Tps 3 Pengetahuan Dan Pemahaman Umum

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| By Deltawiragalaxy1
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Tps 3 Pengetahuan Dan Pemahaman Umum - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Bacalah tulisan berikut kemudian jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D, E. Sejarah batik budaya asli Indonesia berasal dari budaya Jawa yang saat itu digunakan untuk pakaian para penghuni keraton khususnya raja. Pertama kali batik ditemukan memang di Yogyakarta hingga akhirnya menyebar ke daerah Jawa Tengah. Batik berasal dari bahasa Jawa yaitu amba dan titik. Amba berarti ‘menulis’ dan titik adalah terknik pewarnaan malam yang menggunakan malam dengan cara di titiktitik. Menurut cerita sejarah, keberadaan batik sudah dikenal pada abad ke-17 dan pada saat itu batik mulai dikembangkan lebih luas. Pada abad ke 17, nenek moyang membatik pada daun lontar dengan corak berupa simbol tanaman dan binatang. Perkembangan batik Indonesia pada saat itu tersebar dari Kerajaan Majapahit dan Kerajaan Mataram karena pengikut raja yang ada di kerajaan menggunakan pakaian batik. Perkembangan batik ini dilakukan pada zaman Kerajaan Mataram, Keraton Solo, dan Keraton Yogyakarta. Pada awalnya batik hanya dikerjakan di dalam keraton saja dengan tujuan utama sebagai pakaian raja, pengikut raja, dan keluarga raja. Karena pengikut raja banyak yang tinggal di luar keraton, seni batik ini semakin berkembang ke daerah luar keraton. Awalnya batik ditirukan oleh masyarakat sekitar kesultanan hingga pada akhirnya semakin meluas digunakan sebagai pakaian bagi pria dan wanita. Hingga abad ke-20 batik semakin dikembangkan dengan cara batik tulis dan saat itu belum ada batik cap. Batik dikenal sejak abad ke-17 dengan beragam corak yang menunjukkan kesederhanaan. Di Indonesia, batik terbagi menjadi beberapa jenis berdasarkan teknik pembuatan kemudian daerah pembuat dan corak yang dibuat. Jika berdasarkan teknik pembuatannya batik dikenal dengan batik tulis, batik cap, dan batik lukis. Pada batik tulis, kain [...] dengan tekstur serta corak dengan menggunakan tangan dan dalam pembuatannya memakan waktu dua hingga tiga bulan. Sementara itu, pada batik cap adalah membatik dengan cara kain dihias dengan corak serta tekstur batik yang terbentuk dari cap. Sementara pada batik lukis, caranya adalah dengan melukiskan corak dan tektur langsung pada kain putih. (Diadaptasi dari

  • 2. 

    Bacalah tulisan berikut kemudian jawablah soal-soal yang tersedia dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat di antara pilihan jawaban A, B, C, D, E. Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati memberikan penjelasan mengenai realisasi APBN sampai dengan 31 Mei 2018 di Aula Djuanda, Kementerian Keuangan. Menkeu menjelaskan bahwa perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia masih cukup positif. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari inflasi yang stabil pada angka 3,2%. "Kenaikan muncul karena adanya berbagai permintaan komoditas yang permintaannya meningkat dalam rangka1 seasonal yaitu menjelang hari raya dan selama bulan Ramadan, (namun) bisa diimbangi dengan supplynya yang cukup baik," ungkap Menkeu pada Konferensi Pers Realisasi APBN 2018, Senin (25/06). Sampai dengan 31 Mei 2018, pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mencapai 5.06%. Realisasi penerimaan pendapatan negara pun tumbuh semakin baik dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Penerimaan pajak tercatat Rp484,5 Triliun atau meningkat 14,13% year on year (yoy), penerimaan kepabeanan dan cukai tercatat sebesar Rp54,18 Triliun atau meningkat 18,29%, dan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak tercatat Rp145 triliun atau meningkat 17,4%. Di sisi lain, realisasi belanja negara juga telah mencapai angka yang cukup baik, yaitu Rp779,5 Triliun atau sudah mencapai 35,1% dari target APBN 2018. "Dengan postur pendapatan dan belanja tersebut, posisi akhir Mei 2018 keseimbangan primer masih mengalami surplus sebesar Rp18,1 triliun. Bandingkan dengan posisi Mei 2017 keseimbangan primer kita sudah negatif atau defisit sebesar Rp29,9 triliiun. Jadi kalau dilihat kenaikannya luar biasa. Artinya APBN kita semakin sehat [...] kuat," ujarnya "Dilihat trennya tiga tahun belakang ini dari tahun 2016, 2017, dan 2018 terjadi penurunan sangat drastis. Defisit anggaran menunjukkan pembalikan dari 189 (triliun Rupiah) pada tahun 2016 hingga hanya 94,4(triliun Rupiah), jadi hampir turun kira-kira separuhnya sendiri. Inilah yang menggambarkan postur realisasi APBN 2018 yaitu menunjukkan tren yang sangat positif dan perkuatan APBN yang sangat nyata," tegas Menkeu. (Diadaptasi dari

  • 3. 

    All these experts' suggestions make us wonder why vegetables are so important to human health. The answer will be discussed below. First of all, vegetables have high nutrient content. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals that contribute to growth and the maintenance of good health. For example, the U.S. Department of Agriculture notes that many vegetables are high in potassium, which is important for healthy blood pressure. Various vitamins, such as C and A, help keep eyes, skin, teeth and gums healthy, fight infection and promote wound healing. Perhaps most importantly, vegetables are rich in a particular group of nutrients called antioxidants, which fight cellular damage and help prevent heart disease, cancer, Parkinson's disease, atherosclerosis, heart attack and Alzheimer's disease, says the Linus Pauling Institute. Another substantial benefit of vegetables is dietary fiber. Fiber is an important nutrient found only in plant foods. As part of a healthy diet, fiber helps scour bad cholesterol out of your arteries, thus lowering your risk of heart disease, says the USDA. Fiber also keeps your digestive system running smoothly, helps control your blood sugar levels and may help prevent cancer. Vegetables are also a boon to dieters. Because they are generally low in fat and calories, you can eat a lot of them without gaining weight. If you substitute vegetables for other, higher-calorie foods in your diet, you will slash your calorie and fat intake, making weight management easier. The fiber in vegetables also helps you manage your weight. Fiber makes you feel fuller for a longer period, helping you eat less overall and aiding with weight loss or maintenance. Some vegetables are Healthier than others. When choosing vegetables, keep in mind that, in general, brightly colored vegetables are higher in nutrients than less vivid choices. For example, spinach contains many more vitamins and antioxidants than iceberg lettuce. If you have questions or concerns regarding your diet or vegetables for good health, consult your physician or a registered dietitian for more recommendations. (Adapted from:

  • 4. 

    Light pollution is the change of natural light levels in the night environment produced by introduction of artificial light. Because of the continuous growth of nighttime artificial lighting, this problem is increasingly debated. In fact, many localities have developed regulations to restrict the wasteful loss of light into the sky and environment. The expanding use of light at night is because humans are diurnal animals. They are trying to extend activities into the usually dark hours. This increasing use is driven by what seems common sense, and by the lighting industry with justifications that at first may seem correct. With few exceptions, everything we build is lit at night. This includes streets, roads, bridges, airports, commercial and industrial buildings, parking lots, sport centers and homes. Outdoor lighting continues to expand as more infrastructures are built. Lighting levels are often set high with one or more secondary objectives in mind. For instance, building exteriors are often lit for a merely beautiful effect. Shopping centers are typically lit to attract shoppers. They also create a lively environment to stimulate spending. Lighting levels in public areas are often set high to prevent crime, even though studies have not proven this to have any effect on crime rates. Indeed, the cores of our urban centers are bathed in light. The resulting light pollution can extend more than a hundred kilometers out from the city's edge. Reliable evidence shows that this artificial extension of the day produces serious and risky consequences to human health and environment. Cinzano, Falchi and Elvidge (2001) have studied the impact of light pollution on the night sky. The result indicates that more than 60% of world population lives under light polluted skies (99% of the population of USA and Europe) and almost one-fifth of world terrain is under light polluted skies. In regards to human, there are no doubts that exposure to light at night (LAN) decreases pineal melatonin (a kind of hormone) production and secretion and are not only a source for phase shift in daily rhythms.

  • 5. 

    Kata kesultanan dalam teks tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dengan

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Kerajaan
    The word "kata kesultanan" in the text refers to a ruling kingdom or monarchy. "Kerajaan" also means kingdom, so it has the same meaning as "kata kesultanan."

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  • 6. 

    Topik dari teks tersebut adalah

    • A.

      Batik sebagai budaya asli Indonesia

    • B.

      Perkembangan batik dari zaman ke zaman

    • C.

      Sejarah batik Indonesia

    • D.

      Melestarikan batik Indonesia

    • E.

      Corak dan teknik batik

    Correct Answer
    A. Batik sebagai budaya asli Indonesia
    The topic of the text is "Batik as an original Indonesian culture." The text discusses the significance and history of batik as a cultural heritage in Indonesia. It also mentions the development of batik over time and the efforts to preserve and promote Indonesian batik. The mention of batik as a cultural tradition specific to Indonesia indicates that the correct answer is "Batik as an original Indonesian culture."

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  • 7. 

    Pernyataan yang sesuai dengan teks tersebut adalah

    • A.

      Corak batik melambangkan kemewahan

    • B.

      Nenek moyang mulai membatik pada daun-daun loncang

    • C.

      Batik pertama kali dibuat dengan corak pepohonan dan manusia

    • D.

      Batik pertama kali ditemukan di Yogyakarta

    • E.

      Batik membuat pemakainya menjadi seorang bangsawan

    Correct Answer
    D. Batik pertama kali ditemukan di Yogyakarta
    The statement "Batik pertama kali ditemukan di Yogyakarta" is the only one that correctly represents the information given in the passage. The other statements either provide additional information not mentioned in the passage or make generalizations about batik that are not supported by the given text.

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  • 8. 

    Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat dalam paragraf ketiga tersebut adalah

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Digambar
    The correct word to complete the sentence in the third paragraph is "digambar". This word means "to be drawn" in English. It is the most suitable option as it matches the context of the sentence, which suggests that something is being depicted or illustrated through drawing.

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  • 9. 

    Simpulan yang tepat untuk keseluruhan teks di atas adalah

    • A.

      Masyarakat patut melestarikan budaya yang ada di Indonesia

    • B.

      Masyarakat Indonesia harus membudayakan batik Indonesia

    • C.

      Pemerintah dan masyarakat harus bekerja sama untuk menggiatkan batik

    • D.

      Para pemuda harus menghargai sejarah batik Indonesia

    • E.

      Masyarakat Indonesia tentu bangga dengan kirah budaya batik yang mendunia

    Correct Answer
    E. Masyarakat Indonesia tentu bangga dengan kirah budaya batik yang mendunia
    The given answer suggests that the Indonesian society is proud of the global recognition of their cultural heritage, batik. This implies that the society values and appreciates the significance of batik in their culture.

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  • 10. 

    Penggunaan tanda baca pada paragraf ketiga yang tidak tepat terdapat dalam kalimat

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Kelima
    The correct answer is "kelima" because the question asks for the incorrect use of punctuation in the third paragraph, and the fifth option is the only one that mentions the third paragraph.

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  • 11. 

    Lawan kata drastis dalam teks tersebut adalah

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Biasa
    The opposite of "drastis" in the text is "biasa." This means that the text is describing something that is not extreme or severe, but rather ordinary or normal.

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  • 12. 

    Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan teks tersebut adalah

    • A.

      Perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia baik

    • B.

      Inflasi naik karena adanya permintaan komoditas

    • C.

      Karena bulan Puasa, permintaan komoditas naik

    • D.

      Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mencapai 6.05% pada 31 Mei 2018

    • E.

      Realisasi penerimaan pendapatan negara pun semakin baik

    Correct Answer
    D. Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mencapai 6.05% pada 31 Mei 2018
    The given statement "pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mencapai 6.05% pada 31 Mei 2018" is not in line with the information provided in the text. The text does not mention any specific growth rate of the Indonesian economy on May 31, 2018. Therefore, this statement is incorrect.

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  • 13. 

    Makna kalimat kedua paragraf ketiga adalah

    • A.

      Terjadi penurunan pendapatan belanja negara pada tahun 2016 kurang lebih setengahnya

    • B.

      Terjadi penurunan kekurangan (dalam anggaran belanja) kurang lebih setengah pada tahun 2016

    • C.

      Terjadi penurunan ekonomi Indonesia pada tahun 2016 dari 189 triliun menjadi 94,4 triliun

    • D.

      Terjadi kemerosotan pengeluaran pemerintah pada tiga tahun terakhir

    • E.

      Terjadi penyusutan uang dari 189 triliun menjadi 94,4 triliun

    Correct Answer
    B. Terjadi penurunan kekurangan (dalam anggaran belanja) kurang lebih setengah pada tahun 2016
    The second sentence in the third paragraph states that there was a decrease of approximately half in the budget deficit in 2016. This means that the government's spending exceeded its income by a smaller amount compared to previous years.

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  • 14. 

    Kata ini pada kalimat ketiga paragraf pertama merujuk pada

    • A.

      Realisasi APBN

    • B.

      Perkembangan ekonomi

    • C.

      Penjelasan Sri Mulyani

    • D.

      Ekonomi Indonesia masih cukup positif

    • E.

      Kenaikan inflasi

    Correct Answer
    D. Ekonomi Indonesia masih cukup positif
    The correct answer is "ekonomi Indonesia masih cukup positif". The word "kata" in the question refers to a word in the third sentence of the first paragraph. The only option that matches this description is "ekonomi Indonesia masih cukup positif".

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  • 15. 

    Konjungsi yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf ketiga kalimat terakhir adalah

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Dan
    The conjunction "dan" is the correct choice to complete the paragraph. This is because "dan" is used to connect two similar or related ideas. In this case, it is used to connect the third sentence with the last two sentences, indicating that the last two sentences are additional information or examples that support the point made in the third sentence.

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  • 16. 

    Simpulan yang tepat untuk keseluruhan teks di atas adalah

    • A.

      Masyarakat harus bangga terhadap tren yang sangat positif

    • B.

      Perkembangan perekonomian Indonesia sebaiknya lebih baik lagi

    • C.

      Menteri Keuangan sepantasnya mendapat pujian terhadap kerja kerasnya

    • D.

      Pemerintah sudah bekerja keras demi masyarakatnya sehingga ekonomi semakin baik

    • E.

      Masyarakat sepatutnya mengapresiasi perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia yang positif

    Correct Answer
    B. Perkembangan perekonomian Indonesia sebaiknya lebih baik lagi
  • 17. 

    The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses

    • A.

      The importance of maintaining the population health

    • B.

      Nutrient contents in various types of vegetables

    • C.

      Experts' recommendations to consume vegetables to maintain health

    • D.

      Reasons why vegetables are needed by human beings to keep healthy

    • E.

      Advices from dieticians about what types of healthy vegetables to consume

    Correct Answer
    D. Reasons why vegetables are needed by human beings to keep healthy
    The paragraph preceding the passage most likely discusses the reasons why vegetables are needed by human beings to keep healthy. This can be inferred from the fact that the passage talks about the importance of maintaining the population health and the nutrient contents in various types of vegetables. Additionally, the experts' recommendations to consume vegetables to maintain health also support this explanation.

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  • 18. 

    What is the main idea of the passage?

    • A.

      Kinds of vegetables which are beneficial to our health

    • B.

      Important materials in vegetables to maintain our health

    • C.

      Reasons why vegetables is essential to our health

    • D.

      Reasons why we should consider vegetables is important

    • E.

      How we consume vegetable in terms of keeping our health

    Correct Answer
    C. Reasons why vegetables is essential to our health
    The main idea of the passage is to discuss the reasons why vegetables are essential to our health. The passage may provide information about the various health benefits of vegetables, the nutrients they contain, and the positive impact they have on our overall well-being.

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  • 19. 

    Based on the passage, people will become healthier if they ....

    • A.

      Consume fiber with adequate amount

    • B.

      Avoid vegetables with very bright colors

    • C.

      Become vegetarians completely

    • D.

      Consume more vitamins with antioxidant contents

    • E.

      Consume important nutrients from vegetables

    Correct Answer
    E. Consume important nutrients from vegetables
    The passage suggests that people will become healthier if they consume important nutrients from vegetables. This implies that vegetables contain essential nutrients that are beneficial for overall health. Consuming these nutrients can contribute to improved health and well-being.

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  • 20. 

    What is the best summary of the passage?

    • A.

      Vegetables are important to maintain health due to their substantial nutrients needed by the human body. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and are sources of fiber, helpful nutrient for human health. Furthermore, they are excelent choices for those trying to lose weight. Vegetables with bright colors are a better source of nutrients

    • B.

      Vegetables are important in human diet because they contain many nutrients and antioxidants. Consuming bright colored vegetables also helps in lowering cholesterol and controlling body weight

    • C.

      Fiber is the most important substance for human health. Unlike vitamins and antioxidants, fiber can only be found in plants, such as vegetables. It is very important in controlling cholesterol and blood sugar. It helps the digestion process and prevents people from having cancer. Therefore, it is important to eat vegetables

    • D.

      People who want to lose weight should consider to have more vegetables in their daily menu. Consuming vegetables, especially those with bright colors, is helpful to make people feel full longer, so decreasing the frequency of eating. Beside that, vegetable is the only source of fiber that is also good for maintaining body weight. Fiber also helps the process of digestion

    • E.

      Vegetables contain many nutrients that are important for maintaining human health. They have a lot of minerals and antioxidants. They are also the only source of fiber that is helpful in controlling cholesterol and blood sugar. Therefore, it is important to eat vegetables

    Correct Answer
    E. Vegetables contain many nutrients that are important for maintaining human health. They have a lot of minerals and antioxidants. They are also the only source of fiber that is helpful in controlling cholesterol and blood sugar. Therefore, it is important to eat vegetables
    The passage explains that vegetables are important for maintaining human health because they contain many nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, vegetables are the only source of fiber, which is beneficial for controlling cholesterol and blood sugar. Therefore, the best summary of the passage is that vegetables contain essential nutrients and fiber that are important for maintaining human health.

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  • 21. 

    With the sentence..“ When choosing vegetables, keep in mind that, in general, brightly colored vegetables are higher in nutrients than less vivid choices”.., the writer intends to__

    • A.

      Suggest the readers not to consume less vivid colored vegetables

    • B.

      Explain that less vivid colored vegetables are not healthy

    • C.

      Recommend the readers that we will be healthy if we merely consume brightly colored vegetables

    • D.

      Suggest the readers how to choose the healthier vegetables to consume

    • E.

      Clarify about the importance of bright colored vegetables

    Correct Answer
    D. Suggest the readers how to choose the healthier vegetables to consume
    The writer intends to suggest the readers how to choose the healthier vegetables to consume. The sentence states that brightly colored vegetables are higher in nutrients than less vivid choices, implying that choosing brightly colored vegetables is a better option for health. This suggests that the writer is providing guidance on selecting vegetables that are more nutritious.

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  • 22. 

    Which of the following best restates the sentence "...humans are diurnal animals" in line 5 ?

    • A.

      Humans are daylight active creatures

    • B.

      Humans require light to live like animals.

    • C.

      Humans and animals equally need light to live

    • D.

      Both humans and animals are active during the day

    • E.

      Humans and animals try to prolong their activities at night

    Correct Answer
    A. Humans are daylight active creatures
    The given correct answer, "Humans are daylight active creatures," best restates the sentence "humans are diurnal animals" in line 5. This answer conveys the same meaning by emphasizing that humans are active during the day, just like other diurnal animals.

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  • 23. 

    The author introduces the problem of light pollution followed by ....

    • A.

      Research evidence indicating the danger of light pollution on human health

    • B.

      Further explanation about why and how people use more light

    • C.

      More examples of light and causes that might happen

    • D.

      The use of regulation to minimize the effects of light

    • E.

      Details on areas requiring light for business centers

    Correct Answer
    A. Research evidence indicating the danger of light pollution on human health
    The author introduces the problem of light pollution and then provides research evidence indicating the danger of light pollution on human health. This suggests that the author is highlighting the negative impact of light pollution on human well-being.

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  • 24. 

    What does the author imply in the second paragraph?

    • A.

      Providing light could increase economic activities.

    • B.

      Both humans and animals rely on light for survival

    • C.

      Using more lights may mean increasing light pollution

    • D.

      Light should be provided according to people's needs.

    • E.

      Building infrastructure is mainly used for public facilities

    Correct Answer
    C. Using more lights may mean increasing light pollution
    The author implies in the second paragraph that using more lights could lead to an increase in light pollution.

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