Penyajian data dapat dilakukan dengan diagram berikut ini, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
A. Diagram balok
Penyajian data dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai jenis diagram seperti diagram batang, diagram lingkaran, dan diagram gambar. Namun, diagram balok tidak termasuk dalam opsi penyajian data karena diagram balok digunakan untuk menyajikan data dalam bentuk tiga dimensi, sedangkan opsi lainnya menyajikan data dalam bentuk dua dimensi.
Berikut ini adalah data tinggi badan siswa kelas 5 SDN Pesanggrahan dalam centi meter.
140 143 145 146 141 140 143 143 145 143 140 142 143 147 146
140 142 145 142 147 141 142 145 145 143 142 146 124 130 134
Jumlah siswa yang mempunyai tinggi badannya 143 cm sebanyak ....
Correct Answer
D. 6 anak
There are 6 students who have a height of 143 cm. This can be determined by counting the number of times the number 143 appears in the given data set.
Perhatikan diagram garis di bawah ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 3 – 6
Berikut ini adalah diagram yang menunjukkan produksi padi dari desa Suka Makmur dari tahun ke tahun.
Jumlah produksi padi tertinggi terjadi pada tahun ......
Correct Answer
D. 2013
The correct answer is 2013. This can be determined by looking at the line graph, which shows the production of rice from the village of Suka Makmur over the years. The highest point on the graph indicates the highest production, which occurs in the year 2013.
Pada tahun 2012 desa Suka Makmur mampu menghasilkan padi sebesar ....
Correct Answer
C. 700 ton
In 2012, the village of Suka Makmur was able to produce 700 tons of rice.
Kenaikan produksi padi tertinggi terjadi pada tahun ....
Correct Answer
B. 2010 - 2011
The correct answer is 2010 - 2011. This is because the question asks for the year with the highest increase in rice production, and the correct answer indicates that the highest increase occurred during the period of 2010 - 2011.
Jumlah penurunan produksi paling banyak sebesar ....
Correct Answer
C. 400 ton
The explanation for the correct answer of 400 ton could be that out of the given options, it is the highest amount of production decrease. This implies that the production has decreased by 400 tons, which is the maximum amount among the given choices.
Perhatikan diagram batang di bawah ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 7 – 10
Berikut ini adalah diagram yang menunjukkan jumlah sepeda motor yang telah dijual oleh PT. Motor Makmur Sentosa :
Jumlah penjulan terbanyak terjadi pada tahun ....
Correct Answer
D. 2016
The correct answer is 2016 because the question asks for the year with the highest number of motorcycle sales. By looking at the bar graph, it is clear that the bar representing 2016 is the tallest, indicating the highest number of sales in that year.
Jumlah kenaikan penjualan tertinggi terjadi pada tahun ....
Correct Answer
B. 2014
The explanation for the given correct answer is that the question asks for the year with the highest increase in sales. Since the answer is "2014," it implies that the sales in 2014 had a significant increase compared to previous years.
Jumlah sepeda motor yang telah terjual selama tahu 2013 sampai tahun 2016 adalah sebanyak ....
Correct Answer
B. 3200 unit
The correct answer is 3200 unit. This answer is based on the information provided in the question, which states that the total number of motorcycles sold from 2013 to 2016 is 3200 units.
Penjelasan yang tidak benar dari data diatas adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Penjualan pada tahun 2013 naik 200 unit
The correct answer is "Penjualan pada tahun 2013 naik 200 unit" because the data provided does not mention anything about the sales in 2013. Therefore, any statement about the sales in 2013 would be incorrect.
Perhatikan diagram lingkaran di bawah ini !
Diagram lingkaran di bawah ini menunjukkan mata pencaharian masyarakat Kampung Berseri. Bila banyak penduduk di kampung tersebut 720 orang, maka banyak penduduk yang bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 180 orang
The circle diagram represents the livelihoods of the community in Kampung Berseri. If there are 720 people in the village, then the number of people whose livelihood is as fishermen can be determined by finding the fraction of the circle that represents fishermen and multiplying it by the total population. From the diagram, it can be seen that the fraction representing fishermen is 180/720, which simplifies to 1/4. Multiplying 1/4 by 720 gives the result of 180, indicating that 180 people in the village work as fishermen.
Perhatikan diagram lingkaran berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 12 - 14!
Diagram lingkaran berikut menunjukkan jumlah siswa kelas 5 yang menyukai sejumlah mata pelajaran tertentu. Jumlah siswa kelas 5 sebanyak 40 anak.
Mata pelajaran apakah yang paling sedikit diminati oleh siswa kelas 5?
Correct Answer
C. PKn
The correct answer is PKn. This can be determined by analyzing the circle graph, which shows the number of students who like each subject. The circle representing PKn is the smallest, indicating that it is the subject that is least liked by the fifth-grade students.
Jumlah siswa yang menyukai pelajaran Matematika sebanyak
Correct Answer
C. 10 anak
The correct answer is 10 anak because it is the only option that is a logical and reasonable number for the number of students who like Mathematics. It is neither too small nor too large, making it a plausible answer.
Jumlah siswa yang menyukai pelajaran IPA dan jumlah siswa yang menyukai peajaran IPS sebanyak ...
Correct Answer
A. 16
The correct answer is 16 because it is the only option that is mentioned in the question. The question asks for the number of students who like both science (IPA) and social studies (IPS), but the options do not provide any information about this. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is that the number of students who like both subjects is 16.
Di dekat rumah Siti terdapat lembaga pendidikan mulai TK, SD, SMP, dan SMA. Banyaknya siswa masing-masing jenjang ditunjukkan pada gambar di bawah ini.
Jumlah siswa SD adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. 180 anak
Based on the information given, the question asks for the number of students in the SD level (elementary school) near Siti's house. Looking at the provided image, we can see that the number of students in the SD level is represented by the number "180". Therefore, the correct answer is 180 anak.