa isi extinda imprumuturile cu mai mult de 1$
    Each dollar added to the total reserves of the banking system allows banks to expand their loans by more than $1.

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  • 5. 

    Daca Banca Centrala cumpara obligatiuni de la populatie, atunci banca:

    • A.

      Reduce rezervele sistemului bancar comercial

    • B.

      Reduce oferta de bani

    • C.

      Mareste oferta de bani si rezervele bancilor comerciale

    • D.

      Are efect de atragere a avutiei si astfel de a retrage banii din sectorul privat

    Correct Answer
    C. Mareste oferta de bani si rezervele bancilor comerciale
    When the Central Bank buys bonds from the population, it increases the money supply in the economy. This is because the Central Bank pays for the bonds by creating new money, which increases the total amount of money in circulation. Additionally, when the Central Bank buys bonds, it increases the reserves of commercial banks. This is because the money used to buy the bonds ends up in the commercial banks, increasing their reserves. Therefore, the correct answer is that it increases the money supply and the reserves of commercial banks.

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  • 6. 

    Rata solicitata a rezervelor:

    • A.

      Functioneaza ca o constrangere asupra imprumuturilor acordate de banci

    • B.

      Impiedica retragerile masive operate de catre deponentii care se tem ca aceasta nu dispune de active suficiente pentru a egala garantiile lor

    • C.

      Nu are o semnificatie speciala, pentru ca bancilor nu li se cere sa isi justifice garantiile la cererea deponentilor

    • D.

      Este un substitut pentru sistemul monetar care folosea ca baza de referinta aurul si care le cerea bancilor sa pastreze rezerve in aur

    Correct Answer
    A. Functioneaza ca o constrangere asupra imprumuturilor acordate de banci
    The correct answer is "functioneaza ca o constrangere asupra imprumuturilor acordate de banci." This means that the required reserve ratio acts as a constraint on the loans that banks can give out. Banks are required to keep a certain percentage of their deposits as reserves, which limits the amount of money they can lend out. This helps to ensure the stability and solvency of the banking system by preventing excessive lending and reducing the risk of bank failures.

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  • 7. 

    Istoria banilor arata ca multe societati au ales metale precum cuprul, argintul si aurul ca mijloc preferat de schimb pentru ca aceste metale:

    • A.

      Erau atractive

    • B.

      Erau divizibile

    • C.

      Erau durabile

    • D.

      Erau transportabile

    • E.

      Erau rare

    • F.

      Indeplineau toate conditiile mentionate mai sus

    Correct Answer
    F. Indeplineau toate conditiile mentionate mai sus
    The given answer states that metals like copper, silver, and gold were chosen as a preferred medium of exchange because they fulfilled all the mentioned conditions of being attractive, divisible, durable, transportable, and rare. This implies that these metals possessed all the necessary qualities that made them suitable for being used as a form of currency in various societies throughout history.

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  • 8. 

    Principalul avantaj pe care il aveau monedele de metal asupra pieselor din metal neprelucrat era:

    • A.

      Gradul mai mare de atractivitate al monedelor

    • B.

      Acela ca monedele purtau sigiliul statului

    • C.

      Acela ca monedele aveau valoare pentru colectionari

    • D.

      Acela ca erau mult mai usor sa determini cantitatea si calitatea metalului continut de monede

    Correct Answer
    D. Acela ca erau mult mai usor sa determini cantitatea si calitatea metalului continut de monede
    The main advantage of metal coins over unprocessed metal pieces was that it was much easier to determine the quantity and quality of the metal contained in the coins.

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  • 9. 

    Cei mai vechi bani din hartie erau cei emisi de banca, tipariti cu ornamente pentru a impiedica falsificarea lor si:

    • A.

      Acceptati de catre stat la plata texelor

    • B.

      Sustinuti de garantii ale statului

    • C.

      Promiteau sa plateasca o suma anume de monede metalice la cerere

    • D.

      Utilizati pe scara larga in comertul international

    Correct Answer
    C. Promiteau sa plateasca o suma anume de monede metalice la cerere
    The correct answer is "promiteau sa plateasca o suma anume de monede metalice la cerere". This means that the oldest paper money issued by the bank promised to pay a specific amount of metallic coins upon request. This suggests that the paper money was backed by a guarantee of being exchanged for a certain amount of metal coins, providing a sense of security and value to the currency.

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  • 10. 

    Bancnotele din rezervele federale functioneaza astazi eficient in calitate de bani pentru ca:

    • A.

      Toata lumea este dispusa sa le accepte in schimbul unor bunuri valorificabile

    • B.

      Statul a decretat ca ele reprezinta banii

    • C.

      Sunt amortizabile in aur

    • D.

      Sunt amortizabile in argint

    Correct Answer
    A. Toata lumea este dispusa sa le accepte in schimbul unor bunuri valorificabile
    The correct answer is "toata lumea este dispusa sa le accepte in schimbul unor bunuri valorificabile". This means that everyone is willing to accept these banknotes in exchange for valuable goods. This is an important characteristic of money, as it needs to be universally accepted as a medium of exchange. Without this widespread acceptance, the banknotes would not be able to function effectively as money.

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  • 11. 

    Ceea ce utilizam astazi ca „mijloc de schimb” este format in intregime din:

    • A.

      Depozite bancare care pot fi transferate prin scrierea unui cec

    • B.


    • C.

      Articole care au valoare intrinseca pentru ca au fost certificate de catre stat

    • D.

      Obligatiile institutiilor de incredere

    Correct Answer
    D. Obligatiile institutiilor de incredere
    The correct answer is "obligatiile institutiilor de incredere". This is because the question is asking about what is used today as a "medium of exchange". Obligations of trusted institutions, such as government-issued currency or bank deposits, are commonly used as a medium of exchange in modern economies. Banknotes and articles with intrinsic value certified by the state are not as commonly used as mediums of exchange in today's economy.

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  • 12. 

    Alternativa la utilizarea banilor ca mijloc de schimb este:

    • A.

      Utilizarea depozitelor verificabile

    • B.

      Utilizarea monedei

    • C.

      Utilizarea depozitelor verificabile sau a monedei

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Barterul
    The correct answer is "barterul" because it is an alternative to using money as a medium of exchange. Barter refers to the direct exchange of goods and services without the use of money. In a barter system, individuals trade their goods or services for other goods or services of equal value. This method was commonly used before the invention of money and is still practiced in some societies or situations where money is not readily available.

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  • 13. 

    Cel mai important mijloc de schimb utilizat in prezent in Statele Unite este reprezentat de:

    • A.

      Monedele rare

    • B.

      Bancnotele din rezervele federale

    • C.

      Depozitele verificabile

    • D.

      Depozitele de economii

    Correct Answer
    C. Depozitele verificabile
    The correct answer is "depozitele verificabile". This means that the most important means of exchange currently used in the United States are verifiable deposits. This suggests that electronic transactions and digital money, such as debit cards and online banking, are the primary forms of exchange in the country.

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  • 14. 

    Bancilor comerciale li se permite sa creeze bani pentru ca:

    • A.

      Publicul este dispus sa accepte garantiile bancii in schimbul altor bunuri

    • B.

      Constitutia Statelor Unite le garanteaza aceasta putere

    • C.

      Sunt autorizate sa faca acest lucru de catre Banca Centrala

    • D.

      Nu sunt reglementate efectiv de guvernele federale sau de stat

    Correct Answer
    A. Publicul este dispus sa accepte garantiile bancii in schimbul altor bunuri
    Commercial banks are allowed to create money because the public is willing to accept the bank's guarantees in exchange for other goods. This means that when people deposit money into a bank, they trust that the bank will keep their money safe and will be able to provide them with the same amount of money when they want to withdraw it. This trust allows banks to create money by lending out a portion of the deposits they receive. As long as the public continues to have faith in the bank's ability to fulfill its guarantees, the bank can continue to create money.

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  • 15. 

    Bancile comerciale creeaza bani:

    • A.

      Imprumutand de la deponenti

    • B.

      Facand imprumuturi

    • C.

      Tiparind bancnote

    • D.

      Prin toate metodele descrise mai sus

    Correct Answer
    B. Facand imprumuturi
    Commercial banks create money by making loans. When a bank makes a loan, it increases the borrower's account balance, effectively creating new money. This is because the loan amount is recorded as a deposit in the borrower's account, which can then be spent or used for other purposes. This process of creating money through lending is known as fractional reserve banking, where banks are only required to hold a fraction of their deposits as reserves and can lend out the rest. Therefore, the correct answer is "facand imprumuturi".

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  • 16. 

    Ati putea crea bani folosind aceleasi metode utilizate de bancile comerciale, daca ati putea:

    • A.

      Construi sau achizitiona o masina de tiparit suficient de performanta

    • B.

      Transforma metalele in monede

    • C.

      Obtine o autorizatie din partea guvernului pentru infiintarea unei institutii de emitere a banilor

    • D.

      Convinge oamenii sa utilizeze banii creati de voi ca mijloc de schimb

    Correct Answer
    D. Convinge oamenii sa utilizeze banii creati de voi ca mijloc de schimb
    The correct answer is "convinge oamenii sa utilizeze banii creati de voi ca mijloc de schimb" because even if you have the ability to print money, transform metals into coins, and obtain government authorization to establish a money issuing institution, it is ultimately the acceptance and usage of the money by people that determines its value and effectiveness as a medium of exchange. Without convincing people to use the money you create, it would have no value or utility in the economy.

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  • 17. 

    Ce limiteaza capacitatea unei banci nereglementate de a continua sa creeze bani pe perioada nedeterminata?

    • A.

      Abilitatea sa de a mentine increderea oamenilor in valoarea constanta a garantiilor sale

    • B.

      Numarul oamenilor pe care ii poate convinge sa imprumute de la ea

    • C.

      Numarul oamenilor pe care ii poate convinge sa depuna bani in conturi de economii

    • D.

      Numarul filialelor pe care le opereaza intr-o anumita zona

    Correct Answer
    A. Abilitatea sa de a mentine increderea oamenilor in valoarea constanta a garantiilor sale
    The correct answer is "abilitatea sa de a mentine increderea oamenilor in valoarea constanta a garantiilor sale" (its ability to maintain people's trust in the constant value of its guarantees). This answer suggests that the ability of an unregulated bank to continue creating money indefinitely is limited by its ability to maintain the trust of people in the value of its guarantees. If people lose confidence in the bank's guarantees, they may withdraw their money, leading to a loss of liquidity and the bank's inability to continue creating money.

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  • 18. 

    Bancile aflate sub reglementarea statului sunt limitate in capacitatea lor de a crea bani prin:

    • A.

      Limite maxime pe care statul le stabileste pentru fiecare banca

    • B.

      Limite maxime pe care statul le stabileste pentru sistemul bancar in ansamblu

    • C.

      Cantitatea rezervelor lor si cerintele privind rezervele stabilite de stat

    • D.

      Rata inflatiei la nivelul natiunii in ansamblu

    Correct Answer
    C. Cantitatea rezervelor lor si cerintele privind rezervele stabilite de stat
    Banks under state regulation are limited in their ability to create money by the quantity of their reserves and the reserve requirements set by the government. This means that banks must hold a certain amount of reserves, which are deposits held by the central bank, and they must meet the reserve requirements set by the government. These requirements limit the amount of money that banks can create through lending and other activities. Therefore, the correct answer is the quantity of their reserves and the reserve requirements established by the government.

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  • 19. 

    Principala functie a rezervelor care sunt solicitate a fi pastrate de catre banci este aceea de:

    • A.

      A le constrange capacitatea de a crea bani

    • B.

      A mentine increderea deponentilor

    • C.

      A impiedica o prabusire a pietei valorilor

    • D.

      A proteja proprietarii bancilor impotriva falimentului

    Correct Answer
    A. A le constrange capacitatea de a crea bani
    The main function of reserves that banks are required to keep is to limit their ability to create money.

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  • 20. 

    Cel mai bun argument pentru restabilirea etalonului in aur, in Statele Unite, este acela ca:

    • A.

      Astfel ar putea fi limitata capacitatea guvernului de a mari cantitatea de bani aflata in circulatie

    • B.

      Aurul este durabil, divizibil si implicit valoros

    • C.

      Alte tari nu ar economisi in dolari daca acestia nu ar fi convertibili in aur

    • D.

      Restul lumii utilizeaza deja acest etalon

    Correct Answer
    A. Astfel ar putea fi limitata capacitatea guvernului de a mari cantitatea de bani aflata in circulatie
    The best argument for restoring the gold standard in the United States is that it would limit the government's ability to increase the quantity of money in circulation. By tying the value of the currency to a fixed amount of gold, the government would not be able to simply print more money, which can lead to inflation. This would provide stability and confidence in the currency, as its value would be backed by a tangible and limited resource.

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  • 21. 

    Dintre urmatoarele argumente impotriva restabilirii etalonului in aur in Statele Unite, cel mai convingator este probabil acela ca:

    • A.

      I-ar saraci pe producatorii de aur

    • B.

      Ar face mai dificila estimarea preturilor viitoare

    • C.

      Argintul este un metal preferat in Statele Unite

    • D.

      Statul ar putea foarte usor anula etalonul in aur oricand i-ar constrange politicile

    Correct Answer
    D. Statul ar putea foarte usor anula etalonul in aur oricand i-ar constrange politicile
    The most convincing argument against restoring the gold standard in the United States is that the government could easily cancel it whenever it is politically convenient. This suggests that the gold standard would not provide a stable and reliable basis for the country's currency, as the government could manipulate or abandon it at any time. This lack of certainty would undermine confidence in the currency and make it difficult for individuals and businesses to accurately estimate future prices.

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  • 22. 

    O crestere a cererii pentru garantiile la depozite oferite de bancile comerciale, in conditiile in care alte variabile raman constante, determina o crestere:

    • A.

      A (cantitatii de) moneda, dar nu si pentru M1

    • B.

      Pentru M1, dar nu si pentru M2

    • C.

      Pentru M2, dar nu si pentru M1

    • D.

      Atat pentru M1, cat si pentru M2

    Correct Answer
    D. Atat pentru M1, cat si pentru M2
    When there is an increase in demand for deposit guarantees offered by commercial banks, it will lead to an increase in both M1 and M2 money supply. This is because the demand for deposit guarantees indicates an increase in the demand for holding money, which in turn leads to an increase in the money supply. Therefore, the correct answer is that an increase in demand for deposit guarantees leads to an increase in both M1 and M2.

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  • 23. 

    Atunci cand publicul depune bani in conturile de economii in bancile comerciale:

    • A.

      M1 si M2 cresc

    • B.

      M1 si M2 scad

    • C.

      M2 creste, dar M1 nu se modifica

    • D.

      M1 scade, dar M2 nu se modifica

    Correct Answer
    D. M1 scade, dar M2 nu se modifica
    When the public deposits money into savings accounts in commercial banks, M1 decreases because the money is transferred from demand deposits (included in M1) to savings deposits (not included in M1). However, M2 remains unchanged because savings deposits are included in M2.

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  • 24. 

    Bancile comerciale extind creditele acordate clientilor prin:

    • A.

      Scaderea cantitatii de moneda din casele lor de bani

    • B.

      Acordarea de imprumuturi din rezervele in exces

    • C.

      Acordarea de imprumuturi folosind sumele din conturile de tranzactionare ale altor deponenti

    • D.

      Acordarea de imprumuturi folosind sumele din conturile de economii ale altor deponenti

    Correct Answer
    B. Acordarea de imprumuturi din rezervele in exces
    Commercial banks extend loans to customers by using their excess reserves. When customers deposit money into their accounts, a portion of that money is held as reserves by the bank. The bank can then lend out the remaining portion of the deposited money to other customers who need loans. This allows the bank to expand its credit and provide funds to borrowers. By using their excess reserves, banks can stimulate economic activity and support the financial needs of their customers.

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  • 25. 

    Banca Centrala poate mari rezervele excedentare ale bancilor comerciale prin:

    • A.

      Diminuarea cerintelor privind rezervele legale

    • B.

      Extinderea creditelor pentru bancile comerciale

    • C.

      Achizitionarea de obligatiuni de la stat

    • D.

      Oricare din metodele enumerate mai sus

    Correct Answer
    D. Oricare din metodele enumerate mai sus
    The correct answer is "oricare din metodele enumerate mai sus" because all of the methods listed can be used by the Central Bank to increase the excess reserves of commercial banks. These methods include reducing the requirements for legal reserves, extending credits to commercial banks, and purchasing government bonds. Therefore, any of these methods can be employed by the Central Bank to increase the excess reserves of commercial banks.

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  • 26. 

    Transferul prin cec al unei cereri de depunere scrisa la o banca catre o alta banca care nu dispune de rezerve excedentare confera bancii care il primeste responsabilitati suplimentare:

    • A.

      Dar nu si active aditionale

    • B.

      Dar nu si rezerve aditionale

    • C.

      Dar nu si rezerve excedentare

    • D.

      Si rezerve excedentare

    Correct Answer
    D. Si rezerve excedentare
    When a written deposit request is transferred through a check from one bank to another bank that does not have excess reserves, the receiving bank assumes additional responsibilities. This means that the receiving bank is now responsible for managing and maintaining the excess reserves. Therefore, the correct answer is "si rezerve excedentare" (and excess reserves).

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  • 27. 

    Un dolar din noile rezerve excedentare furnizate sistemului bancar permite acestui sistem sa creeze:

    • A.


    • B.

      Mai putin de un dolar sub forma de bani noi

    • C.

      Exact un dolar sub forma de bani noi

    • D.

      Mai mult de un dolar sub forma de bani noi

    Correct Answer
    D. Mai mult de un dolar sub forma de bani noi
    When a dollar is added to the excess reserves of the banking system, it allows the system to create more than one dollar in the form of new money. This is because of the fractional reserve banking system, where banks are only required to hold a fraction of their deposits as reserves and can lend out the rest. As a result, the initial dollar can be multiplied through the lending process, leading to the creation of more than one dollar in new money.

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  • 28. 

    Rata dobanzii pe care bancile Rezervei Federale o incaseaza de la bancile membre este denumita:

    • A.

      Rata de discount

    • B.

      Rata fondurilor federale

    • C.

      Rata primara

    • D.

      Rata de trezorerie

    Correct Answer
    A. Rata de discount
    The correct answer is "rata de discount." This term refers to the interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges member banks for loans. It is often used as a tool to control the money supply and stimulate or slow down economic activity.

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  • 29. 

    Tehnica fundamentala utilizata de Banca Centrala pentru a modifica rezervele excedentare ale bancilor comerciale in vederea controlului cresterii stocului de bani este:

    • A.

      Utilizarea amenintarilor si a coercitiei

    • B.

      Modificarea ratei de discount

    • C.

      Modificarea cerintelor privind rezervele legale

    • D.

      Achizitionarea sau vanzarea de obligatiuni

    Correct Answer
    D. Achizitionarea sau vanzarea de obligatiuni
    The correct answer is "achizitionarea sau vanzarea de obligatiuni" because the central bank can influence the excess reserves of commercial banks by buying or selling government bonds. When the central bank buys bonds, it injects money into the banking system, increasing the excess reserves of commercial banks. Conversely, when the central bank sells bonds, it absorbs money from the banking system, reducing the excess reserves of commercial banks. This allows the central bank to control the growth of the money supply and influence interest rates.

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  • 30. 

    Achizitionarea de catre bancile Rezervei Federale a unor obligatiuni de stat detinute anterior de catre populatie:

    • A.

      Diminueaza rezervele bancilor comerciale

    • B.

      Nu are niciun efect asupra rezervelor bancilor comerciale

    • C.

      Mareste rezervele bancilor comerciale

    • D.

      Reduce datoria nationala

    Correct Answer
    C. Mareste rezervele bancilor comerciale
    When the central bank, in this case, the Federal Reserve, purchases government bonds from the public, it increases the reserves of commercial banks. This is because when the central bank buys bonds, it pays for them by creating new money, which is then deposited into the accounts of the commercial banks. This increase in reserves allows commercial banks to lend out more money, stimulating economic activity. Therefore, the correct answer is that it increases the reserves of commercial banks.

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  • 31. 

    Conditia aplicata de catre Banca Centrala tehnicii zilnice de control a stocurilor de bani este reprezentata de:

    • A.

      Operatiunile privind lichiditatea

    • B.

      Operatiunile pe piata libera

    • C.

      Operatiunile de discount

    • D.

      Operatiunile privind rata dobanzilor

    Correct Answer
    B. Operatiunile pe piata libera
    The correct answer is "operatiunile pe piata libera" because the Central Bank uses daily stock control techniques to monitor and regulate the liquidity in the free market. This involves monitoring the flow of money and ensuring that there is enough liquidity in the market to meet the demands of the economy. By monitoring the operations in the free market, the Central Bank can make informed decisions and take necessary actions to maintain stability in the financial system.

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  • 32. 

    Daca nu li se solicita prin lege bancilor sa detina rezerve egale cu un anumit procent din depozitele lor:

    • A.

      Acestea ar putea inchiria mai multe din cutiilor lor securizate

    • B.

      Acestea ar risca insolventa prin extinderea excesiva a imprumuturilor

    • C.

      Depunatorii lor nu si-ar putea obtine fondurile atunci cand doresc

    • D.

      Autoritatile monetare ar considera ca este mult mai dificil sa controleze cresterea stocului de bani

    Correct Answer
    D. Autoritatile monetare ar considera ca este mult mai dificil sa controleze cresterea stocului de bani
    If banks are not required by law to hold reserves equal to a certain percentage of their deposits, it would be more difficult for monetary authorities to control the growth of the money supply. Without reserve requirements, banks would have more freedom to lend out a larger portion of their deposits, potentially leading to excessive lending and an increase in the money supply. This would make it harder for monetary authorities to manage inflation and maintain stability in the economy.

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  • 33. 

    Functionarii Rezervei Federale, insarcinati cu responsabilitatea de a regla, la nivelul economiei, cantitatea de bani aflata in circulatie, se lovesc de o sarcina dificila:

    • A.

      Deoarece bancile si populatia se comporta intr-o maniera care contracareaza initiativele Bancii Comerciale

    • B.

      Deoarece la nivel general se asteapta ca Banca Centrala sa atinga alte obiective, care s-ar putea afla in conflict

    • C.

      Deoarece nu exista un acord complet referitor la rata de crestere dezirabila a ofertei de bani la un moment dat

    • D.

      Deoarece nu exista un acord complet referitor la mijloacele pe care Banca Centrala ar trebui sa le utilizeze pentru a-si atinge obiectivele

    • E.

      Din toate motivele enumerate mai sus

    Correct Answer
    E. Din toate motivele enumerate mai sus
    The answer "din toate motivele enumerate mai sus" is correct because all of the given options provide valid reasons for why the officials of the Federal Reserve face a difficult task in regulating the quantity of money in circulation. The banks and the population's behavior may counteract the initiatives of the Commercial Bank, there may be conflicting objectives expected of the Central Bank, there may not be a complete agreement on the desirable growth rate of the money supply at a given time, and there may not be a complete agreement on the means that the Central Bank should use to achieve its objectives.

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  • 34. 

    Desi exista multe dezacorduri in randul economistilor referitor la cauzele si remediile pentru inflatie, exista un acord general asupra faptului ca:

    • A.

      Un control al ratei de crestere a stocului de bani este cea mai buna modalitate de a stabiliza rata de crestere a PIB

    • B.

      O rata excesiva de crestere a stocului national de bani va cauza inflatie

    • C.

      O rata neadecvata de crestere a stocului national de bani va cauza deflatie

    • D.

      O rata neadecvata de crestere a stocului national de bani va cauza recesiune

    Correct Answer
    B. O rata excesiva de crestere a stocului national de bani va cauza inflatie
    The given statement is a widely accepted belief among economists. It states that excessive growth in the national money supply will lead to inflation. This is because when there is an abundance of money in the economy, the purchasing power of each unit of currency decreases, leading to a general increase in prices. Inflation can have negative effects on the economy, such as eroding the value of savings and reducing consumer purchasing power. Therefore, controlling the rate of money supply growth is considered an effective way to stabilize the rate of economic growth.

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  • 35. 

    Recesiunea este cel mai bine definita ca o perioada care:

    • A.

      Procentul populatiei active in campul muncii scade

    • B.

      Apar scaderi neintentionate in ceea ce priveste angajatii, productia si veniturile

    • C.

      Nivelul preturilor scade

    • D.

      Viteza productiei de bunuri produse spre a fi vandute altora scade

    Correct Answer
    B. Apar scaderi neintentionate in ceea ce priveste angajatii, productia si veniturile
    The correct answer is "apar scaderi neintentionate in ceea ce priveste angajatii, productia si veniturile". This answer accurately defines a recession as a period characterized by unintended decreases in employment, production, and income. A recession typically involves a decline in economic activity and can have negative effects on various aspects of an economy, including employment levels, output, and people's incomes.

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  • 36. 

    O crestere a cererii de bani din partea populatiei sugereaza ca:

    • A.

      Oamenii doresc sa detina mai multa cantitate de moneda si sa isi pastreze balante medii mai mari in conturile lor bancare

    • B.

      Oamenii doresc sa isi mareasca venitul fara sa lucreze ore suplimentare

    • C.

      Pretul banilor a crescut

    • D.

      Oamenii sunt dispusi sa renunte la timpul liber pentru a obtine venit suplimentar

    Correct Answer
    A. Oamenii doresc sa detina mai multa cantitate de moneda si sa isi pastreze balante medii mai mari in conturile lor bancare
    The increase in demand for money from the population suggests that people want to hold a larger quantity of currency and maintain higher average balances in their bank accounts. This implies that people have a preference for liquidity and are seeking to have more money readily available for their financial needs.

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  • 37. 

    Cantitatea de bani oferita de autoritatile monetare:

    • A.

      Va fi intotdeauna egala cu cantitatea detinuta de catre populatie

    • B.

      Este posibil sa fie mai mare decat cantitatea pe care populatia doreste sa o detina

    • C.

      Este posibil sa fie mai mica decat cantitatea pe care populatia doreste sa o detina

    • D.

      Toate variantele de mai sus sunt adevarate

    Correct Answer
    D. Toate variantele de mai sus sunt adevarate
    The correct answer is "toate variantele de mai sus sunt adevarate" because the statement implies that the quantity of money offered by monetary authorities can be equal to, greater than, or smaller than the quantity that the population wants to hold. Therefore, all the options mentioned in the question are true.

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  • 38. 

    Diferentele dintre cantitatea de bani pe care populatia doreste sa o detina si cantitatea de bani pe care le-o pune la dispozitie Banca Centrala:

    • A.

      Afecteaza nivelul mediu al preturilor banilor, dar nu afecteaza productia reala

    • B.

      Pot fi usor evitate daca Banca Centrala este dispusa sa isi ajusteze politica monetara pentru a indeplini dorintele populatiei

    • C.

      Incurajeaza oamenii sa isi modifice cheltuielile, economiile si deciziile de investitii astfel incat sa poata genera instabilitate economica

    • D.

      Se corecteaza rapid de la sine pe masura ce oamenii afla ca ceea ce isi doresc nu poate fi obtinut

    Correct Answer
    C. Incurajeaza oamenii sa isi modifice cheltuielile, economiile si deciziile de investitii astfel incat sa poata genera instabilitate economica
    Diferentele dintre cantitatea de bani pe care populatia doreste sa o detina si cantitatea de bani pe care le-o pune la dispozitie Banca Centrala incurajeaza oamenii sa isi modifice cheltuielile, economiile si deciziile de investitii astfel incat sa poata genera instabilitate economica. This means that when the population desires to hold more money than what the Central Bank provides, it can lead to changes in spending, saving, and investment decisions, which can result in economic instability.

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  • 39. 

    Politica fiscala ar putea fi deosebit de eficienta in implementarea politicii monetare in conditiile in care managerii politicilor monetare ar dori sa mareasca cheltuielile totale, dar:

    • A.

      Bancile comerciale doresc sa creasca numarul imprumuturilor acordate

    • B.

      Cererea de bani a populatiei a crescut

    • C.

      Populatia este dispusa sa contracteze mai multe credite

    • D.

      Oricare sau toate variantele de mai sus sunt corecte

    Correct Answer
    D. Oricare sau toate variantele de mai sus sunt corecte
    The given answer states that any or all of the options mentioned could be correct. This means that the fiscal policy could be effective in implementing monetary policy if any one or all of the following conditions are met: commercial banks want to increase the number of loans granted, the demand for money from the population has increased, or the population is willing to take on more credit. This suggests that a combination of these factors could contribute to the effectiveness of fiscal policy in implementing monetary policy.

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  • 40. 

    Intarzierile „sincronizate” care trebuie anticipate si controlate daca este necesar ca managementul cererii agregate sa fie o tehnica de stabilizare eficienta sunt acele intarzieri dintre:

    • A.

      Aparitia unei probleme si recunoasterea acelei probleme

    • B.

      Recunoasterea problemei si actiunea de solutionare a acesteia

    • C.

      Actiunea de a solutiona problema si efectele ei asupra deciziilor privind cheltuielile si productia

    • D.

      Toate variantele de mai sus

    Correct Answer
    D. Toate variantele de mai sus
    The correct answer is "toate variantele de mai sus" (all of the above). This means that all of the mentioned delays between the appearance of a problem and its recognition, between the recognition of the problem and the action taken to solve it, and between the action taken to solve the problem and its effects on expenditure and production decisions, need to be anticipated and controlled for effective aggregate demand management.

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  • 41. 

    Schimbarile de la nivelul ratelor de impozitare sau al cheltuielilor guvernamentale au o probabilitate mica de a fi niste tehnici eficiente de stabilizare pentru ca:

    • A.

      S-a demonstrat ca politica fiscala nu are niciun efect asupra cheltuielilor agregate

    • B.

      De obicei, politica monetara anuleaza efectele politicii fiscale

    • C.

      Procesul politic prin care taxele propuse sau cheltuielile modificate trebuie sa fie aprobate este prea lent si devine prea des subiectul unor tensiuni conflictuale

    • D.

      Cheltuielile agregate cu noile bunuri sunt intotdeauna prin definitie egale cu productia si venitul total

    Correct Answer
    C. Procesul politic prin care taxele propuse sau cheltuielile modificate trebuie sa fie aprobate este prea lent si devine prea des subiectul unor tensiuni conflictuale
    The answer suggests that the slow and often conflict-ridden political process of approving proposed taxes or modified expenses makes it unlikely for changes in tax rates or government spending to be effective stabilization techniques. This implies that any attempts to adjust these factors as a means of economic stabilization would be hindered by the lengthy and contentious process of gaining approval for such changes.

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  • 42. 

    Daca agentiile guvernului federal au permisiunea de a utiliza politica fiscala si/sau monetara pentru a asigura niveluri ridicate ale productiei si ocuparii fara a crea inflatie, ele trebuie sa fie capabile sa influenteze:

    • A.

      PIB-ul nominal

    • B.

      PIB-ul real

    • C.

      Nivelul preturilor

    • D.

      PIB-ul real si nivelul preturilor in mod independent unul de celalalt

    Correct Answer
    D. PIB-ul real si nivelul preturilor in mod independent unul de celalalt
    The correct answer is "PIB-ul real si nivelul preturilor in mod independent unul de celalalt". This means that government agencies have the ability to influence both real GDP and price levels separately from each other. This suggests that they can use fiscal and/or monetary policy to stimulate economic growth and employment without causing inflation. In other words, they can increase real GDP without causing a significant increase in prices.

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  • 43. 

    In Statele Unite, productia si venitul real au scazut in perioada 1923-1933 cu aproximativ:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 30%
    The correct answer is 30% because the question states that both production and real income decreased in the United States from 1923 to 1933. A decrease of 30% indicates a significant decline in both production and income during that period.

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  • 44. 

    Din 1931 pana in 1939, rata oficiala a somajului in Statele Unite ajungea in medie la:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 19%
    From 1931 to 1939, the official unemployment rate in the United States averaged around 19%. This means that during this period, approximately 19% of the population in the United States was unemployed on average.

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  • 45. 

    Conform statisticilor oficiale privind venitul si produsul national al Statelor Unite, productia si venitul real nu au reusit sa atinga din nou nivelul din 1929 dupa ce au intrat in perioada de recesiune (dupa anul 1929), decat:

    • A.

      2 ani mai tarziu

    • B.

      5 ani mai tarziu

    • C.

      10 ani mai tarziu

    • D.

      Dupa cel de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial

    Correct Answer
    C. 10 ani mai tarziu
    Based on the official statistics on income and national product of the United States, it took 10 years for production and real income to reach the level they were at before the recession that occurred after 1929.

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  • 46. 

    In „Manifestul Partidului Comunist” din 1848, Marx si Engels au descris „crizele comerciale” sau recesiunile ca pe o absurditate pentru ca:

    • A.

      Toata lumea stia ce le-a cauzat si nimeni nu facea nimic pentru a le opri

    • B.

      Guvernele ar fi putut foarte usor sa le impiedice, daca si-ar fi stabilit acest obiectiv

    • C.

      Sistemul parea a se fi prabusit ca rezultat al productiei excesive

    • D.

      Ele erau rezultatul faptului ca bancherilor li se permisese sa isi exercite controlul asupra sistemului economic

    Correct Answer
    C. Sistemul parea a se fi prabusit ca rezultat al productiei excesive
    The correct answer suggests that Marx and Engels described "commercial crises" or recessions as absurd because they believed that the system appeared to collapse as a result of excessive production. They believed that these crises were not inherent to the capitalist system, but rather a consequence of overproduction. They argued that if production was controlled and regulated properly, these crises could be avoided.

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  • 47. 

    O „recesiune” poate fi cel mai bine perceputa ca:

    • A.

      O criza cauzata de un colaps al preturilor actiunilor

    • B.

      O perioada de scadere a preturilor medii

    • C.

      O incetinire neintentionata si perturbatoare a ratei de crestere economica

    • D.

      Orice reducere a ratei de crestere a PIB

    Correct Answer
    C. O incetinire neintentionata si perturbatoare a ratei de crestere economica
    A recession can be best perceived as an unintentional and disruptive slowdown in the rate of economic growth. This means that during a recession, the economy experiences a period of slower growth or even contraction, which is not intentional and disrupts the normal pace of economic expansion. This definition does not mention a collapse in stock prices or a decrease in average prices, and it includes any reduction in the rate of GDP growth.

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  • 48. 

    Autorii sustin ca principala cauza a Marii crize economice a fost:

    • A.

      Extinderea acordarii de credite pe parcursul anilor 1920, insotita de politica monetara reductionista, care au facut inevitabila criza

    • B.

      Prabusirea bursei a avut un efect negativ, efect ce s-a propagat in intreaga economie

    • C.

      Nu au existat suficiente cheltuieli guvernamentale in 1929

    • D.

      Absenta sindicatelor care sa protejeze lucratorii impotriva incetinirii economice; de aceea, o rata a somajului de 25% nu ar fi trebuit sa reprezinte o surpriza

    Correct Answer
    A. Extinderea acordarii de credite pe parcursul anilor 1920, insotita de politica monetara reductionista, care au facut inevitabila criza
    The main cause of the Great Depression, according to the authors, was the expansion of credit throughout the 1920s accompanied by a reductionist monetary policy, which made the crisis inevitable. This suggests that the excessive lending and loose monetary policy led to an unsustainable economic bubble that eventually burst, causing the severe economic downturn.

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  • 49. 

    Falimentele pe scara larga inregistrate de bancile din Statele Unite in timpul recesiunii lungi si profunde din anii 1929-1933:

    • A.

      Au obligat multi oameni sa isi reduca cheltuielile totale

    • B.

      Au dovedit ca sistemul monetar era independent de economia reala

    • C.

      Au fost in intregime rezultatul si nu cauza recesiunii

    • D.

      Ar fi avut un efect nesemnificativ asupra economiei, daca populatia nu s-ar fi panicat

    Correct Answer
    A. Au obligat multi oameni sa isi reduca cheltuielile totale
    During the Great Depression in the years 1929-1933, the widespread bankruptcies of banks in the United States forced many people to reduce their overall expenses. This is because when banks failed, people lost their savings and access to credit, making it difficult for them to afford their usual expenses. As a result, individuals had to cut back on their spending, leading to a decrease in overall consumer demand and further worsening the economic downturn.

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  • 50. 

    Ce inteleg autorii prin sintagma „boom artificial si nesustenabil”?

    • A.

      Extinderea creditarii, neinsotita de o crestere a economiilor, alimenteaza cresterea investitiilor in afaceri neprofitabile

    • B.

      Nivelul ridicat al economiilor a contribuit la reducerea ratelor dobanzii, la cresterea investitiilor si astfel la alimentarea unei expansiuni economice nesustenabile

    • C.

      Deciziile nechibzuite, independente de extinderea creditarii, au condus la fluctuatii necontrolabile ale economiei; uneori, aceste asteptari au condus la „avanturi” care ulterior s-au transformat in „nereusite”

    • D.

      Prin reducerea taxelor, statul a furnizat „prea multi bani sistemului economic”, ceea ce a determinat un avant nesustenabil

    Correct Answer
    A. Extinderea creditarii, neinsotita de o crestere a economiilor, alimenteaza cresterea investitiilor in afaceri neprofitabile
    The authors understand the phrase "artificial and unsustainable boom" as the expansion of credit without a corresponding increase in savings, which leads to the growth of investments in non-profitable businesses.

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    Quiz Created by
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