What can they fool if they follow the rules?
When Hannah tries to touch Tzipporah, Gitl does this?
In the given question, it is stated that when Hannah tries to touch Tzipporah, Gitl does something. The two possible actions Gitl can take are slapping Hannah's face or simply slapping her. Since the question does not provide any further context or information, it is not possible to determine the exact action Gitl takes. Therefore, both options, slapping her face and slapping her, could be the correct answer.
First thing handed to Hannah when going through food line?
The first thing handed to Hannah when going through the food line is a bowl, specifically a metal bowl.
What Hannah thinks of the rules?
Rivka pulls these from under her sleeping shelf?
Rivka pulls shoes from under her sleeping shelf.
She gives Hannah advice about the bowls?
Name for the entrance to the gas ovens?
A person who feels like life is not worth living?
2 in the tattoo stands for
The correct answer is "Gitl and Shmuel, Shmuel and Gitl." The number 2 in the tattoo represents the names Gitl and Shmuel. The order of the names does not matter, so both "Gitl and Shmuel" and "Shmuel and Gitl" are correct interpretations of the tattoo.
J in the tatto stands for ?
The letter "J" in the tattoo stands for "Jew". This suggests that the tattoo is associated with Judaism or the Jewish community.
He comes for the choosing? (one word)
She was curled in a ball with thumb in her mouth?
7 in the tattoo stands for?
The number 7 in the tattoo represents the days of the week that the person will stay alive. This suggests that the tattoo is a reminder or a commitment to live each day fully and to cherish every moment. It could also imply that the person has overcome a difficult time and is determined to make the most of their life going forward.
9 in the tattoo stands for ?
Who does the three-fingered woman hit instead of Hannah?
The three-fingered woman hit Shifre instead of Hannah.
Rivka's brother's name?
1 in the tattoo stands for?
The number 1 in the context of a tattoo often symbolizes being alone. It represents independence, self-reliance, and the ability to stand on one's own. This interpretation is derived from the idea that the number 1 is singular and signifies individuality. Therefore, having the number 1 tattooed can serve as a personal reminder or declaration of one's ability to be self-sufficient and comfortable in their own company.
The garbage pile where the children hide?
A midden is a garbage pile or a mound where waste or discarded items are accumulated. In the context of the question, the correct answer "midden" refers to the garbage pile where the children hide. This suggests that the children are using the pile of garbage as a hiding place.
Fayge's father was___.
How old is Rivka?
The answer to the question "How old is Rivka?" is 10 or ten. This implies that Rivka is either 10 years old or in the age range represented by the word "ten."
Voc.A ________ of swallows dipped and circled.
The word "quartet" is the correct answer because it refers to a group of four birds, which fits the context of the sentence. The sentence suggests that a group of swallows dipped and circled, indicating that there were four swallows performing this action. Therefore, "quartet" accurately describes the number and behavior of the swallows in the sentence.
Voc.She was washing the giant ___ in which meals were prepared.
The correct answer is "cauldron." In this sentence, the word "giant" suggests that the object being washed is large in size. Additionally, the phrase "in which meals were prepared" indicates that this object is used for cooking or preparing food. A cauldron is a large pot or kettle typically used for cooking over an open fire, making it the most suitable choice for the missing word in this context.
Voc.They were lined up in ____ order.
The word "arbitrary" suggests that the objects or people in question were arranged in a random or haphazard manner, without any specific order or pattern. This implies that there was no particular reason or logic behind their arrangement, and it was done without any specific rules or guidelines.
Voc. There she had it, an ________ of the memory.
The word "elusive" means difficult to find, catch, or achieve. In the given sentence, the speaker is referring to a memory that is hard to grasp or hold onto. The word "elusive" accurately describes the nature of the memory, suggesting that it is fleeting or hard to recall.
Voc.Youwill have discipline he said suddenly without ___.
The word "preamble" fits logically in the sentence as it completes the phrase "without ___." A preamble is an introduction or preliminary statement that provides context or background information. In this context, the speaker is saying that discipline is needed without any further explanation or justification.
She remembered the dead baby, the tattoo, and the ___ hair.
The word "shorn" is the correct answer because it fits grammatically and semantically in the given sentence. The sentence suggests that the subject remembers three things: the dead baby, the tattoo, and the hair. The word "shorn" means to have had one's hair cut or trimmed, which makes sense in the context of the sentence.
Voc.She dealt out slaps with a ____ that they all did her bidding without protest.
The word "fervor" in this context suggests that she dealt out slaps with such intensity and passion that everyone obeyed her without any resistance or objection. It implies that her actions were forceful and persuasive, leaving no room for disagreement or defiance.
What they can fool, it they follow the rules.
The correct answer is "Angel of Death, angel of death." The question seems to be referring to something or someone that can be deceived or fooled if they follow certain rules. The repetition of "Angel of Death" and "angel of death" suggests that it could be a specific entity or concept that is being referred to. However, without further context or information, it is difficult to provide a more specific explanation.