Is [your statement here] true or false? Ia adalah penemu Benua Amerika, meski tujuan utama mengadakan perlayaran sebenarnya ke Asia. Setelah menyadari bahwa telah menemuka benua baru, maka ia menamakan salah satu daerah Amerika sesuai namanya yaitu: Columbia
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false. The correct answer is that Ia is not the discoverer of the American continent, even though the main goal of the voyage was to reach Asia. After realizing that a new continent had been discovered, it was named Columbia after him.
Jalur perdagangan yang menghubungkan wilayah Asia, Laut Tengah, dan Eropa sejak masa Dinasti Han dinamakan...
Correct Answer
jalur Sutra
The correct answer is "jalur Sutra." This refers to the Silk Road, an ancient trade route that connected Asia, the Mediterranean, and Europe during the Han Dynasty. The Silk Road was crucial for the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between these regions, with silk being one of the most important commodities traded along this route.
Peletak dasar sistem tanam paksa di Indonesia adalah ....
Correct Answer
Van Den Bosch
The correct answer is Van Den Bosch. This suggests that Van Den Bosch is the person or entity responsible for laying the foundation of the forced planting system in Indonesia.
Aksi penebangan pohon cengkeh untuk menjaga agar harga cengkeh tetap tinggi dinamakan ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "ekstirpasi" because it refers to the act of selectively cutting down clove trees in order to maintain high clove prices. This practice helps to control the supply of cloves, ensuring that the demand remains high and the prices stay elevated.
Alasan penjelajahan Bangsa Eropa ke Asia antara lain gold, gospel and glory artinya gospel adalah....
Correct Answer
menyebarkan agama nasrani
The reason for European exploration to Asia was motivated by three main factors: gold, gospel, and glory. "Gospel" refers to the spreading of the Christian religion. Europeans saw the exploration as an opportunity to convert people to Christianity and expand the influence of the Church. This was seen as a noble mission and a way to bring salvation to non-Christian populations. Therefore, the correct answer is "menyebarkan agama nasrani" which means "spreading the Christian religion".
Tokoh ini menulis buku tentang sejarah Indonesia yang berjudul
Correct Answer
History of Java
The given correct answer, "History of Java," suggests that the individual mentioned in the question wrote a book about the history of Indonesia specifically focusing on the island of Java. The book likely provides an in-depth exploration of the historical events, cultural developments, and significant figures that have shaped the island's history. It could be a valuable resource for those interested in understanding the rich heritage and complexities of Java's past.
Patroli keamanan Belanda di perairan untuk mencegah terjadinya perdagangan gelap dinamakan
Correct Answer
pelayaran hongi
The correct answer is "pelayaran hongi". This answer refers to the Dutch security patrols in the waters to prevent smuggling. "Pelayaran hongi" is an Indonesian term that translates to "security patrol" or "security voyage" in English. It is likely that the question is asking for the Indonesian term for Dutch security patrols in the waters.
kebijakan VOC
Correct Answer(s)
A. Verlichleverantie
B. Contingenten
E. Ekstirpasi
The answer consists of three terms: "verlichleverantie," "contingenten," and "ekstirpasi." These terms are unrelated and do not form a coherent explanation. Without any context or additional information, it is not possible to provide a meaningful explanation for this answer.
Select the ones you like, Hak istimewa VOC adalah
Correct Answer(s)
A. Memelihara tentara
C. Mengangkat pegawai
D. Mencetak mata uang
E. Monopoli dagang
The correct answer is "memelihara tentara, mengangkat pegawai, mencetak mata uang, monopoli dagang". This is because these are all characteristics of the VOC (Dutch East India Company) during its existence. The VOC had its own military force to protect its trading interests, it appointed its own officials to manage its operations, it had the authority to mint its own currency, and it had a monopoly on trade in the regions it operated in.
Select the ones you like ; Penyebab bubarnya VOC adalah
Correct Answer(s)
A. Banyak pegawai yang korupsi
B. Banyak perdagangan gelap
C. Saingan dari Inggris dan Perancis
The VOC (Dutch East India Company) dissolved due to several reasons. Firstly, there was a significant amount of corruption among its employees, which led to financial mismanagement and loss of trust. Secondly, there was a rise in illegal trading activities, which undermined the company's monopoly and profitability. Additionally, the competition from England and France in the Indian Ocean trade further weakened the VOC's position. Finally, the company's lack of military strength and resources made it difficult to protect its interests and maintain control over its territories.
Select the ones you like Tindakan Daendels di bidang pertahanan adalah
Correct Answer(s)
B. Menambah jumlah prajurit menjadi 18 000
D. Membangun benteng pertahanan
E. Membangun jalan raya dari Ayer-Panarukan
Tindakan Daendels di bidang pertahanan adalah menambah jumlah prajurit menjadi 18,000, membangun benteng pertahanan, dan membangun jalan raya dari Ayer-Panarukan. This suggests that Daendels took measures to strengthen the defense of the area by increasing the number of soldiers, constructing fortifications, and building a highway for better transportation and communication. These actions were aimed at improving the overall security and military capabilities of the region.
Select the ones you like. Peraturan tanam paksa adalah ...
Correct Answer(s)
A. Setiap penduduk wajib menyerahkan seperlima tanah garapanya untuk ditanami tanaman wajib
B. Tanah yang ditanami tanaman wajib, bebas dari pajak
C. Yang tidak memiliki tanah wajib bekerja sukarela selama 66 hari dalam setahun
The correct answer is a combination of three statements. The first statement states that every resident must give one-fifth of their cultivated land to be planted with mandatory crops. The second statement states that the land planted with mandatory crops is tax-free. The third statement states that those who do not have land must work voluntarily for 66 days a year. These three statements together describe the concept of "peraturan tanam paksa" or forced planting regulation, where residents are required to contribute their land or labor for the cultivation of mandatory crops.
Politik pintu terbuka di Indonesia berarti pemerintah Belanda membuka kesempatan seluas luasnya pada pengusaha swasta untuk membuka usaha di Indonesia. politik ini ditandai dengan...
Correct Answer
A. Undang undang agraria 1870
The correct answer is "undang undang agraria 1870". This law, enacted in 1870, allowed private entrepreneurs to open businesses in Indonesia. It was part of the open door policy implemented by the Dutch government, which aimed to provide wide opportunities for private businesses in the country. This law regulated land ownership and usage, providing a legal framework for private individuals to acquire and use land for their businesses.
Tahun 1824 Inggris dan Belanda mengadakan perundingan Treaty of London. yang isinya
1. Belanda memberikan Malaka kepada Inggris dan Inggris memberikan Bengkulu kepada Belanda
2. Belanda dapat berkuasa di selatan garis pararel Singapura sedang Inggris di sebelah utaranya.
akibat dari traktat London ini adalah
Correct Answer
B. Inggris melepaskan jajahannya di Indonesia
The Treaty of London in 1824 resulted in England relinquishing its colonies in Indonesia. This means that the correct answer is "Inggris melepaskan jajahannya di Indonesia." The treaty allowed the Dutch to regain control over certain territories in Indonesia, including Malacca, while England retained territories to the north of the Singapore parallel. This treaty marked a significant shift in colonial power in the region.
Tindakan Thomas Stamford Rafless diantaranya ...
Correct Answer
D. Melaksanakan sistem pajak sewa tanah
Thomas Stamford Raffles implemented a system of land rent tax.
Belanda menyerahkan kekuasaannya pada Inggris di Indonesia tahun 1811 dalam perjanjian
Correct Answer
D. Tuntang
The correct answer is "tuntang". This is because the sentence states that the Dutch handed over their power to the British in Indonesia in 1811 through a treaty. Among the given options, "tuntang" is the only one that could potentially be a treaty or agreement between the Dutch and the British. The other options do not match the context of the sentence or are not known treaties in Indonesian history.
Penyerahan wajib hasil bumi dengan harga yang telah ditentukan VOC adalah kebijakan VOC yang dinamakan ...
Correct Answer
B. Verlichte leverantie
The correct answer is "verlichte leverantie." This refers to the policy of the VOC (Dutch East India Company) that required compulsory delivery of agricultural products at a predetermined price. This policy aimed to ensure a steady supply of goods for the VOC and maintain control over the local economy. The term "verlichte leverantie" translates to "enlightened delivery" in English, suggesting that the policy was seen as a progressive or enlightened approach by the VOC.
Belanda mencari rempah rempah di Indonesia karena
Correct Answer
A. Dilarang berdagang di Lisabon
The correct answer is "dilarang berdagang di Lisabon." This means that the Dutch were prohibited from trading in Lisbon. This could be due to political or economic reasons, such as trade restrictions imposed by the Portuguese government. As a result, the Dutch sought alternative routes to access the lucrative spice trade in Indonesia.
Untuk mencegah pertikaian antara Spanyol Portugis dalam pejelajahan Samudera maka dibuatlah [erjanjian.....yang ditandatangani Paus Yulius II tahun 1494
Correct Answer
B. Thordesilas
The correct answer is Thordesilas. The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed in 1494 by Pope Julius II to prevent conflicts between Spain and Portugal over their exploration of the ocean. This treaty divided the newly discovered lands outside of Europe between the two countries, with Spain receiving the territories to the west and Portugal receiving the territories to the east. This agreement helped to establish the Spanish and Portuguese colonial empires and had a significant impact on the history of exploration and colonization in the Americas.
Penjelajah yang dianggap dapat membuktikan bahwa bumi itu bulat dan yang pertama kali mengelilingi dunia adalah
Correct Answer
E. Magellan
Magellan is considered the explorer who proved that the Earth is round and was the first to circumnavigate the world. He led the first expedition to successfully complete a full circumnavigation of the Earth, providing evidence that the Earth is not flat. This journey, known as the Magellan-Elcano expedition, started in 1519 and lasted until 1522. Magellan himself did not complete the entire voyage as he was killed in the Philippines, but his crew continued and successfully completed the journey, thus proving that the Earth is round.
Pengaruh Bangsa Barat di Indonesia antara lain dalam bidang seni musik yaitu Keroncong. musik ini merupakan pengaruh budaya dari ...
Correct Answer
B. Portugis
The correct answer is Portugis. The influence of Western countries in Indonesia, particularly in the field of music, can be seen in Keroncong. This music genre is a cultural influence from Portugal.
Gambar di bawah ini salah satu rempah yang diincar Bangsa Barat di Indonesia, yaitu
Correct Answer
C. Pala
Pala is one of the spices sought after by Western countries in Indonesia.
Which one do you like?kebijakan Daendels
Correct Answer(s)
A. Membuat jalan raya Anyer Panarukan
C. Menambah jumlah prajurit hingga 18. 000
D. Membangun benteng
The correct answer is a combination of three options: membuat jalan raya Anyer Panarukan, menambah jumlah prajurit hingga 18,000, and membangun benteng. These actions were part of the kebijakan Daendels, a policy implemented by Daendels during his time as Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies. The construction of the Anyer Panarukan road aimed to improve transportation and communication across Java. Increasing the number of soldiers to 18,000 and building forts were measures taken to strengthen the Dutch colonial presence and control over the region.