Government Standard 4 Chapter 4

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Government Standard 4 Chapter 4 - Quiz

Government Standard 4 Chapter 4

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Which of the following is the best description of federalism?

    • A.

      A supreme federal government grants certain powers to states.

    • B.

      Different levels of government share authority over the same land and people.

    • C.

      States delegate some of their powers to a national government.

    • D.

      National, state, and local governments share equally in governing.

    Correct Answer
    B. Different levels of government share authority over the same land and people.
    Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional or state governments. Different levels of government share authority over the same land and people means that both the central government and state governments have their own areas of jurisdiction and can make decisions and laws within their respective domains. This allows for a balance of power and ensures that both levels of government have some degree of autonomy while still working together to govern the country as a whole.

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  • 2. 

    Which of the following is an expressed power of the federal government that is not shared with the states?

    • A.

      Declaring war

    • B.

      Creating a national bank

    • C.

      Regulating the possession of guns

    • D.

      Collecting taxes

    Correct Answer
    A. Declaring war
    The power to declare war is an expressed power of the federal government that is not shared with the states. This means that only the federal government has the authority to officially declare war on behalf of the United States. This power is outlined in the Constitution and is one of the ways in which the federal government exercises its control over matters of national security and foreign policy. The ability to declare war allows the federal government to make decisions regarding military actions and engage in conflicts with other nations.

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  • 3. 

    Which of the following is an implied power of the federal government?

    • A.

      Regulating interstate commerce

    • B.

      Coining money

    • C.

      Declaring war

    • D.

      Regulating radio and TV stations

    Correct Answer
    D. Regulating radio and TV stations
    Regulating radio and TV stations is an implied power of the federal government because it falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which is a federal agency responsible for regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. Although the power to regulate radio and TV stations is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, it is implied through the Commerce Clause, which grants the federal government the authority to regulate interstate commerce. Since radio and TV stations involve communication across state lines, the federal government has the implied power to regulate them.

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  • 4. 

    Which of the following is a power reserved to the states?

    • A.

      Printing money

    • B.

      Collecting taxes

    • C.

      Controlling public school systems

    • D.

      Establishing court systems

    Correct Answer
    C. Controlling public school systems
    Controlling public school systems is a power reserved to the states because education is primarily a state responsibility in the United States. The federal government does not have direct control over public education and instead leaves it to the states to establish and regulate their own school systems. This allows each state to tailor their education policies and curriculum to their specific needs and priorities.

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  • 5. 

    Which of the following is an expressed power of the president?

    • A.

      Refusing to testify in court

    • B.

      Commanding the military

    • C.

      Imposing taxes

    • D.

      Ruling on constitutional issues

    Correct Answer
    B. Commanding the military
    The president has the expressed power to command the military. This means that the president is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and has the authority to make decisions regarding military operations, deployments, and strategies. This power is outlined in the United States Constitution, specifically in Article II, Section 2, which states that the president "shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States." Through this power, the president can exercise control and leadership over the military forces of the country.

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  • 6. 

    “[Congress has the power] To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States.”—U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8

    • A.

      Full faith and credit clause

    • B.

      Supremacy clause

    • C.

      Elastic clause

    • D.

      Establishment clause

    Correct Answer
    C. Elastic clause
    The correct answer is the elastic clause. The elastic clause, also known as the necessary and proper clause, grants Congress the power to make laws that are necessary and appropriate to carry out its enumerated powers. It allows Congress to adapt and expand its powers as needed, providing flexibility in governing the United States. This clause has been used to justify the creation of various federal laws and agencies throughout history.

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  • 7. 

    The power to borrow money is which type of power?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Concurrent
    Concurrent power refers to a power that is shared by both the federal and state governments. In the context of borrowing money, concurrent power means that both the federal government and state governments have the authority to borrow money. This allows them to independently make financial decisions and borrow funds when needed. Therefore, the correct answer is concurrent.

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  • 8. 

    What is the meaning of the supremacy clause?

    • A.

      States are supreme in all areas not delegated to the federal government.

    • B.

      If federal and state laws conflict, valid federal laws take precedence.

    • C.

      The Supreme Court has the final word in all court cases in the United States.

    • D.

      State judges have the final word in all cases arising under state law.

    Correct Answer
    B. If federal and state laws conflict, valid federal laws take precedence.
    The meaning of the supremacy clause is that if there is a conflict between federal and state laws, valid federal laws take precedence. This means that federal laws will override state laws in such cases. This clause ensures that there is a hierarchy of authority, with the federal government having the final say in matters where there is a conflict between federal and state laws.

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  • 9. 

    Under the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, a state must

    • A.

      Respect the First Amendment rights of residents of other states.

    • B.

      Respond in a timely manner to inquiries from residents of other states.

    • C.

      Return any taxes withheld from the paychecks of workers from other states.

    • D.

      Honor the public acts, contracts, and court proceedings of other states.

    Correct Answer
    D. Honor the public acts, contracts, and court proceedings of other states.
    Under the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, a state must honor the public acts, contracts, and court proceedings of other states. This means that if a public act, such as a law or regulation, is valid in one state, it must be recognized and respected by other states. Similarly, contracts and court decisions made in one state must also be honored and enforced by other states. This clause ensures that legal rights and obligations are upheld across state lines, promoting consistency and fairness in the legal system.

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  • 10. 

    Creating local governments is which type of power?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Reserved
    Reserved power refers to powers that are specifically reserved for the states or the people, as stated in the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. These powers are not delegated to the federal government and are therefore retained by the states. Creating local governments falls under the category of reserved powers because it is a power that is not explicitly granted to the federal government and is typically handled by the states.

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  • 11. 

    Which of the following best describes how the Civil War affected federalism?

    • A.

      The war ended the Constitution.

    • B.

      The war showed that states were most powerful when they joined together.

    • C.

      The war resulted in new federal powers over the states.

    • D.

      The war weakened both state and federal powers and strengthened local authorities.

    Correct Answer
    C. The war resulted in new federal powers over the states.
    During the Civil War, the federal government gained new powers over the states. This was mainly due to the need to centralize authority in order to effectively prosecute the war and maintain national unity. The war led to the expansion of federal authority in areas such as taxation, conscription, and the regulation of commerce. Additionally, the federal government's victory in the war solidified its supremacy over the states and reinforced the idea of a strong central government. Therefore, the statement that the war resulted in new federal powers over the states best describes how the Civil War affected federalism.

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  • 12. 

    How was the relationship between the federal and state governments generally understood during the period of dual federalism?

    • A.

      The state governments were more important than the federal government.

    • B.

      The federal and state governments worked together to solve problems.

    • C.

      The federal government had broad powers to enforce civil rights over state opposition.

    • D.

      Federal and state governments were each sovereign in their own sphere.

    Correct Answer
    D. Federal and state governments were each sovereign in their own spHere.
    During the period of dual federalism, the relationship between the federal and state governments was generally understood as each being sovereign in their own sphere. This means that both levels of government had their own separate and independent powers and responsibilities. The federal government had authority over certain matters, such as national defense and foreign policy, while the state governments had authority over other matters, such as education and criminal justice. This understanding of dual sovereignty allowed for a clear division of powers and limited the interference of one level of government in the affairs of the other.

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  • 13. 

    According to the doctrine of nullification, states could

    • A.

      Refuse to obey or enforce federal laws with which they disagreed.

    • B.

      Appeal directly to the Supreme Court any act of Congress to which they objected.

    • C.

      Secede from the Union and form a new nation.

    • D.

      Cancel debts owed by their residents to citizens of other states.

    Correct Answer
    A. Refuse to obey or enforce federal laws with which they disagreed.
    The doctrine of nullification refers to the belief that states have the right to reject or refuse to comply with federal laws that they consider unconstitutional. This concept was most prominently advocated by South Carolina during the Nullification Crisis in the 1830s. It argued that states had the power to nullify or invalidate federal laws within their borders. This explanation aligns with the first option, which states that according to the doctrine of nullification, states could refuse to obey or enforce federal laws with which they disagreed.

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  • 14. 

    The term cooperative federalism refers to

    • A.

      Efforts to get states to support national measures under the Articles of Confederation.

    • B.

      The combined influence of delegated and reserved powers under the Constitution.

    • C.

      Joint federal and state government programs (New Deal) working together in the time of crisis to solve problems.

    • D.

      A program since the 1990s to promote an increase in powers of state governments.

    Correct Answer
    C. Joint federal and state government programs (New Deal) working together in the time of crisis to solve problems.
    The term cooperative federalism refers to joint federal and state government programs (New Deal) working together in the time of crisis to solve problems. This concept emerged during the Great Depression in the 1930s when the federal government implemented various programs to stimulate the economy and provide relief to those affected by the economic downturn. These programs required collaboration between the federal and state governments, as they aimed to address the crisis on a national level while also recognizing the importance of state involvement and decision-making. This approach marked a shift from the previous understanding of federalism and set a precedent for increased cooperation between the two levels of government in times of crisis.

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  • 15. 

    Under his program of creative federalism, Lyndon Johnson’s aim was to

    • A.

      Amend the Constitution to allow an expanded role for the federal government.

    • B.

      Use the national government to eliminate poverty and social inequality.

    • C.

      Return authority to the state governments to make them more effective.

    • D.

      Create federal programs to put unemployed people to work in conservation.

    Correct Answer
    B. Use the national government to eliminate poverty and social inequality.
    Under his program of creative federalism, Lyndon Johnson aimed to use the national government to eliminate poverty and social inequality. This approach involved the federal government taking an active role in addressing social and economic issues, rather than solely relying on state governments. Johnson believed that the federal government had a responsibility to promote equality and provide assistance to those in need, and he implemented various programs such as the War on Poverty to achieve these goals. This approach represented a shift towards a more centralized and interventionist federal government.

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  • 16. 

    Which statement best describes the doctrine of secession?

    • A.

      States have the right to cancel national laws that clash with state interests.

    • B.

      The federal government needs to return power to the states.

    • C.

      States cannot tax a national institution because they do not have the power to destroy.

    • D.

      States have the right to separate themselves from the Union.

    Correct Answer
    D. States have the right to separate themselves from the Union.
    The doctrine of secession refers to the belief that states have the right to separate themselves from the Union. This means that states can choose to leave the United States if they believe it is in their best interests to do so. This doctrine was a major factor leading to the American Civil War, as some southern states sought to secede from the Union in order to preserve their institution of slavery. While the Union ultimately prevailed and secession was deemed unconstitutional, the doctrine of secession remains a controversial and debated topic in American history.

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  • 17. 

    Powers shared by both the state and the national government are called _______________.

    • A.

      Implied powers

    • B.

      Concurrent powers

    • C.

      Reserved powers

    • D.

      Mountain power

    Correct Answer
    B. Concurrent powers
    Concurrent powers are the powers that are shared by both the state and the national government. These powers allow both levels of government to have authority over certain areas, such as taxation, law enforcement, and regulating commerce. This division of powers ensures a balance of power between the state and national governments, allowing them to work together and govern effectively.

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  • 18. 

    The power to establish the Internal Revenue System is an ____________ of Congress.

    • A.

      Implied power

    • B.

      Expressed power

    • C.

      Reserved power

    • D.

      Mountain power

    Correct Answer
    A. Implied power
    The power to establish the Internal Revenue System is an implied power of Congress. Implied powers are not explicitly stated in the Constitution, but are derived from the necessary and proper clause. Congress has the authority to pass laws that are necessary and proper to carry out its enumerated powers. While the Constitution does not explicitly mention the power to establish an internal revenue system, it is necessary and proper for Congress to have this power in order to fulfill its responsibility of raising revenue for the functioning of the government.

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  • 19. 

    Enumerated, or ____________________ powers are carefully spelled out in the Constitution for each branch of the federal government.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Expressed
    The correct answer is "expressed". In the context of the question, the word "expressed" refers to powers that are explicitly stated or specifically mentioned in the Constitution for each branch of the federal government. These powers are clearly outlined and defined, providing a clear framework for the responsibilities and authority of each branch.

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  • 20. 

    The Tenth Amendment leaves ____________________ powers to the states.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Reserved
    The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution reserves powers to the states. This means that any powers not specifically granted to the federal government are reserved for the states to exercise. This allows for a balance of power between the federal government and the individual states, ensuring that the states have the ability to govern themselves and make decisions that are best suited to their specific needs and circumstances.

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  • 21. 

    ____________________ powers are not mentioned in the Constitution but are historically understood as essential to all governments that conduct the business of a sovereign nation.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Inherent
    Inherent powers are not explicitly stated in the Constitution but are widely recognized as necessary for any government to effectively govern a sovereign nation. These powers are understood to be inherent in the nature of a government and are essential for it to carry out its duties and functions. While the Constitution may outline certain powers, inherent powers are seen as necessary to address unforeseen circumstances and to ensure the smooth functioning of the government.

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  • 22. 

    If a conflict arises between a state law and a federal law, _________ law is supreme.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      A judge’s

    Correct Answer
    A. National
    When a conflict arises between a state law and a federal law, the national law is considered supreme. This means that the federal law takes precedence over the state law and must be followed. This is based on the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution, which establishes that federal laws are the supreme law of the land. This ensures consistency and uniformity in the application of laws throughout the country.

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  • 23. 

    Under the doctrine of ____________________, a state has a right to withdraw from the Union.

    • A.


    • B.

      Status achievement

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Secession
    Under the doctrine of secession, a state has the right to withdraw from the Union. Secession refers to the act of a state or group of states leaving a larger political entity, such as a federation or union. This doctrine recognizes the autonomy and sovereignty of individual states and allows them to separate from the Union if they deem it necessary. Secession has been a contentious issue throughout history, particularly during times of political tension or conflict. It is often seen as a way for states to assert their independence and exercise their right to self-determination.

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