Menghidupkan komputer dengan menggunakan tombol power biasa disebut dengan istilah ....
Correct Answer
A. Cold booting
Menghidupkan komputer dengan menggunakan tombol power biasa disebut dengan istilah cold booting. Cold booting refers to the process of starting a computer from a completely powered-off state. It involves the initial loading of the operating system and all necessary software components. This term is used to distinguish it from warm booting, which refers to restarting the computer without fully powering it off. Reset, install, and defrag are not relevant to the process of turning on a computer using the power button.
Prosedur menghidupkan dan mematikan komputer yang benar akan dapat ... .
Correct Answer
E. Memperpanjang usia hardware dan software
The correct answer is "memperpanjang usia hardware dan software" because by following the correct procedure to turn on and turn off the computer, it helps in maintaining the hardware and software components of the computer system. This can prevent damage to the hardware and prolong its lifespan. It also ensures that the software is properly shut down and reduces the risk of data corruption or system errors.
Untuk menghidupkan komputer sebaiknya disk drive dalam keadaan
Correct Answer
B. Kosong
When starting a computer, it is recommended to have the disk drive empty. This means that there should not be any diskette inserted into the disk drive. Having a diskette inserted may cause the computer to try and boot from the diskette instead of the operating system on the hard drive. Therefore, it is best to have the disk drive empty to ensure a smooth startup process.
Apabila komputer ingin tetap dalam keadaan siap untuk menerima data masuk atau perintah lain, setelah mengklik tombol Turn Off Computer kemudian mengklik tombol ....
Correct Answer
A. Standby
When the computer wants to remain in a ready state to receive incoming data or other commands after clicking the Turn Off Computer button, it can click the Standby button. This option allows the computer to enter a low-power mode while still being able to quickly resume its previous state when needed.
Mematikan dan memulai kembali komputer tanpa menekan tombol power disebut ...
Correct Answer
D. Restart
Restart adalah tindakan mematikan dan memulai kembali komputer tanpa menekan tombol power. Saat melakukan restart, sistem operasi akan menutup semua program yang sedang berjalan, mematikan komputer, dan kemudian secara otomatis memulai ulang. Tindakan ini sering dilakukan ketika ada perubahan atau pembaruan yang memerlukan restart untuk diterapkan, atau ketika komputer mengalami masalah dan perlu diperbaiki dengan memulai ulang.
Langkah-langkah untuk menghidupkan komputer secara benar adalah dengan menekan tombol sebagai berikut:
Correct Answer
B. Stabilizer – CPU - Monitor
The correct order to turn on a computer is by first turning on the stabilizer, followed by the CPU, and then the monitor. This ensures that the power supply is stable before the computer starts running and that the monitor is ready to display the output from the CPU.
Untuk membuka kotak dialog Task Manager pada saat komputer macet, yaitu dengan cara ....
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl + Alt + Del
To open the Task Manager dialog box when the computer freezes, you can use the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. This key combination brings up a menu that allows you to access the Task Manager and end unresponsive programs or processes.
Suatu kumpulan dari suatu keadaan atau peristiwa yang bisa diterima dan diolah komputer disebut ... .
Correct Answer
B. Data
The correct answer is "data". Data refers to a collection of facts, statistics, or information that can be processed by a computer. It can be in the form of numbers, text, images, or any other format that can be stored and manipulated by a computer system. In the context of the given question, data is the most appropriate term to describe a group of states or events that can be accepted and processed by a computer.
Data yang disusun dan dikelompokkan sedemikian rupa sehingga memiliki arti disebut ... .
Correct Answer
C. Informasi
Data yang disusun dan dikelompokkan sedemikian rupa sehingga memiliki arti disebut informasi.
Proses pengumpulan data pada siklus proses informasi disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Origination
The process of collecting data in the information processing cycle is called origination. This refers to the initial phase where data is generated or created. It involves gathering information from various sources and inputting it into the system for further processing. The collected data is then organized and prepared for analysis or transformation into meaningful output.
Proses menghasilkan informasi disebut ....
Correct Answer
C. Proses
The given question is asking for the term that refers to the process of generating information. The correct answer is "proses" because it is the Indonesian term for "process," which encompasses the various steps involved in creating or producing information.
Di bawah ini merupakan bentuk informasi yang dihasilkan komputer, kecuali :
Correct Answer
E. Kertas
The given options represent different forms of information that can be generated by a computer. Text, graphics, symbols, and sound can all be generated by a computer. However, "kertas" (paper) is not a form of information that is generated by a computer. It is a physical material that can be used to print or display information generated by a computer, but it is not itself a form of information.
Software yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung antara user dan hardware adalah ... .
Correct Answer
B. Sistem operasi
A system software or operating system acts as an intermediary between the user and the hardware. It manages the computer's resources, provides a user interface, and allows users to run applications and interact with the hardware. It controls the execution of programs, manages memory and storage, and provides security and protection. Therefore, the correct answer is "sistem operasi".
Perangkat lunak berisi program paket yang telah dirancang dan dibuat khusus untuk kebutuhan tertentu disebut ... .
Correct Answer
C. Program aplikasi
The correct answer is "program aplikasi". In software, an application program is a set of instructions or code that is designed to perform specific tasks or functions for the user. It is different from a programming language, operating system, or additional device. Microsoft Word is an example of an application program.
Perangkat lunak untuk membuat aplikasi dengan bahasa dan aturan atau prosedur tertentu disebut ... .
Correct Answer
A. Bahasa pemrograman
Perangkat lunak untuk membuat aplikasi dengan bahasa dan aturan atau prosedur tertentu disebut bahasa pemrograman. Bahasa pemrograman digunakan untuk menulis kode-kode yang akan dieksekusi oleh komputer dalam rangka menciptakan aplikasi atau program yang diinginkan.
Yang termasuk perangkat lunak pengolahan kata adalah:
Correct Answer
C. Wordstar dan Ms. Word
The correct answer is Wordstar dan Ms. Word. Wordstar and Ms. Word are both word processing software, which are used for creating, editing, and formatting text documents.
Yang merupakan perangkat lunak untuk mencari alamat website di internet adalah ... .
Correct Answer
D. Opera dan Internet Explorer
Opera dan Internet Explorer adalah perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mencari alamat website di internet.
Ms. Powerpoint merupakan contoh program aplikasi khusus untuk kebutuhan ....
Correct Answer
A. Presentasi
Ms. Powerpoint is a specific application program designed for creating presentations. It allows users to create slideshows with text, images, and multimedia elements to effectively convey information or ideas. This program is widely used in various settings such as business meetings, educational presentations, and conferences. It provides features like slide transitions, animations, and templates to enhance the visual appeal of the presentation. Therefore, the correct answer is "presentasi".
Yang termasuk dalam bahasa pemrograman adalah ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is PASCAL because PASCAL is a programming language that was developed in the 1970s and is known for its simplicity and readability. It was designed to teach programming concepts and is still used in some educational settings. Java is another programming language that is widely used for web and application development. Corel Draw, Photoshop, and Ms. Excel are not programming languages, but rather software applications used for graphic design and spreadsheet management.
Yang merupakan perangkat input adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Barcode reader dan keyboard
The correct answer is barcode reader and keyboard. Both barcode reader and keyboard are input devices that are used to input data into a computer system. A barcode reader is used to scan barcodes and input the information into the computer, while a keyboard is used to manually input data by typing on the keys.
Typewriter key adalah bagian dari tombol keyboard yang berfungsi …
Correct Answer
A. Sama dengan tombol yang ada pada mesin tik
Typewriter key refers to a key on a keyboard that functions the same as the keys on a typewriter. This means that the typewriter key has the same purpose and functionality as the keys found on a typewriter.
Tombol dalam keyboard yang berfungsi untuk menghapus satu huruf atau angka di kiri kursor adalah … .
Correct Answer
D. Backspace
The correct answer is "Backspace". The Backspace key on a keyboard is used to delete the character or number to the left of the cursor. It is commonly used to correct typing errors or remove unwanted characters.
Alat yang digunakan untuk membaca gambar/tulisan yang berasal dari kertas kebentuk digital, sehingga dapat diolah di komputer disebut:
Correct Answer
B. Scanner
A scanner is a device used to convert physical images or text from paper into digital format so that it can be processed and manipulated on a computer. It captures the image or text using optical technology and then transfers it to the computer through a USB or wireless connection. Scanners are commonly used for tasks such as scanning documents, photos, or artwork, and are essential in creating digital copies or archives of physical materials.
Barcode reader adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Mesin pembaca kode dalam bentuk kumpulan batang
A barcode reader is a machine that reads and interprets barcodes, which are a collection of bars that represent data. It scans the barcode and converts it into digital information that can be processed and used by a computer system.
Alat dalam komputer untuk memproses dan mengolah data untuk mendapatkan informasi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan adalah:
Correct Answer
A. Processor, RAM dan ROM
The correct answer is Processor, RAM, and ROM. These three components are essential in a computer system for processing and manipulating data to obtain the desired information. The processor, also known as the central processing unit (CPU), is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. RAM (Random Access Memory) provides temporary storage for data and instructions that are currently being used by the processor. ROM (Read-Only Memory) contains firmware or software instructions that are permanently stored and cannot be modified. Together, these components work together to process and manipulate data to produce the desired information.
Kepanjangan dari ROM adalah:
Correct Answer
E. Read Only Memory
ROM stands for Read Only Memory. This type of memory is non-volatile and is used to store permanent data that cannot be modified or erased. It is commonly found in devices such as computers, smartphones, and game consoles, where it is used to store firmware and software instructions that are essential for the device to function properly. Unlike Random Access Memory (RAM), which is volatile and temporary, ROM retains its data even when the power is turned off. Therefore, the correct answer is Read Only Memory.
Yang bukan merupakan alat penyimpan data adalah ... .
Correct Answer
The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is not a storage device. It is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations in a computer. On the other hand, a flash disk, hard disk, disket, and compact disk are all types of storage devices used to store data.
Alat yang digunakan untuk mengubah sinyal digital ke sinyal analog atau sebaliknya dalam saluran telepon disebut
Correct Answer
B. Modem
A modem is a device used to convert digital signals to analog signals or vice versa in a telephone channel. It is commonly used to connect a computer to the internet by converting digital data into analog signals that can be transmitted over telephone lines. The modem at the receiving end then converts the analog signals back into digital data that can be understood by the computer. Therefore, a modem is the correct answer as it is specifically designed for this purpose in a telephone channel.
Alat untuk menampilkan data secara sementara disebut ... .
Correct Answer
C. Monitor
A monitor is a device that displays data temporarily. It allows users to view information, images, and videos on a screen. Unlike a printer or speaker, a monitor does not produce physical copies or sound. ROM and RAM are types of computer memory and do not directly display data. Therefore, the correct answer is monitor.
Alat untuk menampilkan informasi berupa gambar dan suara yang biasanya terhubung langsung dengan CPU adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. LCD proyektor
An LCD projector is a device that can display information in the form of images and sound. It is usually connected directly to the CPU, allowing it to project visual and audio content onto a screen or surface. This makes it an effective tool for presentations, lectures, and other situations where visual information needs to be shared with an audience.
Menghidupkan komputer dengan menggunakan tombol power biasa disebut dengan istilah ....
Correct Answer
A. Cold booting
The correct answer is "cold booting." Cold booting refers to the process of starting a computer by turning it on using the power button. It is called "cold" because the computer starts from a completely powered off state. This is different from "warm booting," which refers to restarting the computer without turning it off completely. The other options, reset, install, and defrag, are not related to the process of starting a computer.
Select the ones you like
Correct Answer
A. Option1
The given question asks the test taker to select the options they like. The correct answer is Option1, indicating that the test taker likes Option1.