Check-up: Washington Through Monroe

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| By Kcroghan
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Check-up: Washington Through Monroe - Quiz

This is a check-up for economics, foreign policy and early presidents. Be sure to include your first name and last name's initial along with your period number (e. G. : Dave B. P2, Sue D. P6 or Randy Q. P7) in the box where it wants you to put your name.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    During his presidency, Thomas Jefferson had problems with all of the following except . . .

    • A.

      British Troops in the Ohio Valley

    • B.

      Barbary Pirates holding US ships and crews for ransom

    • C.

      Britain impressing US sailors

    • D.

      France seizing US merchant ships

    Correct Answer
    A. British Troops in the Ohio Valley
    During his presidency, Thomas Jefferson faced numerous challenges, including the Barbary Pirates holding US ships and crews for ransom, Britain impressing US sailors, and France seizing US merchant ships. However, he did not have problems with British Troops in the Ohio Valley. This suggests that Jefferson successfully managed to avoid conflicts or disputes with British troops in that region during his presidency.

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  • 2. 

    This Shawnee leader united Native Americans to fight American settlers that moved west  into Native lands.

    • A.

      Simon Bolivar

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      War Hawk

    Correct Answer
    B. Tecumseh
    Tecumseh was a Shawnee leader who united Native Americans to resist the encroachment of American settlers on their lands. He formed a confederacy of tribes in an effort to protect their territories and preserve their way of life. Tecumseh's leadership and military skills made him a formidable opponent to the American settlers, and he fought fiercely to defend Native lands. His efforts to unite Native Americans against the settlers ultimately failed, but he remains a significant figure in Native American history.

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  • 3. 

    Which of the following happened during Madison's Presidency?

    • A.

      The Jay Treaty

    • B.

      The attack on the Chesapeake by the Leopard

    • C.

      The Revolutionary War

    • D.

      The War of 1812

    Correct Answer
    D. The War of 1812
    During Madison's presidency, the War of 1812 occurred. This war was fought between the United States and Great Britain and was primarily caused by British violations of American maritime rights. The war lasted from 1812 to 1815 and resulted in several significant events, including the burning of Washington, D.C., the Battle of New Orleans, and the signing of the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war. Madison's presidency was defined by this conflict, making it the correct answer.

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  • 4. 

    The Battle of New Orleans was . . .

    • A.

      The battle that ensured American victory in the War of 1812.

    • B.

      An American triumph over the Barbary Pirates

    • C.

      Unnecessary, because a treaty ended the War of 1812 before the battle was fought.

    • D.

      A horrible loss for the Americans, and almost cost them the war.

    Correct Answer
    C. Unnecessary, because a treaty ended the War of 1812 before the battle was fought.
    The correct answer is unnecessary because a treaty ended the War of 1812 before the battle was fought. This means that the Battle of New Orleans did not have any impact on the outcome of the war as a treaty had already been signed.

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  • 5. 

    Which treaty caused the British to pull troops from the Ohio Valley?

    • A.

      Treaty of Ghent

    • B.

      Treaty of Paris

    • C.

      The Jay Treaty

    • D.

      The Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo

    Correct Answer
    C. The Jay Treaty
    The Jay Treaty, signed in 1794, caused the British to withdraw their troops from the Ohio Valley. This treaty resolved several issues between the United States and Britain, including the British occupation of forts in the Ohio Valley. As a result, the British agreed to evacuate these forts, which led to the withdrawal of their troops from the region.

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  • 6. 

    Thomas Jefferson tried to stop French and British seizures of American ships by doing what?

    • A.

      He joined in an alliance with Britain and stopped merchant shipping to the French.

    • B.

      He bribed three secret agents to stop seizing boats.

    • C.

      He waged an all-out war with France.

    • D.

      He proposed the embargo act of 1807.

    Correct Answer
    D. He proposed the embargo act of 1807.
    Thomas Jefferson proposed the embargo act of 1807 as a means to stop French and British seizures of American ships. This act prohibited American ships from trading with foreign nations, which was intended to put economic pressure on France and Britain and force them to respect American neutrality. By implementing this embargo, Jefferson hoped to protect American ships and avoid armed conflict with France and Britain.

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  • 7. 

    All of the following were leaders of revolutions in Latin America except:

    • A.

      Jose de san Martin

    • B.

      Simon Bolivar

    • C.


    • D.

      Miguel Hidalgo

    Correct Answer
    C. Tecumseh
    Tecumseh was not a leader of a revolution in Latin America. He was a Native American leader and warrior who fought against the expansion of the United States in the early 19th century. His efforts were focused on resisting American encroachment on Native American lands in the Great Lakes region, rather than leading a revolution in Latin America.

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  • 8. 

    With whom did Latin America revolt against from 1810 to 1821?

    • A.

      The United States

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Spain
    Latin America revolted against Spain from 1810 to 1821. During this period, several countries in Latin America, including Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and Argentina, fought for independence from Spanish colonial rule. These revolutions were inspired by the ideals of the French and American revolutions, as well as by the desire for self-governance and the rejection of Spanish dominance. The successful revolts led to the establishment of independent nations in Latin America.

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  • 9. 

    John Adams and his political party, the Federalists, lost popularity, because . . .

    • A.

      Adams pursued peace instead of war with France.

    • B.

      Adams paid the French Foreign Minister Talleyrand the tribute to release the seized ships.

    • C.

      Adams was unable to put an end to the 1778 alliance with France.

    • D.

      Adams was unable to stop the French from seizing ships.

    Correct Answer
    A. Adams pursued peace instead of war with France.
    Adams pursued peace instead of war with France, which caused him to lose popularity. This decision went against the sentiment of many Americans who wanted to retaliate against France for their actions, such as seizing American ships. Adams' willingness to negotiate and avoid conflict was seen as weak and indecisive by his political opponents and the general public. As a result, his popularity declined and his political party, the Federalists, suffered in the eyes of the American people.

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  • 10. 

    George Washington established America's first foreign policies of . . .

    • A.

      Isolationism and favoritism.

    • B.

      Neutrality and isolationism.

    • C.

      Neutrality and involvement.

    • D.

      Involvement and neutrality.

    Correct Answer
    B. Neutrality and isolationism.
    George Washington's establishment of America's first foreign policies of neutrality and isolationism is a well-known fact. During his presidency, Washington believed that the United States should avoid entangling alliances and conflicts with other nations. He advocated for a policy of neutrality, which meant that the country would not take sides in the ongoing conflicts between European powers. Additionally, Washington emphasized the importance of isolationism, which aimed to keep the United States out of foreign affairs and focus on its own development and interests. This approach guided American foreign policy for many years and set a precedent for future presidents.

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  • 11. 

    The Monroe Doctrine  did all of the following except:

    • A.

      Show the world that the US was becoming more unified

    • B.

      Show the world that the US was no longer weak

    • C.

      Allow America to return to a policy of isolationism

    • D.

      Allow America to colonize all of Latin America

    Correct Answer
    D. Allow America to colonize all of Latin America
    The Monroe Doctrine did not allow America to colonize all of Latin America. The doctrine was a foreign policy statement that aimed to prevent European colonization or intervention in the Americas. It asserted that any attempt by European powers to establish new colonies or interfere with independent countries in the Americas would be seen as a threat to the United States. The doctrine was meant to show the world that the US was becoming more unified and no longer weak, and it also aimed to allow America to return to a policy of isolationism by avoiding entanglements in European affairs.

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  • 12. 

    The Monroe Doctrine warned Spain and the rest of Europe to . . .

    • A.

      Stop seizing US ships.

    • B.

      Not try to colonize Latin America.

    • C.

      Stay away from American interests in Spain

    • D.

      Not blockade US seaports

    Correct Answer
    B. Not try to colonize Latin America.
    The Monroe Doctrine was a policy statement made by the United States in 1823, which declared that any attempt by European powers to colonize or interfere with the newly independent countries in Latin America would be seen as a threat to the United States. It aimed to prevent European intervention in the affairs of the Americas and establish the US as the dominant power in the region. Therefore, the correct answer is "not try to colonize Latin America." This statement aligns with the main objective of the Monroe Doctrine to deter European colonization in the Western Hemisphere.

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  • 13. 

    After the Battle of Tippecanoe Creek, American Soldiers found what on the battlefield?

    • A.

      The body of chief Tecumseh

    • B.

      French-made swords

    • C.

      British made guns

    • D.

      Dead British soldiers

    Correct Answer
    C. British made guns
    After the Battle of Tippecanoe Creek, American Soldiers found British made guns on the battlefield. This suggests that the British soldiers were armed with these guns during the battle.

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  • 14. 

    In the XYZ Affair, who were X, Y and Z?

    • A.

      American secret agents

    • B.

      Barbary Pirate secret agents

    • C.

      British secret agents

    • D.

      French secret agents

    Correct Answer
    D. French secret agents
    In the XYZ Affair, X, Y, and Z refer to the three French secret agents who attempted to negotiate a bribe and loan from American diplomats in exchange for improved relations between the United States and France. This incident strained the relationship between the two countries and led to the Quasi-War, an undeclared naval conflict between the United States and France from 1798 to 1800.

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  • 15. 

    Which treaty ended the War of 1812?

    • A.

      Treaty of Ghent

    • B.

      Treaty of Paris

    • C.

      The Jay Treaty

    • D.

      The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Correct Answer
    A. Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812. This treaty was signed between the United States and Great Britain in 1814, restoring peace and returning all territories to their pre-war status. It did not address the issues that led to the war, such as impressment and trade restrictions, but it effectively ended the fighting and restored diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Treaty of Paris refers to the treaty that ended the American Revolutionary War, not the War of 1812. The Jay Treaty was signed in 1794 and resolved several issues between the United States and Great Britain, but it did not end the War of 1812. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican-American War in 1848, not the War of 1812.

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  • 16. 

    Why did Britain want Latin America left alone after they revolted?

    • A.

      Many parts of Latin America had become popular travel destinations for British people.

    • B.

      Many British families had immigrated to the area, and they did not want them hurt.

    • C.

      All of Latin America had made an alliance with Britain.

    • D.

      The newly independent nations of Latin America could trade freely.

    Correct Answer
    D. The newly independent nations of Latin America could trade freely.
    After the Latin American countries revolted and gained independence, Britain wanted them to be left alone because it allowed these newly independent nations to engage in free trade. This benefited Britain economically, as it opened up new markets for their goods and allowed them to establish trade relationships with these countries. By promoting free trade, Britain could also maintain a favorable economic and political influence in the region, without the need for direct colonial control.

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  • 17. 

    The attack on the Chesapeake by the Leopard happened as a result of . . . 

    • A.

      The battle of Lake Champlain.

    • B.

      The attack on Fort McHenry.

    • C.

      The British policy of impressment.

    • D.

      The French policy of demanding tribute for seized ships.

    Correct Answer
    C. The British policy of impressment.
    The attack on the Chesapeake by the Leopard happened as a result of the British policy of impressment. Impressment refers to the practice of the British navy forcibly recruiting American sailors into their own navy. The British believed that they had the right to impress any sailors they suspected of being British citizens or deserters. In this case, the Leopard attacked the Chesapeake because it refused to allow the British to search for deserters. This incident further strained relations between the United States and Britain, eventually leading to the War of 1812.

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  • 18. 

    The following are all reasons why Washington tried to avoid problems with other countries except:

    • A.

      Washington had never commanded a military

    • B.

      The new US government did not have much money

    • C.

      America had no standing army

    • D.

      The nation was surrounded by unfriendly powers

    Correct Answer
    A. Washington had never commanded a military
    Washington had never commanded a military is not a reason why Washington tried to avoid problems with other countries. The fact that Washington had never commanded a military does not necessarily imply that he would want to avoid problems with other countries. It is possible for someone with no military experience to still engage in conflicts or confrontations with other nations. Therefore, this statement does not align with the reasons why Washington tried to avoid problems with other countries.

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  • 19. 

    The War of 1812 was important for all of the following except:

    • A.

      It resolved all of the problems that America had with Europe.

    • B.

      Future presidents like Andrew Jackson and William Henry Harrison gained popularity by being war heroes.

    • C.

      National pride increased in the United States.

    • D.

      Native American resistance was weakened.

    Correct Answer
    A. It resolved all of the problems that America had with Europe.
    The correct answer is "It resolved all of the problems that America had with Europe." This statement is not true because the War of 1812 did not resolve all of America's problems with Europe. While the war did temporarily resolve some issues, such as British impressment of American sailors, it did not completely resolve all tensions between the two countries. Additionally, the war did not address other ongoing conflicts with European powers, such as trade disputes and territorial claims.

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  • 20. 

    Which of the following presidents did not hold office between 1789 and 1825?

    • A.

      James Madison

    • B.

      Thomas Jefferson

    • C.

      Andrew Jackson

    • D.

      John Adams

    Correct Answer
    C. Andrew Jackson
    Andrew Jackson did not hold office between 1789 and 1825. He was the 7th President of the United States and served from 1829 to 1837. Therefore, he falls outside the time frame specified in the question. James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams all served as presidents during this period.

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  • 21. 

    "The ways in which a nation deals with other nations" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.

      Foreign policy.

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Foreign policy.
    Foreign policy refers to the strategies and actions that a nation takes in its interactions with other nations. It involves decisions related to diplomacy, trade, defense, and international relations. Impressment, embargo, and tribute are all specific actions or policies that a nation may use in its foreign policy, but they do not encompass the overall concept of foreign policy itself. Therefore, "foreign policy" is the best description for the given statement.

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  • 22. 

    "Capturing US sailors and and forcing them to work in the British Navy" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Impressment
    Impressment refers to the act of forcibly recruiting individuals, in this case US sailors, into military service, specifically the British Navy. This practice was prevalent during the Napoleonic Wars, where the British would capture American sailors and force them to serve on their ships. The term "impressment" accurately describes the act of capturing US sailors and forcing them to work in the British Navy, making it the best choice among the given options.

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  • 23. 

    "A statement of official government policy, especially in foreign affairs" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Doctrine
    Doctrine refers to a statement of official government policy, particularly in foreign affairs. It is a set of principles or beliefs that guide a government's actions and decisions in relation to its foreign relations. Alliances, neutrality, and piracy are not specifically related to government policy, making them incorrect options.

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  • 24. 

    "A payment, or gift, given for protection or as part of a deal" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Tribute
    Tribute refers to a payment or gift given as a form of protection or as part of a deal. This term is commonly used to describe a payment made by a weaker nation or group to a stronger one, often as a sign of submission or to maintain peace. It can also be seen as a form of tribute when a payment is made to avoid negative consequences or to secure certain benefits.

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  • 25. 

    "A government order that stops trade ships from entering or leaving ports" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Embargo
    An embargo refers to a government order that restricts or prohibits trade ships from entering or leaving ports. This measure is often implemented as a form of economic sanction or punishment against a specific country or entity. Embargoes can be imposed for various reasons, such as political disagreements, human rights violations, or national security concerns. By preventing trade, an embargo aims to exert pressure and influence on the targeted party, potentially leading to diplomatic negotiations or policy changes.

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  • 26. 

    "Robbery on the high seas" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Piracy
    "Piracy" best describes "Robbery on the high seas" as it involves the act of attacking and robbing ships or boats in coastal or international waters. It typically involves acts of violence, theft, and kidnapping for ransom. This term specifically refers to criminal activities committed at sea, making it the most fitting choice among the given options.

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  • 27. 

    "A policy of not choosing sides in a war or dispute between other nations" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Foreign policy

    Correct Answer
    B. Neutrality
    Neutrality refers to a policy of not favoring or taking sides in a conflict or dispute between other nations. This approach aims to maintain impartiality and avoid involvement in foreign conflicts. Neutrality allows a nation to remain detached from international disputes and focus on its own interests and domestic affairs. It is often seen as a way to promote peace and avoid entanglements in foreign conflicts.

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  • 28. 

    "A policy of avoiding political or military agreements with other nations" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Foreign policy

    Correct Answer
    A. Isolationism
    Isolationism refers to a policy of avoiding political or military agreements with other nations. This means that a country practicing isolationism prefers to remain separate and independent from international affairs, focusing on its own internal affairs instead. This policy aims to avoid entanglements in foreign conflicts and alliances, maintaining a neutral stance in global affairs. Therefore, isolationism is the best description for the given statement.

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  • 29. 

    "Are created when nations make agreements to aid and support each other" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Alliances
    The statement "Are created when nations make agreements to aid and support each other" best describes alliances. Alliances are formed when nations come together and make agreements to support and assist each other in various ways, such as in times of conflict or for economic cooperation. This can involve military alliances, where nations pledge to defend each other, or economic alliances, where nations collaborate on trade and economic policies. Alliances are crucial for promoting mutual interests, maintaining peace, and enhancing cooperation among nations.

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  • 30. 

    "To take, or to control, something" best describes . . .

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Seizing
    "Seizing" means to take or control something forcefully or quickly. This word accurately describes the action of taking or controlling something, which aligns with the given definition.

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  • 31. 

    Write a short description of the word criteria.

  • 32. 

    Write a short description of the word alternative.

  • 33. 

    Write a short description of the word evaluate.

  • 34. 

    Write a short description of economics?

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  • Feb 07, 2011
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