Jenis proccessor yang bukan produk Intel adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. AMD athlon
The given question asks for a processor that is not a product of Intel. Among the options provided, Celeron, Core 2 duo, Pentium, and 8080 are all Intel processors. Therefore, the correct answer is AMD Athlon, as it is a processor that is not produced by Intel.
Sebuah Hardisk berlabelkan 7200 RPM, 7200 RPM menunjukkan ....
Correct Answer
A. Kecepatan
The label "7200 RPM" on a hard disk indicates its speed. RPM stands for "rotations per minute," which refers to the number of times the disk can spin in one minute. A higher RPM value indicates a faster speed, which means that data can be accessed and transferred more quickly. Therefore, the correct answer is "kecepatan" (speed).
Port nomor 1 dan 2 pada gambar di bawah ini merupakan port....
Correct Answer
C. PS2
The correct answer is PS2. Port nomor 1 dan 2 pada gambar di bawah ini merupakan port PS2.
Perangkat komputer yang berguna dalam visualisasi gambar pada layar monitoradalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Vga card
The correct answer is "vga card". A VGA card, also known as a graphics card or video card, is a computer hardware component that is responsible for rendering and displaying images, videos, and other visual content on a monitor. It is specifically designed to handle the complex calculations and processes required for visualizing graphics and images, making it an essential component for visualizing images on a computer monitor.
Berikut ini adalah merek-merek harddisk yang beredar di pasaran, kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. Data-track
The given list consists of various brands of hard disks available in the market. The brand "data-track" is not included in this list, making it the exception.
Jenis memori apa yang dapat menyimpan data secara permanen, dimana ketika listrikdimatikan data tidak hilang....
Correct Answer
B. Rom
ROM (Read-Only Memory) is a type of memory that can store data permanently, even when the power is turned off. It is non-volatile memory, meaning the data stored in ROM remains intact even without power. Unlike RAM (Random Access Memory) which is volatile and loses its data when power is disconnected, ROM retains its contents. Therefore, ROM is the correct answer for the given question.
Kecepatan clock sebuah processor diukur dalam satuan ....
Correct Answer
A. Hz
The correct answer is Hz because clock speed is a measure of the number of cycles per second that a processor can execute. Hz (Hertz) is the unit of frequency that represents one cycle per second. Therefore, it is the appropriate unit to measure the speed of a processor's clock.
Jenis Power Supply bisa dimatikan tanpa membutuhkan saklar ON/OFF adalah ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ATX. ATX power supplies have a feature called Soft Power which allows them to be turned on and off through the operating system or motherboard, without the need for a physical switch. This feature enables the computer to be shut down and powered on remotely, providing convenience and flexibility to the user.
Setelah komputer dinyalakan, agar dapat masuk ke dalam setting BIOS, maka kitaperlu menekan tombol ....
Correct Answer
E. Tombol delete
After turning on the computer, to enter the BIOS settings, we need to press the "delete" key.
Setelah Sistem Operasi diinstall, ternyata resolusi monitor yang ditampilkan hanya640 x 480 dan tidak dapat diubah lebih tinggi, agar resolusi dapat dinaikkan makakita harus melakukan....
Correct Answer
C. Instalasi driver VGA
After installing the operating system, if the displayed monitor resolution is only 640 x 480 and cannot be increased higher, then to raise the resolution, you need to perform the installation of VGA drivers.
Yang bukan merupakan software sistem operasi jaringan adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Norton
Norton is not a network operating system. Norton is a popular antivirus software that provides security solutions for computers. It is not designed to function as a network operating system like Linux Redhat 9, FreeBSD, Windows 2000 Server, or Windows NT, which are specifically designed to manage and control network resources and services.
Tipe file sistem yang didukung oleh Windows Server 2000 adalah ....
Correct Answer
Windows Server 2000 supports the NTFS file system. NTFS (New Technology File System) is a file system that provides advanced features such as file and folder permissions, encryption, compression, and disk quotas. It offers better security, reliability, and performance compared to the older FAT file systems. NTFS is the default file system for Windows NT and its successors, including Windows Server 2000.
Setelah kita memasang komponen periferal komputer dan supaya komponenperiperal tersebut terdeteksi dengan baik, maka kita haras melakukan ....
Correct Answer
C. Install driver
To ensure that the peripheral components are detected properly, it is necessary to install the driver. The driver is a software that allows the computer to communicate with and control the peripheral device. By installing the driver, the computer will be able to recognize and utilize the peripheral device effectively.
Jenis alat yang digunakan untuk mengambil jumper adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Pinset
Pinset adalah jenis alat yang digunakan untuk mengambil jumper. Alat ini terdiri dari dua batang tipis yang dapat digunakan untuk menggenggam dan mengambil benda-benda kecil dengan presisi. Dalam konteks ini, pinset digunakan untuk mengambil jumper, yang mungkin merupakan kabel kecil atau penghubung lainnya.
Bila kita sedang bekerja dengan komputer sambil mendengarkan musik, tiba-tibamonitor kita berkedip-kedip, maka kemungkinan penyebabnya adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Konektor/kabel monitor yang ke Graphic Card rusak
The correct answer is "konektor/kabel monitor yang ke Graphic Card rusak" because if the monitor is flickering while listening to music, it is likely that there is a problem with the connection between the monitor and the graphic card. A faulty connector or cable can cause intermittent signal loss, leading to the flickering of the monitor display. The other options, such as the printer, speaker, or a magnetic object above the monitor, would not directly cause the monitor to flicker.
Bila memory/RAM kita tidak berfungsi dengan baik, maka yang harus kita lakukanselain mengecek RAM tersebut dalam kondisi yang baik adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Mengganti slot tempat RAM tersebut ke sebelahnya
When the memory/RAM is not functioning properly, one of the steps to take is to try changing the slot where the RAM is placed. This is because sometimes the issue may be with the slot itself, and moving the RAM to a different slot can help determine if the problem lies with the slot or the RAM module. By changing the slot, it allows for troubleshooting and identifying the source of the issue.
Apa kepanjangan dari NIC?
Correct Answer
E. Network interface card
The correct answer is "network interface card". A network interface card is a hardware component that allows a computer to connect to a network. It provides the necessary interface between the computer and the network, allowing the computer to send and receive data over the network.
Jenis perangkat jaringan yang dapat menghubungkan antar komputer adalah ....
Correct Answer
A HUB is a networking device that connects multiple computers together, allowing them to communicate with each other. It acts as a central point for data transmission, receiving data from one computer and sending it to all other connected computers. This enables the computers to share resources and exchange information. Therefore, a HUB is the correct answer for the given question.
Supaya komputer yang digunakan dapat mengakses Internet dengan baik, maka jenisprotokol yang dipakai adalah ....
Correct Answer
To ensure that the computer can access the Internet effectively, the protocol that needs to be used is TCP/IP. TCP/IP is the most commonly used protocol for communication over the Internet. It stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and it provides a set of rules for data transmission and communication between devices on a network. TCP/IP allows for reliable and secure data transfer, as well as the ability to connect to different networks and access the Internet.
Perintah yang digunakan untuk mengetahui no MAC NIC yang kita pasang adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Ipconfig
The command "ipconfig" is used to view the MAC address of the NIC (Network Interface Card) that is installed on a computer. It displays the IP configuration details of all the network interfaces on the system, including the MAC address. By running the "ipconfig" command, users can easily identify the MAC address of their NIC.
Untuk mengetahui apakah komputer dalam jaringan sudah terhubung dengankomputer yang lain, digunakan perintah ....
Correct Answer
A. Ping
The correct answer is "ping". The ping command is used to test the connectivity between two computers in a network. It sends a small data packet to the specified computer and waits for a response. If the computer receives the packet and responds, it indicates that the computers are connected. If there is no response, it suggests a connectivity issue between the computers.
Driver yang digunakan untuk menginstall perangkat jaringan adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Driver LAN Card
The correct answer is driver LAN Card. A LAN card, also known as a network adapter or network interface card (NIC), is a hardware component that allows a computer to connect to a local area network (LAN). In order to use the LAN card and establish a network connection, the appropriate driver software needs to be installed on the computer. This driver enables the operating system to communicate with the LAN card and utilize its functions effectively.
Jika no IP Komputer kita adalah, dengan net mask,maka keterangan berikut adalah benar, kecuali....
Correct Answer
E. Alamat network kita adalah
The given correct answer states that the network address is However, this is incorrect. The network address should be the result of performing a bitwise AND operation between the IP address and the subnet mask. In this case, the network address would be, not
No IP komputer kita adalah, ketika kita gagal melakukan perintah ping192.168.20.3, maka dapat kita pastikan bahwa ...
Correct Answer
A. Kartu jaringan kita rusak
If we fail to execute the ping command to our own IP address (, it can be inferred that our network card is damaged.
Protokol pada layer transport yang connection oriented dan reliable tapi delay transferdatanya tinggi adalah ....
Correct Answer
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) adalah protokol pada layer transport yang connection oriented dan reliable. Connection oriented berarti TCP membangun koneksi terlebih dahulu sebelum data dikirimkan, sehingga memastikan data terkirim dengan aman dan tidak hilang. Reliable berarti TCP menggunakan mekanisme pengiriman ulang dan penerimaan konfirmasi untuk memastikan data terkirim dengan benar. Namun, TCP memiliki delay transfer data yang tinggi karena mekanisme pengiriman ulang dan konfirmasi yang kompleks, yang dapat mempengaruhi kecepatan transfer data.
Contoh aplikasi yang bisa digunakan untuk mengirim pesan teks antar computer adalah....
Correct Answer
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol that allows the transfer of files between computers over a network. It is commonly used for sending and receiving files between a client and a server. In the context of the given question, FTP can be used to send text messages or files between computers. It provides a secure and reliable method for transferring data, making it suitable for communication purposes. MS Excel, MS Word, Browser, and Netmeeting are not specifically designed for sending text messages between computers, whereas FTP is specifically designed for this purpose.
Request Time Out menandakan ....
Correct Answer
C. Jaringan tidak terhubung sama sekali
Request Time Out menandakan bahwa jaringan tidak terhubung sama sekali. Ketika sebuah permintaan dikirim melalui jaringan, jika tidak ada respon yang diterima dalam waktu tertentu, maka akan muncul pesan Request Time Out. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada koneksi yang berhasil terjalin antara perangkat yang mengirim permintaan dengan tujuan yang diminta.
Salah satu keuntungan jaringan nirkabel adalah kemudahan dalam penginstallan dan user dapat bergerak. Apabila 2 komputer akan melakukan hubungan dalam jaringan wireless, perangkat minimal yang dibutuhkan agar dapat terkoneksi adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 2 WLAN card dan 1 access point
To establish a wireless network connection between two computers, a minimum requirement is 2 WLAN cards and 1 access point. The WLAN cards are needed in each computer to enable wireless communication, while the access point acts as a central hub that allows the computers to connect to each other. With this setup, the computers can easily communicate and share data over the wireless network.
Suatu access point A dikonfigurasi dengan nomor IP : dan Subnet Mask : Agar dapat berkomunikasi dengan access point A, maka konfigurasi IP padaaccess point B adalah ....
Correct Answer(s)
A. Nomor IP address dan Subnet Mask
D. Nomor IP address dan Subnet Mask
The correct answer is "nomor IP address dan Subnet Mask". Access point B needs to have an IP address that is in the same network as access point A ( and a subnet mask that allows for communication within that network. The given IP address ( falls within the same network, and the given subnet mask ( allows for communication between devices within a range of IP addresses from to
Jika dua buah Access Point di konfigurasi dengan SSID yang berbeda, maka yang akan terjadi adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Tidak bisa berkomunikasi
Jika dua buah Access Point di konfigurasi dengan SSID yang berbeda, maka mereka tidak akan bisa berkomunikasi. SSID (Service Set Identifier) adalah nama yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi jaringan Wi-Fi. Ketika dua Access Point memiliki SSID yang berbeda, artinya mereka membentuk dua jaringan Wi-Fi yang terpisah. Karena itu, perangkat yang terhubung ke satu Access Point tidak akan dapat terhubung ke Access Point lainnya. Sehingga, tidak ada komunikasi antara dua Access Point tersebut.
Berapakah bandwidth yang dapat dicapai pada WLAN standar 802.11 g ?
Correct Answer
C. 54 Mbps
The correct answer is 54 Mbps. The 802.11g standard for WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) can achieve a maximum bandwidth of 54 Mbps. This standard was introduced in 2003 and is an improvement over the previous 802.11a and 802.11b standards. It operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency range and uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation to achieve higher data rates. The 54 Mbps bandwidth allows for faster wireless data transmission and is suitable for various applications such as internet browsing, file sharing, and streaming multimedia content.
Berikut adalah merupakan teknologi wireless, kecuali....
Correct Answer
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communications. It is a standard technology used for mobile communication and is widely used for voice and data transmission. It is not a wireless technology, but rather a cellular network technology that uses a combination of radio waves and digital technology to provide mobile communication services. WIMAX, IrDa, and Bluetooth are all wireless technologies that are used for different purposes such as high-speed internet access, short-range wireless communication, and connecting devices wirelessly, respectively.
Syntax yang ditambahkan pada file konfigurasi dhcp atau dhcp.conf pada Linux untukmensetting alamat broadcast yang akan digunakan pada klien DHCP adalah....
Correct Answer
B. Option broadcast-address
The correct answer is "option broadcast-address". This option is used in the DHCP configuration file to set the broadcast address that will be used by the DHCP clients. The broadcast address is the address that is used to send messages to all devices on a specific network. In this case, the broadcast address is being set for the DHCP clients.
Program atau utilitas yang digunakan untuk mendiagnosis konfigurasi DNS Server adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Nslookup
The correct answer is nslookup. Nslookup is a program or utility that is used to diagnose the configuration of a DNS server. It allows users to query DNS servers to obtain information about various DNS records, such as IP addresses associated with domain names. By using nslookup, users can troubleshoot DNS-related issues, check the correctness of DNS configurations, and verify the functionality of DNS servers.
Nomor Port yang digunakan untuk Web Server adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 80
The correct answer is 80. Port 80 is commonly used for web servers. When a client sends a request to access a website, it connects to the web server through port 80. This port allows the server to receive and respond to HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) requests, which are used to transmit web pages and other resources over the internet.
Pengujian server ini dapat dilakukan dengan mengirimkan pesan ke salah satu account email.Format account email yang benar adalah ....
ExplanationThe correct answer is "
[email protected]". This is the correct format for an email account, as it follows the standard format of "
[email protected]". The "@" symbol is used to separate the username from the domain name, indicating that the email should be sent to the specified domain. The other options provided, such as using "#" or "%", are not valid email formats and would not be recognized by the server for sending messages.
Pada gambar di bawah ini, proxy server ditunjukkan oleh nomor...
Correct Answer
B. Nomor 2
The correct answer is "nomor 2" because in the given image, the proxy server is represented by number 2.
Program antivirus biasanya mempunyai sifat aktif di dalam memory, sifat seperti itu disebut dengan istilah....
Correct Answer
C. Resident memory
Resident memory refers to the characteristic of a program antivirus being active in memory. It means that the antivirus program remains loaded in the memory even when it is not actively scanning for viruses. This allows the program to quickly respond to any potential threats without the need for reloading or starting up again.
Untuk virus yang sangat ganas dan tidak dapat dihapus oleh antivirus, maka tindakan yangbiasanya dilakukan oleh antivirus terhadap file yang terinfeksi adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Dikarantina
When a highly aggressive and non-removable virus is detected by an antivirus, the usual action taken by the antivirus towards the infected file is to quarantine it. Quarantining involves isolating the infected file from the rest of the system to prevent further harm. This allows the antivirus to study the virus, develop a solution, and protect the system from any potential damage caused by the virus.
Agar anti virus dapat mendeteksi jenis-jenis virus terbaru maka yang harus dilakukan adalahdengan mengaktifkan ....
Correct Answer
B. Life update
The correct answer is "life update". To detect the latest types of viruses, it is necessary to enable life updates. This means that the antivirus software regularly updates its virus database with information about new types of viruses, allowing it to identify and protect against them. This ensures that the antivirus software remains effective in detecting and preventing the latest threats.