शिवकाळातील मंदिरे खालील पध्दतीचे आहेत
Correct Answer
A. हेमांड पथी
शाहू महाराजांनी या ठिकाणी झालेल्या लढाईत ताराबाईंचा पराभव केला
Correct Answer
B. सातारा
जिंजीचा किल्ला याने जिंकून घेतला
Correct Answer
C. झुल्फिकार खान
अफजलखान भेटीच्या प्रसंगी अत्यंत धोक्याच्या क्षणी कोणी बडा सय्यद याला ठार मारले.
Correct Answer
B. जीवा महाला
The correct answer is "जीवा महाला" because the question states that someone named अफजलखान was attacked by someone during a meeting with his daughter. The question asks who hit him with a slap. Since जीवा महाला is the only option that is a person's name, it can be inferred that जीवा महाला is the one who hit अफजलखान.
अष्टप्रधान मंडळातील 'सेनापती' पद कोणाकडे सोपविले होते
Correct Answer
A. हंबीरराव मोहिते
The correct answer is "हंबीरराव मोहिते". This is because the question asks who was appointed as "सेनापती" (Commander-in-Chief) in the "अष्टप्रधान मंडळ" (Council of Eight Ministers). Out of the given options, only "हंबीरराव मोहिते" is a name, while the others are not. Therefore, "हंबीरराव मोहिते" is the correct answer.
पुरंदरच्या किल्ल्याला दिलेरखानने वेढा दिल्यानंतर पराक्रमाची शर्थ करणाऱ्या कोणाला वीरमरण आले ?
Correct Answer
B. मुरारबाजी देशपांडे
The question asks who received the title of Veermarathas after Dilawar Khan gave the fort of Purandar. The correct answer is "Murar Baji Deshpande".
अटक हे ठिकाण आजच्या या देशात आहे
Correct Answer
B. पाकीस्थान
The correct answer is पाकीस्थान because it is the only country in the given options that is not landlocked. The phrase "अटक हे ठिकाण" translates to "landlocked place" in English. Nepal, China, and Sri Lanka are all landlocked countries, whereas Pakistan has access to the Arabian Sea.
ताराबाईंनी आपला मुलगा दुसरा शिवाजी याला येथे छत्रपती म्हणून घोषित केले
Correct Answer
B. पन्हाळा
The correct answer is "पन्हाळा". The question states that ताराबाईंनी (Tarabai) declared her son as the next Shivaji and gave him the title of Chhatrapati. Among the given options, पन्हाळा (Panhalaa) is the correct answer as it is a fort in Maharashtra where Tarabai declared her son as the next Shivaji.
कोणत्या अधिकाराने ही कृती केली,असा सरकारी अधिकाऱ्याकडे जाब मागणारा हा आदेश न्यायालय देऊ शकते.
Correct Answer
D. अधिकार पृच्छा
The given sentence states that a government official is requesting a court to issue an order to seek a job. Among the options provided, "अधिकार पृच्छा" (right to question) is the most suitable answer as it implies that the official is seeking the right to question or challenge the decision regarding the job. The other options, "प्रतिरोध" (resistance), "उत्पेक्षण" (neglect), and "प्ररमादेश" (emergency order) do not fit the context of the sentence.
------ वर्षाखालील मुलांना धोक्याच्या ठिकाणी कामावर ठेवण्यास संविधानाने बंदी घातली आहे. *
Correct Answer
A. 14
. हक्कभंगासंबंधीची आपली तक्रार कोण विचारात घेते ?
Correct Answer
C. न्यायालय
The correct answer is "न्यायालय". In the context of the question, the term "हक्कभंगासंबंधीची आपली तक्रार" refers to a complaint or grievance related to violation of rights. The institution responsible for addressing such complaints and grievances is the judiciary or the court system, which is represented by the "न्यायालय" (court). Therefore, it is the court that considers and handles complaints related to violation of rights.
भारत हे धर्मनिरपेक्ष राष्ट्र आहे. *
Correct Answer
A. बरोबर
भारत हे धर्मनिरपेक्ष राष्ट्र आहे. यहाँ प्रश्न भारताच्या संविधानिक व्यवस्थेवर आधारित आहे. भारताच्या संविधानात धर्मनिरपेक्षता असल्याचे निर्धारित आहे. यामुळे भारत हे धर्मनिरपेक्ष राष्ट्र म्हणून मान्यता प्राप्त केले जाते.
कोणत्या वस्त्या मानवी जीवनाची गतिमानता वाढवतात.
Correct Answer
B. नागरी
The correct answer is "नागरी". This is because the word "नागरी" (urban) suggests that urban goods or urban development can enhance the pace of human life. Urban areas offer a wide range of opportunities, services, and resources that can contribute to the overall progress and efficiency of human life. Therefore, the presence of urban goods or urban development can increase the momentum of human life.
शेतीसाठी पुढीलपैकी योग्य पर्याय कोणता ?
Correct Answer
B. प्राणी, अवजारे, यंत्र व मनुष्यबळाचा वापर करणे
The correct answer is "प्राणी, अवजारे, यंत्र व मनुष्यबळाचा वापर करणे" (Using animals, tools, machines, and human labor). This is the correct answer because for farming, various resources are required such as animals for plowing, tools for sowing and harvesting, machines for irrigation and other tasks, and human labor for overall management and supervision. Therefore, all these options are suitable for agriculture.
. भारताचा बहुतांश भाग हा------------प्रदेशात मोडतो.
Correct Answer
A. मोसमी
The given statement in Marathi states that a significant part of India experiences a "mosami" (seasonal) climate. This implies that different regions of India have distinct seasons, including summer, winter, and monsoon. Therefore, the correct answer is "मोसमी" (seasonal).
कोकण किनारपट्टीच्या प्रदेशात ज्वारीचे पीक मोठया प्रमाणात घेतले जाते
Correct Answer
B. चूक
त्से-त्से माश्या प्रामुख्याने कोणत्या प्रदेशात आढळतात
Correct Answer
B. विषुववृत्तीय प्रदेशात
The correct answer is "विषुववृत्तीय प्रदेशात" which means "in the temperate region". This answer is correct because the question is asking about the region where tsé-tsé flies are found. Tsé-tsé flies are commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions, including parts of Africa. The temperate region, on the other hand, has a milder climate and is not typically associated with the presence of tsé-tsé flies. Therefore, the correct answer is "विषुववृत्तीय प्रदेशात".
महाराष्ट्रातील बीड जिल्हा कोणत्या उत्पादनासाठी प्रसिध्द आहे
Correct Answer
A. सीताफळ
दक्षिण गोलार्धातील सर्वात मोठा दिवस कोणता
Correct Answer
A. २१ जून
छ.संभाजी महाराज यांनी बुधभूषण हा ग्रंथ लिहाला आहे .
Correct Answer
A. बरोबर