Chapter 32: Rural Health

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Chapter 32: Rural Health - Quiz


Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Which of the following descriptions is the most accurate example of a rural community?

    • A.

      The residents of the community are subject to environmental hazards.

    • B.

      It takes longer than 30 minutes to get from the community to health care services.

    • C.

      The community has less than 20,000 residents.

    • D.

      The residents of the community say, This is smaller than where I grew up.

    Correct Answer
    B. It takes longer than 30 minutes to get from the community to health care services.
    The most accurate example of a rural community is when it takes longer than 30 minutes to get from the community to health care services. This is because rural communities are typically located far away from urban areas where health care facilities are more readily available. Due to the distance, residents may have limited access to medical services, which can be a significant challenge in emergency situations. This description aligns with the characteristic of a rural community by highlighting the difficulty in accessing health care services in a timely manner.

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  • 2. 

    What is the poverty rate in rural areas?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 40%
    The correct answer is 40%. This suggests that a significant proportion of the population living in rural areas is experiencing poverty. It indicates that 40% of the individuals in these regions have an income level below the poverty line, highlighting the economic challenges and disparities faced by rural communities. This high poverty rate emphasizes the need for targeted interventions and support to alleviate poverty and improve the living conditions in rural areas.

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  • 3. 

    Why are children at risk on their own familys farm?

    • A.

      Children often help with the work without much regard for training or safety.

    • B.

      It is expected that children fulfill the roles that are assigned to them.

    • C.

      Machinery can injure someone faster than a parent can turn the machine off.

    • D.

      Parents are too busy completing their own tasks to supervise the children.

    Correct Answer
    A. Children often help with the work without much regard for training or safety.
    Children on their own family's farm are at risk because they often help with the work without much regard for training or safety. This means that they may not have received proper training on how to safely operate machinery or handle potentially dangerous tasks. They may also not be aware of the potential hazards and risks involved in farm work. As a result, they are more likely to be involved in accidents or injuries while working on the farm.

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  • 4. 

    An adolescent in a rural community has recently committed suicide. What is the significance of this event in the community?

    • A.

      Rural residents are less religious than urban residents and less capable of coping with the loss.

    • B.

      Because of the size of the community, it is likely that no one will discuss what has happened.

    • C.

      There could be a cluster of such deaths in small towns where everyone knows everyone so well.

    • D.

      Without the adolescent to work, the family may have increased economic difficulties.  

    Correct Answer
    C. There could be a cluster of such deaths in small towns where everyone knows everyone so well.
    The answer suggests that in small towns where everyone knows each other well, there could be a cluster of suicides following one incident. This is significant because it highlights the potential for a contagious effect, where one suicide can lead to others in close-knit communities. This emphasizes the importance of addressing mental health issues and providing support in rural communities to prevent such clusters from occurring.

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  • 5. 

    What was one purpose of Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Public Law 95-210?

    • A.

      To define rural areas as underserved and therefore eligible for many tax reductions

    • B.

      To encourage utilization of advanced practice nurses by providing reimbursement for their services under Medicare and Medicaid

    • C.

      To fund structures (building, equipment, supplies) for rural health care providers

    • D.

      To pay for physicians to serve in rural underserved areas

    Correct Answer
    B. To encourage utilization of advanced practice nurses by providing reimbursement for their services under Medicare and Medicaid
    The purpose of Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Public Law 95-210 was to encourage the utilization of advanced practice nurses by providing reimbursement for their services under Medicare and Medicaid. This law aimed to support and incentivize the use of advanced practice nurses in rural areas, where there may be a shortage of physicians. By providing reimbursement for their services, it aimed to improve access to healthcare in these underserved areas.

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  • 6. 

    Which one do you like?

    • A.

      Option 1

    • B.

      Option 2

    • C.

      Option 3

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Option 1
    This question asks for a personal preference among the given options. The correct answer is Option 1, indicating that the person likes Option 1 the most out of all the options provided.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 21, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • May 08, 2020
    Quiz Created by
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