O motivo que provocou a mudança da corte portuguesa para o Brasil foi?
Correct Answer
B. A invasão de Portugal pelas tropas de Napoleão Bonaparte
The reason that caused the Portuguese court to move to Brazil was the invasion of Portugal by Napoleon Bonaparte's troops.
A invasão francesa em Portugal ocorreu por que?
Correct Answer
D. Portugal estava indeciso sobre aceitar ou não o Bloqueio Continental.
O príncipe regente do trono português, em 1808, era...
Correct Answer
D. João.
In 1808, the regent prince of the Portuguese throne was D. João.
A rainha de Portugal no período de 1777 a 1816 foi D. Maria I. Ela recebeu o apelido de...
Correct Answer
C. A louca.
D. Maria I, the queen of Portugal from 1777 to 1816, was nicknamed "A louca" which means "The mad one." This nickname was given to her due to her mental instability and episodes of insanity. The queen's mental health issues had a significant impact on her reign, leading to political instability and the eventual transfer of power to her son, D. João VI.
Junto com a Família Real portuguesa, vieram para o Brasil em 1807, cerca de 10 mil pessoas. Dentre esses estavam...
Correct Answer
C. Nobres, magistrados e clérigos.
The correct answer is "Nobres, magistrados e clérigos." This answer is supported by the historical context of the question. In 1807, the Portuguese Royal Family fled to Brazil to escape the French invasion of Portugal. Along with them, a significant number of nobles, magistrates, and clergymen also migrated to Brazil. This migration of the upper classes played a crucial role in shaping the social and political landscape of Brazil during that time.
O fato que pôs fim ao monopólio comercial da colônia foi...
Correct Answer
A. A abertura dos portos às nações amigas de Portugal (1808).
The correct answer is "A abertura dos portos às nações amigas de Portugal (1808)." This event marked the end of the commercial monopoly of the colony. In 1808, Portugal opened its ports to friendly nations, allowing for increased trade and competition. This decision weakened the control and dominance of Portugal over its colony, leading to a decline in the monopoly system.
Assinale a opção que contenha o autor e o tema da pintura, respectivamente.
Correct Answer
D. Candido Portinari, Desembarque da Família Real na Bahia.
The correct answer is Candido Portinari, Desembarque da Família Real na Bahia. This option correctly identifies the author of the painting as Candido Portinari and the theme of the painting as the arrival of the Royal Family in Bahia.
A abertura dos portos brasileiros às nações amigas de Portugal favoreceu, sobretudo aos....
Correct Answer
B. Industriais e comerciantes ingleses.
The opening of Brazilian ports to friendly nations of Portugal favored mainly the English industrialists and traders. This is because the British had a strong industrial and commercial presence at the time and were able to take advantage of the new trade opportunities in Brazil. They had the resources and expertise to establish successful businesses and trade networks in the country. Additionally, the English had a long history of maritime trade and had established strong ties with Portugal, making them well-positioned to benefit from the opening of Brazilian ports.
Dentre várias mudanças provocadas pela presença da Corte Portuguesa no Brasil, aquelas relacionadas à cultura estão listadas na opção...
Correct Answer
D. Adoção de novos hábitos, tais como o uso de talheres durante as refeições e passeios nos fins de semana em jardins.
During the presence of the Portuguese Court in Brazil, one of the changes related to culture was the adoption of new habits, such as using cutlery during meals and taking walks in gardens on weekends. This suggests that the influence of the Portuguese Court introduced European customs and manners to Brazilian society, including changes in dining etiquette and leisure activities.
Todas as opções abaixo correspondem ao contexto histórico da presença da Família Real (1808-1821) no Brasil, exceto:
Correct Answer
C. Abolição da escravidão e reforma agrária.
(Refeição de uma família rica no Brasil colônia. Rugendas, século XIX).
Analisando a imagem e relacionando-a ao seu contexto histórico, podemos concluir que:
Correct Answer
C. O uso de talheres, toalhas de mesa e mobília tornaram-se comuns entre os ricos da Colônia após a vinda da Corte para cá.
The correct answer suggests that the use of utensils, tablecloths, and furniture became common among the wealthy in the colony after the arrival of the court. This can be inferred from the image and the historical context, as it shows a rich family dining with a table full of food and using utensils. The mention of the court's arrival implies that it brought with it a change in dining customs and the adoption of more refined dining practices.
A Revolução do Porto, que ocorreu em Portugal no ano de 1820, tinha um caráter:
Correct Answer
A. Liberal.
The correct answer is Liberal because the question is asking about the character of the Porto Revolution that took place in Portugal in 1820. The Porto Revolution was a liberal movement that aimed to establish a constitutional monarchy and limit the power of the absolute monarchy. Therefore, the correct answer is Liberal.
Dentre os objetivos das Cortes Portuguesas, em 1820, estavam:
Correct Answer
B. Recolonizar o Brasil e exigir o retorno de D. João VI a Portugal.
The correct answer is "Recolonizar o Brasil e exigir o retorno de D. João VI a Portugal." This answer reflects the objectives of the Portuguese Courts in 1820, which were to regain control over Brazil and demand the return of D. João VI to Portugal. This suggests that the Portuguese Courts wanted to assert their authority over Brazil and ensure the presence of the Portuguese monarchy in Portugal.
"A Real Bibliotheca (atual Biblioteca Nacional), o Museu Real (atual Museu Nacional da Quinta da Boa Vista), o Jardim Botânico, a Escola Real de Ciências, Artes e Ofícios, a Escola Anatômica Cirúrgica e Médica do Hospital Militar foram algumas das instituições estabelecidas no Rio, onde também nasceu a imprensa brasileira, por meio da instalação da Impressão Régia em 1808. De seus prelos saiu o primeiro jornal impresso no Brasil – a Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro."
O texto cita inúmeras melhorias urbanas que foram provocadas no Rio de Janeiro, a partir do início do século XIX. Tais melhorias eram necessárias porque:
Correct Answer
A. O Rio de Janeiro era a atual capital do Império Português, portanto deveria ter estrutura semelhante a outras grandes cidades europeias.
The correct answer is that the Rio de Janeiro was the capital of the Portuguese Empire, so it needed to have a structure similar to other large European cities. This is supported by the mention of various institutions and improvements established in the city, such as the Bibliotheca Nacional, Museu Nacional da Quinta da Boa Vista, Jardim Botânico, and others. These developments were likely influenced by the presence of the Portuguese royal family in Brazil and their desire to create a sophisticated and modern capital.
Leia o fragmento abaixo, ele diz respeito ao saneamento básico no Rio de Janeiro colonial.
"a utilização de escravos que deveriam carregar os dejetos em tinas levadas às costas e despejá-los na Baia de Guanabara. Tal solução obviamente era utilizada apenas pelos mais ricos, que podiam arcar com este serviço. À tina era dado o nome de “tigre” e aos negros que desempenhavam tal função era dado o nome de “tigreiro”, em virtude das listras brancas que se formavam em suas costas decorrente das queimaduras provocadas pela amônia e pela uréia, presentes nos dejetos e que eventualmente escorriam sobre eles (Gomes, 2007)."
Tigreiros em ação. Ilustração de 1861.
A leitura do trecho acima nos permite concluir que:
Correct Answer
D. Não havia sistema de esgoto na cidade, e os dejetos das casas ricas eram lançados a céu aberto pelos escravos.
The passage states that the solution for waste disposal in colonial Rio de Janeiro was for slaves to carry the waste in tubs on their backs and dump it in the Guanabara Bay. This solution was only used by the wealthy who could afford this service. The passage also mentions that the slaves who performed this task were called "tigreiros" due to the white stripes that formed on their backs from burns caused by the ammonia and urea present in the waste. Therefore, the correct answer is that there was no sewage system in the city, and the waste from wealthy houses was openly dumped by slaves.