Benua terbesar di dunia....
Asia is the correct answer because it is the largest continent in the world in terms of both land area and population. It covers a vast area, stretching from the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the Pacific Ocean. With diverse landscapes and cultures, Asia is home to numerous countries including China, India, Russia, and Indonesia. Its size and geographical features make it the largest continent on Earth.
Dataran rendah terluas di Asia....
The given correct answer, Siberia, is the largest lowland in Asia. Siberia is a vast region in Russia, known for its extensive lowland plains. These plains cover a significant portion of Siberia's territory and are considered the largest lowland area in the continent of Asia.
Negara terluas di Benua Asia....
The correct answer is "cina" because it is the largest country in Asia in terms of land area. With a total area of approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, China surpasses other Asian countries in terms of size. It is home to diverse landscapes, ranging from mountains and plateaus to deserts and plains. Additionally, China has the largest population in the world, further emphasizing its significance and influence in Asia.
Satu-satunya bangunan buatan manusia yang dapat terlihat dari bulan di Benua Asia adalah....
The Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure on Earth that can be seen from the moon. It stretches across the continent of Asia and is a symbol of China's rich history and cultural heritage. The wall was built to protect China from invasions and has become one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. Its massive size and construction make it visible even from space, making it a remarkable feat of human engineering and an impressive sight to behold.
Negara di Asia yang paling padat penduduknya....
China is the most populous country in Asia. With a population of over 1.4 billion people, it is not only the most densely populated country in Asia but also the most populous country in the world. China's large population is primarily due to its vast land area and historical factors such as a high birth rate and a relatively low mortality rate. The country's rapid economic development and urbanization have also contributed to its dense population.
Sungai Gangga dan Brahmaputra mengalir di negara....
The correct answer is India because the question states that the rivers Ganges and Brahmaputra flow in a certain country. India is the country that is known for having these rivers flowing through it. Therefore, India is the correct answer.
Gurun terluas di negara Asia adalah....
The Gobi Desert is the largest desert in Asia, covering parts of northern and northwestern China and southern Mongolia. It spans over 1,600,000 square kilometers, making it the largest desert in Asia and the fifth-largest desert in the world. The Gobi Desert is known for its extreme temperatures, ranging from scorching hot in the summer to freezing cold in the winter, and its unique landscape of sand dunes, rocky mountains, and dry valleys. It is home to various species of plants and animals that have adapted to survive in this harsh environment.
Penduduk asli negara India adalah...
The correct answer is "suku arya dan dravida". This answer states that the indigenous population of India consists of the Arya and Dravida ethnic groups. The Arya people are believed to have migrated to the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago, while the Dravida people are considered to be the original inhabitants of South India. This answer accurately identifies the two major ethnic groups that make up the native population of India.
Kota suci umat Islam Mekkah dan Madinah terletak di dataran tinggi....
The correct answer is Hejaz. Hejaz refers to the region in Saudi Arabia where the holy cities of Islam, Mecca and Medina, are located. This region is known for its highlands, including the mountainous areas surrounding the cities. Therefore, it can be inferred that the statement in the question is referring to the Hejaz region as the location of the holy cities.
Taj Mahal adalah bangunan bersejarah di India yang terletak di kota....
The correct answer is Agra. Taj Mahal is a historical building located in the city of Agra, India. It is a famous monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Daerah yang mendapat julukan surga India adalah....
The correct answer is "lembah kashmir." The given question asks for the region that is known as the paradise of India. The phrase "surga India" translates to "paradise of India" in English. The answer "lembah kashmir" refers to the Kashmir Valley, which is often referred to as the paradise of India due to its breathtaking natural beauty and picturesque landscapes.
Negara kepulauan terbesar di benua Asia adalah....
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in Asia, consisting of more than 17,000 islands. It is located in Southeast Asia and is known for its diverse culture, natural beauty, and rich biodiversity. With a land area of approximately 1.9 million square kilometers, Indonesia is the largest country in terms of land area in both Southeast Asia and Asia as a whole. Its vast archipelago stretches across the equator, making it a unique and geographically significant nation in the region.
Suku Bangsa Khmer adalah penduduk asli negara....
The correct answer is "kamboja" because the question mentions the "Suku Bangsa Khmer" which translates to the Khmer ethnic group. The Khmer people are the native inhabitants of Cambodia, so the answer is Kamboja, which is the Indonesian name for Cambodia.
Batas sebelah Utara dan Selatan Benua Asia adalah....
The correct answer is the Arctic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The question is asking about the boundaries of the Asian continent. The Arctic Ocean is located to the north of Asia, while the Indian Ocean is located to the south. Therefore, the Arctic Ocean and the Indian Ocean form the northern and southern boundaries of the Asian continent.
Batas sebelah Barat dan Timur benua Asia adalah....
The correct answer is "laut merah dan samudra pasifik" because the question is asking for the boundaries of the Asian continent in the west and east. The Red Sea is located to the west of Asia, acting as a natural boundary, while the Pacific Ocean lies to the east. Therefore, the combination of the Red Sea and the Pacific Ocean represents the western and eastern boundaries of the Asian continent.
Keajaiban alam yang terdapat di Saudi Arabia adalah....
The correct answer is "sumur zam-zam". The Zamzam well is considered a natural wonder in Saudi Arabia. It is located in the holy city of Mecca and is believed to be a miraculously generated source of water. The well holds religious significance for Muslims and is associated with the story of Hajar and her son Ismail. Muslims from all over the world visit the well during their pilgrimage to Mecca and consider its water to be sacred and blessed.
Dataran tinggi yang mendapat julukan atap dunia adalah....
The correct answer is dataran tinggi pamir. This is because the phrase "atap dunia" translates to "roof of the world," which is a nickname often used to refer to the Pamir Plateau. This plateau is located in Central Asia and is known for its high elevation, making it one of the highest plateaus in the world. Therefore, it is fitting to describe the Pamir Plateau as the "atap dunia" or "roof of the world."
Pusat mata air dunia adalah julukan untuk dataran tinggi....
The correct answer is Tibet. Tibet is known as the "Roof of the World" due to its high elevation and being surrounded by the Himalayas. It is home to numerous rivers and lakes, including the major rivers of Asia such as the Yangtze, Yellow, and Mekong rivers. These rivers originate from the Tibetan Plateau, making it the source or "water tower" of many important water systems in Asia. Therefore, it is referred to as the "Pusat mata air dunia" or the "World's Water Source".
Pegunungan tertinggi di Benua Asia adalah....
The correct answer is Himalaya. The Himalaya mountain range is located in Asia and is considered the highest mountain range in the continent. It stretches across several countries including India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, is also part of the Himalayas. The range is known for its stunning landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and its significance in Hinduism and Buddhism.
Batas alam yang memisahkan Benua Asia dan Eropa adalah...
The correct answer is "pegunungan ural". The Ural Mountains serve as a natural boundary between the continents of Asia and Europe. They stretch approximately 2,500 kilometers from the Arctic Ocean to the Ural River. These mountains have historically been considered as the dividing line between the two continents due to their significant geographical features and cultural differences on either side.