Aplikasi desain grafis yang berbasis bitmap contohnya .....
Correct Answer
A. Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a widely known and widely used graphic design application that is based on bitmap technology. It is used by professionals and amateurs alike for editing and manipulating images. With its vast array of tools and features, Adobe Photoshop allows users to create stunning graphics, retouch photos, and design visually appealing artwork. It offers advanced editing capabilities such as layers, filters, and various brush options, making it the go-to choice for graphic designers, photographers, and digital artists. Overall, Adobe Photoshop is a powerful and versatile software that is specifically designed for bitmap-based graphic design.
Ekstensi file yang dihasilkan dari aplikasi corel draw adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. *.cdr
The correct answer is *.cdr. Corel Draw is a popular graphic design software that is commonly used to create vector graphics. The file extension *.cdr is specific to Corel Draw and is used to save files created within the application. This file format allows for easy editing and manipulation of the vector graphics, making it a preferred choice for designers using Corel Draw.
File yang dihasilkan dari aplikasi Adobe Photoshop mempunyai ciri khas yaitu berekstensi ....
Correct Answer
B. *.psd
The correct answer is *.psd. Adobe Photoshop is a popular image editing software that allows users to create and manipulate digital images. The file format used by Adobe Photoshop is PSD, which stands for Photoshop Document. This file format preserves all the layers, masks, and other editing information, allowing users to make further changes to the image in the future. Other file extensions mentioned in the options, such as *.psh, *.adp, and *.adb, are not commonly associated with Adobe Photoshop.
Warna CMYK sebenarnya adalah singkatan dari ....
Correct Answer
C. Cyan - Magenta - Yellow - Black
The correct answer is Cyan - Magenta - Yellow - Black. CMYK is an acronym for the four colors used in printing: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. These colors are combined in different proportions to create a wide range of colors in printed materials. Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow are subtractive primary colors, meaning that they absorb light to create color, while Black is used to enhance contrast and create richer blacks. This color model is commonly used in printing processes to achieve accurate and consistent color reproduction.
Yang bukan merupakan ciri ciri dari grafis bitmap adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Kualitas gambar (grafis) tergantung dari jumlah vektor
Grafis bitmap tidak tergantung pada jumlah vektor. Grafis bitmap terdiri dari piksel-piksel yang membentuk gambar, bukan vektor. Kualitas gambar bitmap tergantung pada resolusi atau jumlah piksel per inci. Semakin tinggi resolusinya, semakin baik kualitas gambar. Ukuran file juga bisa menjadi lebih besar dengan peningkatan resolusi. Ketika gambar bitmap diperbesar (zoom), kualitas gambar dapat berkurang karena piksel-piksel individu menjadi lebih terlihat.
Warna primer adalah warna pokok yang menjadi pondasi bagi warna - warna lain. Warna ini murni berdiri sendiri tanpa pencampuran dari warna lain. Warna primer itu ialah .....
Correct Answer
D. Merah - Kuning - Biru
The given question asks for the primary colors, which are the fundamental colors that cannot be created by mixing other colors. The correct answer is "Merah - Kuning - Biru" which translates to "Red - Yellow - Blue" in English. In the color theory, these three colors are considered primary colors because they can be used to create all other colors through mixing and blending.
Percampuran warna primer merah dengan warna primer biru akan menghasilkan warna ......
Correct Answer
B. Ungu
When primary color red is mixed with primary color blue, it will result in the color purple.
Type question here. Example: Practice makes you ________
Correct Answer
Shortcut Ctrl+N pada aplikasi Corel Draw maupun Adobe Photoshop berfungsi untuk ......
Correct Answer
D. Membuat File Baru
The shortcut Ctrl+N in both Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop is used to create a new file.
Menu pada corel draw yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan 2 obyek sehingga membentuk 1 obyek baru adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Weld
The correct answer is "Weld". In Corel Draw, the Weld tool is used to combine two or more objects into a single object. When you weld objects, their overlapping areas are merged together, creating a new object with a unified shape. This tool is commonly used in graphic design and illustration to create complex shapes or to merge separate elements into a cohesive design.
Memberikan efek bayangan pada sebuah obyek, menggunakan tool pada corel draw yaitu .......
Correct Answer
D. Drop Shadow
The correct answer is "Drop Shadow." This tool in Corel Draw allows users to add a shadow effect to an object, creating the illusion of depth and dimension. By adjusting the settings of the Drop Shadow tool, users can control the size, direction, and intensity of the shadow, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the object.
Warna merah biasanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahaya. Berarti warna merah mempunyai fungsi sebagai ....
Correct Answer
C. Isyarat
The correct answer is "Isyarat". Red color is commonly used to indicate danger, which serves as a signal or warning. Therefore, the function of the color red is to provide a signal or indication of potential danger.
Cara mengekspor pada corel draw dengan cara ....
Correct Answer
D. File --> Eksport
The correct answer is "File -> Export". This is because in Corel Draw, the "File" menu is typically used for various operations related to the file, such as saving, opening, and exporting. Therefore, to export something in Corel Draw, one would go to the "File" menu and select the "Export" option.
Yang bukan merupakan prinsip - prinsip dalam desain grafis adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Tekanan (Presure)
The correct answer is "Tekanan (Pressure)". In graphic design, the principle of pressure is not recognized as one of the fundamental principles. The principles that are commonly acknowledged in graphic design include unity, balance, and rhythm. Unity refers to the visual harmony and coherence in a design, while balance pertains to the distribution of visual elements to create a sense of equilibrium. Rhythm, on the other hand, involves the repetition and variation of elements to establish a visual tempo. Pressure, however, is not a recognized principle in the field of graphic design.
Jenis gambar yang disusun atas garis, dan kurva dengan perhitungan matematis mengenai letak, ukuran dan sebagainya merupakan produk digital jenis ....
Correct Answer
B. Vektor
The correct answer is vektor. In this question, the explanation is asking for the type of digital product that is composed of lines and curves with mathematical calculations regarding position, size, and so on. A vektor image is created using mathematical equations to define shapes and lines, allowing for scalability without loss of quality. This type of image is commonly used for logos, illustrations, and graphics that require precise measurements and adjustments.