Quel est l'impact de l'ajout d'un commutateur de couche 2 sur un réseau ?
Correct Answer
B. Une augmentation de la taille du domaine de diffusion
L'ajout d'un commutateur de couche 2 sur un réseau entraîne une augmentation de la taille du domaine de diffusion. Cela signifie que les trames envoyées par un dispositif connecté au commutateur seront diffusées à tous les autres dispositifs connectés au commutateur, augmentant ainsi la taille du domaine dans lequel les trames sont diffusées. Cela peut entraîner une augmentation du trafic réseau et une utilisation plus intensive de la bande passante.
Quel service est fourni par la fonction d'assistance automatique d'un réseau convergent ?
Correct Answer
B. Le routage d'appels
The correct answer is "Le routage d'appels." The automatic assistance function of a convergent network provides call routing services. This means that it directs incoming calls to the appropriate destination or recipient within the network, ensuring efficient and effective communication.
Quelle fonctionnalité est fournie par la couche d'accès dans une conception de réseau à trois couches ?
Correct Answer
D. Accès réseau
La couche d'accès dans une conception de réseau à trois couches fournit la fonctionnalité d'accès au réseau. Cela signifie qu'elle permet aux appareils et aux utilisateurs de se connecter et d'accéder au réseau. Cette couche est responsable de l'authentification, de l'autorisation et de la gestion des connexions pour assurer un accès sécurisé et fiable au réseau.
Quel énoncé à propos des domaines de diffusion et de collision est correct ?
Correct Answer
D. L'ajout d'un commutateur à un réseau augmente la taille du domaine de diffusion.
Adding a switch to a network increases the size of the broadcast domain.
Quelles sont les trois couches du modèle de conception hiérarchique de commutateur ? (Choisissez trois réponses.)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Accès
C. Coeur de réseau
F. Distribution
The correct answer is Access, Core network, and Distribution. These three layers are part of the hierarchical design model for switches. The Access layer is responsible for connecting end devices to the network. The Distribution layer provides connectivity between the Access and Core layers, as well as routing and filtering functions. The Core network layer is the backbone of the network and handles high-speed data forwarding between different distribution layers.
Quelle conception économique de topologie du réseau physique est recommandée pour la création d'un réseau de campus à trois niveaux qui connecte trois bâtiments ?
Correct Answer
C. En étoile étendue
An "en étoile étendue" or "extended star" network topology is recommended for creating a three-level campus network that connects three buildings. In this topology, a central hub or switch is used to connect all the devices in each building, and then these hubs or switches are connected together to form the network. This design provides a centralized management and control, as well as easy scalability and fault tolerance. It allows for efficient communication between devices within each building and also between buildings.
Examinez l'illustration. Le PC connecté au port Fa0/1 envoie un paquet dont l'adresse MAC de destination est 0050.0fae.299c. D'après la table d'adresses MAC de S1, que va commencer par faire S1 lorsque le paquet aura atteint le commutateur ?
Correct Answer
C. Il va ajouter l'adresse MAC du PC connecté à Fa0/1 à la table d'adresses MAC
When the packet reaches switch S1, it will add the MAC address of the PC connected to Fa0/1 to its MAC address table. This is because the switch uses the MAC address table to determine the destination port for incoming packets. By adding the MAC address of the PC to the table, the switch will be able to forward future packets destined for that MAC address to the correct port.
Reportez-vous à l'illustration. Complétez la zone vide.
Combien de domaines de diffusion sont dans la topologie ? (repondre avec un chiffre)
Correct Answer
The given correct answer is 1. The question asks for the number of diffusion domains in the topology, and the answer is 1. This means that there is only one domain where information or data is being diffused or spread.
Lors de la détermination du facteur de forme approprié pour les commutateurs d'un réseau, quel type de commutateur doit être sélectionné pour que le réseau soit évolutif et lorsque le coût n'est pas un facteur limitant ?
Correct Answer
D. Commutateur modulaire
The correct answer for selecting a switch type that allows for scalability and cost is not a limiting factor is a modular switch. A modular switch allows for the addition or removal of modules to meet the changing needs of a network, making it highly scalable. Additionally, modular switches offer flexibility in terms of configuration and can accommodate different types of interfaces, making them suitable for various network requirements.
Quel énoncé décrit correctement une méthode de commutation ?
Correct Answer
D. Stockage et retransmission : garantit que les couches liaison de données et physique de la trame sont exemptes d'erreurs
The correct answer states that the "Stockage et retransmission" method guarantees that the data link and physical layers of the frame are error-free. This means that the method checks for any errors in the frame before forwarding it, ensuring that the data being transmitted is accurate and reliable.
Quelle méthode de commutation décrit un commutateur qui transfère une trame dès que l'adresse MAC de destination est lue ?
Correct Answer
B. Cut-Through
Cut-Through is a method of switching where a switch starts forwarding a frame as soon as it reads the destination MAC address. This method does not wait for the entire frame to be received before forwarding it, which helps to reduce latency. Unlike Store-and-Forward, which waits for the entire frame to be received and checked for errors before forwarding, Cut-Through switches begin forwarding as soon as the destination MAC address is read. Therefore, Cut-Through is the method that describes a switch transferring a frame as soon as the destination MAC address is read.
Quand un concepteur de réseaux doit-il s’inquiéter des RU ?
Correct Answer
D. Lors de l'achat d'un nombre spécifique de commutateurs pour un rack réseau
The correct answer is "lors de l'achat d'un nombre spécifique de commutateurs pour un rack réseau." This means that a network designer should be concerned about RU (rack units) when purchasing a specific number of switches for a network rack. RU refers to the standardized height measurement of equipment in a network rack. It is important to consider the number of RU available in the rack to ensure that the switches can fit properly and accommodate the required number of ports and connections.
Quelles sont les caractéristiques qui décrivent un réseau convergent ? (Choisissez deux réponses.)
Correct Answer(s)
B. Prise en charge de la voix et de la vidéo avec un même commutateur
D. Prix abordable pour les petites et moyennes entreprises
A network is considered convergent when it is capable of supporting both voice and video traffic using the same switch. This allows for efficient communication and collaboration within an organization. Additionally, a convergent network should also offer affordable pricing options for small and medium-sized businesses, ensuring that the benefits of convergence are accessible to a wide range of organizations.
Lors de la détermination du facteur de forme approprié pour les commutateurs d'un réseau, quel type de commutateur doit être sélectionné pour garantir la tolérance aux pannes et la disponibilité de la bande passante tout en respectant un budget limité ?
Correct Answer
A. Commutateur empilable
A stackable switch should be selected in order to ensure fault tolerance and bandwidth availability while also staying within a limited budget. Stackable switches allow multiple switches to be connected together and operate as a single unit, providing redundancy and increased bandwidth. This allows for seamless failover in case of a switch failure and ensures that there is sufficient bandwidth available for network traffic. Additionally, stackable switches are often more cost-effective compared to modular switches, making them a suitable choice for a limited budget.
Pour quelles raisions un administrateur réseau segmenterait-il un réseau avec un commutateur de couche 2?(Deux réponses)
Correct Answer(s)
B. Pour améliorer la bande passante utilisateur
C. Pour isoler le trafic entre les segments
An administrator would segment a network with a layer 2 switch to improve user bandwidth and isolate traffic between segments. By segmenting the network, the administrator can allocate dedicated bandwidth to specific segments, ensuring that users in those segments have faster and more reliable network connections. Additionally, segmenting the network allows for better control and management of traffic, as it can be isolated and monitored separately in each segment. This enhances network security and performance.
Un cabinet d'avocats local redéfinit la conception du réseau d'entreprise pour que chacun des 20 employés puisse etre connecte au LAN et a Internet. Le cabinet d'avocats préférerait un faibe cout et une solution simple pour le projet. Quel type de commutateur doit etre choisi?
Correct Answer
D. Configuration fixe
A fixed configuration switch would be the best choice for the local law firm as it provides a cost-effective and simple solution for connecting all 20 employees to the LAN and the internet. A fixed configuration switch is a basic switch that comes with a fixed number of ports and cannot be expanded or customized. This type of switch is easy to set up and manage, making it suitable for small businesses with limited network requirements. It is also typically less expensive compared to other types of switches, making it an ideal choice for the law firm's preference for low cost.
Supposon que le courant vient juste detre rétabli. PC3 émet une rquete de diffusion DHCP IPv4. A quel port SW1 transmet-il cette requete?
Correct Answer
B. A Fa0/1, Fa0/2, Fa0/3 uniquement
PC3 is sending a DHCP IPv4 broadcast request. In order for the request to reach all devices on the network, it needs to be transmitted out of all the ports on SW1 that are connected to the devices. Therefore, the request will be transmitted out of ports Fa0/1, Fa0/2, and Fa0/3 only.
Qu<est-ce qu'une conception de reseua principale reduite?
Correct Answer
D. Une combinaision des fonctionnalites des couche d'access et coeur de reseau
The correct answer is "A combination of the functionalities of the access layer and core network." This means that a reduced main network design combines the features and capabilities of both the access layer and the core network. It suggests that the design incorporates elements from both layers to create a more streamlined and efficient network architecture.
Quelle solution permettrait a une universite de reduire la congestion du reseau causee par des collision?
Correct Answer
D. Un commutateur a densite de ports elevee
A high-density port switch would allow a university to reduce network congestion caused by collisions. This type of switch has a large number of ports, which means that more devices can be connected to the network without causing collisions. By distributing the network traffic across multiple ports, the switch helps to alleviate congestion and improve network performance.
Quel peripherique reseau peut etre utilise pour eliminer les collisions sur un reseau Ethernet?
Correct Answer
A. Commutateur
A commutateur (switch) is a network device that can be used to eliminate collisions on an Ethernet network. Unlike a hub or a concentrator, which simply broadcast incoming data to all connected devices, a switch intelligently directs data packets only to the intended recipient. This prevents collisions that can occur when multiple devices try to transmit data simultaneously on the same network. A router is used to connect multiple networks together, a firewall is used to protect a network from unauthorized access, and a concentrateur (hub) does not eliminate collisions.
Quel enonce decrit l'une des fonctions d'un comutateur de couche 2?
Correct Answer
C. Determination de l'interface utilisee pour la transmission d'une trame en fonction de l'adresse MAC de destination
This answer describes one of the functions of a layer 2 switch, which is determining the interface used for transmitting a frame based on the destination MAC address. Layer 2 switches use MAC address tables to learn and associate MAC addresses with specific switch ports. When a frame with a specific destination MAC address arrives, the switch looks up the MAC address in its table and determines the interface/port through which the frame should be forwarded.
Parmi les proposition suivantes, laquelle decrit l'une des fonctions de base de la couche de distribution de Cisco Borderless Architecture
Correct Answer
C. Elle regroupe les limites de routage de couche 3
The correct answer is "Elle regroupe les limites de routage de couche 3". This option describes one of the basic functions of the distribution layer in Cisco Borderless Architecture, which is to aggregate and control the layer 3 routing boundaries. The distribution layer is responsible for routing between different subnets or VLANs, and it helps to optimize network traffic and manage network policies.
Que designe le terme "densite de port" pour un commutateur Ethernet?
Correct Answer
B. Le nombre de ports disponibles
The term "densite de port" refers to the number of ports available on an Ethernet switch. It indicates the quantity of ports that can be used to connect devices to the switch.
Reporter-vous a l'illustration. Combien de domaines de diffusion sont affiches?
Correct Answer
A. 8
Based on the given question, the answer is 8. The question asks to refer to the illustration and determine the number of diffusion domains displayed. Since the question does not provide any additional information or context, we can assume that the illustration shows 8 diffusion domains.
Comment une trame envoyee depuis PCA est-elle transmise a PCC si la tables d'adresses MAC du commutateur SW1 est vide?
Correct Answer
D. SW1 diffuse la trame sur tous les ports de SW1 a l'exception du port d'entree de la trame dans le commutateur
If the MAC address table of switch SW1 is empty, it means that SW1 does not have the MAC address of the destination device. In this case, SW1 will broadcast the frame to all ports except the port through which the frame entered the switch. This is done in order to allow the destination device to receive the frame and learn its MAC address. This process is known as flooding or broadcasting.
Un concepteur reseau doit justifier aupres d'un client une conception qui fera migrer une entreprise d'une topologie du reseau plate a une topologie du reseau heirarchisee. Quelles sont les deux caracteristiques de la conception hierarchique qui en font un meilleur choix? (Choisissez deux reponses.)?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Simplification du deploiement du materiel supplementaire pour le commutateur
E. Facilite a fournir des liaisons redondantes afin de garantir une meilleur disponibilite
La conception hiérarchique du réseau permet de simplifier le déploiement du matériel supplémentaire pour les commutateurs, car elle utilise une structure en couches qui facilite l'ajout de nouveaux équipements. De plus, cette conception facilite la fourniture de liaisons redondantes, ce qui garantit une meilleure disponibilité du réseau en cas de panne d'un élément.
Quelle est l'adresse de destination dans l'en tete d'une trame de diffusion
Correct Answer
The correct answer is FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF. In the header of a broadcast frame, the destination address is set to FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF. This address is used to send the frame to all devices on the network.
Quelle type d'adresse un commutateur utilise-t-il pour etablir une table des adresses MAC?
Correct Answer
D. Adresse MAC d'originie
A switch uses the source MAC address to establish a MAC address table. This table is used by the switch to determine the destination MAC address of incoming frames and forward them to the appropriate port. The source MAC address is the address of the device that sent the frame, and it is used by the switch to learn and update its MAC address table. The destination MAC address, on the other hand, is used to determine whether the frame should be forwarded to a specific port or not. Therefore, the correct answer is "Adresse MAC d'originie" (Source MAC address).
Quel peripherique reseau peut servir de peripherie pour diviser un domaine de diffusion de couche 2?
Correct Answer
A. Un routeur
A router can serve as a network device to divide a layer 2 broadcast domain. Routers operate at the network layer (layer 3) of the OSI model and can connect different networks together, allowing them to communicate with each other. By connecting multiple networks, a router can effectively separate the broadcast domains, preventing broadcast traffic from crossing over to other networks. This helps to improve network performance and security by reducing unnecessary broadcast traffic.
Quels sont les criteres utilises par un commutateur Cisco LAN pour determiner le processus de transfert de trames Ethernet? (choisissez deux reponses.)
Correct Answer(s)
B. Port d'entree
E. Adresse MAC de destination
Un commutateur Cisco LAN utilise le port d'entrée pour déterminer le processus de transfert de trames Ethernet. Ce critère permet de savoir par quel port la trame est arrivée sur le commutateur. De plus, le commutateur utilise également l'adresse MAC de destination pour déterminer vers quel port il doit envoyer la trame. Ces deux critères sont essentiels pour acheminer correctement les trames Ethernet à travers le réseau.
Quelles technologies precedemment independantes un administrateur reseau doit-il combiner apres avoir choisi de migrer vers une infrastructure reseau convergente (choisir deux reponses)
Correct Answer(s)
C. Le trafic telephone VoIP
D. Le trafic de donnees utilisateur
After choosing to migrate to a converged network infrastructure, a network administrator must combine the traffic of VoIP telephones and user data traffic. This means that the administrator needs to integrate and manage the traffic of both VoIP telephone calls and the data traffic generated by users on the network. This convergence allows for a more efficient and streamlined network infrastructure.
Quelle est la definition d;une conception du reseau LAN a deux niveaux
Correct Answer
D. Les couches de distribution et coeur de reseau sont regroupees dans un niveau, et la couche d'acces sur un niveau distinc.
The correct answer states that the distribution and core network layers are grouped together in one level, while the access layer is on a separate level. This means that the access layer is distinct from the distribution and core network layers.
Une petite entreprise d'etition deploie une conception du reseau telle que lorsqu'une diffusion est envoyee sur le LAN, 200 peripheriques recoivent la transmission de la diffusion. Comment l'administrateur reseau peut-il reduire le nombre de peripheriques qui recoivent le trafic de diffusion?
Correct Answer
B. Segmenter le LAN en de plus petits LAN et effectuer le routage entre ces derniers/
To reduce the number of devices receiving broadcast traffic, the network administrator can segment the LAN into smaller LANs and perform routing between them. By dividing the LAN into smaller segments, the broadcast traffic will be limited to each individual segment, reducing the overall number of devices that receive the broadcast. Routing between these segmented LANs ensures that communication can still occur between devices on different segments when necessary. This approach helps to improve network performance and reduce unnecessary traffic congestion.
Un reseau __________ est un reseau qui utilise la meme infrastructure pour transporter voix, donnees et video
Correct Answer
A convergent network is a network that uses the same infrastructure to transport voice, data, and video. This means that instead of having separate networks for each type of communication, a convergent network combines them all into one. This allows for more efficient use of resources and simplifies management and maintenance. By converging voice, data, and video onto a single network, organizations can streamline their communication processes and reduce costs.
Quels avantages offrent le socmmutateurs modulaires par rapport aux commutateurs a configuration fixe? (Choisissez deux reponses)
Correct Answer(s)
B. Plus grande evoluvilite
C. DImunition du nombre de prises de courant necessaires
Modular switches offer the advantages of greater scalability and a reduction in the number of power outlets required. This means that as the network grows, modular switches can easily accommodate additional ports and expand the bandwidth. Additionally, by reducing the number of power outlets needed, modular switches can help simplify the network infrastructure and reduce costs.
Quelle proposition decrit le resultat de l'interconnexion de plusieurs commutateurs Cisco LAN?
Correct Answer
A. Le domaine de diffusion s'etend sur tous les commutateurs
The correct answer is "Le domaine de diffusion s'étend sur tous les commutateurs." This means that the broadcast domain extends across all the switches. In a LAN environment, each switch creates its own collision domain, but the broadcast domain includes all the switches interconnected together. This allows broadcast traffic to be sent to all devices connected to any switch in the LAN.