Urutan pertama gerak menendang bola dengan kaki bagian dalam adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Berdiri posisi melangkah, kaki kiri didepan kakan dibelakang menghadap ke bola
The correct answer is "Berdiri posisi melangkah, kaki kiri didepan kakan dibelakang menghadap ke bola". This is because the given sequence of movements describes the initial position and direction of the foot before kicking the ball with the inside of the foot. It states that the left foot is positioned in front, the right foot is positioned behind, and both feet are facing towards the ball.
Dibawah ini gerakan menendang bola kecuali...
Correct Answer
A. Menendang bola dengan punggung kaki bagian luar
The correct answer is "Menendang bola dengan punggung kaki bagian luar". This is because the question asks for the movement that is not a way to kick a ball, and all the other options mentioned are valid ways to kick a ball.
- Sikap berdiri mengahadap arah datangnya bola
2. dekati bola yang sedang bergerak3. julurkan kaki kanan kearah bola dan hentikan bola denngan telapak kaki4. telapak kaki ditarik kebelakang bersamaan dengan datangnya bola. Pernyataan diatas termasuk ...
Correct Answer
B. Mengontrol bola dengan telapak kaki
The given statement describes a technique in soccer where the player approaches the moving ball, extends their right foot towards the ball, and stops the ball with the sole of their foot. Then, they pull their foot back as the ball arrives. This technique is known as "Mengontrol bola dengan telapak kaki" or controlling the ball with the sole of the foot.
Kesalahan-kesalahan yang sering terjadi kekita menghentikan atau mengontrol bola dengan punggung kaki yaitu .....
Correct Answer
A. Kaki yang menahan tidak rileks
The correct answer is "Kaki yang menahan tidak rileks" because when we stop or control the ball with the back of our foot, it is important for the foot to be relaxed. If the foot is not relaxed, it can result in a poor touch or loss of control over the ball.
Dibawah ini termasuk kedalam gerak mengontrol bola dengan dada....
Correct Answer
D. Tahan bola tepat didada dengan sedikit sentuhan atau tarikan kebelakang
The correct answer is "Tahan bola tepat didada dengan sedikit sentuhan atau tarikan kebelakang." This answer states that controlling the ball with the chest involves holding the ball against the chest with a slight touch or pulling it backward. This technique allows the player to maintain control of the ball and prevent it from bouncing away.
Kedua tangan tidak dibuka dan tidak ada gerakan menjemput bola termasuk kedalam kesalahan yang sering terjadi ketika menghentikan atau mengontrol bola dengan ....
Correct Answer
E. Perut
When stopping or controlling the ball, it is common to make the mistake of not opening both hands and not making any catching motion. However, using the stomach to stop or control the ball is not a common mistake.
Kategori keterampilan gerak dalam sepak bola adalah kecuali ....
Correct Answer
E. Membawa bola
The correct answer is "Membawa bola". In soccer, the skill of carrying the ball is not considered a category of movement skills. The other options, such as kicking the ball, dribbling the ball, controlling the ball, and heading the ball, are all recognized as essential skills in soccer.
Permainan bola basket adalah suatu permainan yang dimainkan oleh
Correct Answer
A. Dua regu
The correct answer is "Dua regu" because in a basketball game, two teams compete against each other. Each team consists of five players, making a total of ten players on the court at any given time. The objective of the game is for each team to score points by shooting the ball into their opponent's basket while defending their own basket. Therefore, the game of basketball is played between two teams, not three, four, five, or six teams.
Keterampilan gerak dalam permainan bola basket adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Menumpuh satu kaki
The correct answer is "Menumpuh satu kaki." This is because "menumpuh satu kaki" refers to the skill of taking a single step while maintaining balance on one foot. In basketball, this skill is important for players to be able to pivot, change direction, and evade defenders effectively. It allows players to quickly change their positioning on the court and create scoring opportunities for themselves or their teammates.
Hal-hal yang dianggap tidak sah dalam lari jarak menengah yaitu ....
Correct Answer
B. Mengganggu pelari lain
The answer "Mengganggu pelari lain" is correct because it states that one of the things considered invalid in middle-distance running is interfering with other runners. This means that if a runner intentionally obstructs or hinders another runner during the race, it would be considered a violation and could lead to disqualification.
Dibawah ini termasuk petunjuk-petunjuk dalam lari jarak menengah yaitu ...
Correct Answer
E. Secepat mungkin mengambil posisi sebagai pelari terdepan atau mengikuti pelari terdepan
The correct answer suggests that in middle-distance running, it is important to quickly take the position as the front runner or follow the front runner. This implies that in order to be successful in middle-distance running, one should strive to be at the forefront of the race or closely follow the leading runner. This strategy can help maintain a competitive edge and potentially increase the chances of winning or achieving a better performance.
Petugas yang memberangkatkan pelari disebut ....
Correct Answer
C. Starter
The correct answer is "Starter." A starter is a person who initiates or begins a race by signaling the start. They are responsible for ensuring that all athletes start the race at the same time and in a fair manner. They play a crucial role in organizing and coordinating the race, making sure that everything runs smoothly from the beginning.
Juri kedatangan yaitu .....
Correct Answer
A. Petugas pencatat kedatanggan pelari yang pertama sampai dengan terakhir dan menentukan rengking atau urutan kejaraan
The correct answer is the official who records the arrival of the runners from the first to the last and determines the ranking or order of finish. This person is responsible for accurately recording the order in which the runners cross the finish line and assigning their rankings based on their finishing times. They play a crucial role in determining the winners and organizing the results of the race.
Cara memasuki garis finis lari jarak menengah sebagai berikut kecuali ...
Correct Answer
E. Membusungkan dada kebelakang, saat menjelang garis finis
The correct answer is "membusungkan dada kebelakang, saat menjelang garis finis". This is because when approaching the finish line in a medium-distance race, it is important to maintain a forward-leaning posture with the chest slightly forward. This helps to maximize speed and momentum. "Membusungkan dada kebelakang" means "pushing the chest backwards", which is the opposite of what should be done when approaching the finish line. Therefore, this option is incorrect.
Permainan sepak bola berasal dari Negara …
Correct Answer
A. Inggris
The correct answer is Inggris because England is widely recognized as the birthplace of modern football. The game evolved from various forms of football played in England during the 19th century and eventually spread to other parts of the world. The Football Association, established in England in 1863, was instrumental in standardizing the rules of the game and organizing the first official matches. Therefore, it can be concluded that football originated from England.
Berikut ini termasuk unsur-unsur kebugaran jasmani, kecuali …
Correct Answer
B. Stretching
Stretching is not considered a component of physical fitness like endurance, strength, power, and speed. While stretching can improve flexibility and prevent injuries, it is not directly related to overall physical fitness. Endurance refers to the ability to sustain physical activity over a prolonged period, strength is the ability to exert force against resistance, power is the ability to exert force quickly, and speed is the ability to move quickly.
Renang yang startnya diawali dibawah balok start adalah …
Correct Answer
B. Gaya punggung
The correct answer is "Gaya punggung." This is because in the question it is stated that the start in question is initiated below the starting block. In swimming, the backstroke is the only style that allows for a start from this position. Therefore, the correct answer is "Gaya punggung."
Back up merupakan latihan persiapan renang yang berfungsi untuk …
Correct Answer
C. Penguatan otot punggung
Back up merupakan latihan persiapan renang yang berfungsi untuk penguatan otot punggung. Latihan ini akan membantu menguatkan otot-otot punggung, termasuk otot-otot yang berperan dalam gerakan renang seperti otot-otot belakang bahu dan otot-otot punggung bagian bawah. Dengan menguatkan otot punggung, seseorang akan memiliki kekuatan dan stabilitas yang lebih baik saat berenang, sehingga dapat meningkatkan performa renang secara keseluruhan.
Induk organisasi renang seluruh dunia adalah …
Correct Answer
FINA is the correct answer because it is the international governing body for the sport of swimming, diving, water polo, synchronized swimming, and open water swimming. It sets the rules and regulations for these sports and organizes major competitions such as the Olympic Games and World Championships. FIBA is the international governing body for basketball, FIFA is for soccer, FITA is for archery, and FIDA is not a recognized international sports organization.
Renang gaya dada disebut juga …
Correct Answer
C. Breast stroke
The correct answer is "Breast stroke" because it is a swimming style that involves the swimmer's chest facing forward and the arms moving in a circular motion while the legs kick in a whip-like fashion. It is often considered the slowest of the competitive swimming strokes, but it is also the most popular recreational swimming style due to its simplicity and the ability to keep the head above water for breathing.
Pengumpan dalam permainan bola voli disebut …
Correct Answer
B. Set upper
The correct answer is "Set upper" because in volleyball, the player who is responsible for setting the ball for their teammates to attack is called the setter. The setter's role is to accurately position the ball for their teammates to hit, and they often use an overhead pass technique known as a set. Therefore, "Set upper" is the appropriate term for the feeder in volleyball.
Gerakan senam irama yang mudah diplajari adalah …
Correct Answer
A. Jalan ditempat
The given correct answer is "Jalan ditempat". This means "walking in place" in English. This is likely the correct answer because it is stated that the exercise movement is easy to learn. Walking in place is a simple and basic exercise movement that can be easily performed by anyone, making it an ideal choice for beginners or those who are new to exercise.
Pemain penyerang dari bola voli disebut …
Correct Answer
B. Smasher
In volleyball, the player who is responsible for attacking and hitting the ball over the net is called a "smasher." This player is typically positioned in the front row and is known for their powerful and aggressive hits. The term "smasher" accurately describes the role and action of this player in the game.
Pemain tengah dalam permainan bola basket disebut …
Correct Answer
A. Center
The correct answer is "Center." In basketball, the center is typically the tallest player on the team and plays near the basket. They are responsible for rebounding, defending the paint, and scoring close to the basket. The center is an essential position in the game as they provide a strong presence in both offense and defense.
Induk organisasi bola basket Indonesia adalah …
Correct Answer
The correct answer is PERBASI because PERBASI is the governing body for basketball in Indonesia. It is responsible for organizing and overseeing basketball activities in the country. PBSI is the governing body for badminton, PSSI is the governing body for soccer, IPSI is the governing body for pencak silat, and PASI is the governing body for athletics.
Gaya straddle disebut juga gaya …
Correct Answer
D. Guling perut
The correct answer is "Guling perut" because it refers to the straddle roll or forward roll in gymnastics. This skill involves rolling forward while keeping the body in a straddle position, with the legs apart and extended. It is commonly used in gymnastics routines and helps to develop flexibility and body control.
Pencak silat merupakan hasil budaya nenek moyang bangsa …
Correct Answer
C. Iindonesia
The correct answer is "Indonesia." Pencak silat is a traditional martial art form that originated in Indonesia and is considered a cultural heritage of the country. It has been practiced for centuries and is deeply embedded in Indonesian culture and history.
Kemampuan seseorang untuk dapat mengubah arah dengan cepat dan tepat disebut …
Correct Answer
B. Kelincahan
Kelincahan adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk dapat mengubah arah dengan cepat dan tepat. Kecepatan hanya mengacu pada kecepatan gerakan tanpa mempertimbangkan perubahan arah. Daya tahan mengacu pada kemampuan untuk bertahan dalam waktu yang lama tanpa merasa lelah. Kekuatan mengacu pada kemampuan fisik untuk menghasilkan tenaga atau gaya. Ketepatan mengacu pada kemampuan untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan akurat dan tepat.
Berikut ini merupakan komponen kebugaran jasmani, kecuali …
Correct Answer
B. Ketepatan
The given options are all components of physical fitness, except for "ketepatan" which translates to "accuracy" in English. Speed, agility, flexibility, explosive power, and power are all aspects of physical fitness that contribute to overall performance and athleticism. Accuracy, on the other hand, is more related to precision and coordination rather than physical fitness.
Berikut ltihan yang cocok untuk meningkatkan kelincahan …
Correct Answer
B. Shuttle run
The shuttle run is a suitable exercise for improving agility because it involves quick changes in direction and speed. During a shuttle run, the individual must run back and forth between two points, requiring them to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction rapidly. This exercise helps to improve coordination, reaction time, and overall agility, making it an effective choice for enhancing athletic performance.
Hasil dari kekuatan dan kecepatan …
Correct Answer
D. Daya ledak
The given options are related to different physical attributes. "Daya ledak" refers to explosive power, which is the ability to generate force or energy in a short amount of time. This is different from "kekuatan" (strength), which is the ability to exert force, and "kecepatan" (speed), which is the ability to move quickly. "Kelincahan" (agility) and "ketepatan" (accuracy) are also unrelated to the concept of explosive power. Therefore, the correct answer is "daya ledak."
Istilah lain untuk tingkat kebugaran jasmani adalah …
Correct Answer
E. Physical fitness
Physical fitness is the correct answer because it is another term for the level of physical health and ability of an individual. It refers to the overall well-being and capability of a person's body to perform physical activities and tasks efficiently. Physical fitness encompasses various components such as cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition. It is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and is achieved through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and a balanced lifestyle.
Kemampuan menempuh jarak dalam waktu sesingkat-singkatnya disebut …
Correct Answer
D. Kecepatan
Kecepatan adalah kemampuan untuk menempuh jarak dalam waktu sesingkat-singkatnya. Dalam konteks ini, kecepatan merujuk pada kemampuan seseorang untuk bergerak dengan cepat dan efisien, sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan atau mencapai titik tertentu dengan waktu yang lebih singkat. Kecepatan sering kali menjadi faktor penting dalam olahraga dan aktivitas fisik lainnya, di mana waktu dan efisiensi pergerakan sangat diperhatikan.
Untuk menjaga terjadi kesalahan otot sebelum latihan diperlukan …
Correct Answer
A. Pemanasan
Sebelum latihan, diperlukan pemanasan untuk menjaga agar tidak terjadi kesalahan otot. Pemanasan membantu meningkatkan suhu tubuh, memperbaiki sirkulasi darah, dan mempersiapkan otot-otot untuk aktivitas fisik yang lebih intens. Dengan melakukan pemanasan, risiko cedera otot dapat dikurangi dan performa latihan dapat ditingkatkan.
Tempat untuk latihan senam disebut …
Correct Answer
A. Gymnasium
A tempat untuk latihan senam (place for gymnastics practice) is commonly referred to as a gymnasium, which is the correct answer. A gymnasium is a dedicated space equipped with various exercise equipment and facilities for physical fitness activities, including gymnastics. The other options such as GOR (Gelanggang Olahraga or Sports Arena), Hall, Istora (Istana Olahraga or Sports Palace), and Lapang (field) do not specifically denote a place for gymnastics practice.
Senam yang membutuhkan gerakan keseimbangan, kekuatan, dan kelentukan adalah
Correct Answer
A. Senam lantai
Senam lantai membutuhkan gerakan keseimbangan, kekuatan, dan kelentukan karena pada senam ini, peserta harus melakukan berbagai gerakan yang melibatkan kekuatan tubuh, seperti push-up atau sit-up, serta gerakan yang memerlukan keseimbangan dan kelentukan, seperti handstand atau split.
Dibawah ini termasuk gerakan senam lantai, kecuali …
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "SKJ". SKJ stands for Senam Kesegaran Jasmani, which translates to Physical Fitness Exercise in English. It is a type of exercise that focuses on improving cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility. However, SKJ is not a floor gymnastics movement. The other options mentioned (Roll, Kayang, Meroda, Handstand) are all floor gymnastics movements commonly performed in gymnastics routines.
Tujuan latihan kayang adalah untuk melatih …
Correct Answer
B. Otot pinggang
The correct answer is "Otot pinggang" because the purpose of kayang exercise is to train the muscles in the waist area. This exercise involves twisting and rotating movements that target the muscles in the waist, helping to strengthen and tone the abdominal and oblique muscles. By regularly doing kayang exercises, individuals can improve their core strength, stability, and overall posture.
Pada gerakan kayang, sikap badan yang benar adalah …
Correct Answer
B. Seperti busur
The correct answer is "Seperti busur". In the kayang movement, the correct body posture is to resemble a bow. This means that the body should be curved or arched, similar to the shape of a bow. This posture allows for proper alignment and balance during the movement, ensuring the correct execution of the kayang technique.
Sesudah latihan senam sebaiknya melakukan …
Correct Answer
A. Pendinginan
After a gymnastics workout, it is recommended to do a cooldown or a stretching routine to gradually lower the heart rate and relax the muscles. This helps prevent muscle soreness and injury.