What is the purpose of the System Development Life Cycle?
Correct Answer
B. To build and maintain computer a based information system
The reason why we say "to build a computer based information system" is; Computer based information systems are software and hardware solutions aimed at automating manually processed data, it aims to increase production and efficiency in any organization's daily operations. Therefore in order to provide these solutions one must follow the guidelines of the SDLC.
Object Oriented Programming allows:
Correct Answer
B. Programs to be modularized into objects or classes
The whole purpose of Object Oriented Programming is to group a set of actions/functions or characteristics into a module, these actions can then be reused throughout the entire program without the hassle of writing excessive source code, it is also more portable (transferable to other programs) as well as up-datable (updating one object updates all instances of that object, therefore affecting the entire program which saves time to modifying the actual program.
A Programming Language named FORTRAN is good for:
Correct Answer
B. Numerical data
See its history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortran
The Program Development Cycle is
Correct Answer
D. A series of steps taken for the development of a program
Every Programmer has to follow the PDC if they need to create a highly functional and efficient program withing a limited time constraint. The steps are as follows: Review system requirements -> Develop Program Logic -> Write Program -> Test and Debug Program -> Document Program
CASE tools allows:
Correct Answer
C. The rapid increase in the development of software due to extensive design approach
CASE Tools: Are tools used by System Designers within the SDLC to : Ensure consistency, completeness and conformance to standards, encourage an interactive workstation environment, speeds up development process
allows precision to be replicated, reduces costs, especially in maintenance, increases productivity
makes structured techniques practical, helps in software development
A computer-based information system is a:
Correct Answer
B. System in which some procedures are performed by computers
do further investigating at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_systems_%28discipline%29
The person responsible for analyzing the system is the:
Correct Answer
D. System Analyst
This person is highly important in the SDLC, he/she has to investigate the problem, gather data from the users, gather what is required for the improvement or implementation of the system and also providing a report to the manager of the system and to his/her team.
The System flow chart is:
Correct Answer
A. A graphical representation of the programs within a system and its data flow
In other words you can say its a schematic diagram that shows the inputs, processing and outputs of a system, it does not go into detail of the program operation but rather shows how the program interacts with the system and what it produces based off its inputs.
What are the two main program design tools?
Correct Answer
D. Pseudo-code and Program Flow Chart
Pseudo-code is an imitation high level programming language that cannot be compiled by any computer, its purpose it to test program logic and structure, the program flow chart is a visual diagram that structures the design of a program, this is also used for logic testing, both Pseudo-code and program flow charts are used interchangeably throughout the PDC.
Modularizing is the process of breaking down a program into modules?
Correct Answer
A. True
Modularizing breaks a program into smaller sub-programs known as modules, this is taking the top down approach by doing the simpler things first and then expand to more complexity, it also allows for easier understanding and editing of the program.