UPS sebagai salah satu sumber daya cadangan sementara, sangat bermanfaat bagi pengguna yang sering mengalami pemadam listrik. Kepanjangan dari apakah UPS ….
Correct Answer
D. Uninteruptable Power Supply
UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply. It is a temporary backup power source that is very useful for users who frequently experience power outages. It provides uninterrupted power supply to connected devices in the event of a power failure. Therefore, the correct answer is "Uninterruptible Power Supply".
Berikut ini adalah ciri scanner yang siap dioperasikan kecuali....
Correct Answer
A. Bahan scanning sudah siap
The given options mention the requirements for operating a scanner. The correct answer states that "Bahan scanning sudah siap" (Scanning material is ready) is the exception. This means that all the other options are necessary for operating the scanner, but having the scanning material ready is not a requirement.
Salah satu fungsi utama Webcam adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Memudahkan kita melakukan teleconference pandang-dengar melalui jaringan LAN atau Internet
The correct answer is "memudahkan kita melakukan teleconference pandang-dengar melalui jaringan LAN atau Internet." This is because one of the main functions of a webcam is to facilitate video conferencing, allowing individuals to have face-to-face communication over a LAN or the Internet.
Salah satu software yang dapat digunakan untuk mengedit hasil scanning adalah ..
Correct Answer
C. Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop adalah software yang dapat digunakan untuk mengedit hasil scanning. Dengan menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, pengguna dapat melakukan berbagai macam editing seperti memperbaiki warna, menghilangkan noda, mengatur kecerahan dan kontras, serta melakukan cropping atau memotong bagian yang tidak diinginkan. Software ini juga menyediakan berbagai fitur dan tools yang dapat membantu pengguna dalam mengedit hasil scanning dengan hasil yang lebih baik dan profesional.
Bila gambar hasil scanning ingin dipotong, klik icon ....
Correct Answer
A. Crop
To cut or trim a scanned image, the user needs to click on the "crop" icon. This option allows the user to select a specific area of the image that they want to keep, while discarding the rest. It is a common feature in image editing software that helps in removing unwanted portions and focusing on the desired part of the scanned image.
Selain Corel, software yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat gambar vector yaitu ....
Correct Answer
B. Adobe photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a software that can be used to create vector images. It is a powerful tool for graphic design and editing, allowing users to create and manipulate vector graphics with precision. With its wide range of features and tools, Adobe Photoshop provides the necessary tools for creating and editing vector images effectively. It is widely used by professionals in the design industry for its versatility and capabilities in creating high-quality vector graphics.
Perhatikan gambar di samping! Yang ditunjuk oleh tanda panah ke 1 adalah....
Correct Answer
B. Standar bar
The arrow in the image is pointing towards the "standar bar". This is the correct answer because it is the only option that matches the location of the arrow in the image. The other options such as property bar, menu bar, slide bar, and title bar are not indicated by the arrow.
Yang ditunjuk oleh tanda panah ke 2 adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Work area
The correct answer is work area because the arrow is pointing towards the main workspace where users can perform tasks and interact with the software. The ruler vertical, color palette, tool box, and scroll bar are all elements or tools that can be found within the work area, but the work area itself is the central space where users can create, edit, and view their work.
Sebelum mencetak gambar vector sebaiknya dilihat dulu area kerja yang dapat dicetak. Perintah yang paling tepat untuk hal tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Klik view>show>printable area
The most appropriate command to view the printable area before printing a vector image is to click on "view > show > printable area". This command will display the area that can be printed, allowing the user to adjust the image accordingly to fit within the printable area.
Gambar pada foto sesungguhnya adalah kumpulan dari ribuan titik-titik yang sangat kecil. Tiap-tiap titik tersebut memiliki warna tertentu dan bergabung dengan titik-titik yang lain sehingga membentuk suatu pola dan menghasilkan gambar. Hal di atas merupakan pengertian dari ....
Correct Answer
B. Bitmap
A bitmap is a type of image format that is made up of tiny dots called pixels. Each pixel has a specific color and when these pixels are combined, they form a pattern and create an image. This aligns with the given description that the image is made up of thousands of very small dots with specific colors, which is the characteristic of a bitmap image.
Pada aplikasi Photoshop, Ikon yang digunakan untuk memberikan effect timbul dari obyek adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Bevel and emboss
In the Photoshop application, the "bevel and emboss" icon is used to create a raised effect on an object. This effect adds depth and dimension to the object, making it appear as if it is popping out. It is commonly used to give a three-dimensional appearance to text or shapes in graphic design.
Pengambilan area sumber (source) pada pengunaan clone stamp tool adalah dengan menggunakan kombinasi tombol ....
Correct Answer
A. Alt + click
The correct answer is alt + click. When using the clone stamp tool, the alt key allows the user to select the source area they want to clone from. By holding down the alt key and clicking on the desired area, the user can choose the source from which they want to clone.
Salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang dapat digunakan membuat halaman web adalah HTML. HTML kependekan dari....
Correct Answer
D. Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a programming language used to create web pages. The term "markup" refers to the process of adding tags to text in order to define its structure and formatting. HTML is not a maximum or minimum language, nor is it a machine language. Therefore, the correct answer is "Hyper Text Markup Language".
Tag <OL> adalah sebuah tag yang digunakan untuk ....
Correct Answer
B. Membuat teks bernomor pada halaman HTML
The correct answer is "membuat teks bernomor pada halaman HTML". The tag is used to create ordered lists in HTML, where each item in the list is automatically assigned a number. This tag is used when you want to display a list of items in a specific order or sequence.
Pada saat ini pembuatan halaman web telah berkembang dengan pesat sehingga memungkinkan merancang halaman web dalam waktu singkat, salah satunya dikenal dengan sebutan ....
Correct Answer
B. Blog
The given passage states that web page creation has developed rapidly, allowing for quick design. The term used to describe this is "blog," as it refers to a platform where individuals can easily create and publish content on the internet. The other options, such as hacker, web server, web hosting, and web administrator, do not accurately describe the concept of designing web pages in a short time.
Selain Macromedia Flash MX 2004 di bawah ini adalah software aplikasi yang juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat animasi 2D yaitu ....
Correct Answer
SWISHmax is a software application that can be used to create 2D animations, similar to Macromedia Flash MX 2004. It is a popular choice for animators and designers as it offers a wide range of tools and features specifically designed for creating animations. It allows users to create interactive and dynamic animations with ease.
Interface yang ditunjuk tanda panah ke 1 pada gambar di samping ini adalah....
Correct Answer
A. Tool bar
The interface that is indicated by arrow 1 in the image is the tool bar.
Area kerja flash seperti yang ditunjukkan panah kedua adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Stage
The correct answer is "stage". The term "stage" refers to the area in flash where users can create and edit their animations. It is the main workspace where users can add and manipulate objects, apply animations and effects, and arrange the timeline. This is indicated by the second arrow in the question, suggesting that the stage is the correct answer.
Perintah Export pada flash digunakan bila ....
Correct Answer
D. Menyimpan dan mengubah (konversi) file grafik flash ke format grafik lain
The Export command in Flash is used to save and convert Flash graphic files into other graphic formats.
Beberapa format file grafik yang dapat dibuat oleh flash di antaranya adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. *.jpg
Flash dapat membuat file grafik dalam format .jpg.
File hasil 2D Animation dapat di simpan ke dalam berbagai format. Di bawah ini adalah format-format yang disediakan untuk penyimpan file 2D Animation kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. Presented animated (*.ppt)
The correct answer is "presented animated (*.ppt)". This format is not typically used for saving 2D animations. It is more commonly used for creating slide presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint. The other formats listed, such as quick time (*.mov), windows avi (*.avi), animated gif (*.gif), and bitmap sequence (*.bmp), are commonly used for saving and playing back 2D animations.
Menu dasar flash ... sering digunakan untuk menentukan tipe file yang akan dihasilkan baik dalam exe, html, mov, swf, gif, jpg, png dan macintosh projector.
Correct Answer
A. Publish setting
The correct answer is "publish setting". In the given explanation, it is mentioned that the "Menu dasar flash" is often used to determine the type of file that will be produced, such as exe, html, mov, swf, gif, jpg, png, and macintosh projector. "Publish setting" refers to the options and configurations that can be set before publishing or exporting a file in Flash. This includes selecting the file format, resolution, compression settings, and other parameters that determine how the final file will be generated.
Mengintegrasikan file-file multimedia bisa dilakukan dengan software macromedia flash, kemudian bisa disimpan menjadi file dengan format *.exe. Hal itu berarti file tersebut....
Correct Answer
B. Dapat dieksekusi tanpa bantuan software lain
The correct answer is "dapat dieksekusi tanpa bantuan software lain". This means that the file can be executed without the need for any other software. This is because the file has been integrated and saved in the format *.exe using Macromedia Flash, which allows it to be directly executed without the assistance of any other software.
Singkatan FTP adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. File transfer protocol
FTP is an abbreviation for "file transfer protocol." FTP is a standard network protocol used for transferring files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the internet. It allows users to upload, download, and manipulate files on a remote server. Therefore, the correct answer is "file transfer protocol."
Istilah yang digunakan untuk mengambil/mengkopi file pada FTP adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Download
The term used to retrieve/copy files on FTP is "download". This involves transferring files from the FTP server to the user's local device.
Untuk dapat digunakan pada web, file flash harus disimpan dengan format file ....
Correct Answer
D. *.swf
To be used on the web, flash files need to be saved in the *.swf format.
Syarat agar file presentasi Flash dapat di transfer menjadi VCD adalah dengan memformat file tersebut ke format....
Correct Answer
E. *.avi atau *.mpeg
To transfer a Flash presentation file to VCD format, it needs to be formatted into *.avi or *.mpeg format. These formats are commonly used for video files and are compatible with VCD players.
Suatu slide presentasi yang dibuat menggunakan macromedia flash dapat dihubungkan dengan slide lain yang dikenal dengan istilah ....
Correct Answer
A. Go to
In a presentation made using Macromedia Flash, the slides can be connected to each other using a feature called "go to". This feature allows the presenter to navigate to the next or previous slide or even jump to a specific slide by creating hyperlinks between them. This helps in creating a seamless flow and allows the presenter to control the progression of the presentation.
Geometri dalam 3DsMAX yang berbentuk tunggal dan sederhana disebut....
Correct Answer
A. Standard primitive
The correct answer is "standard primitive" because in 3DsMAX, standard primitives are basic geometric shapes that are pre-defined and readily available for use. These shapes are simple and singular in form, making them easy to work with and manipulate in the software. Examples of standard primitives include spheres, cylinders, cones, and boxes.
Bila telah selesai bekerja dengan suatu file 3DsMAX maka Anda dapat menyimpan gambar kerja dengan cara ....
Correct Answer
C. File-save- ok
After finishing working with a file in 3DsMAX, you can save the work by selecting the "file-save-ok" option. This option allows you to save the file with the changes made and confirms that you want to save it.
Perintah Keyboard (shortcut) untuk merender cepat (Quick Render) adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. F9
The correct answer is F9. Pressing F9 on the keyboard is the shortcut for quick rendering. This means that when you press F9, the software will quickly render or display the current frame or scene without going through the entire rendering process. This can be useful for previewing your work or making quick adjustments without waiting for a full rendering to complete.
Ikon yang tidak ada dalam bentuk dasar/primitip (standard primitives) adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Cone, geometry
The correct answer is Cone, geometry. The question is asking for an object that is not included in the standard primitives. In computer graphics, standard primitives refer to basic geometric shapes that can be used to create more complex models. The options Torus, Tube, Cylinder, Box, Plane, Teapot, Geosphere, and Sphere are all examples of standard primitives. However, the Cone and Geometry are not typically included in this category.
Geometri yang terdiri dari beberapa torus yang bersambungan disebut....
Correct Answer
D. Torus knot
A torus knot is a geometric shape that consists of multiple torus shapes that are interconnected. It is formed by looping a tube around a torus in a specific pattern. The resulting shape has a unique and intricate appearance due to the interwoven torus shapes. Therefore, the correct answer for the given question is torus knot.
Dalam menentukan apakah batas-batas permukaan pada silender akan digambar secara halus atau tegas disebut....
Correct Answer
D. Segment
The correct answer is "segment". In determining whether the surface boundaries of a cylinder will be drawn smoothly or sharply, the term used is "segment".
Hal yang harus dilakukan pertama kali ketika akan merekam menggunakan software penyunting audio adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Klik File > Import
The first thing that needs to be done when recording using audio editing software is to click on "File > Import". This option allows the user to import audio files into the software for editing and processing. By selecting this option, the user can browse their computer for the desired audio file and import it into the software's workspace. This step is essential in order to begin the recording process and start working with the audio in the software.
Pergerakan kamera dari kanan ke kiri atau sebaliknya disebut....
Correct Answer
C. Panning
Panning refers to the horizontal movement of the camera from right to left or vice versa. It is commonly used in filmmaking and photography to capture a wide scene or follow a moving subject. This technique allows the viewer to feel immersed in the action and adds a dynamic element to the shot. Zooming, on the other hand, involves changing the focal length of the lens to make the subject appear closer or farther away. Tilting refers to the vertical movement of the camera, while tracking and following involve following a subject's movement.
Di bawah adalah File-file audio yang dapat disunting oleh software penyunting audio, Kecuali ....
Correct Answer
The given options represent different audio file formats that can be edited using audio editing software. WAV, MP4, MP3, and WMA are all commonly used audio file formats that can be edited using various audio editing software. However, DAT is not typically editable using audio editing software. DAT files are usually associated with video files and are not commonly used for audio editing purposes.
Default format file software-software penyunting video adalah ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is AVI-MPEG. AVI (Audio Video Interleave) is a multimedia container format used to store audio and video data. MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) is a widely used video compression format that allows for efficient storage and transmission of video files. Therefore, the default format file software for video editing is AVI-MPEG, as it combines the AVI container format with the MPEG video compression format.
Software penyunting video buatan Adobe adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Adobe premiere
Adobe Premiere is the correct answer because it is a software developed by Adobe specifically for video editing. It is widely used by professionals in the film and television industry for its advanced features and capabilities. Adobe Premiere allows users to edit, manipulate, and enhance videos, making it a popular choice for video editing tasks.
Menghindari agar perpindahan dari klip ke klip menjadi lebih halus (tidak lompat-lompat) sebaiknya kita gunakan....
Correct Answer
C. Effect - video transitions
To avoid a jumpy or abrupt transition from clip to clip, it is recommended to use video transitions. These transitions help to create a smooth and seamless flow between different clips, enhancing the overall visual experience for the viewer. By using video transitions, the changes from one clip to another will appear more natural and fluid, without any noticeable jumps or disruptions in the video.