Salah satu dampak pariwisata pada sektor lingkungan adalah..........
Correct Answer
D. Melestarikan lingkungan
The correct answer is "melestarikan lingkungan" which means "preserving the environment". This suggests that one of the impacts of tourism on the environment is its contribution to the preservation and conservation of the natural surroundings. Tourism can promote sustainable practices, raise awareness about environmental issues, and support conservation efforts, ultimately helping to protect and preserve the environment for future generations.
Salah satu contoh peristiwa yang mempengaruhi pariwisata terhadap politik adalah........
Correct Answer
B. Bom bali
The correct answer is "bom bali" because the Bali bombings in 2002 and 2005 had a significant impact on tourism in Bali and also had political implications. These terrorist attacks resulted in a decrease in tourist arrivals and had a negative effect on the economy and political stability of the region. The bombings highlighted the vulnerability of tourist destinations to security threats and led to increased security measures and political discussions on counter-terrorism strategies.
Di bawah ini merupakan komponen pariwisata, kecuali.....
Correct Answer
E. Hospital
The given options are all related to the tourism industry except for "hospital". While hotels, restaurants, travel agents, and transportation are all essential components of the tourism sector, hospitals are not typically considered as a part of the tourism industry. Hospitals are generally associated with healthcare services rather than tourism activities.
Di bawah ini merupakan komponen pariwisata yang menangani paket perjalanan wisata adalah.....
Correct Answer
B. Travel agent
A travel agent is the correct answer because they are responsible for handling travel packages and arrangements for tourists. They assist in booking flights, accommodations, transportation, and other travel-related services. Travel agents play a crucial role in organizing and managing the logistics of a travel itinerary, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for tourists.
Di bawah ini merupakan komponen pariwisata yang menyediakan pelayanan penginapan adalah.......
Correct Answer
A. Hotel
The correct answer is hotel because hotels are establishments that provide accommodation services for tourists and travelers. They offer rooms for guests to stay overnight or for a certain period of time. Hotels often provide additional facilities and services such as restaurants, room service, and recreational activities to enhance the guest's experience. Therefore, hotels are an essential component of the tourism industry as they cater to the accommodation needs of travelers.
Organisasi kepariwisataan yang bergerak yang bergerak dibidang perjalanan wisata (travel agent) adalah ......
Correct Answer
ASITA stands for Association of Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies. It is an organization that operates in the field of travel agents and tourism. ASITA is responsible for promoting and developing tourism in Indonesia, as well as ensuring the professionalism and quality of services provided by its members. Therefore, ASITA is the correct answer for the given question.
Organisasi Perusahaan Perhotelan International adalah .......
Correct Answer
The correct answer is IHA. IHA stands for International Hotel Association. It is an organization that represents the interests of the international hotel industry. They work towards promoting and supporting the growth of the hotel industry globally. IHA provides a platform for hoteliers to network, exchange ideas, and discuss industry trends. They also offer resources and support for hoteliers to enhance their operations and improve customer satisfaction.
Yang bukan merupakan objek dan daya tarik alam di bawah ini adalah......
Correct Answer
B. Candi
Candi is not a natural object or attraction, but rather a man-made structure. It refers to ancient temples or religious monuments in Indonesia. The other options mentioned, such as pantai dan laut (beach and sea), fora dan faun (flora and fauna), iklim (climate), and cagar alam (nature reserve), are all natural objects and attractions. Therefore, candi stands out as the correct answer because it does not fit the category of natural objects and attractions.
Yang merupakan objek dan daya tarik budaya di bawah ini adalah.....
Correct Answer
B. Candi
The correct answer is candi. Candi refers to ancient temple structures that are considered cultural and historical attractions in Indonesia. These temples are not only architectural marvels but also hold religious and cultural significance. They are often visited by tourists and locals alike to learn about the country's rich history and heritage.
Pelabuhan yang terdapat di kota surabaya adalah......
Correct Answer
E. Tanjung Perak
The correct answer is Tanjung Perak. Tanjung Perak is the port located in Surabaya.
Bandar udara di bali adalah.....
Correct Answer
B. Ngurah rai
Ngurah Rai is the correct answer for the question "Bandar udara di bali adalah..." (The airport in Bali is...). Ngurah Rai is the name of the international airport located in Denpasar, Bali. It is the main airport serving the island and is named after I Gusti Ngurah Rai, a Balinese hero who died during the Indonesian Revolution.
Bandar udara internasional di sumatra utara
Correct Answer
A. Kualanamu
Kualanamu is the correct answer because it is an international airport located in North Sumatra, Indonesia. It serves as the main gateway to the region and handles both domestic and international flights. Kualanamu is known for its modern facilities and infrastructure, making it an important transportation hub in Sumatra.
Indonesia mempunyai banyak sekali suku suku bangsa.suku asli kalimantan timur adalah.....
Correct Answer
A. Dayak
The correct answer is Dayak. Indonesia is known for its diverse ethnic groups, and Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan) is no exception. The Dayak people are the indigenous ethnic group of Kalimantan, and they have a rich cultural heritage. They are known for their traditional longhouses, intricate artwork, and unique customs and traditions. The Dayak people have played a significant role in shaping the identity and history of Kalimantan Timur.
Seorang wisatawan mancanegara berkunjung ke pulau bali ingin melihat danau yaitu.....
Correct Answer
C. Danau bratan
The correct answer is Danau Bratan. The question states that a foreign tourist visiting Bali wants to see a lake. Among the options given, Danau Bratan is the only lake located in Bali.
Taman mini indonesia merupakan salah satu daya tarik wisata yang merupakan daya tarik....
Correct Answer
D. Lokal
The correct answer is "Lokal" because Taman Mini Indonesia is a tourist attraction that showcases the diverse cultures and traditions of the different regions in Indonesia. It highlights the local attractions, arts, crafts, and performances from various provinces in the country.
Bangsa Indonesia mempunyai atraksi wisata yang dapat menarik wisatawan.salah satu atraksi wisata dari bali adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Pawai Ogo Ogo
Pawai Ogo Ogo is a traditional parade in Bali that attracts tourists. It is a cultural attraction where people dress up in elaborate costumes and masks and parade through the streets. The parade is accompanied by traditional music and dance performances, creating a festive and vibrant atmosphere. Tourists are drawn to this unique experience as it allows them to immerse themselves in the local culture and witness the artistic and creative expressions of the Balinese people.
Yang termasuk kedalam produk wisata intangible adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Keramah Tamahan
Keramah tamahan is an intangible product in the tourism industry. It refers to the hospitality and friendliness of the local people towards tourists. Unlike tangible products such as hotels, souvenirs, food and beverages, and batik, keramah tamahan cannot be physically touched or seen. It is a service or experience that cannot be measured or quantified. Tourists value keramah tamahan as it enhances their overall travel experience and creates a positive impression of the destination.
Salah satu danau terbesar di indonesia yang merupakan atraksi wisata alam adalah......
Correct Answer
A. Danau Toba
Danau Toba adalah salah satu danau terbesar di Indonesia yang juga merupakan atraksi wisata alam. Danau ini terletak di Provinsi Sumatera Utara dan memiliki luas sekitar 1.145 kilometer persegi. Selain ukurannya yang besar, Danau Toba juga terkenal karena memiliki pulau vulkanik di tengahnya yang disebut Pulau Samosir. Danau Toba juga memiliki keindahan alam yang spektakuler dengan pemandangan pegunungan dan air yang jernih, serta menjadi tempat yang populer untuk berbagai aktivitas wisata seperti berenang, berperahu, dan menikmati panorama matahari terbenam.
Wisatawan mancanegara adalah wisatawan yang berasal dari....
Correct Answer
B. Luar Negri
The correct answer is "Luar Negri". This answer refers to foreign tourists who come from outside the country. "Luar Negri" means "outside the country" in Indonesian. The other options, such as "Luar Benua" (outside the continent) or "Luar Pulau" (outside the island), do not accurately describe tourists from other countries. "Luar Kota" and "Luar Daerah" refer to tourists from outside the city or region, which is not specific to foreign tourists.
Dokumen perjalanan di bedakan menjadi.....
Correct Answer
B. Valuable dan an-valuable document
The correct answer is "Valuable dan an-valuable document." This answer suggests that travel documents can be categorized into two types: valuable and non-valuable.
Yang termasuk valuable travel document kecuali:
Correct Answer
D. Ticket
A ticket is not considered a valuable travel document because it is simply a proof of purchase for transportation and does not serve as an official identification or authorization to enter a country. On the other hand, a passport is a crucial travel document that verifies a person's identity and citizenship, a visa grants permission to enter a specific country, a viscal is a document used in some countries as proof of payment for taxes, and a permit is a document that authorizes certain activities or access to certain areas.
Yang termasuk an-valuable travel document kecuali:
Correct Answer
D. Ticket
A ticket is not considered an invaluable travel document because it is not a document that proves one's identity or grants them permission to enter a country. A ticket is simply a proof of purchase for transportation and does not hold the same level of importance as a passport, visa, viscal, or permit.
Pasport yang di keluarkan untuk di gunakan oleh para pegawai pemerintah yang melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri dalam rangka melaksanakan tugas kepemerintahan adalah.....
Correct Answer
B. Pasport dinas
The correct answer is "Pasport dinas" because it is specifically issued for government officials who are traveling abroad for official government duties. This passport allows them to represent their country and carry out their responsibilities while abroad.
Pasport yang di keluarkan oleh pemerintah bagi warga negara yang bertugas sebagai anak buah kapal/pelaut yang dalam tugas nya sering melakukan perjalanan ke luar negri di sebut.....
Correct Answer
E. Pasport pelaut
The correct answer is "Pasport pelaut" because it refers to a passport issued by the government for citizens who work as crew members/seamen and frequently travel abroad for their duties.
Berdasarkan UU No 10 Tahun 2009, segala sesuatu yang memiliki keunikan, keindahan, dan nilai yang berupa keanekaragaman kekayaan alam, budaya, dan hasil buatan manusia yang menjadi sasaran atau tujuan kunjungan wisatawan merupakan pengertian dari
Correct Answer
E. Kepariwisataan
According to Law No 10 of 2009, the term "kepariwisataan" refers to anything that has uniqueness, beauty, and value in the form of natural diversity, cultural diversity, and human-made products that are the target or purpose of tourist visits. Therefore, "kepariwisataan" encompasses the concept of tourism as a whole, including tourist attractions, places, locations, and the overall tourism industry.