Hardest Trivia Quiz On Clean Needle Technique!

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| By Cmgarnier
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Hardest Trivia Quiz On Clean Needle Technique! - Quiz

Below is the hardest trivia quiz On Clean Needle Technique! There is no chance of avoiding contact with a needle when you fall sick most time, and doctors have to draw blood to do some tests on a patient. I the quiz below you get to test your understanding when it comes to using needles and some of the precautions you need to use when it comes to patients

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    These are not a natural barrier against pathogens.

    • A.

      Skin and mucous membrames of nose, throat, urethra, rectum

    • B.

      Stomach acid, tears urine

    • C.


    • D.

      Acidity of vaginal secretions

    Correct Answer
    C. Nails
    Nails are not a natural barrier against pathogens because they are made of dead cells and do not have any active defense mechanisms. Unlike the skin and mucous membranes in the nose, throat, urethra, and rectum, which have protective layers and produce mucus to trap and eliminate pathogens, nails do not possess any such properties. Therefore, they are not effective in preventing the entry of pathogens into the body.

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  • 2. 

    _____________ infections are infections caused by pathogens that the patient is already carrying (puncutre the peritoneum and the intestine.  On the other hand, ___________________ infections are infections caused by pathogens acquired form antoher or by the environment

    Correct Answer
    autogenous, cross
    Autogenous infections are infections caused by pathogens that the patient is already carrying, such as when the peritoneum and the intestine are punctured. On the other hand, cross infections are infections caused by pathogens acquired from another person or from the environment.

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  • 3. 

    This is not a subtype of the hepatitis virus

    • A.

      Hepatitis A

    • B.

      Hepatitis C

    • C.

      Hepatitis X

    • D.

      Hepatis B

    • E.

      Hepatitis E

    Correct Answer
    C. Hepatitis X
  • 4. 

    Hepatitis A and E are transmitted via fecal contaminated food and water.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Hepatitis A and E are indeed transmitted through fecal contaminated food and water. These viruses are commonly found in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene practices. Consuming contaminated food or water that has been contaminated with the feces of an infected person can lead to the transmission of these viruses. It is important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands thoroughly and consuming safe and clean food and water, to prevent the spread of these infections.

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  • 5. 

    Hepatitis BCD are trasnmitted by

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Sexual exposure

    • D.

      A and b

    • E.

      B and c

    Correct Answer
    E. B and c
    Hepatitis B, C, and D can be transmitted through blood and sexual exposure. Hepatitis B can be transmitted through contact with infected blood, such as sharing needles or having unprotected sex with an infected person. Hepatitis C is primarily transmitted through contact with infected blood, often through sharing needles or receiving contaminated blood transfusions. Sexual exposure can also transmit Hepatitis C, although the risk is lower compared to Hepatitis B. Hepatitis D can only infect individuals who are already infected with Hepatitis B, and it is primarily transmitted through contact with infected blood or sexual exposure. Therefore, the correct answer is b and c, blood and sexual exposure.

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  • 6. 

    Bloodborne pathogens are bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms that are carried in the tears and sweats.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False

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  • 7. 

    Bloodborne pathogens that causes the great risk to health care workers are: ___,  ____ and _______ virus

    Correct Answer
    Bloodborne pathogens are infectious microorganisms that can be transmitted through contact with blood or other bodily fluids. These pathogens pose a significant risk to healthcare workers who may come into contact with infected patients. The three viruses mentioned, HBV, HCV, and HIV, are all bloodborne pathogens that can cause serious illnesses. HBV (Hepatitis B virus) can lead to liver disease, HCV (Hepatitis C virus) can cause chronic liver infection, and HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) can lead to AIDS. It is crucial for healthcare workers to take proper precautions to prevent the transmission of these viruses and protect their own health.

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  • 8. 

    This is a common symptom of hepatitis.

    • A.

      Loss of appetite, fatigue

    • B.

      Mild fever, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain

    • C.

      Muscle or joint aches

    • D.

      All of of the above

    Correct Answer
    D. All of of the above
    The given symptoms of loss of appetite, fatigue, mild fever, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and muscle or joint aches are commonly associated with hepatitis. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by a viral infection. These symptoms are often present in individuals with hepatitis and can vary in severity depending on the type of hepatitis. Therefore, the correct answer is "all of the above" as all the listed symptoms can be observed in a person with hepatitis.

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  • 9. 

    Persons who come into frequent contact with blood and blood products, such as administrative assistants, a person without any sexual contact and no IV drug users are at great risk of HBV.

    • A.

      T ruee

    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    heath care workers, person with many sexual contacts, IV drug users

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  • 10. 

    This is the HBV infection process

    • A.

      Incubation period from 50 to 180 days, begins with midl flu-like sings and symptoms followed by a period of extreme fatige and depression, which can extend for several months; symptoms last 2-6 weeks

    • B.

      Last from a few weeks to several months, it does not lead to chronic infection, transmission is mainly via-fecal-contaminated food and water.

    • C.

      Symtoms are less severe; symptoms usually begin 7 weeks following infection; onset of symptoms may range from 2 to 24 weeks

    • D.

      Acute state 1 - 2 weeks massive replication patient may asymptomatic or have a flu like syndrome

    Correct Answer
    A. Incubation period from 50 to 180 days, begins with midl flu-like sings and symptoms followed by a period of extreme fatige and depression, which can extend for several months; symptoms last 2-6 weeks
    The correct answer is the explanation of the incubation period and symptoms of HBV infection. It states that the incubation period can range from 50 to 180 days and is followed by mild flu-like signs and symptoms. This is then followed by a period of extreme fatigue and depression, which can last for several months. The symptoms themselves last for 2-6 weeks. This explanation provides a clear understanding of the timeline and symptoms associated with HBV infection.

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  • 11. 

    In some cases, an injection with Hep C immune globulin (HBIG) immediately after exposure may provide protection from the disease in addition to offering the HCV vaccine series.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    HEP B, HBV vaccine series

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  • 12. 

    People at greatest risk fo HCV are

    • A.

      People who recieved a blood tranfusion before 1990

    • B.

      IV drug users who share needles

    • C.

      Household members and sexual partners of infected person

    • D.

      Person in medical fields exposed to infected blood

    • E.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    E. All of the above
    The correct answer is "all of the above". People who received a blood transfusion before 1990 are at risk because HCV screening in donated blood was not implemented until that time. IV drug users who share needles are at risk because HCV can be transmitted through contaminated needles. Household members and sexual partners of infected individuals are at risk due to close contact and potential exposure to infected blood. Lastly, people in medical fields who are exposed to infected blood, such as healthcare workers, are also at risk of contracting HCV.

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  • 13. 

    Antiviral medication for HCV is now available that has been shown to be helpful for some people with HCV.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Antiviral medication for HCV is now available and has been proven to be beneficial for certain individuals with HCV.

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  • 14. 

    Hepatitis      incubation      transmission     onset     vaccine  chronic

    • A.

      15-50 dyas, fecal-oral, abrupt, yes, no

    • B.

      20 90 days, bloodborne, insidiuos , yes, 5 to 10%

    • C.

      50- 180 days, bloodborne, isidious-slowly, no, 60 to 70%

    • D.

      15-60 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, no no

    • E.

      Unknown, unknown, unknown, no, unknown

    Correct Answer
    A. 15-50 dyas, fecal-oral, abrupt, yes, no
    The correct answer is the first option: 15-50 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, yes, no. This is because the incubation period for hepatitis is typically 15-50 days, it is transmitted through the fecal-oral route, the onset of symptoms is abrupt, there is a vaccine available for hepatitis, and it does not typically progress to a chronic condition.

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  • 15. 

    Hepatitis      incubation      transmission     onset     vaccine  chronic

    • A.

      50- 180 days, bloodborne, isidious-slowly, no, 5% to 10%

    • B.

      Unknown, unknown, unknown, no, unknown

    • C.

      15-50 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, yes, no

    • D.

      20 90 days, bloodborne, insidiuos , yes, 60% to 70%

    • E.

      15-60 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, no no

    Correct Answer
    A. 50- 180 days, bloodborne, isidious-slowly, no, 5% to 10%
    The correct answer states that the incubation period for Hepatitis is 50-180 days, meaning that it takes this amount of time for symptoms to appear after being infected. It is transmitted through bloodborne routes, such as sharing needles or receiving contaminated blood transfusions. The onset of symptoms is described as insidious or slow, meaning that they develop gradually. There is no vaccine available for this type of Hepatitis. Lastly, the answer states that 5% to 10% of cases become chronic, meaning that the infection persists for a long period of time.

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  • 16. 

    Hepatitis      incubation      transmission     onset     vaccine  chronic

    • A.

      15-50 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, yes, no

    • B.

      50- 180 days, bloodborne, isidious-slowly, no, 5% to 10%

    • C.

      20 90 days, bloodborne, insidiuos , yes, 60 to 70%

    • D.

      Unknown, unknown, unknown, no, unknown

    • E.

      15-60 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, no no

    Correct Answer
    C. 20 90 days, bloodborne, insidiuos , yes, 60 to 70%
    The correct answer is 20-90 days, bloodborne, insidious, yes, 60 to 70%. This answer is supported by the information provided in the table. Hepatitis has an incubation period of 20-90 days, it is transmitted through bloodborne routes, the onset is insidious, there is a vaccine available, and it can become chronic in 60 to 70% of cases.

    Rate this question:

  • 17. 

    Hepatitis      incubation      transmission     onset     vaccine  chronic

    • A.

      Unknown, unknown, unknown, no, unknown

    • B.

      15-60 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, no no

    • C.

      15-50 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, yes, no

    • D.

      20 90 days, bloodborne, insidiuos , yes, 5 to 10%

    Correct Answer
    B. 15-60 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, no no
    The correct answer is 15-60 days, fecal-oral, abrupt, no no. This answer is based on the information provided in the question. It states that the incubation period for Hepatitis is 15-60 days, the mode of transmission is fecal-oral, the onset of symptoms is abrupt, and there is no vaccine available for Hepatitis. Additionally, it mentions that there is no chronic form of Hepatitis.

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  • 18. 

    Stages of HIV infections _________stage: 1 to 2 weeks massive replication patient may be asymptomatidc or have a flu-like syndrome __________________ HIV: 10 to ______ years __________________HIV: ______________ cells below ____________late stages _________________ HIV : ______________ cells below ______________

    Correct Answer
    acute, asymptomatic, 12 symptomatic, T, 200, T, 50
    In the acute stage of HIV infection, which lasts for approximately 1 to 2 weeks, there is massive replication of the virus in the patient's body. During this stage, the patient may either be asymptomatic or experience flu-like symptoms.

    In the asymptomatic stage, the HIV infection can last for around 10 to 12 years without causing any noticeable symptoms.

    The symptomatic stage occurs after the asymptomatic stage and is characterized by the progression of the infection. During this stage, the patient may experience symptoms related to a weakened immune system.

    The T cell count in a healthy individual is typically around 800 to 1200 cells per microliter of blood. In the late stages of HIV infection, the T cell count drops below 200 cells per microliter, indicating severe immunosuppression.

    In the very late stages of HIV infection, the T cell count drops below 50 cells per microliter, indicating advanced immunosuppression.

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  • 19. 

    Two types of HIV virus have been identified _______ and ________

    Correct Answer
    HIV-1, HIV-2
    Two types of HIV virus have been identified, namely HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the most common and widespread type, responsible for the majority of HIV infections worldwide. It is more easily transmitted and progresses to AIDS more rapidly than HIV-2. On the other hand, HIV-2 is predominantly found in West Africa and is less easily transmitted and progresses to AIDS at a slower rate. Understanding the two types of HIV viruses is crucial for developing effective prevention strategies and treatment options.

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  • 20. 

    HIV lifecycle 1) HIV binds to the cell 2) Viral DNA is released into the host cell 3) Viral DNA into viral RNA 4) Viral RNA enters the T-cell's nucleus and inserts itself into the T-cell's RNA 5) The T-cell begins to make copies of the HIV components 6) Protease (an enzyme) helps create new virus particles ) the new HIV virion is releases form the T-cell

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    The given answer is false because step 6 is incomplete. The correct sequence is that after protease helps create new virus particles, the new HIV virion is released from the T-cell.

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  • 21. 

    Unlike HBV, there is no evidence to prove HIV is spread by any form of casual contact (exchange of body fluids, blood, semen, or vaginal secretions) and the adherence to CDCP recommended procedures for universal precautions reduces the risk of HIV transmission to negligible levels

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The statement correctly states that there is no evidence to prove HIV is spread by any form of casual contact, such as the exchange of body fluids, blood, semen, or vaginal secretions. The adherence to CDCP recommended procedures for universal precautions further reduces the risk of HIV transmission to negligible levels. Therefore, the answer is true.

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  • 22. 

    Anyone in a profession with a low risk of blood exposure is in danger of contracting the virus which causes AIDS.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    High risk

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  • 23. 

    Testing for HIV-Aids is voluntrary for

    • A.

      Persons in professions with a high-risk exposure

    • B.

      Persons who have had sexually transmitted disease

    • C.

      Men who have had sex with men

    • D.

      Any woman thinking of becoming preganant

    • E.

      All of the above

    Correct Answer
    E. All of the above
    The correct answer is "all of the above." This means that testing for HIV-Aids is voluntary for all the mentioned groups: persons in professions with a high-risk exposure, persons who have had sexually transmitted diseases, men who have had sex with men, and any woman thinking of becoming pregnant. This implies that anyone from these groups can choose to undergo HIV-Aids testing if they wish to.

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  • 24. 

    In the health care workplace, the risk of infection from exposure to contaminated blood is much grater for ________________and __________ 

    Correct Answer
    'HBV, HIV', 'HIV, HBV', 'Hepatitis B Virus, Human Immunodeficiency Virus', 'Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Virus'
    In the health care workplace, the risk of infection from exposure to contaminated blood is much greater for HBV (Hepatitis B Virus) and HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). These two viruses can be transmitted through blood and other bodily fluids, and healthcare workers are at a higher risk of exposure due to their frequent contact with patients' blood. It is important for healthcare professionals to take necessary precautions, such as using personal protective equipment and following proper infection control protocols, to minimize the risk of infection.

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  • 25. 

    The risk of contracting HBV and HIV is extremely low if universal precautions are followed

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Following universal precautions greatly reduces the risk of contracting HBV and HIV. Universal precautions are a set of guidelines and procedures designed to prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens in healthcare settings. These precautions include wearing personal protective equipment, such as gloves and masks, practicing proper hand hygiene, and using safe injection practices. By adhering to these precautions, healthcare workers can minimize their exposure to infected blood and other bodily fluids, thus significantly reducing the risk of contracting HBV and HIV. Therefore, the statement is true.

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  • 26. 

    This is not included in the Universal precautions defined by CDCP.

    • A.

      Use gloves, mask gowns

    • B.

      Use of goggles

    • C.

      Use of prevetion techniques appropriates to the healthcare setting

    • D.

      Share drinking glass

    Correct Answer
    D. Share drinking glass
    Sharing a drinking glass is not included in the Universal precautions defined by CDCP. Universal precautions are a set of guidelines that aim to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases in healthcare settings. These precautions include the use of gloves, masks, gowns, and appropriate prevention techniques. However, sharing a drinking glass can increase the risk of spreading infections, so it is not considered a part of universal precautions.

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  • 27. 

    Indicate the basic steps of the basic needle technique.

    • A.

      A) always wash hands between patients, b) always immediately isolate used needles c) always establish a clean field e) always use sterile needles f) always wash hands just prior to inserting needles if hand have been contaminated

    • B.

      A) always wash hands between patients, e) always use sterile needles c) always establish a clean field f) always wash hands just prior to inserting needles if hand have been contaminated b) always immediately isolate used needles

    • C.

      E) always use sterile needles a) always wash hands between patients, b) always immediately isolate used needles c) always establish a clean field f) always wash hands just prior to inserting needles if hand have been contaminated

    • D.

      A) always wash hands between patients, b) always immediately isolate used needles e) always use sterile needles f) always wash hands just prior to inserting needles if hand have been contaminated c) always establish a clean field

    Correct Answer
    B. A) always wash hands between patients, e) always use sterile needles c) always establish a clean field f) always wash hands just prior to inserting needles if hand have been contaminated b) always immediately isolate used needles
    The basic steps of the basic needle technique are as follows: always wash hands between patients, always use sterile needles, always establish a clean field, and always wash hands just prior to inserting needles if hands have been contaminated. It is important to wash hands between patients to prevent the spread of germs. Using sterile needles ensures that the procedure is done in a clean and safe manner. Establishing a clean field helps to minimize the risk of infection. Finally, isolating used needles immediately after use helps to prevent accidental needlestick injuries.

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  • 28. 

    Beside using sterile needles, public health agencies identify hand washing as the single most important action in preventing cross-infections

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The explanation for the given answer is that public health agencies consider hand washing to be the single most important action in preventing cross-infections. This means that even though using sterile needles is important, hand washing is considered to be even more crucial in preventing the spread of infections. Therefore, the statement is true.

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  • 29. 


    • A.

      The introduction of disease-causing agents into or onto previously clean or sterile objects, making them impure or unclean

    • B.

      The use of procedures that destory all microbial, including viruses

    • C.

      Techniques for preventing infection during invasive procedures such as surgical operations, dressing wounds, or procedures involving a puncture of the skin

    • D.

      Products designed to reduce the density of microbial life oon living tissue, particularly on the skin of the patient or practitioner.

    • E.

      The use of chemical and procedures designed to destroy or reduce the number of pathogens on inanimate objects such as equipment and clinic surfaces.

    Correct Answer
    B. The use of procedures that destory all microbial, including viruses
    The correct answer is the use of procedures that destroy all microbial, including viruses. This answer accurately describes sterilization as a process that eliminates all microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, from objects or surfaces. Sterilization is a critical practice in healthcare settings to prevent the spread of infections and ensure the safety of patients and healthcare workers. It involves the use of various methods such as heat, radiation, chemicals, or filtration to achieve complete destruction or inactivation of microorganisms.

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  • 30. 

    The introduction of disease-causing agents into or onto previously clean or sterile objects, making them impure or unclean

    Correct Answer
    Contamination refers to the introduction of disease-causing agents into or onto previously clean or sterile objects, making them impure or unclean. This can occur through various means such as contact with dirty surfaces, exposure to harmful substances, or the transfer of bacteria or viruses. Contamination can lead to the spread of diseases and infections if proper hygiene and sanitation measures are not followed.

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  • 31. 

    The use of procedures that  destroys all microbial, including viruses

    Correct Answer
    Sterilization refers to the use of procedures that eliminate or destroy all forms of microbial life, including viruses. This process ensures that a surface, object, or environment is completely free from any viable microorganisms. It is a critical technique used in various industries, such as healthcare, food processing, and laboratory settings, to prevent the spread of infections and maintain a safe and sterile environment. Sterilization methods may include heat, chemicals, radiation, or filtration, depending on the specific requirements and limitations of the material or area being sterilized.

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  • 32. 

    Techniques for preventing infection during invasive procedures such as surgical operations, dressing wounds, or procedures involving a puncture of the skin.

    Correct Answer
    aseptic techniques
    Aseptic techniques refer to a set of practices and procedures that are used to prevent the introduction of harmful microorganisms into a sterile area during invasive procedures. These techniques involve maintaining a sterile environment, using sterile equipment and supplies, and following strict hand hygiene protocols. By implementing aseptic techniques, healthcare professionals can minimize the risk of infection and ensure patient safety during procedures like surgical operations, wound dressings, and procedures involving puncture of the skin.

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  • 33. 

    Products designed to reduce the density of microbial life on living tissue, particularly on the skin of the patient or practitioner.

    Correct Answer
    Antiseptics are products that are specifically designed to reduce the density of microbial life on living tissue, especially on the skin of patients or practitioners. They are used to prevent the growth and spread of harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, that can cause infections. Antiseptics are commonly used in medical settings, such as hospitals and clinics, to sanitize the skin before performing procedures or surgeries. They are also used for personal hygiene purposes, such as cleaning wounds or disinfecting hands. Overall, antiseptics play a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness and preventing infections in healthcare settings.

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  • 34. 

    The uses of chemical and procedures designed to destroy or reduce the number of pathogens on inanimate objects such as equipment and clinic surfaces.

    Correct Answer
    Disinfection refers to the process of using chemicals and procedures to eliminate or decrease the presence of pathogens on non-living objects like equipment and surfaces in a clinic. It involves the use of various agents, such as disinfectants, to destroy or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This practice is crucial in healthcare settings to prevent the spread of infections and maintain a clean and safe environment for both patients and healthcare providers.

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  • 35. 

    The use of techniques (antisepsis, disinfection, sterilization, washing, etc) designed to reduce the risk of infection of patients, practitioners, and office personnel by killing or reducing the strength of pathogens, thereby reducing the chances for the contact between the pathogens and the patients and personnel.

    Correct Answer
    clean technique
    Clean technique refers to the use of various methods such as antisepsis, disinfection, sterilization, and washing to minimize the risk of infection for patients, practitioners, and office personnel. These techniques aim to kill or weaken pathogens, reducing the likelihood of contact between pathogens and individuals. Clean technique is an essential practice in healthcare settings to maintain a safe and hygienic environment, preventing the spread of infections and ensuring the well-being of everyone involved.

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  • 36. 

    The chemical employed in disinfection.  They should only be used on inanimated objects, and are not to be confused with antiseptics that are applied to the body.

    Correct Answer
    Disinfectants are chemicals used for disinfection purposes. They are specifically designed to be used on inanimate objects to kill or eliminate harmful microorganisms. It is important to note that disinfectants should not be used on the body as they are different from antiseptics, which are specifically formulated for application on the human body to prevent the growth of microorganisms.

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  • 37. 

    The area that has been prepared to contain the equipment necessary for acupuncture, in such a way as to protect the sterility of the needles. By extension, this includes not only the clean surface or which equipment will be placed, but also the patient's skin around the selected acupuncture points, and anything that touches the skin.

    Correct Answer
    clean field
    The term "clean field" refers to the area that is specifically prepared to maintain sterility during acupuncture procedures. This includes not only the clean surface on which the equipment will be placed, but also the patient's skin around the chosen acupuncture points, as well as anything that comes into contact with the skin. The clean field is crucial in preventing infections and ensuring a safe and sterile environment for acupuncture treatments.

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  • 38. 

    These are recommendationf for parctitioners yearly physical including PPD test (TB) Clothing: lab coat Hand care Personal health testing for ________, _________,_________, and ______

    Correct Answer
    The given answer suggests that the recommended tests for practitioners include testing for tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These tests are important for ensuring the health and safety of both the practitioners and their patients. Regular testing allows for early detection and appropriate management of these infectious diseases, reducing the risk of transmission and ensuring the well-being of everyone involved.

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  • 39. 

    This is not recommended equipment for acupuncture practitioners

    • A.

      Acupuncture needle

    • B.

      Needle guide tube and needle tray

    • C.


    • D.

      Sevr stra or plum-blossom needle

    • E.

      Cupping device

    Correct Answer
    C. Seringe
    The given correct answer is "seringe". This equipment is not recommended for acupuncture practitioners because it is not commonly used in acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture typically involves the use of thin needles to stimulate specific points on the body, and a syringe is not typically used for this purpose. Therefore, it is not considered essential or appropriate equipment for acupuncture practitioners.

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  • 40. 

    These are the basic steps when applying CNT  in an acupuncture treatment

    • A.

      Position the patient establishing a clean work area, handwashing, preparing the needle insertion site, using sterile needle and guide tubes palpating the point

    • B.

      Position the patient, handwashing, preparing the needle insertion site, palpating the point using sterile needle and guide tubes

    • C.

      Establishing a clean work area, position the patient, handwashing, preparing the needle insertion site, palpating the point using sterile needle and guide tubes

    • D.

      Palpating the point establishing a clean work area, position the patient, preparing the needle insertion site, using sterile needle and guide tubes handwashing,

    Correct Answer
    C. Establishing a clean work area, position the patient, handwashing, preparing the needle insertion site, palpating the point using sterile needle and guide tubes
  • 41. 

    Handwashing a) warm water at least 10 seconds with a fraction wash the entire surface of the hands run water over the hands again to clean them dry hands carefully using a clean paper towel liquid soap and thoroughly b) warm water at least 10 seconds with a fraction liquid soap and thoroughly run water over the hands again to clean them dry hands carefully using a clean paper towel wash the entire surface of the hands c) warm water at least 10 seconds with a fraction liquid soap and thoroughly dry hands carefully using a clean paper towel wash the entire surface of the hands run water over the hands again to clean them d) warm water at least 10 seconds with a fraction liquid soap and thoroughly wash the entire surface of the hands run water over the hands again to clean them dry hands carefully using a clean paper towel.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. D
    The correct answer is d because it follows the proper sequence for handwashing. It starts with warm water for at least 10 seconds, then applies liquid soap and thoroughly washes the entire surface of the hands. After that, it runs water over the hands again to clean them and finally, it advises to dry hands carefully using a clean paper towel. This sequence ensures effective handwashing by removing dirt, germs, and bacteria from the hands.

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  • 42. 

    This is not recommended as equipment for acupuncture.

    • A.

      Needles, cupping devices

    • B.


    • C.

      Seven-star or plum blosson needles

    • D.

      Guide tubes

    Correct Answer
    B. Spatula
    A spatula is not recommended as equipment for acupuncture because it is not designed for that purpose. Acupuncture requires specialized tools such as needles, cupping devices, seven-star or plum blossom needles, and guide tubes. A spatula is typically used for mixing or spreading substances and does not have the necessary features or precision required for acupuncture techniques.

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  • 43. 

    It is strongly recommended that acupuncturist always wash their hands a) immediately before the acupuncture procedure b) after contact with blood or body fluids or obvious environmental contaminants. c) at the end of treatment. d)whenever their hands become contaminated during treatment.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    Acupuncturists are recommended to always wash their hands for several reasons. Firstly, washing hands immediately before the acupuncture procedure helps to remove any dirt or germs present on the hands, reducing the risk of infection. Secondly, after contact with blood or body fluids or obvious environmental contaminants, washing hands is crucial to prevent the spread of pathogens. Additionally, washing hands at the end of treatment ensures that any potential contaminants from the procedure are removed. Lastly, whenever their hands become contaminated during treatment, washing hands is necessary to maintain hygiene standards. Therefore, the statement is true.

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  • 44. 

    According to CDCP _____ isopropyl alcohol is adequate for preparing a patient's skin for inserting a needle.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 70%
    According to the CDCP, a 70% concentration of isopropyl alcohol is considered adequate for preparing a patient's skin before inserting a needle. This concentration is effective in killing bacteria and reducing the risk of infection. A higher concentration may evaporate too quickly, while a lower concentration may not be as effective in disinfecting the skin. Therefore, 70% isopropyl alcohol is the recommended choice for this purpose.

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  • 45. 

    This is not a recommended swab technique when cleaning point area with an alcohol swab.

    • A.

      One way swab

    • B.

      Back and forth swab

    • C.

      Rotary scrubbing motion, spirilaling out form the center

    • D.

      None of the above

    Correct Answer
    B. Back and forth swab
    The back and forth swab technique is not recommended when cleaning a point area with an alcohol swab. This motion may spread contaminants or bacteria from one area to another, rather than effectively cleaning the intended area. It is important to use a technique that ensures thorough cleaning and minimizes the risk of cross-contamination.

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  • 46. 

    It is critical that the needle shaft is maintained in a sterile state prior to insertion.  After removal from the package, nothing must touch the shaft.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The statement is true because maintaining the needle shaft in a sterile state is essential to prevent any contamination or infection during insertion. Any contact with the shaft after removal from the package can introduce bacteria or other pathogens, compromising the sterility of the needle. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that nothing touches the needle shaft before insertion to maintain its sterile state.

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  • 47. 

    It is strongly recommended that if bleeding does occur during cupping, practitioners take the following steps a) gather gloves and cleaning materials remove the cups, taking care to prevent body fluids from spreading or splashing clean up any bleeding that has occurred stop the bleeding through the use of appropriate pressure put on gloves b) gather gloves and cleaning materials remove the cups, taking care to prevent body fluids from spreading or splashing stop the bleeding through the use of appropriate pressure put on gloves clean up any bleeding that has occurred c)remove the cups, taking care to prevent body fluids from spreading or splashing gather gloves and cleaning materials stop the bleeding through the use of appropriate pressure put on gloves clean up any bleeding that has occurred d) gather gloves and cleaning materials put on gloves remove the cups, taking care to prevent body fluids from spreading or splashing stop the bleeding through the use of appropriate pressure clean up any bleeding that has occurred isolate the cups handle and dispose of all materials used as biohazardous waste sterilize the cups using a double sterilization procedure.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. D
    The correct answer is d because it follows a logical sequence of steps to be taken if bleeding occurs during cupping. First, the practitioner should gather gloves and cleaning materials to ensure proper hygiene. Then, they should put on gloves to protect themselves. Next, they should remove the cups carefully to prevent the spread of body fluids. After that, they should apply appropriate pressure to stop the bleeding. Once the bleeding has been stopped, they can clean up any bleeding that has occurred. Finally, they should handle and dispose of all materials used as biohazardous waste and sterilize the cups using a double sterilization procedure.

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  • 48. 

    Cleaning of spills of blood or body fluids requires a one-step procedure.  Using rubber gloves, the spill should be cleaned once with soap and water.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    Requires two steps similar to the cleaning of the spill: 2) all exposed surfaces should be wiped with a germicide

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  • 49. 

    Match the correct definition a) delivers moist heat in the form of saturated steam under pressure.  The sudden drop of pressure at the end of the cycle breaks down the cell walls of resistant spores.  it is critical that a pressurized steam bath is maintained at 250 degrees F, 15 pounds pressure for 30 min.  The pressure must be released quickly at the end of the sterilization process b) sterilizers provide heat air without steam pressure.  They requiere a longer sterilization time, 2 hous of exposure at 338 degrees F. c) For the protection of the practitioners and staff, used needles and other contaminated equipment should have preliminary sterilization immediately after use.  Instruments should be soaked in a chemical disinfectant for the preliminary sterilization.  Final sterilization must be done after reusable and other equipment be inspected carefully following the first sterilization, glove should be worm during this procedure, and instruments should be soaked in water with or without detergent to loosen any material that may remain, wiped carefully and rinsed thoroughly.

    • A.

      A) double sterilization, b) dry sterilization c) autoclave

    • B.

      A) autoclave, b) double sterilization, c) dry sterilization

    • C.

      A) autoclave, b) dry sterilzation, c) double sterilization

    • D.

      Non of the above

    Correct Answer
    C. A) autoclave, b) dry sterilzation, c) double sterilization
    The correct answer is a) autoclave, b) dry sterilization, c) double sterilization. The explanation for this answer is that option a) describes the process of autoclave, which involves delivering moist heat in the form of saturated steam under pressure to sterilize equipment. Option b) describes dry sterilization, which uses heat air without steam pressure for sterilization. Option c) describes double sterilization, which involves preliminary sterilization using a chemical disinfectant followed by a final sterilization process.

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