Em que ano você esta?
Correct Answer
F. Outro
The given correct answer "Outro" indicates that the person is in a different year or grade level than the options provided. It suggests that the person is not in any of the listed years or grades.
Onde você estuda?
Correct Answer
B. Outra escola
The given answer "Outra escola" is the response to the question "Onde você estuda?" which translates to "Where do you study?". The answer indicates that the person studies at another school, implying that they do not study at EE. Dr. Manoel Alexandre.
Com relação ao jogos cooperativos é correto afirmar que:
Correct Answer
B. Todos tem que chegar juntos ao mesmo objetivo.
In cooperative games, it is correct to say that everyone has to reach the same objective together. This means that the players work together as a team and collaborate to achieve a common goal, rather than competing against each other. The focus is on cooperation, communication, and teamwork, rather than on winning or losing.
Seu Nome
Correct Answer
O que são jogos cooperativos?
Correct Answer
C. São jogos onde todos tem que se ajudar.
Cooperative games are games where everyone has to help each other. This means that the objective of the game is not for one person to win at any cost, but for all players to work together towards a common goal. In cooperative games, there are no winners or losers, but rather a collective effort to achieve success.
O professor (a) trabalhou com jogos ou brincadeiras que:.
Correct Answer
C. Todos os alunos tinham uma sensação de vitória
The given answer states that all the students had a sense of victory. This is supported by the fact that the professor worked with games or activities that had competition at all times and that there was always a winner. Even though the majority of students may have felt sad for not being able to do what was asked, the fact that they all had a sense of victory implies that the professor created an environment where every student felt successful in some way.
Qual é a melhor frase que podemos usar para definir os jogos cooperativos?
Correct Answer
C. A união faz a força.
The phrase "A união faz a força" is the best definition for cooperative games because it emphasizes the importance of working together and collaborating as a team. It suggests that by uniting and combining our strengths, we can achieve greater success and overcome challenges. This aligns with the principles of cooperative games, which focus on teamwork, communication, and mutual support rather than individual competition.
Como relação ao jogo fogo e água, podemos observar que:
Correct Answer
B. São uma menina e um menino.
The correct answer is "São uma menina e um menino." This is because the question is about the game "fogo e água" (fire and water), which typically features a boy and a girl as the main characters.
O que acontece quando somente um (1) personagem chega a porta.
Correct Answer
B. Uma porta se abre, mas não é possível ainda passar de fase.
Quando somente um personagem chega à porta, isso significa que apenas um deles conseguiu cumprir os requisitos necessários para passar de fase. Embora a porta se abra, ainda não é possível avançar para a próxima fase, pois o outro personagem ainda não concluiu os desafios ou tarefas necessárias. Portanto, ambos os personagens devem permanecer na fase atual até que o segundo personagem também consiga chegar à porta e cumprir os requisitos necessários para avançar.
Com relação ao objetivo desse jogo podemos afirmar que;
Correct Answer
B. De cooperação
The objective of the game is to promote cooperation among the participants.
A questão falsa é:
Correct Answer
C. Jogando sozinho com cada personagem é mais rápido.