Contoh hewan yang bermanfaat di bidang kesehatan yaitu untuk mengisap darah pada infeksi adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Hirudo medicinalis
Hirudo medicinalis, juga dikenal sebagai lintah medis, adalah hewan yang bermanfaat di bidang kesehatan karena kemampuannya untuk mengisap darah pada infeksi. Lintah medis telah digunakan dalam terapi medis tradisional untuk mengobati berbagai kondisi, seperti pembengkakan, peradangan, dan pembekuan darah yang tidak normal. Lintah medis mengandung zat-zat bioaktif dalam air liurnya yang memiliki sifat antikoagulan dan antiinflamasi, sehingga dapat membantu mengurangi gejala infeksi dan mempercepat proses penyembuhan.
Cephalopoda yang memiliki cangkang adalah………..
Correct Answer
E. Nautilus
Nautilus is the correct answer because it is a cephalopod that possesses a shell. Unlike other cephalopods such as squids and octopuses that have lost their shells through evolution, the nautilus still retains its external shell, which provides protection and buoyancy. The shell of the nautilus is spiral-shaped and divided into chambers, allowing the animal to control its buoyancy by adjusting the amount of gas in the chambers.
Achatina fulica (bekicot) merupakan Mollusca yang memiliki ovotestes. Ini berarti hewan tersebut……………..
Correct Answer
E. Bereproduksi secara aseksual
The given answer states that Achatina fulica is capable of reproducing asexually. This means that the organism can reproduce without the need for a mate. Asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. This can occur through various methods such as binary fission, budding, or fragmentation.
Yang merupakan alur metamorfosis sempurna yang benar pada serangga adalah…………….
Correct Answer
C. Kepompong-imago-telur-larva
The correct answer is "Kepompong-imago-telur-larva" because it follows the correct sequence of stages in complete metamorphosis. The process starts with the egg stage (telur), followed by the larva stage (larva), then the pupa or cocoon stage (kepompong), and finally the adult stage (imago).
Fungsi badan Malpighi pada serangga adalah……………
Correct Answer
A. Mengeluarkan sisa metabolisme bentuk cair
The Malpighian tubules in insects function to remove waste products in the form of liquid waste from the body. This waste is a result of metabolic processes within the insect's body. The tubules filter the waste from the hemolymph (insect's equivalent of blood) and excrete it as urine. Therefore, the correct answer is "Mengeluarkan sisa metabolisme bentuk cair" which translates to "Excreting liquid waste from metabolism".
Berikut ini merupakan ciri-ciri Echinodermata, kecuali………..
Correct Answer
D. Tidak memiliki anus
Echinodermata memiliki ciri-ciri seperti hidup di laut, kulitnya tertutup duri dari kapur atau kitin, ususnya bercabang lima, dan sarafnya bercabang lima. Namun, mereka memiliki anus.
Hal berikut yang bukan merupakan perbedaan antara Asteroidea dengan Ophiuroidea adalah…………..Jumlah lengannya
Correct Answer
E. Bentuk durinya
The correct answer is "Bentuk durinya" (The shape of their spines). This is not a difference between Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea. The main difference between these two classes of echinoderms is the number of arms they possess. Asteroidea, commonly known as starfish, have five or more arms radiating from a central disc, while Ophiuroidea, commonly known as brittle stars, have long, slender arms that are distinct from their central disc. The shape of their spines is not a characteristic that distinguishes these two classes from each other.
Di antara Echinodermata yang dapat di makan adalah dari kelas………
Correct Answer
D. Holothuroidea
Holothuroidea is the correct answer because it is the class of Echinodermata that includes sea cucumbers, which are commonly consumed as food in many cultures. Sea cucumbers are often used in various dishes and are considered a delicacy in some regions. Therefore, they are the Echinodermata class that can be eaten.
Bagian tubuh yang tidak dimiliki oleh hewan Chordata adalah………
Correct Answer
E. Madreporit
The correct answer is "madreporit". Madreporit is a small sieve-like structure found in echinoderms, such as starfish and sea urchins. It is responsible for filtering and regulating the water entering the water vascular system of these animals. While all the other options (notochord, gill slits, dorsal nerve cord, and vertebrae) are present in chordates, madreporit is unique to echinoderms and not found in chordates.
Vertebrata adalah kelompok hewan yang………..
Correct Answer
B. Memiliki tulang belakang mulai dari fase embrio hingga dewasa
Vertebrata adalah kelompok hewan yang memiliki tulang belakang mulai dari fase embrio hingga dewasa.
Hewan yang fase larva habitatnya di air sedangkan fase dewasanya di darat adalah……….
Correct Answer
A. Kelas AmpHibia
The correct answer is Kelas Pisces. Kelas Pisces refers to the class of fish, which have a larval stage that lives in water and an adult stage that lives in the land. On the other hand, Kelas Amphibia refers to the class of amphibians, which have a larval stage that lives in water and an adult stage that also lives in water. Therefore, the correct answer is Kelas Pisces.
Fungsi korda dorsalis adalah………….
Correct Answer
C. Penguat pada fase embrio
The correct answer is "penguat pada fase embrio" which means "reinforcement in the embryonic phase" in English. This suggests that the function of korda dorsalis is to provide support or reinforcement during the embryonic phase of development.
Mollusca yang bergerak dengan bagian “perutnya” adalah……………
Correct Answer
B. Gastropoda
Gastropoda is the correct answer because they are mollusks that move using a muscular structure called the "foot" located on their ventral side, which can be compared to the "belly" or "stomach" mentioned in the question. Pelecypoda, Cephalopoda, Amphineura, and Scaphopoda have different modes of locomotion and do not use their "belly" or "stomach" to move.
Suatu pengamatan tentang hewan menyatakan suatu hewan memiliki ciri dapat hidup di air dan di darat, memiliki saccus vocalis, termasuk dalam organisme polikiloterm, maka hewan tersebut termasuk dalam classis ….
Correct Answer
E. Mammalia
Based on the given observation, the animal has the characteristic of being able to live in water and on land, having a saccus vocalis, and being a poikilothermic organism. These characteristics are commonly found in mammals. Therefore, the animal belongs to the class Mammalia.
Penyakit Anemia akut dapat disebabkan oleh parasit, yaitu ….
Correct Answer
E. Cacing pita
An acute form of anemia can be caused by a parasitic infection, specifically by the tapeworm. Tapeworms are known to infest the intestines of their hosts and consume nutrients, leading to a deficiency in red blood cells and ultimately causing anemia.