Reading Diagnostics Assessment-v.2.0 - Parkland Echs Afternoon

Reading Diagnostics Assessment-v.2.0 - Parkland Echs Afternoon - Quiz

(A+) Questions are from advancer

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    In the United States, where we have more land than people, it is not at all difficult for persons in good health to make money. In this comparatively new field there are so many avenues of success open, so many vocations which are not crowded, that any person of either sex who is willing, at least for the time being, to engage in any respectable occupation that offers, may find lucrative employment.Those who really desire to attain an independence, have only to set their minds upon it, and adopt the proper means, as they do in regard to any other object which they wish to accomplish , and the one thing in the world to keep it. The road to wealth is, as Dr. Franklin truly says, "as plain as the road to the mill." It consists simply in expending less than we earn; that seems to be a very simple problem. Mr. Micawber, one of those happy creations of the genial Dickens, puts the case in a strong light when he says that to have annual income of twenty pounds per annum, and spend twenty pounds and sixpence, is to be the most miserable of men; whereas, to have an income of only twenty pounds, and spend but nineteen pounds and sixpence is to be the happiest of mortals.Many of my readers may say, "we understand this: this is economy, and we know economy is wealth; we know we can't eat our cake and keep it also." Yet I beg to say that perhaps more cases of failure arise from mistakes on this point than almost any other. The fact is, many people think they understand economy when they really do not.

  • 2. 

    1.0 Literary Analysis. (Problems Number: 2, 7, 18 , 26,  30) Identifying and analyzing idea in and elements of literary texts.2.0 Main ideas and supporting details. (Problems Number: 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 19, 21, 22, 28, 29)Identifying the main idea of a passage.Comprehending explicit textual information in a passage.3.0 Inferences in a text or texts. (Problems Number:  4, 6, 12, 13, 16, 24, 25, 27)Synthesizing ideas by making a connection or comparison between two passages.Making an appropriate inference about single passages.4.0 Author's use of language. (Problems Number: 9,  11,14, 15, 17, 20, 23 ) Identifying an author's purpose, tone and organization or rhetorical strategies and use of evidence.Determining the meaning of words in context.

  • 3. 

    We all know the drill: the consequences of urban sprawl, American's long work hours, and devotion to television and the Internet are doing nothing good for American communities.A new study by sociologists at Duke University and the University of Arizona adds more grist to this mill, noting that Americans in 2004 had smaller networks of people with whom they talk about matters important to them than they did in 1985.  (Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks Over Two Decades, American Sociological Review, June 2006.) In 1985, Americans had three confidants, in 2004, we averaged two. The number of Americans who had no one with whom to talk about important matters almost doubled in 2004 to over 25%. Increasingly, most confidants are family: in 2004, 80% of people talked only to family about important matters and about 9% of people depended totally on their spouse. This decrease in confidants is part (a result) of the same trend that's leaving fewer people knowing their neighbors or participating in social clubs or public affairs than in the past (phenomena noted in the book Better Together: Restoring the American Community by Robert Putnam and Lewis Feldstein).  We know a lot of people, but not necessarily very well.Left to our town devices and cultural trends then, we seem to be moving in an unpleasant direction.  Communities are formed ad hoc, around specific shared individual interests. This wouldn't be bad, of course, except that those communities seem to exist only within the constraints of those shared interests, and don't develop into close and meaningful relationships. The transient and specific nature of many of our relationships today can keep us socially busy without building the lasting relationships and communities that we want.So what do we do about it if we want to change things?  Harvard University's School of Government put together 150 ways to increase what they call "social capital" (the value of our social networks).  Among their suggestions are: support local merchants; audition for community theater or volunteer to usher; participate in political campaigns; start or join a carpool; eat breakfast at a local gathering spot on Saturdays; and stop and make sure the person on the side of the highway is OK.

  • 4. 

    2.1Directions for questions 1-6 - Read the statement or passage and then choose the best answer to the question. Answer the question based on what is stated or implied in the statement or passage. The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most important ecosystems in the world. However, it is slowly being destroyed. Areas of the rainforest are being cleared for farms and roads, and much of the wood is also being harvested and sold. There are several compelling reasons to protect this area. First, a significant number of pharmaceuticals are made from plants that have been discovered in the rainforest, and it's quite possible there are still important plants that have not yet been discovered. Secondly, the rainforest provides a significant portion of the world's oxygen and also absorbs great amounts of carbon dioxide. Without rainforests, global warming could accelerate.The main purpose of the passage is:

    • A.

      To present the major reasons why the Amazon Rainforest is being destroyed.

    • B.

      To explain why the Amazon Rainforest should be protected.

    • C.

      To argue that the Rainforest destruction is a major cause of global warming.

    • D.

      To discuss how the Rainforest has helped in the development of medications.

    Correct Answer
    B. To explain why the Amazon Rainforest should be protected.
  • 5. 

    1.1Howard Gardner was a psychologist best known for developing the theory of multiple intelligences. Basically, the theory states that the idea of general intelligence or overall intelligence is somewhat inaccurate. This is because people often show intelligence in different areas. He argued that there are actually different types of intelligence. One type of intelligence that Gardner identified was interpersonal intelligence. People who possess this type of intelligence relate and interact well with others. Intrapersonal intelligence, on the other hand, implies that people are in touch with their own feelings. They enjoy thinking about theories and developing their own thoughts and ideas. People who have linguistic intelligence learn best by taking notes and reading textbooks. These people usually excel in traditional academic environments, as many academic subjects stress these types of activities. The other types of intelligence are kinesthetic, musical, spatial, and logical/mathematical.We conclude from the passage that  

    • A.

      Gardner believed that linguistic intelligence was the most desirable type to have.

    • B.

      Most people who have a high level of intrapersonal intelligence do well in school.

    • C.

      People who have a high level of interpersonal intelligence work well in groups.

    • D.

      People who have mathematical intelligence would do the best on a standard IQ test.

    Correct Answer
    C. People who have a high level of interpersonal intelligence work well in groups.
  • 6. 

    2.0 The Internet has made life a whole lot easier for many people, but being online also brings with it very real risks. Hackers can steal personal and financial information. There are several precautions that computer users can take to minimize the level of risk that is involved with being online. One of the most obvious safety precautions is to purchase a good anti-virus and anti-spyware program. Passwords are also a very important part of online security, and several tips can help users create more secure passwords. First, they should be something that can easily be remembered, but they shouldn't be something others can guess easily. Your first or last name, phone number, or the name of your street are all bad choices, as people could learn this information quite easily.  Longer passwords are more secure, and those that use a mixture of upper and lower case letters and a combination of letters and numbers are more secure than those that don't. Finally, passwords should be changed often. This can make remembering them more difficult, but the extra effort is worth the added security.  The main purpose of this passage is to

    • A.

      Discuss the major risks associated with Internet use.

    • B.

      Talk about the importance of anti-virus programs.

    • C.

      Outline important considerations for passwords.

    • D.

      Discuss why certain types of passwords shouldn't be used.

    Correct Answer
    C. Outline important considerations for passwords.
  • 7. 

    3.1When people are conducting research, particularly historical research, they usually rely on primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are the more direct type of information. They are accounts of an event that are produced by individuals who were actually present. Some examples of primary sources include a person's diary entry about an event, and interview with an eyewitness, a newspaper article, or a transcribed conversation. Secondary sources are pieces of information that are constructed through the use of other, primary sources. Often, the person who creates the secondary source was not actually present at the event. Secondary sources could include books, research papers, and magazine articles.From the passage it can be assumed that

    • A.

      Primary sources are easier to find than secondary sources.

    • B.

      Primary sources provide more accurate information than secondary sources

    • C.

      Secondary sources give more accurate information than primary sources.

    • D.

      Secondary sources are always used when books or articles are being written

    Correct Answer
    B. Primary sources provide more accurate information than secondary sources
  • 8. 

    2.0Many people fail to realize just how crucial getting a good nights sleep actually is. It is usually suggested that adults get about seven hours of sleep every night, and younger children should get even more. Sleep has several benefits. First, it is believed to improve memory. This is one reason why it is always preferable to sleep the night before a test rather than stay up for the entire night to review the information. On a related note, sleep also improves concentration and mental alertness. Those who get sufficient sleep are able to concentrate on work tasks better and also react faster when they are driving a car, for example. Finally, people who get enough sleep have better immunity against illness. The reason for this is not fully understood, but researchers believe that an increase in the production of growth hormone and melatonin plays a role. The main purpose of this passage is

    • A.

      To talk about the benefits of sleep.

    • B.

      To discuss how much sleep people should get.

    • C.

      To identify which hormones can boost immunity.

    • D.

      To present strategies for improving memory and concentration.

    Correct Answer
    A. To talk about the benefits of sleep.
  • 9. 

    3.0Feudalism was a type of social system that existed in parts of Europe during the Middle Ages. Essentially, there were several different classes within a feudal society. The king controlled all of the land in his jurisdiction. He divided this land among a few barons. The barons then divided up the land they were given and distributed it to the knights. It was then split up again and distributed to serfs, who were the lowest members of feudal society. They were permitted to farm a small section of land, but they had to give a portion of their food to the knights in exchange for this privilege. They also had to give free labor to the knights who allowed them to use their land. Serfs had very few rights; they weren't even allowed to leave their land without permission from the knight who controlled the land. The system of feudalism ended when money began to be used as currency instead of land.It can be concluded that

    • A.

      Serfs were in a better position when the economy changed to a money-based one.

    • B.

      There were more knights in a typical feudal society than barons.

    • C.

      The knights did not have to do anything for the barons in exchange for land.

    • D.

      Most feudal societies in Europe were ruled by more than one king.

    Correct Answer
    B. There were more knights in a typical feudal society than barons.
  • 10. 

    1.1Plywood, while not the most pleasing wood to look at, has become an incredibly important building material in house construction. It is flexible, inexpensive, and strong. Its strength is due to layers of thin wood glued on top of each other with the grain of each layer making a right angle with the grain of the layer below it. This way of layering the sheets of wood makes plywood difficult to break.According to the passage, the arrangement of the layers of thin wood explains plywood’s

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Strength
  • 11. 

    2.2The 1922 German Expressionist film Nosferatu, directed by F. W. Murnau, is considered one of the most influential films in cinematic history—while also being a classic vampire movie. The film is closely based on Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel, Dracula; however, the villain in the film is called “Count Orlok” rather than “Count Dracula.” The reason is that the small studio that produced the film, Prana Film, was unable to secure the rights to Stoker’s novel. In fact, shortly after finishing Nosferatu, its one and only film, Prana went bankrupt in order to dodge copyright lawsuits from Stoker’s widow.Why does the author say that the vampire in Nosferatu is named “Count Orlok” and not “Count Dracula”?

    • A.

      To suggest that the characters in Nosferatu were based on real people instead of literary characters

    • B.

      To criticize Nosferatu for its differences from its source

    • C.

      To show that the makers of Nosferatu made minor changes to Stoker’s novel

    • D.

      To praise the makers of Nosferatu for their imagination in recreating Stoker’s novel

    Correct Answer
    C. To show that the makers of Nosferatu made minor changes to Stoker’s novel
  • 12. 

    4.2Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena became a successful inventor at an early age. By the age of seven, he had constructed a variety of electronically-propelled toys to play with; he later designed and built his own amateur radio and a functioning telescope. In 1940, when he was only 23, Camarena obtained the world’s first patent for color television. Camarena’s early color television transmission system was the first one to be approved by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. Other color-television technologies came after Camarena’s patented invention, but his system is still used by a number of scientists today.In sentence 2, the word “functioning” most nearly means

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Working
  • 13. 

    2.0Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

    • A.

      Getting a job is easier now than it ever has been before.

    • B.

      Earning money is much less difficult than managing it properly.

    • C.

      Dr. Franklin advocated getting a job in a mill.

    • D.

      Spending money is the greatest temptation in the world.

    Correct Answer
    B. Earning money is much less difficult than managing it properly.
  • 14. 

    4.0What would this author's attitude likely to be a person unable to find employment?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Incredulous
  • 15. 

    3.2According to the author, what is more difficult than making money?

    • A.

      Managing money

    • B.

      Traveling to a mill

    • C.

      Reading Dickens

    • D.

      Understanding the economy

    Correct Answer
    A. Managing money
  • 16. 

    3.2Who is the most likely audience for this passage?

    • A.


    • B.

      General readers

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. General readers
  • 17. 

    4.2What is the best definition of economy as it is used in this passage?

    • A.

      Exchange of money, goods, and services

    • B.

      Delegation of household affairs

    • C.

      Efficient money management

    • D.

      Less expensive

    Correct Answer
    C. Efficient money management
  • 18. 

    4.2Which word best describes the author's attitude towards those who believe they understand money?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Patronizing
  • 19. 

    3.2The passage is more likely taken from a(n)_____.

    • A.

      Self-help manual

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Self-help manual
  • 20. 

    4.1According to the author, which of the following was true in 2004:

    • A.

      The average American had three confidants, and 9% of people depended totally on their spouse for discussion of important matters.

    • B.

      The average American had two confidants, and 80% of people discussed important matters only with their spouses.

    • C.

      The average American had two confidants, and 9% of people discussed important matters only with family members.

    • D.

      The average American had two confidants, and 80% of people discussed important matters only with family members.

    Correct Answer
    D. The average American had two confidants, and 80% of people discussed important matters only with family members.
  • 21. 

    1.1The author argues that the transient nature of many of today's relationship is problematic because: 

    • A.

      We don't share specific interests

    • B.

      We don't know many people

    • C.

      It prevents us building lasting relationships and communities

    • D.

      We have too much social capital

    Correct Answer
    C. It prevents us building lasting relationships and communities
  • 22. 

    2.2 Which of the following are some of the causes to which the author attributes problems in American communities:

    • A.

      Too much homework and devotion to television

    • B.

      Urban sprawl and long work hours

    • C.

      Long work hours and too much homework

    • D.

      Urban sprawl and decline of sports team membership

    Correct Answer
    B. Urban sprawl and long work hours
  • 23. 

    4.1Which of the following is not something the author states was suggested by Harvard University as a way to increase social capital:

    • A.

      Eat breakfast at a local gathering spot

    • B.

      Join a bowling team

    • C.

      Support local merchants

    • D.

      Join a carpool

    Correct Answer
    B. Join a bowling team
  • 24. 

    2.2In what year was the Duke University study cited by the author published?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 2006
  • 25. 

    2.2How many ways did Harvard University's School of Government suggest to increase social capital?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 150
  • 26. 

    4.2According to the author, "social capital" means which of the following: 

    • A.

      The value of our social networks

    • B.

      The number of confidants with whom we share information

    • C.

      The value we place on friendships outside family members

    • D.

      The number of activities in which we engage

    Correct Answer
    A. The value of our social networks
  • 27. 

    3.2Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants.They will look and behave much like real humans.We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind. Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience.They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose only goal will be to make our lives easier. Which sentence from the paragraph expresses the main idea?

    • A.

      Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants.

    • B.

      We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and they will be able to respond in kind.

    • C.

      They will look and behave much like real humans.

    • D.

      Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn from experience.

    Correct Answer
    A. Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal servants.
  • 28. 

    3.1The tornado caused wide-spread devastation to property in the local area.Property insurance is much more expensive now than it was before the storm.What does the second sentence do? 

    • A.

      It gives an example

    • B.

      It offers a solution

    • C.

      It makes a contrast

    • D.

      It states the effect

    Correct Answer
    D. It states the effect
  • 29. 

    1.1The Midwest is experiencing its worst drought in fifteen years.Corn and soybean prices are expected to be very high this year.What does the second sentence do? 

    • A.

      It states an effect

    • B.

      It restates the idea found in the first sentence

    • C.

      It gives an example

    • D.

      It analyzes the statement made in the first

    Correct Answer
    A. It states an effect
  • 30. 

    3.1The rain froze as it touched the ground. Roads were slippery and dangerous.How are the two sentences related? 

    • A.

      The second sentence contradicts the first

    • B.

      The second sentence shows a direct result of the first

    • C.

      The two sentences set up a comparison

    • D.

      The second sentence states what dangerous means

    Correct Answer
    B. The second sentence shows a direct result of the first
  • 31. 

    2.2Unemployment was the overriding fact of life when Franklin D. Roosevelt became President of the United States on March 4, 1933.The president selected Harry L. Hopkins, who headed the New York relief program, to run FERA. A gifted administrator, Hopkins quickly put the program into high gear. He gathered a small staff in Washington and brought the state relief organizations into the FERA system. While the agency tried to provide all the necessities, food came first. FERA paid for medicine, some doctor bills, but no hospital costs, work-relief, sewing rooms, and renovated hand-me-down clothing.The paragraph is primarily about 

    • A.

      Unemployment in the 1930’s

    • B.

      President Roosevelt’s FERA program.

    • C.

      The effect of unemployment on United States families.

    • D.

      President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency

    Correct Answer
    B. President Roosevelt’s FERA program.
  • 32. 

    2.1In contrast to the solemn attitude toward death so prevalent in the United States, a familiar and even ironic attitude is more common among Mexicans and Mexican Americans.In the Mexican worldview, death is another phase of life and those who have passed into it remain accessible.Ancestors are not forever lost, nor are the past dead.This sense of continuity has its roots in the culture of the Aztecs, for whom regeneration was a central theme.When the Spanish came to Mexico in the sixteenth century, their beliefs about death, along with such symbols as skulls and skeletons, were absorbed into the native culture.What does the paragraph tell us about views on death according to Mexican Culture? 

    • A.

      Mexicans fear death more than Americans do.

    • B.

      Ancestors are lost forever but not forgotten.

    • C.

      The Aztecs generated this solemn attitude toward death.

    • D.

      Death is the continuation of life

    Correct Answer
    D. Death is the continuation of life
  • 33. 

    1.0In the American Southwest of the late 1800's, the introduction of barbed wire fencing led to fierce disputes between ranchers and farmers, both eager to protect their rights and their livelihood. The farmers were the clear winners of the two groups, and the barbed wire fences stayed and proliferated. Barbed wire proved to be ideal for use in western conditions; it was cheaper and easier to use than the alternatives of wood fences, stone walls or hedges. Within a few decades all the previously open range land became fenced-in private property. This change was so dramatic to the western culture that some consider the introduction of barbed wire fencing to be the event that ended the Old West period of our history.According to the author, which group supported the use of barbed wire fences?

    • A.

      The ranchers

    • B.

      The farmers

    • C.

      Both the ranchers and the farmers

    • D.

      Neither the ranchers nor the farmers

    Correct Answer
    B. The farmers

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