Perhatikan potongan coding berikut terdapat “cout” dan “cin”. Agar perintah tersebut dapat berfungsi dengan baik, maka header file yang harus digunakan adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Iostream
The correct answer is "iostream" because the "cout" and "cin" functions are part of the input/output stream library in C++. By including the "iostream" header file, we can use these functions to display output and receive input from the user.
Text editor adalah tempat dimana seorang programmer melakukan proses pembuatan program C++. Text editor manakah yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat program dengan C++ ?....
Correct Answer
A. CodeBlock
CodeBlock is a text editor that can be used to create programs with C++.
Hardisk drive adalah salah satu tempat untuk menyimpan berbagai data pengguna. Selain hardisk drive, dibawah ini hardware manakah yang bisa digunakan untuk penyimpanan data pada laptop ?
Correct Answer
SSD stands for Solid State Drive. It is a type of storage device that can be used for data storage on a laptop. Unlike a traditional hard disk drive (HDD), an SSD does not have any moving parts, which makes it faster, more durable, and less prone to damage. SSDs use flash memory technology to store data, making them a popular choice for laptops and other portable devices. Therefore, SSD is the correct hardware option for data storage on a laptop.
Anda adalah seorang teknisi laptop, suatu ketika terdapat konsumen yang ingin memperbaiki laptopnya dengan install ulang OS. Pada laptop tersebut tidak terdapat CD/DVD Drive. Dengan hardware apakah anda menginstall laptop tersebut ?....
Correct Answer
A. Flashdisk
The correct answer is Flashdisk because it is a portable storage device that can be used to install the operating system on a laptop without a CD/DVD drive. It can be connected to the laptop's USB port and the OS installation files can be copied onto the flashdisk to initiate the installation process.
Fungsi dari Chip BIOS adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Mengendalikan interaksi antara hardware dan software
The correct answer is "Mengendalikan interaksi antara hardware dan software." The function of the BIOS chip is to control the interaction between the hardware components of a computer system and the software that runs on it. It provides the basic instructions and settings for the hardware to function properly and allows the software to communicate with the hardware effectively.
Pada saat proses menginstallasi OS terdapat proses membagi kapasitas hardisk menjadi beberapa bagian. Proses tersebut dinamakan dengan proses….
Correct Answer
C. Partisi
During the installation process of an operating system, there is a process of dividing the hard disk's capacity into several partitions. This process is called partitioning.
Pada perangkat komputer terdapat monitor, sistem operasi, printer, user (pemakai). Artinya syarat yang harus dipenuhi sebelum mengoperasikan komputer adalah….
Correct Answer
D. Software, Hardware, Brainware
The correct answer is "Software, Hardware, Brainware". This is because in order to operate a computer, you need the necessary software programs, the physical hardware components, and the user or brainware to interact with the computer. The software provides the instructions and programs that the computer needs to perform tasks, the hardware includes components such as the monitor and printer that allow the computer to function, and the brainware refers to the user or operator who interacts with the computer to input commands and receive output.
1 (satu) unit komputer dengan spesifikasi RAM 2 GB, Hardisk 500 GB dan Processor core i5 di install aplikasi Android Studio. Namun ketika komputer tersebut menjalankan aplikasi Android Studio, komputer tersebut menjadi sangat lambat dalam memproses dan cenderung “not responding”. Hardware apakah yang harus di upgrade agar aplikasi Android Studio tersebut berjalan dengan baik dan komputer tersebut tidak menjadi lambat atau sering not responding ?....
Correct Answer
C. Upgrade RAM
The computer is experiencing slow performance and becoming unresponsive when running Android Studio. This indicates that the current RAM capacity is insufficient to handle the demands of the software. Upgrading the RAM will provide more memory for the computer to efficiently process the tasks required by Android Studio, resulting in improved performance and preventing the computer from slowing down or becoming unresponsive.
Istilah bagi keadaan komputer yang tidak terhubung dengan komputer lain adalah….
Correct Answer
A. Stand Alone
The correct answer is "Stand Alone." Stand Alone refers to the state of a computer that is not connected to any other computer or network. In this mode, the computer operates independently and does not rely on any external connections for its functioning. It is not part of a network, LAN, WAN, or the internet.
Dalam suatu jaringan komputer kita bisa saling berbagi pemakaian sumber daya, yang disebut dengan….
Correct Answer
A. Sharing
In a computer network, sharing refers to the ability to share resources such as files, printers, and internet connections among multiple users. This allows users to access and use these resources from different devices connected to the network. Sharing is an essential feature of networking as it promotes collaboration and efficiency among users by eliminating the need for individual resources for each user.
Contoh entitas pada seorang siswa adalah….
Correct Answer
B. NIS, Nama, Alamat, TTL, Jenis Kelamin
The correct answer is NIS, Nama, Alamat, TTL, Jenis Kelamin because these are the personal details of a student that are commonly used for identification and record-keeping purposes. NIS (Nomor Induk Siswa) is a unique identification number assigned to each student, Nama is the student's name, Alamat is the address, TTL (Tempat Tanggal Lahir) is the place and date of birth, and Jenis Kelamin is the gender of the student. These details are essential for maintaining student records and ensuring accurate identification of the student.
Anda adalah seorang programmer, menurut anda ada 1 tabel yang tidak diperlukan pada database. Perintah apakah yang harus anda lakukan untuk menghapus tabel tersebut di database ?....
Correct Answer
A. Drop table * siswa_baru;
To delete a table from a database, the correct command is "drop table * siswa_baru;". The "drop table" command is used to remove a table from the database, and the asterisk (*) is used as a wildcard to specify that all tables with the name "siswa_baru" should be dropped.
Data yang menggambarkan kumpulan karakteristik suatu entitas yaitu....
Correct Answer
A. Record
The data that describes a set of characteristics of an entity is called a record. A record is a collection of related data fields that are grouped together to represent a single entity or object. It contains information about a specific entity, such as a person, product, or event. Each field within a record holds a specific piece of information, and together they form a complete representation of the entity. In a database, records are used to store and organize data in a structured manner, allowing for efficient retrieval and manipulation of information.
Pada sebuah tabel terdapat beberapa record yang akan dirubah isinya. Fungsi manakah yang harus kita gunakan untuk mengubah isi dari record tersebut ?....
Correct Answer
D. Update
The correct answer is "Update". To modify the contents of a record in a table, the "Update" function should be used. This function allows for changing the values of specific columns in a record without deleting or removing the entire record.
Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini. Fungsi if else pada gambar dibawah ini adalah…
Correct Answer
C. Kondisi dimana ketika admin berhasil login maka admin akan masuk ke dalam tampilan yang ada di folder admin. Namun ketika gagal, browser akan menampilkan pop up “ERROR !! Data tidak ditemukan”.
The correct answer states that the if-else function in the given image is used to determine whether the admin successfully logs in or not. If the admin login is successful, the browser will display the admin interface located in the admin folder. However, if the login fails, the browser will show a pop-up message saying "ERROR !! Data tidak ditemukan" (ERROR !! Data not found). This explanation accurately describes the purpose and outcome of the if-else function in the given image.
Perhatikan coding dibawah ini. Fungsi dari coding dibawah ini adalah…..
Correct Answer
B. Proses Log Out
The given correct answer is "Proses Log Out". This is because the coding is likely to contain a function or code block that handles the process of logging out from a system or application. This could involve clearing session data, destroying cookies, or any other necessary steps to securely end a user's session.
Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini. Coding dibawah ini berfungsi untuk ?....
Correct Answer
B. LProses menginput data yang ada pada form web browser ke dalam tabel database
The coding mentioned in the question is used to input data from a web browser form into a database table. This process involves taking the data entered by the user in the web browser form and storing it in the appropriate table in the database.
Penggunaan pHP yang benar adalah….
Correct Answer
C. <?php
echo "Hello Word";
The correct answer is "". This is because it is the correct syntax for writing PHP code. The code starts with "", and the echo statement is used to display the string "Hello Word". The other options either have incorrect syntax or are not valid PHP code.
Perhatikan coding dibawah ini. Coding “include” dibawah ini berfungsi untuk…….
Correct Answer
A. Menggabungkan beberapa file php ke dalam 1 file php untuk ditampilkan pada halaman web browser
The "include" coding in the given question is used to combine multiple PHP files into one PHP file to be displayed on a web browser.
Library yang khusus menyediakan perangkat - perangkat pembuat grafik disebut….
Correct Answer
B. OpenGL & Visual C++
The correct answer is OpenGL & Visual C++. This is because OpenGL is a library that provides tools for creating graphics, and Visual C++ is an integrated development environment that can be used to write and compile code for creating graphics using OpenGL. Together, they provide the necessary tools and environment for creating graphics.
Dibawah ini fungsi perintah yang digunakan untuk membuat garis adalah….
Correct Answer
C. GL-Line
The correct answer is GL-Line. GL-Line is the command used in OpenGL to create a line. It is a function that allows programmers to draw straight lines between two specified points in a 3D space. This command is commonly used in computer graphics to create various shapes and objects by connecting multiple lines together.
Apakah yang dimaksud dengan GL-Polyline ?....
Correct Answer
A. Kumpulan dari banyak titik menjadi garis
GL-Polyline adalah istilah yang digunakan dalam pemrograman grafik komputer dengan menggunakan GL (OpenGL) untuk menggambarkan garis yang terdiri dari banyak titik. Dengan menggunakan GL-Polyline, kita dapat menghubungkan serangkaian titik dalam urutan tertentu untuk membentuk garis yang kontinu. Ini berguna dalam membuat objek geometris sederhana seperti poligon atau bentuk-bentuk lain yang terdiri dari garis-garis lurus.
Library dasar dari OpenGL adalah….
Correct Answer
C. Glut
The correct answer is "Glut" because GLUT (OpenGL Utility Toolkit) is a library that provides a simple API for creating windows, handling input, and drawing basic graphics using OpenGL. It is commonly used for developing OpenGL applications as it abstracts the platform-specific details and allows for cross-platform development.
Hasil dari pemrograman grafis adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Visualisasi grafis
The correct answer is "Visualisasi grafis". The output of graphic programming is the visualization of graphics, which includes images, charts, and moving animations. This can be achieved through the use of computer software and algorithms to create and manipulate visual elements.
Script pada java untuk menampilkan string adalah ?
Correct Answer
B. System.out.print
The correct answer is "system.out.print". In Java, "system.out.print" is used to display output on the console. It is a part of the System class and the "out" is an instance of the PrintStream class. By using this method, we can print strings, numbers, and other data types on the console.
Arsitektur java yang dipakai untuk wireless device / mobile device disebut dengan….
Correct Answer
J2ME (Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition) is the architecture of Java that is specifically designed for wireless devices or mobile devices. It provides a runtime environment and a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow developers to create applications for these devices. J2ME allows for the development of applications that are optimized for low memory, limited processing power, and limited display capabilities, making it ideal for mobile devices with limited resources.
Method yang digunakan untuk membandingkan dua buah data string adalah....
Correct Answer
D. Equals
The method "equals" is used to compare two string data and check if they are equal or not. It returns a boolean value, true if the two strings are equal and false if they are not. This method is commonly used to compare strings in programming to perform various operations based on their equality.
Berikut adalah editor yang digunakan untuk menuliskan program, kecuali….
Correct Answer
D. JavaBeans
The given options are all different editors used for writing programs, except for JavaBeans. JavaBeans is not an editor, but rather a software component model for creating reusable Java components. It is used for building applications and frameworks in Java, but it is not an editor like the other options mentioned.
Untuk memberikan komentar program di dalam Java menggunakan perintah….
Correct Answer
B. // dan /*..*/
The correct answer is "// dan /*..*/" because these are the two valid ways to comment out code in Java. The double forward slash "//" is used to comment out a single line, while the "/*..*/" is used to comment out multiple lines of code.
Yang membedakan antara data 1 dengan yang lainnya adalah ?....
Correct Answer
C. Primary Key
The primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a database table. It distinguishes one data entry from another and ensures that each record has a unique value. By using a primary key, it becomes easier to search, retrieve, and update specific records in the database. Other keys mentioned in the options, such as Power Key, Duplicate Key, First Key, and Id, do not have the same significance as a primary key in terms of uniqueness and record identification.
Koneksi antar table biasa disebut dengan....
Correct Answer
A. Relation
The correct answer is "Relation." In database management systems, a relation refers to a table that consists of rows and columns. It represents the connection or association between tables in a database. Therefore, the term "relation" is commonly used to describe the connection or linkage between tables in a database system.
Gambar berikut adalah simbol dari….
Correct Answer
The given answer, DDL, stands for Data Definition Language. It is a type of language used to define and manage the structure of a database. DDL statements are used to create, alter, and delete database objects such as tables, indexes, and views. In the context of the given question, the symbol depicted in the image is likely related to the definition or management of data within a database, which aligns with the concept of DDL.
Konversi bilangan 1011111001102 ke dalam bilangan hexadesimal adalah….
Correct Answer
E. FE616
The given question asks to convert the binary number 1011111001102 to a hexadecimal number. The correct answer is FE616. To convert a binary number to a hexadecimal number, the binary number is divided into groups of four digits starting from the rightmost digit. Each group is then converted to its equivalent hexadecimal digit. In this case, 1011 is equal to B, 1111 is equal to F, 0011 is equal to 3, and 0 is equal to 0. Therefore, the hexadecimal representation of 1011111001102 is FE616.
Manakah dibawah ini penulisan E-mail yang benar….
ExplanationThe correct answer is "
[email protected]" because it follows the standard format of an email address, which consists of a username followed by the "@" symbol and then the domain name. In this case, the username is "sekolah" and the domain name is "yahoo.com".
Type data yang berisikan True dan False adalah . . .
Correct Answer
D. Boolean
Boolean is the correct answer because it is a data type in programming that can hold only two possible values, which are true and false. It is commonly used to represent logical values and is useful for making decisions and controlling the flow of a program. The other data types listed in the question, such as INT, Float, Double, and String, cannot hold true or false values.
Pada program C++ dibawah ini akan menghasilkan
Correct Answer
A. A = 8 + 2 * 3 / 6
B = (8 + 2) * 3 /6
Hasil dari A = 9
Hasil dari B = 5
The given correct answer is the result of evaluating the expressions A and B in the program. In expression A, the operations are performed from left to right according to the order of operations. First, 2 * 3 is evaluated, resulting in 6. Then, 6 / 6 is evaluated, resulting in 1. Finally, 8 + 1 is evaluated, resulting in 9. In expression B, the parentheses indicate that the addition operation should be performed first. So, 8 + 2 is evaluated, resulting in 10. Then, 10 * 3 is evaluated, resulting in 30. Finally, 30 / 6 is evaluated, resulting in 5.
Salah satu bahasa pemrograman berbasis Windows yang merupakan Object Oriented Programming (OOP)…..
Correct Answer
B. Visual Basic
Visual Basic adalah salah satu bahasa pemrograman berbasis Windows yang menggunakan paradigma Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Dalam OOP, program dibangun dengan menggunakan objek-objek yang memiliki properti dan metode. Visual Basic juga memiliki fitur-fitur seperti inheritance, polymorphism, dan encapsulation yang merupakan karakteristik dari OOP.
Tingkatan Heading yang paling besar yaitu...
Correct Answer
A. H1
The heading levels in HTML are denoted by the H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5 tags. The correct answer is H1 because it is the highest level heading and represents the most important heading on a webpage. It is typically used for the main title or heading of the entire page.
Untuk mempercantik tampilan HTML, kita dapat menambahkan garis horizontal dengan tag
Correct Answer
To enhance the appearance of HTML, we can add a horizontal line using the HR tag.
Bahasa CSS di tulis pada bagian...
Correct Answer
B. Header
Bahasa CSS ditulis pada bagian Header. This means that CSS code is typically placed in the header section of an HTML document.