Di manakah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w mengasingkan diri?
Correct Answer
C. Gua Hira'
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w mengasingkan diri di Gua Hira'.
Di manakah terletaknya Gua Hira'?
Correct Answer
A. Bukit Al-Nur
The correct answer is Bukit Al-Nur.
Berapakah jarak Gua Hira' ke Kota Mekah?
Correct Answer
A. 5 kilometer
The correct answer is 5 kilometers because Gua Hira' is located 5 kilometers away from Kota Mekah.
Berapkah usia Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pada ketika itu?
Correct Answer
D. 40 tahun
The correct answer is 40 years. This suggests that the question is asking for the age of Prophet Muhammad at a certain time. Without further context, it is difficult to determine the specific event or time period being referred to. However, based on the given options, the correct answer is 40 years, indicating that Prophet Muhammad was 40 years old at that particular time.
Bilakah tarikh berlakunya peristiwa Gua hira' ini?
Correct Answer
B. 17 Ramadhan
The correct answer is 17 Ramadhan. This suggests that the event of Gua Hira' occurred on the 17th day of the Islamic month of Ramadhan.
Apakah nama Malaikat yang menyampaikan wahyu?
Correct Answer
A. Jibril a.s
Jibril a.s is the correct answer because in Islamic belief, Jibril a.s is the angel who is responsible for delivering revelations from Allah to the prophets. He played a significant role in delivering the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Mikail a.s is associated with providing sustenance and rain, Israfil a.s is believed to be the angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment, and Izrail a.s is the angel of death.
Apakah nama Surah yang mengandungi wahyu pertama itu?
Correct Answer
C. Surah Al-A'laq
Surah Al-A'laq is the correct answer because it is the Surah that contains the first revelation. The first five verses of this Surah were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the cave of Hira by the angel Gabriel. This event marked the beginning of the revelation of the Quran and the start of Prophet Muhammad's prophethood.
Apakah yang dilakukan oleh Malaikat Jibril terhadap Nabi Muhammad s.a.w?
Correct Answer
B. Memeluk Nabi
Malaikat Jibril memeluk Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Bagaimanakah perasaan Nabi setelah menerima wahyu pertama itu?
Correct Answer
A. Gementar
Setelah menerima wahyu pertama, Nabi mungkin merasa gementar. Penerimaan wahyu pertama adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa dan menakjubkan bagi Nabi. Kemungkinan besar, dia merasa gugup dan cemas karena tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya. Wahyu pertama ini juga merupakan awal dari tanggung jawab besar sebagai rasul yang ditugaskan oleh Allah. Oleh karena itu, perasaan gementar adalah reaksi yang wajar dalam situasi ini.
Apakah tindakan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w setelah menerima wahyu itu?
Correct Answer
D. Bergegas pulang
Setelah menerima wahyu, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w segera bergegas pulang. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sangat serius dan cepat dalam menindaklanjuti wahyu yang diterimanya. Tindakan ini menunjukkan kesungguhan dan tanggung jawab Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dalam menyampaikan wahyu kepada umatnya.
Siapakah nama isteri Nabi Muhammad yang berada di rumah ketika itu?
Correct Answer
C. Saidatina Khadijah
Saidatina Khadijah is the correct answer because she was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad and was known for her unwavering support and love for him. She was a successful businesswoman and played a crucial role in the early years of Islam. Khadijah was also the mother of Prophet Muhammad's children and remained a beloved figure in his life even after her passing.
Siapakah nama sepupu Saidatina Khadijah?
Correct Answer
A. Warqah bin Naufal
Warqah bin Naufal is the correct answer because he was the cousin of Saidatina Khadijah. He was a Christian scholar who recognized the signs of prophethood in Muhammad and confirmed his status as a prophet. Warqah bin Naufal played a crucial role in the early days of Islam by providing guidance and support to both Muhammad and Khadijah.