Pengertian dari kerajinan media campuran berikut yang benar yaitu ditunjukkan pada pilihan…….
Correct Answer
A. Mengolah 2 jenis benda menjadi 1
The correct answer is "Mengolah 2 jenis benda menjadi 1." This means that the definition of mixed media crafts is the process of combining or transforming two different types of objects into one unified piece.
Apa kerajinan pengertian dari mencampur 2 bahan paada media campuran………
Correct Answer
B. Mengolah menjadi 1
The correct answer is "Mengolah menjadi 1". This answer suggests that the act of mixing two ingredients in a mixed medium is to process or transform them into one unified substance or product.
Karakteristik dari kerajinan bahan dasar keramik adalah……
Correct Answer
A. Rapuh, menyerap air, mudah pecah
The correct answer is "Rapuh, menyerap air, mudah pecah." This is because ceramics are known for being brittle, meaning they are prone to breaking or cracking easily. They also have a high porosity, which allows them to absorb water. These characteristics make ceramics fragile and susceptible to damage.
Logam merupakan bahan dasar yang mempunyai sifat korosi oleh karena itu, untuk mencegah terjadinya korosi pada logam perlu dilakukan proses……..
Correct Answer
C. Plating/pengecatan
Logam memiliki sifat korosi, yang berarti logam cenderung teroksidasi atau terkorosi ketika terpapar dengan oksigen dan air. Oleh karena itu, untuk mencegah terjadinya korosi pada logam, perlu dilakukan proses plating atau pengecatan. Proses ini melibatkan melapisi permukaan logam dengan lapisan pelindung seperti krom, seng, atau nikel, yang akan melindungi logam dari paparan langsung dengan oksigen dan air, sehingga mencegah terjadinya korosi.
Salah satu jenis logam adalah……
Correct Answer
C. Perak
Perak adalah salah satu jenis logam.
Logam diminati, selain harganya yang terjangkau juga diniai dari ?
Correct Answer
A. Bentuk dan penampilan
The demand for metal is not only due to its affordable price but also because of its shape and appearance. This suggests that people are attracted to metals not only for their functional purposes but also for their aesthetic value.
Contoh plastic yang tidak dapat didaur ulang adalah…..
Correct Answer
D. Resin
Resin is a type of plastic that cannot be recycled. It is a synthetic material that is derived from petrochemicals and is commonly used in various industries for manufacturing products such as bottles, containers, and packaging materials. Unlike other plastics that can be melted and reprocessed, resin cannot be easily broken down and reused due to its chemical composition. Therefore, it is considered non-recyclable and often ends up in landfills or incinerators, contributing to environmental pollution.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut.
- Memudahkan pengemasan
- Menghindari bentuk yang monoton
- Meningkatan daya jual
- Meningkatan estetika
Pernyataan berikut yang merupakan alasan pengrajin memilih membuat kerajinan berbasis media campuran ditunjukkan oleh nomor ?
Correct Answer
C. 2 dan 4
The statement "Menghindari bentuk yang monoton" suggests that using a mixed media approach allows the craftsman to create unique and varied designs, avoiding a monotonous appearance. The statement "Meningkatan estetika" indicates that using mixed media can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the craft, making it more visually appealing and attractive to potential buyers. Therefore, options 2 and 4 are the correct choices as they both represent reasons why a craftsman would choose to make crafts based on mixed media.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut.
- Lebih terlihat modern karena dapat disukai semua orang
- Adanya kekurangan bahan baru
- Memudahkan pengiriman
Pernyataan berikut yang bukan alasan pengrajin memilih membuat kerajinan berbasis media campuran ditunjukkan oleh nomor ?
Correct Answer
C. 3
The statement "Adanya kekurangan bahan baru" is not a reason for craftsmen to choose to make crafts based on mixed media.
Salah satu alasan pengrajin memilih membuat kerajinan berbasi media campuran adalah meningkatan estetika
Arti dari estetika adalah?
Correct Answer
B. Keindahan
The correct answer is "Keindahan" which translates to "beauty" in English. The reason why artisans choose to create crafts based on mixed media is to enhance the aesthetic appeal or beauty of their creations.
Salah satu alasan pengrajin memilih membuat kerajinan berbasis media campuran adalah menghindari bentuk yang monoton.
Arti kata monoton adalah……..
Correct Answer
A. Biasa
The correct answer is "Biasa". The explanation for this answer is that the word "monoton" means something that is repetitive, dull, or lacking variation. Therefore, the reason why artisans choose to create crafts based on mixed media is to avoid creating something that is monotonous or boring.
Mengapa banyak produk yang menggunakan logam ?
Correct Answer
D. Karena kuat
Banyak produk menggunakan logam karena logam memiliki sifat kekuatan yang tinggi. Logam memiliki struktur kristal yang padat dan ikatan antar atom yang kuat, sehingga memberikan kekuatan dan kestabilan yang diperlukan dalam berbagai aplikasi produk. Logam juga dapat menahan tekanan, tarikan, dan benturan dengan baik, sehingga cocok digunakan dalam konstruksi, otomotif, dan industri lainnya yang membutuhkan bahan yang kuat dan tahan lama.
Dibawah ini contoh produk berbahan logam…
Correct Answer
D. Handphone
The given answer, "Handphone," is the only item in the list that is made of metal. The other items, such as a broom, underwear, and pencil, are not typically made of metal. Therefore, "Handphone" is the correct answer.
Logam perpaduan dari tembaga dan seng dibawah ini adalah….
Correct Answer
D. Kuningan
Kuningan adalah logam perpaduan yang terbuat dari tembaga dan seng. Logam ini memiliki warna kuning keemasan dan digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi seperti alat musik, patung, dan peralatan rumah tangga. Karena itu, kuningan merupakan jawaban yang tepat sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan.
Dibawah ini alat contoh menggiling logam menjadi plat yaitu…..
Correct Answer
B. Penggiling logam
The correct answer is "Penggiling logam". Penggiling logam is a tool used to grind metal into plates. It is specifically designed for grinding and shaping metal surfaces. The other options, such as scissors, iron, and pointed pliers, are not suitable for grinding metal into plates.
Penggabungan 2 jenis logam menjadi 1 dalam bentuk cair kemudian dibekukan adalah…..
Correct Answer
B. Dipatri
The correct answer is "Dipatri". This is because "Dipatri" refers to the process of combining two different types of metals into one by melting them and then solidifying them. This process is commonly used in metalworking to create alloys with specific properties.
Cetak tuang nama lainnya yaitu…
Correct Answer
A. Cor
The correct answer is "Cor". The other options, "Menuang", "Mencelah", and "Mengukur", do not relate to the given phrase "cetak tuang nama lainnya" which translates to "other casting methods". "Cor" is the correct term for the casting method, which refers to pouring liquid material into a mold to create a solid object.
Daerah penghasil emas adalah…….
Correct Answer
A. Kalimantan
The correct answer is Kalimantan because it is known as one of the main gold-producing regions in Indonesia. Kalimantan is home to several gold mines and has a long history of gold mining activities. The region's geological conditions and rich mineral deposits make it a prime location for gold production. Therefore, Kalimantan is the most likely option for the area that is a gold producer.
Kerajinan perak terbanyak terdapat di daerah…..
Correct Answer
C. Sulawesi
The correct answer is Sulawesi because it is stated that the most silver crafts are found in this region.
Berikut yang merupakan bahan campuran bahan logam adalah…..
Correct Answer
A. Kain
The correct answer is "Kain" because cloth is a material that is commonly made by combining different types of metals, such as cotton and polyester. It is a mixture of different metal fibers that are woven together to create a fabric.
Fungsi alat patri adalah…..
Correct Answer
A. Mematri
The correct answer is "Mematri". The word "patri" in Indonesian means to nail or to hammer. Therefore, the function of a "alat patri" is to nail or hammer things.
Berikut yang merupakan kerajinan logam adalah…..
Correct Answer
A. Kalung emas
A kerajinan logam refers to a metal craft or artwork. Among the given options, "Kalung emas" (gold necklace) is the only item made of metal and can be classified as a kerajinan logam. The other options, "Mainan plastic" (plastic toy), "Gayung" (dipper), and "Pensil" (pencil), are not made of metal and therefore cannot be considered as kerajinan logam.
Berikut yang merupakan logam yang sering dipakai dalam alat rumah tangga adalah…..
Correct Answer
D. Alumunium
Aluminium is commonly used in household appliances due to its lightweight, corrosion resistance, and good thermal conductivity. It is often used in the production of cookware, utensils, and electrical appliances. Aluminium is also easily molded and can be found in various forms such as foil, cans, and frames for windows and doors.
Alat yang digunakan untuk membatik adalah….
Correct Answer
A. Mencelup napthol
Mencelup napthol is the correct answer because it means "dipping napthol" in English. Napthol is a type of dye used in the batik process to create patterns and designs on fabric. Therefore, mencelup napthol refers to the act of dipping fabric into napthol dye during the batik process. The other options, membuat pola (creating patterns), memalu paku (hammering nails), and memotong pola (cutting patterns), are not directly related to the batik process.
Alat pada saat membuat pola pada bakiak batik adalah……
Correct Answer
D. Canting
The correct answer is "Canting." Canting is a tool used in the process of creating patterns on batik slippers. It is a small pen-like instrument with a wooden handle and a metal spout. The spout is filled with hot wax, which is then carefully applied to the fabric to create intricate designs. The wax acts as a resist, preventing the dye from penetrating certain areas of the fabric. This tool is essential in achieving the desired patterns and designs on batik slippers.
Kapasitor bertuliskan 2A474J100 mempunyai nilai ….
Correct Answer
C. 470 nF
The correct answer is 470 nF. The kapasitor is labeled with the code 2A474J100, where the first two digits (2A) represent the voltage rating, the next three digits (474) represent the capacitance value in picoFarads, and the last letter (J) represents the tolerance. The final three digits (100) are not relevant in determining the capacitance value. Therefore, the capacitance value of the kapasitor is 474 pF, which is equivalent to 470 nF.
Resistor yang mempunyai gelang-gelang : Oranye, Putih , Merah, Emas nilainya ….
Correct Answer
B. 3900 Ω + 5%
The given resistor has the color bands Orange, White, Red, and Gold. According to the color code for resistors, Orange represents the digit 3, White represents the digit 9, Red represents the multiplier 100, and Gold represents the tolerance of 5%. Therefore, the resistor value is 3900 ohms with a tolerance of 5%.
Berapakah nilai kapasitor berikut ini?
Correct Answer
A. 0,068 uF
The correct answer is 0,068 uF. The given values are in different units of capacitance: microfarads (uF) and nanofarads (nF). To compare them, we need to convert them to the same unit. 1 uF is equal to 1000 nF. Therefore, 0,068 uF is equivalent to 68 nF. Since the other options are 600 uF and 600 nF, they do not match the given value.
Satuan Kapasitor adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Nano Farad
Satuan kapasitor yang digunakan untuk mengukur kapasitansi adalah Nano Farad. Kapasitansi adalah kemampuan suatu benda untuk menyimpan muatan listrik. Satuan Nano Farad (nF) digunakan untuk mengukur kapasitansi yang kecil, seperti pada kapasitor elektronik. Volt, Ohm, dan Ampere adalah satuan yang digunakan untuk mengukur tegangan, resistansi, dan arus listrik, bukan kapasitansi.
Satuan Resistor adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Ohm
Satuan resistor adalah ohm karena ohm merupakan satuan yang digunakan untuk mengukur resistansi atau hambatan dalam rangkaian listrik. Resistansi adalah sifat resistor yang menghambat aliran arus listrik. Satuan ohm dinamai sebagai penghormatan kepada Georg Simon Ohm, seorang fisikawan Jerman yang menemukan hukum Ohm yang menjelaskan hubungan antara arus, tegangan, dan resistansi dalam sebuah rangkaian listrik.
Resistor 5,6 Kilo Ω nilainya sama dengan ….
Correct Answer
B. 5600Ω
The given question states that a resistor with a value of 5.6 Kilo Ω is equal to what value. The correct answer is 5600Ω. This is because 5.6 Kilo Ω is equal to 5600Ω when converted.
Kapasitor yang bertuliskan 2n2 nilainya ….
Correct Answer
B. 2200 pF
The correct answer is 2200 pF. The question is asking for the value of a capacitor that is labeled as 2n2. The "n" in this context represents nano, which is a metric prefix indicating one billionth of a unit. Therefore, 2n2 translates to 2.2 nano farads (nF). To convert nF to pF (pico farads), we multiply by 1000. Thus, 2.2 nF is equal to 2200 pF.
Kapasitor 30 nF dan 60 nF dirangkai seri, maka nilai totalnya adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. 20 nF
When capacitors are connected in series, the total capacitance is calculated by using the formula: 1/Ctotal = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 + ... In this case, the given capacitors are 30 nF and 60 nF. Plugging in the values into the formula, we get: 1/Ctotal = 1/30 + 1/60. Simplifying the equation, we find that 1/Ctotal = 2/60 + 1/60 = 3/60. Inverting both sides of the equation, we get Ctotal = 60/3 = 20 nF. Therefore, the total capacitance is 20 nF.
Diode adalah komponen yang terdapat pada bagian adaptor; ….
Correct Answer
B. Penyearah
The given answer "Penyearah" is correct because a diode is a component that is commonly used as a rectifier in an adapter. A rectifier is responsible for converting alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), which is necessary for the proper functioning of electronic devices. Therefore, it can be concluded that "Penyearah" is the correct answer based on the information provided.
Nilai resistor 820 Ω + 1 % ; mempunyai warna-warna gelang ….
Correct Answer
B. Abu-abu; merah; hitam; hitam; coklat
The given answer "Abu-abu; merah; hitam; hitam; coklat" is the correct answer because it matches the color code for a resistor with a value of 820 Ω and a tolerance of 1%. According to the color code chart, the colors represent the following values: Abu-abu (8), merah (2), hitam (0), hitam (multiplier of 1), coklat (tolerance of 1%). Therefore, the resistor with these color bands represents a value of 820 Ω with a tolerance of 1%.
Gambar berikut merupakan symbol ….
Correct Answer
C. Induktor / lilitan
The given image represents an inductor or a coil. An inductor is an electrical component that stores energy in the form of a magnetic field when current flows through it. It consists of a coil of wire wound around a core material. Inductors are commonly used in electronic circuits for various purposes such as filtering, energy storage, and impedance matching.
Elco singkatan dari ….
Correct Answer
D. Elektrolit condensator
Elco adalah singkatan dari Elektrolit Condensator. Elektrolit condensator adalah komponen elektronik yang digunakan untuk menyimpan dan melepaskan energi listrik secara cepat. Elektrolit condensator memiliki dua terminal yang terhubung dengan elektrolit, yang merupakan larutan yang dapat menghantarkan arus listrik. Elektrolit condensator umumnya digunakan dalam rangkaian elektronik untuk menyimpan energi sementara, mengurangi noise, atau memfilter sinyal.
Dioda yang berfungsi sebagai penala adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Varactor
A varactor diode is a type of diode that is used as a voltage-controlled capacitor. It is commonly used in tuning circuits and frequency modulation applications. The varactor diode can be used as a tuning element in electronic devices, allowing for the adjustment of capacitance by varying the applied voltage. This property makes it suitable for use as a tuning element in radio and television receivers, as well as in other applications where precise frequency control is required. Therefore, the varactor diode is the correct answer as it functions as a tuning element.
Huruf “K” pada kode nilai kapasitor menunjukkan toleransi nilai kapasitor sebesar ….
Correct Answer
C. 10 %
The letter "K" in the capacitor value code indicates the tolerance of the capacitor value, which is 10%.
Nilai resistor SMD ditunjukkan dengan kode ….
Correct Answer
A. Angka
The correct answer is "Angka" because in the given question, it is stated that the value of the SMD resistor is indicated by a code. This code consists of numbers, letters, and color bands. The numbers in the code represent the value of the resistor. Therefore, the answer "Angka" correctly identifies that the numerical digits in the code represent the value of the resistor.
Nilai resistor berikut adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. 1000Ω + 5%
The given answer, 1000Ω + 5%, indicates that the resistor has a resistance value of 1000Ω with a tolerance of 5%. This means that the actual resistance value of the resistor can vary by 5% from the stated value of 1000Ω.
Resistor SMD dengan kode 3 angka mempunyai nilai toleransi ….
Correct Answer
A. 1 %
Resistor SMD dengan kode 3 angka memiliki nilai toleransi sebesar 1%. Toleransi resistor adalah rentang nilai resistansi yang diperbolehkan dari nilai yang sebenarnya. Dalam hal ini, resistor SMD dengan kode 3 angka memiliki toleransi sebesar 1%, yang berarti nilai resistansinya dapat berbeda sebesar 1% dari nilai yang tertera pada kode.
Resistor SMD dengan kode 4 angka mempunyai nilai toleransi ….
Correct Answer
C. . 5 %
The correct answer is 5%. In the context of SMD resistors with 4-digit codes, the tolerance refers to the maximum deviation in resistance that is allowed. A tolerance of 5% means that the actual resistance of the resistor can vary by up to 5% from its stated value. This tolerance value is commonly used in many electronic applications where a moderate level of precision is required.
Kapasitor yang nilainya dapat diubah yaitu ….
Correct Answer
C. Varco dan trimmer
Nilai resistor berikut adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Option 1
Komponen berikut yang terdapat pada bagian adaptor; ….
Correct Answer
B. Penyearah
Pada bagian adaptor, terdapat komponen penyearah. Penyearah berfungsi untuk mengubah arus bolak-balik menjadi arus searah. Dengan adanya penyearah, adaptor dapat mengubah tegangan AC (arus bolak-balik) dari sumber listrik menjadi tegangan DC (arus searah) yang diperlukan oleh perangkat elektronik yang akan digunakan.
Dioda zenner berfungsi sebagai ….
Correct Answer
C. Pembatas tegangan
Dioda zenner berfungsi sebagai pembatas tegangan. Dioda ini dirancang untuk bekerja dalam keadaan terbalik, yang memungkinkan aliran arus hanya dalam satu arah. Ketika tegangan melebihi tegangan zenner yang ditentukan, dioda zenner akan "membuka" dan mengalirkan arus melalui sirkuit, sehingga membatasi tegangan pada nilai yang ditentukan. Dengan demikian, dioda zenner berfungsi untuk melindungi sirkuit dari lonjakan tegangan yang berlebihan.
LED merupakan singkatan dari ….
Correct Answer
A. Light emiting diode
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. LED is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current passes through it. It is commonly used in electronic devices as indicator lights, display screens, and for general lighting purposes. LED has become popular due to its energy efficiency, long lifespan, and ability to produce a wide range of colors. LED technology has revolutionized the lighting industry and is widely used in various applications today.
Trafo yang berfungsi untuk menurunkan tegangan adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Step-down
The correct answer is "Step-down". A step-down transformer is used to decrease the voltage. It has more turns on the primary coil than on the secondary coil, which results in a lower output voltage compared to the input voltage. This type of transformer is commonly used in power distribution systems to reduce the high voltage from power plants to a lower voltage suitable for household and industrial use.
Trafo yang berfungsi untuk menaikkan tegangan listrik adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Step-up
A step-up transformer is used to increase the voltage of electricity. It has more turns on the secondary coil than on the primary coil, which allows it to convert low voltage to high voltage. This is commonly used in power transmission and distribution systems to minimize energy loss over long distances.