Naskah proklamasi yang ditulis oleh Soekarno diketik oleh…
Correct Answer
C. C. Sayuti Melik
Sayuti Melik typed the proclamation script written by Soekarno.
Pada tanggal 9 Agustus 1945, Soekarno, Moh. Hatta dan Radjiman Widyoningrat dipanggil oleh panglima perang Jepang, Terauci, di kota…
Correct Answer
C. C. Dalat
Maklumat pemerintah yang menyatakan berdirinya Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (TKR) adalah…
Correct Answer
A. A. 5 Oktober 1945
The correct answer is a. 5 Oktober 1945. This is the date when the Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (TKR) was established according to the government information.
Penggagas dari sistem perekonomian Benteng adalah…
Correct Answer
B. B. Soemitro Djoyohadikusuma
Soemitro Djoyohadikusuma is the correct answer because he is the founder of the Benteng economic system.
Pada 1 Oktober 1946, pemerintah mengeluarkan Undang-Undang tentang pemberlakuan Oeang Republik Indonesia yaitu…
Correct Answer
C. C. UU no. 19 Tahun 1946
The correct answer is c. UU no. 19 Tahun 1946. The question asks for the specific law that was issued on October 1, 1946, regarding the implementation of the Oeang Republik Indonesia. The correct answer indicates that it is UU no. 19 Tahun 1946.
Suatu lembaga yang dimaksudkan sebagai penjelmaan tujuan dari cita-cita bangsa Indonesia untuk menyelenggarakan gerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia berdasarkan kedaulatan rakyat yang diresmikan tanggal 19 Agustus 1945 adalah…
Correct Answer
The correct answer is c. KNIP. KNIP stands for Komite Nasional Indonesia Pusat (Central Indonesian National Committee). It was established on August 19, 1945, and served as the embodiment of the goals of the Indonesian people to carry out the independence movement based on the sovereignty of the people. KNIP played a crucial role in the early years of Indonesia's independence, serving as the provisional parliament and drafting the country's first constitution.
Nasionalisasi De Javasche Bank Indonesia sudah tentu menjadi sejarah penting dalam dunia perbankan di Indonesia. Tujuan dari nasionalisasi ini adalah…
Correct Answer
D. D. Membentuk bank sirkulasi untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan dan perkembangan dari bank-bank lain
The correct answer is d. Membentuk bank sirkulasi untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan dan perkembangan dari bank-bank lain. This answer suggests that the purpose of the nationalization of De Javasche Bank Indonesia was to establish a circulating bank that would oversee the implementation and development of other banks. This would facilitate government supervision over the circulation of money in the country and ensure the proper functioning of the banking system.
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia pada bulan Oktober 1946 memberlakukan mata uang ORI karena…
Correct Answer
E. E. Upaya mengatsi kekacauan ekonomi
The government of the Republic of Indonesia introduced the ORI currency in October 1946 as an effort to overcome economic chaos. This suggests that the introduction of the ORI currency was a measure taken by the government to stabilize and improve the economic situation in the country.
Peristiwa Bandung Lautan Api adalah akibat dari…
Correct Answer
C. C. Pembumihangusan kota Bandung oleh rakyat Bandung
The correct answer is c. Pembumihangusan kota Bandung oleh rakyat Bandung. This event, known as the Bandung Lautan Api (Bandung Sea of Fire), refers to the burning and destruction of the city of Bandung by the local population in 1946 during the Indonesian National Revolution. The people of Bandung, angered by the presence of Dutch forces and the harsh treatment of the local population, set fire to buildings and infrastructure, leading to the destruction of the city.
Kahar Muzakar menyatakan gerakannya berada di bawah gerakan DI/TII Kartosuwiryo, karena…
Correct Answer
B. B. Mendapat dukungan dan bantuan dari Kartosuwiryo
Kahar Muzakar menyatakan gerakannya berada di bawah gerakan DI/TII Kartosuwiryo karena ia mendapat dukungan dan bantuan dari Kartosuwiryo. This suggests that Kahar Muzakar's movement was supported and aided by Kartosuwiryo, indicating a hierarchical relationship between the two movements.
Penumpasan DI/TII di Jawa Tengah dilakukan dengan operasi militer yang disebut…
Correct Answer
E. E. Gerakan Benteng Negara
The correct answer is e. Gerakan Benteng Negara. This is because the question is asking about the military operation that was conducted to suppress the DI/TII rebellion in Central Java. Gerakan Benteng Negara was the name of the military operation that was specifically carried out to suppress the DI/TII rebellion in Central Java.
Wilayah Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Perundingan Linggarjati meliputi…
Correct Answer
B. B. Jawa, Madura dan Sumatra
The correct answer is b. Jawa, Madura dan Sumatra. This is because the Linggarjati Agreement, signed in 1947 between the Republic of Indonesia and the Netherlands, established the boundaries of the Republic of Indonesia to include the islands of Java, Madura, and Sumatra. This agreement was an important step in the process of gaining independence for Indonesia.
Pengaruh ke luar kemenangan TNI dan rakyat dalam Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949 adalah…
Correct Answer
E. E. Menunjukan kepada dunia internasional bahwa TNI mampu melakukan ofensif
The correct answer is e. This answer suggests that the impact of the TNI and the people's victory in the General Offensive on March 1, 1949 is to show the international world that the TNI is capable of conducting an offensive. This implies that the success of the offensive demonstrated the military strength and capabilities of the TNI, which could potentially influence how other countries perceive and engage with Indonesia.
Berikut ini yang bukan Hasil Konferensi Meja Bundar adalah…
Correct Answer
C. C. Tiap Negara Federasi berhubungan dengan Netherland
The correct answer is c. Tiap Negara Federasi berhubungan dengan Netherland. This statement contradicts the principles of the Round Table Conference, which aimed to establish a unified and independent Indonesia. The conference did not intend for each federated state to have separate relations with the Netherlands.
Negara yang ditunjuk dalam Komisi Tiga Negara, yang tunjukan Indonesia dan Belanda adalah…
Correct Answer
A. A. Australia dan Belgia
The question asks for the countries involved in the Three-Nation Commission, which included Indonesia and the Netherlands. The correct answer states that the countries involved were Australia and Belgium.
Pengaruh perkembangan politik internasional bagi perluasan pengaruh PKI di dalam negeri dapat dibuktikan dengan sikap politik luar negri Indonesia yang condong kepada…
Correct Answer
D. D. Pemerintah komunis di Cina dan Uni Soviet
The correct answer is d. Pemerintah komunis di Cina dan Uni Soviet. The influence of international politics on the expansion of PKI's influence domestically can be proven by Indonesia's foreign policy leaning towards communist governments in China and the Soviet Union. This suggests that the PKI was able to gain support and influence from these communist governments, which in turn helped them expand their influence within Indonesia.
Sistem Kabinet parlementer pemerintahan dipimpin oleh Perdana Menteri, presiden sebagai kepala Negara dan Kabinet bertanggung jawab kepada…
Correct Answer
A. A. Parlemen
The correct answer is a. Parlemen. In a parliamentary system of government, the cabinet is responsible and accountable to the parliament. The prime minister, as the head of government, leads the cabinet and is chosen from the majority party or coalition in parliament. The president, on the other hand, is the head of state and may have ceremonial duties but does not have direct control over the cabinet. The cabinet's primary responsibility is to implement and execute government policies and decisions, and they are answerable to the parliament for their actions.
Kabinet Soekiman merupakan Kabinet koalisi antara…
Correct Answer
C. C. Masyumi dan PNI
The correct answer is c. Masyumi dan PNI. The question is asking about the coalition cabinet under Soekiman. The Masyumi and PNI were two political parties in Indonesia during that time. Therefore, the correct answer is c. Masyumi and PNI.
Pemilihan umum pada tahun 1955 tanggal 29 September yaitu untuk memilih…
Correct Answer
Pemilihan umum pada tahun 1955 tanggal 29 September adalah untuk memilih DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat).
Prestasi gemilang Kabinet Djuanda adalah keluarnya Deklarasi Djuanda tentang batas wilayah territorial Indonesia adalah…
Correct Answer
C. C. 12 mil dari titik pulau terluar
The correct answer is c. 12 mil dari titik pulau terluar. This means that the Djuanda Declaration stated that the territorial waters of Indonesia extend up to 12 nautical miles from the outermost points of the islands. This declaration was significant because it established Indonesia's sovereignty over its maritime territory and was an important step in asserting its rights over its surrounding waters.
Kabinet Ali-Wongso jatuh akibat perselisihan pendapat tentang cara pengangkatan…
Correct Answer
A. A. Kepala Staf TNI AD
The correct answer is a. Kepala Staf TNI AD. The explanation for this answer is that the Ali-Wongso Cabinet fell due to a disagreement over the appointment of the Chief of Staff of the Army (Kepala Staf TNI AD). This suggests that the issue of appointing the Chief of Staff was a significant point of contention within the cabinet, leading to its downfall.
Pemilu pada tanggal 15 Desember 1955 adalah untuk memilih…
Correct Answer
The correct answer is b. DPR. The question is asking about the purpose of the election on December 15, 1955. The DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) is the People's Representative Council in Indonesia, so it makes sense that the election would be for the purpose of electing members to the DPR.
Latar belakang dikeluarkannya Dekrit Presiden 1959 adalah…
Correct Answer
E. E. Kabinet tidak dapat melaksanakan programnya
The correct answer is e. Kabinet tidak dapat melaksanakan programnya. This means that the background for the issuance of the Presidential Decree in 1959 was that the cabinet was unable to implement its programs. This suggests that there were issues or obstacles preventing the cabinet from carrying out their intended plans and initiatives, leading to the need for a presidential decree to address the situation.
Sistem kabinet Presidensial, presiden sebagai kepala Negara dan kepala Pemerintahan bertanggung jawab kepada…
Correct Answer
The correct answer is MPR. In a presidential cabinet system, the president is accountable to the MPR (People's Consultative Assembly). The MPR is a legislative body that consists of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) and the People's Representative Council (DPR). The MPR has the power to appoint and dismiss the president, making it the appropriate answer in this context.
Alasan Presiden Soekarno membubarkan DPR, hasil pemilu adalah…
Correct Answer
E. E. DPR menolak RABPN yang diajukan presiden
The correct answer is e. DPR menolak RABPN yang diajukan presiden. This means that President Soekarno dissolved the DPR because they rejected the proposed National Budget and Planning Board (RABPN).
Tujuan diberlakukannya sistem ekonomi Ali-Baba adalah…
Correct Answer
E. E. Memajukan kerjasama pengusaha pribumi dengan non pribumi
The correct answer is e. Memajukan kerjasama pengusaha pribumi dengan non pribumi. This means that the goal of implementing the Ali-Baba economic system is to promote collaboration between indigenous and non-indigenous entrepreneurs.
Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Terpimpin pada tahun 1959-1965 berpedoman pada pancasila, sila ke-…
Correct Answer
D. D. 4
The correct answer for this question is d. 4. The implementation of Guided Democracy in 1959-1965 was based on the fourth principle of Pancasila, which is social justice for all Indonesian people.
Berkurangnya kekuasaan sebagai bentuk melemahnya kepemimpinan Presiden Soekarno ditandai dengan peristiwa…
Correct Answer
A. A. Pembubaran Kabinet 100 menteri
The correct answer is a. Pembubaran Kabinet 100 menteri. This answer is correct because the dissolution of the 100 Minister Cabinet was a significant event that marked the weakening of President Soekarno's leadership. By dissolving the cabinet, Soekarno effectively reduced his own power and authority as the president. This decision was seen as a sign of his diminishing control and influence over the government.
Pidato Presiden yang berjudul “Penemuan Kembali Revolusi Kita” sebagai manifesta politik RI ditetapkan sebagai…
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "a. GBHN" because the speech titled "Penemuan Kembali Revolusi Kita" by the President is determined as the political manifesto of Indonesia. GBHN (Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara) is a document that outlines the broad outlines of the state's direction and policies. It serves as a guide for national development and is determined by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).
Hasil kerja nyata Kabinet Burhanudin Harahap berupaya penyelenggaraan…
Correct Answer
B. B. Konferensi Asia Afrika
The correct answer is b. Konferensi Asia Afrika. The given statement suggests that the real work of the Burhanudin Harahap Cabinet was related to the organization of the Asia Africa Conference. This conference, also known as the Bandung Conference, was held in 1955 and aimed to promote cooperation and solidarity among Asian and African countries in the face of colonialism and imperialism. The conference played a significant role in shaping the Non-Aligned Movement and strengthening the decolonization movement.
Suatu tatanan seluruh kehidupan rakyat, bangsa dan Negara yang diletakkan kembali pada pelaksanaan pancasila UUD 1945 secara murni dan konsekuen adalah…
Correct Answer
C. C. Orde Baru
The correct answer is c. Orde Baru. Orde Baru refers to the New Order era in Indonesia, which began after the downfall of President Sukarno and the transition of power to General Suharto in 1966. During the Orde Baru, the government implemented policies that aimed to restore order and stability in the country. This included a focus on economic development and centralized control of power. The Orde Baru also emphasized the implementation of Pancasila, the official ideology of Indonesia, as a guiding principle for the nation.
Pada tanggal 11 Maret 1966, Presiden Soekarno mengeluarkan surat perintah kepada Letjen Soeharto, surat perintah tersebut dikenal dengan sebutan…
Correct Answer
E. E. Super semar
The correct answer is e. Super semar. This is because the question mentions that on March 11, 1966, President Soekarno issued a letter of instruction to General Soeharto, which is known as "Super semar". The other options, such as Trikora, Dwikora, Tritura, and Supremasi, are not mentioned in the given information and are therefore not the correct answer.
Munculnya Orde Baru sebagai akibat…
Correct Answer
C. C. Terjadinya pemberontakan PKI tahun 1965
The correct answer is c. Terjadinya pemberontakan PKI tahun 1965. The emergence of the New Order regime in Indonesia was a result of the communist party's attempted coup in 1965. The failed coup led to a violent anti-communist purge and the subsequent rise of General Suharto, who established the New Order regime. This event had a significant impact on Indonesian politics, leading to the establishment of a military-dominated government and the suppression of political opposition.
Di bawah ini yang bukan termasuk asas-asas Pembangunan Nasional adalah…
Correct Answer
A. A. Asas pembangunan
The correct answer is a. Asas pembangunan. This is because the other options are all principles or foundations of national development, such as the principle of benefit, the principle of democracy, the principle of legal awareness, and the principle of fairness and equality. However, the principle of development is not specifically mentioned or included as one of the principles of national development.
Sektor yang paling diharapkan akan mampu menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian Bangsa Indonesia adalah…
Correct Answer
B. B. Pertanian
Pertanian diharapkan menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian Bangsa Indonesia karena sektor ini memiliki potensi besar untuk meningkatkan produksi pangan dan ekspor. Indonesia memiliki lahan pertanian yang luas dan beragam jenis tanaman yang dapat ditanam. Selain itu, sektor pertanian juga dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja yang luas, terutama di daerah pedesaan. Dengan meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi di sektor pertanian, Indonesia dapat mengurangi ketergantungan pada impor pangan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani serta pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.
Terjadinya demonstrasi di Bundaran Hotel Indonesia Jakarta telah menimbulkan korban salah satu mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang diberi gelar Pahlawan Ampera adalah…
Correct Answer
E. E. Arif Rakhman Hakim
The question mentions that there was a demonstration at Bundaran Hotel Indonesia in Jakarta, which resulted in the death of a student from the University of Indonesia. The student was given the title "Pahlawan Ampera". Based on this information, the correct answer is e. Arif Rakhman Hakim.
Di bawah ini yang bukan termasuk perjuangan Orde Baru adalah…
Correct Answer
A. A. Menghilangkan korupsi
Kesatuan-kesatuan aksi mahasiswa bersama dengan organisasi politik dan ormas membentuk kesatuan barisan yang dikenal dengan…
Correct Answer
A. A. Front pancasila
The given question is asking about the unity formed by student action units, political organizations, and social organizations. The correct answer is "a. Front Pancasila." The Front Pancasila is a unity formed by various groups in Indonesia that are committed to upholding the principles of Pancasila, which is the official ideology of Indonesia. This unity aims to promote national unity, social justice, and democracy in the country.
Asas pemerataan dituangkan dalam delapan jalur pemerataan, di bawah ini yang bukan termasuk dalam delapan jalur pemerataan adalah…
Correct Answer
B. B. Pemerataan pembagian pendapatan
The correct answer is b. Pemerataan pembagian pendapatan. This is because the question asks for the option that is not included in the eight paths of equalization. The other options, such as equalizing basic needs fulfillment, equalizing development projects, equalizing job opportunities, and equalizing business opportunities, are all mentioned as part of the eight paths of equalization.
Penyebab jatuhnya Orde Baru sebagai akibat…
Correct Answer
D. D. Krisis moneter dan tingginya KKN di pemerintahan Indonesia
The correct answer is d. Krisis moneter dan tingginya KKN di pemerintahan Indonesia. The fall of the New Order regime was caused by a monetary crisis and high levels of corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN) within the Indonesian government. These issues led to economic instability and a loss of public trust in the government, ultimately resulting in the downfall of the regime.
Di bawah ini yang bukan isi agenda Reformasi adalah…
Correct Answer
A. A. Membubarkan KKN
The correct answer is a. Membubarkan KKN (Disbanding Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism). The other options in the agenda of Reformasi include amending the 1945 Constitution (b), abolishing the dual function of the military (c), enforcing the supremacy of law (d), and prosecuting Soeharto and his cronies (e). The agenda of Reformasi in Indonesia was a movement that aimed to bring about political and social reforms in the country, following the resignation of President Soeharto in 1998. One of the main goals of the Reformasi movement was to eradicate corruption, collusion, and nepotism in the government and society.
Salah satu wujud Reformasi yang dilakukan oleh Presiden B.J Habibie adalah…
Correct Answer
B. B. Pemisahan Polri dari tubuh ABRI
One of the forms of Reformasi carried out by President B.J Habibie was the separation of the Indonesian National Police (Polri) from the Indonesian National Armed Forces (ABRI). This reform aimed to establish a more independent and professional police force, separate from the military, to ensure better law enforcement and protect human rights. This move was seen as a significant step towards democratization and civilian control over the security forces in Indonesia.
Menurut banyak pengamat kesalahan total pemerintahan B.J Habibie yang berkaitan dengan Nusantara adalah…
Correct Answer
B. B. Memberikan izin pada perusahaan-perusahaan asing
The correct answer is b. Memberikan izin pada perusahaan-perusahaan asing. This is because the question asks for the total mistakes made by B.J Habibie's government related to Nusantara (the Indonesian archipelago). Out of the given options, allowing foreign companies to operate in Indonesia can be seen as a mistake as it may have negative implications for the country's economy and sovereignty.
Yang dimaksud dengan Kabinet Zaken adalah…
Correct Answer
C. C. Memilih anggota kabinet berdasarkan keahlian
Kabinet Zaken means selecting cabinet members based on expertise.
Mahasiswa yang meninggal dalam bentrokan sewaktu melakukan aksi menuntut mundurnya Presiden Soeharto di Yogyakarta adalah…
Correct Answer
D. D. Moses Gatot Kaca
Berikut ini yang bukan menjadi fokus pembenahan ekonomi sosial era Reformasi adalah…
Correct Answer
C. C. Menyediakan sarana transportasi yang memadai
The focus of social economic reform in this era is not on providing adequate transportation facilities. The other options, such as optimizing the education sector, providing basic necessities, increasing employment opportunities, and facilitating access to healthcare, are all important aspects of social economic reform. However, the provision of adequate transportation facilities is not mentioned as a focus in this context.
Berikut ini kelompok yang terdiri dari berbagai Organisasi profesi adalah…
Correct Answer
B. B. Golkar
The correct answer is b. Golkar because Golkar is a political party in Indonesia, not a professional organization. The other options (NU, Persatuan pembangunan, Demokrasi pembangunan, and Ikatan pendukung kemerdekaan Indonesia) are not mentioned in the question, so we cannot determine if they are professional organizations or not.
Salah satu penyebab terjadinya krisis ekonomi di Indonesia adalah…
Correct Answer
A. A. Banyaknya investor asing yang menarik modalnya dari Indonesia
One possible explanation for the correct answer (a) is that the withdrawal of foreign investors' capital from Indonesia can lead to an economic crisis. When foreign investors withdraw their investments, it can cause a decrease in foreign exchange reserves, a decline in the value of the local currency, and a decrease in investment and economic activity. This can lead to a decrease in employment, a slowdown in economic growth, and ultimately a crisis in the economy.
Munculnya gerakan mahasiswa dan aksi demonstrasi mahasiswa pada tahun 1998 diawali oleh adanya…
Correct Answer
B. B. Krisis ekonomi dan politik
The correct answer is b. Krisis ekonomi dan politik. The emergence of student movements and student demonstrations in 1998 was triggered by the crisis in the economy and politics. This crisis created discontent among the students and led them to take action to express their dissatisfaction with the government's handling of the situation. The economic and political turmoil during that time caused widespread social unrest and ultimately led to the downfall of the government.
Penyebab terjadinya gerakan Reformasi adalah maraknya KKN, yang dimaksud Nepotisme adalah…
Correct Answer
D. D. Pemilihan pejabat berdasarkan sistem kekeluargaan
The correct answer is d. Pemilihan pejabat berdasarkan sistem kekeluargaan. This is because the question mentions "maraknya KKN" which stands for Korupsi, Kolusi, Nepotisme (Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism). Nepotisme refers to the practice of favoritism towards family members in the appointment of government officials. Therefore, the cause of the Reformasi movement was the widespread nepotism in the selection of officials based on familial ties.