Di sekolah para siswa sedang ....
Correct Answer
A. Belajar
The correct answer is "Belajar" because the sentence mentions "di sekolah" which means "at school". Therefore, it can be inferred that the students are doing something related to school, and the most logical activity to do at school is studying or learning.
Orang yang mengajari siswa di kelas adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Guru
The correct answer is "Guru" because orang yang mengajari siswa di kelas refers to the person who teaches students in the classroom. In this context, guru is the most appropriate term as it specifically denotes a teacher. Siswa and murid both mean students, but they do not accurately describe the role of the person who teaches in the classroom.
Sandi merasa senang pergi ke sekolah
Ia mendapatkan banyak ....
Correct Answer
B. Ilmu
Sandi merasa senang pergi ke sekolah karena ia mendapatkan banyak ilmu.
Belajar di sekolah rasanya ....
Correct Answer
B. Menyenangkan
The correct answer is "Menyenangkan" because it means "enjoyable" in English. This suggests that studying at school is a pleasant experience.
Di sekolah bisa merasa senang karena punya banyak ....
Correct Answer
C. Teman
The correct answer is "Teman" because having friends at school can bring joy and happiness. Friends can provide support, companionship, and a sense of belonging, which can contribute to a positive and enjoyable school experience.
Karina terlambat masuk sekolah, ia pun merasa ....
Correct Answer
B. Sedih
Karina terlambat masuk sekolah, yang mengindikasikan bahwa ia merasa sedih. Terlambat masuk sekolah dapat membuat seseorang merasa tertekan, cemas, atau khawatir tentang konsekuensi yang mungkin terjadi. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah "Sedih".
Erwin bisa membaca buku dengan lancar, ia merasa ....
Correct Answer
C. Senang
Erwin bisa membaca buku dengan lancar, ia merasa senang karena kemampuannya membaca telah meningkat dan ia dapat menikmati bacaan dengan lancar tanpa kesulitan.
Bermain dengan teman tidak boleh ....
Correct Answer
A. Nakal
The correct answer is "Nakal" because it is stated in the question that "playing with friends is not allowed". "Nakal" means naughty or mischievous, which implies that engaging in naughty behavior is not allowed when playing with friends.
Rani mengajak Anisa menghapus papan tulis
Rani mengatakan ....
Correct Answer
B. Ayo Anisa, kita hapus papan tulisnya
The correct answer is "Ayo Anisa, kita hapus papan tulisnya" because Rani is specifically asking Anisa to help erase the whiteboard. The other options do not mention erasing the whiteboard and instead suggest drawing or leaving the whiteboard untouched.
Mengajak teman bermain harus dengan ....
Correct Answer
C. Sopan
When inviting a friend to play, it is important to do so politely and respectfully. Being polite ensures that the invitation is received positively and that the friend feels comfortable accepting. Therefore, the correct answer is "Sopan" which means polite.
“Mari kita pergi membaca buku di perpustakaan”, ajak Budi kepada Bagas dan Bayu.
Budi mengajak Bagas dan Bayu untuk ....
Correct Answer
C. Membaca buku
Budi mengajak Bagas dan Bayu untuk membaca buku di perpustakaan.
Aris sebaiknya mengajak teman-temannya bermain bola di ....
Correct Answer
B. Lapangan
Aris sebaiknya mengajak teman-temannya bermain bola di lapangan karena lapangan adalah tempat yang paling cocok untuk bermain bola.
Jika ingin melihat banyak bunga
Maka sebaiknya kita mengajak teman-teman pergi ke ....
Correct Answer
C. Taman sekolah
The correct answer is "Taman sekolah" because if we want to see many flowers, it is best to invite friends to go to the school garden.
Doni ingin mengajak Yoga beli jajan
Doni bisa mengatakan ....
Correct Answer
A. Yoga, ayo kita ke kantin membeli jajan
The correct answer is "Yoga, ayo kita ke kantin membeli jajan" because it suggests going to the cafeteria to buy snacks, which is a common place to buy snacks in a school or office setting. The other options suggest buying snacks in a different location like the field or the library, which may not be appropriate or feasible.
Menolak ajakan teman tidak boleh dengan ....
Correct Answer
A. Kasar
Menolak ajakan teman tidak boleh dengan kasar karena hal itu dapat menyakiti perasaan orang lain dan merusak hubungan persahabatan. Sebaliknya, menolak dengan sopan adalah cara yang lebih baik untuk mengkomunikasikan ketidaksetujuan atau ketidakmampuan untuk mengikuti ajakan tersebut. Dengan bersikap sopan, kita tetap menjaga hubungan baik dengan teman tanpa harus melukai perasaan mereka.
Andi suka bermain bola
Ahmad suka bermain kasti
Namun mereka sebaiknya tetap saling ....
Correct Answer
A. Rukun
Andi and Ahmad both enjoy playing different sports, but it is advised that they should still maintain harmony and get along well with each other.
Sandi suka sekali membaca
Joko suka sekali menggambar
Namun mereka sebaiknya tidak saling ....
Correct Answer
C. Bermusuhan
The statement mentions that Sandi loves to read and Joko loves to draw. However, it is suggested that they should not engage in a certain behavior towards each other. The word "bermusuhan" means being hostile or having enmity towards each other. Therefore, the correct answer implies that they should not be hostile towards each other.
28 .... 35
Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Kurang dari
The correct answer is "Kurang dari" because the question is asking for the appropriate word to fill in the blanks between 28 and 35. "Kurang dari" means "less than" in English, indicating that the number after 28 is less than 35.
25 .... 19
Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Lebih dari
The correct answer is "Lebih dari" because the numbers 25 and 19 are being compared, and 25 is greater than 19.
31 .... 40
Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Kurang dari
The correct answer is "Kurang dari" because it means "less than" in English. This indicates that the missing numbers should be less than 40 but greater than or equal to 31.
Edi mempunyai 26 kelereng dan Herman mempunyai 31 kelereng.
Hal itu berarti kelereng Edi ..... dari kelereng Herman.
Correct Answer
A. Kurang dari
The statement "Edi mempunyai 26 kelereng dan Herman mempunyai 31 kelereng" implies that Edi has fewer marbles compared to Herman.
Ada 46 buku cerita dan ada 29 buku matematika di perpustakaan.
Jadi jumlah buku cerita .... buku pelajaran.
Correct Answer
B. Lebih dari
Ada 46 buku cerita dan 29 buku matematika di perpustakaan. Oleh karena itu, jumlah buku cerita lebih dari jumlah buku pelajaran.
31 – 32 – 33 - .... - .....
Bilangan yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 34 – 35
The given sequence is a decreasing sequence where each number is subtracted by 1. The pattern is -1, -1, -1, so the next number in the sequence should be 34 - 1, which is 33. Therefore, the correct answer is 34 - 35.
29 – .... – .... - 32 - 33
Bilangan yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 30 – 31
The given sequence starts with 29 and ends with 33. The numbers in between are not given, but based on the pattern of the sequence, the missing numbers can be determined. The pattern is a decreasing sequence where each number is subtracted by 1. Therefore, the missing numbers should be 30 and 31, resulting in the sequence 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33.
.... – .... – 29 - 30 - 31
Bilangan yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik di atas adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 27 - 28
The given sequence follows a pattern where the numbers decrease by 1 and then increase by 2. The first number is 29, so the next number should be 29 - 1 = 28. The number after that should be 28 + 2 = 30. Therefore, the correct answer to fill in the blanks is 27 - 28.